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If It's Our Constitutional Right to Overthrow Corrupt Government, Why Don't We Do It?

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posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by glitchinthematrix

""If It's Our Constitutional Right to Overthrow Corrupt Government, Why Don't We Do It? ""

Because we don't have the resources to do so. We need to plan and engage. We need to do something other than comment behind a computer. Those that fail to plan, plan to fail. Let's take America back!

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 05:34 PM
It is not all about America though.I live in Greece and i dont really have any idea on how to make a difference here. People here are not aware of our condition yet and the power we actually have against politicians and their government.if a revolution is to ignite it has to be simultaneous everywhere so UN can't stop us.Any way to make a global revolution network and spread the word out?lets start with simple peaceful riots and then we will see what to do next
edit on 3-9-2012 by Dissobey because: grammar

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by sarra1833

Almost got a star from me, but the "if the gov't decides to attack back" bit spoiled your post. Of course the government will retaliate against any usurpation of his power, that is one of the functions of government and leadership, to be the one on top, to be the ultimate decider.

All situations that a government decided against extreme retaliation (it always retaliates), is when the power it has is reduced enough to make it so that the action would be more damaging to the individual components of said government what normally results in its crumbling. Take Libya and Syria, notice how the the power structure erodes over time.

A government will only cede power if it has something to gain from doing so, in any situation, there has never been an fully altruistic action by a government or nation in history, if you look close enough there have always been reasons or gains to be add from those promoting said actions.

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 07:56 PM
We elected our government. It is easy to change it. People need to get together and nominate honest politicians (oxymoron, I know) to be selected in the primaries. Those politicians will then change the laws according to the will of the people they represent. No one needs to be killed. How is that? It doesn't work? Well, maybe it's because we all need to be educated, learn discernment, overcome our religious and cultural handicaps and get off of our butts and participate. Any talk of revolution without that is laziness.

Who is that "government" anyway? It is composed of ordinary people who went looking for a job, possibly doing something that they felt was helpful to the people of our country. That includes cops and soldiers. The problem are those with financial power and control of secrecy who use lies, bribes and threats to get want they want, not most law enforcement or civil servants. Those people need to be exposed and people in general need to believe the truth when they see it. Only then will politicians listen to the enlightened and united populace. The main failing of politicians is that they have their own sense of self-preservation like all of the rest of us. How did you deal with the bullies in school? Nothing has changed - we all simply got older. Now those bullies are heads of our corporations. To deal with them alone takes courage to do what might get us and our families thrown in poverty or killed. I repeat, there is only one relatively safe way: we all need to be educated, learn discernment, overcome our religious and cultural handicaps and get off of our butts and participate.

One more thing: I read often of people saying that we all need to take our country back, but I also read the opinions of those people and they all disagree on what that means. As long as we don't agree, our job can't even start, and murdering or imprisoning anyone who disagrees with us puts us back into the same situation we already find ourselves in.

edit on 3-9-2012 by sorgfelt because: I thought of another paragraph.

edit on 3-9-2012 by sorgfelt because: one more thing

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by milominderbinder
reply to post by glitchinthematrix

...because it's NOT our Constitutional right to overthrow a corrupt government. In fact, the Constitution pretty clearly indicates that any attempts to overthrow the government are considered treason which is, in fact, punishable by death in this country.

The REAL question is why we are not ALSO executing politicians who accept money from mulit-national corporations given that receiving bribes is ALSO treason...ESPECIALLY when it comes from governments or other interests from overseas.

Now that's what I'm talking about. Here we go 14 pages of thread before one sharp guy tells us the whole premise is wrong. It's not a Constitutional right to overthrow the government. Never mind.

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by glitchinthematrix

To answer the still need to win the war. In order to do so, you need enough people willing to risk (and likely quite a few hundred thousand LOSE their lives. I just don't think enough people are uncomfortable enough to do so at this point. Besides that, you would need key people (military leaders, etc.) to join in eventually. Without eventually having the backing of the military, our nation would almost immediately be taken over by the UK, or Russia, or China, etc.

I'm not saying it couldn't happen, or that it won't someday, but its just not as simple as a marching q couple million armed citizens to D.C. A well thought out plan, with backing of high-ranking members of the U.S. Military loyal to the U.S. Citizenry would be absolutely necessary. Without immediately grabbing the power and weaponry of the U.S., there is no way a revolution would withstand the onslaught the Rothchilds through/and other nations would bring to bear to snatch up the prize that is the U.S.A.

Incidentally, my theory since the beginning of the Bush II administration amd through Obama has been that the behaviors of D.C. Have been to purposely destroy faith in the federal government to foment a revolution by design so that those who want to fully grab power here may, and everyone will think it was what we all wanted.

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by Dnepropetrovsk

It is a funny thing..... Some places I have worked, the people who half-a$$ their job get promoted, or raises, and the people who work hard gets the shaft. I will never understand it. Oh yeah, can't forget about the brown nosers. Never been one myself. I tell people don't ask me questions if you don't want to hear the answer.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by dogstar23

And therein lies the problem.

Half of americans want to be communist, the other half wants to be free and live under the Constitution.

People start revolting, I'm hiding, and then running out of the country, if it's a bunch of Che Guevera communists "taking control."

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 03:39 AM
This is what the communists did in 1918...and countless other examples.

The only thing you'd bring in is something uglier. The reason is because you think you're right. Someone has to rule, or be elected to make decisions. In your case YOU would want to decide who that person is.

Your stance an attitude is no better than that you claim to oppose.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by Happy1
reply to post by dogstar23

And therein lies the problem.
Half of americans want to be communist, the other half wants to be free and live under the Constitution.
People start revolting, I'm hiding, and then running out of the country, if it's a bunch of Che Guevera communists "taking control."
Methinks you have a pretty distorted picture of what Communism actually is, but as such, you sure are fulfilling somebody else's agenda.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 10:25 AM
We don't do this for many reasons. Obviously it would take a great amount of resources and a great, great leader to do so. But I think the biggest reason is that the natural mindset of revolution has long escaped the thoughts of this country's citizens. We look in the history books and see that 250 years ago, our forefathers and others overthrew the British with blood & revolution. And we take that for granted nowadays. We forget the fact that revolution is a never-ending process that constantly recycles itself through different leaders and different nations through the years. When our nation's founders were fighting to establish this country, they didn't see it as a one-and-done kind of deal, they viewed it as a continual process that was to be fought not just against the British, but any corrupt leadership thereafter as well. Obviously, they could not live forever, so they left it on us to continue the fight they started, and we fail them everyday we let the current system go on. We need to find our way back to our roots. And we needn't fear anything. There will indeed be blood when the day comes, but we must remember, to sustain this country in the form our forefathers envisioned, it is a necessary duty to die, not for one's country, but for basic human liberties & rights. We just mask this fact as saying we die for our country, but it's really the rights & freedoms that we die for. It's all a natural process.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. ~ Thomas Jefferson

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by sicksonezer0

indeed....just the way the NWO did to the former Soviet Union.....broke it apart from within....

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by glitchinthematrix

At this point it would be much bigger than overthrowing the government. The webs of the government are manipulated and controlled by so many other people, corporations, and groups. There would be nothing simple about any of this.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 12:23 PM
I have been reading the Federalist Papers by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison. They are a compendium of arguments for the ratification of the very Constitution we live by today. Alexander Hamilton specifically states that there is no fail-safe mechanism to a corrupt FEDERAL government in our constitution besides the Second Amendment... Even if you don't like guns, they will become staples of your life soon enough one way or the other. He said the Feds could keep states in line through subordination to the Union, but when the government of a Confederate Republic becomes corrupt there is no other way to solve it than by a full blown revolution. To me revolution means stopping the government, looking at it with complete transparency, then fixing broken or worn out parts. Then we would put the machine back in drive, with a fairness restored. The problem comes from how would we keep everything in line while we fixed the Government? How long would it take? That is out of the scope of my understanding, and ask YOU THE PEOPLE what do you think America should be like during the transition period?

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by okyouwin

Originally posted by milominderbinder
reply to post by glitchinthematrix

...because it's NOT our Constitutional right to overthrow a corrupt government. In fact, the Constitution pretty clearly indicates that any attempts to overthrow the government are considered treason which is, in fact, punishable by death in this country.

The REAL question is why we are not ALSO executing politicians who accept money from mulit-national corporations given that receiving bribes is ALSO treason...ESPECIALLY when it comes from governments or other interests from overseas.

Now that's what I'm talking about. Here we go 14 pages of thread before one sharp guy tells us the whole premise is wrong. It's not a Constitutional right to overthrow the government. Never mind.

just learn to forgive quick, its how you make friends fast in world at war.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 06:30 PM
The short answer is... SACRIFICE. That is what it will take, and until a decent proportion of the masses are willing to do this it will not happen. Organisation is important but something like this would rapidly spread like fire on the internet if it started happening. The fact is people are not yet willing to sacrifice what is preciouse to them, of their lives, of their wealth and of their houses and possessions. Like the earlier post said, each day delayed is another day we are defeated... another day wasted... another day we look in the mirror and feel ashamed...

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by Dawnbreaker
We don't do this for many reasons. Obviously it would take a great amount of resources and a great, great leader to do so. But I think the biggest reason is that the natural mindset of revolution has long escaped the thoughts of this country's citizens. We look in the history books and see that 250 years ago, our forefathers and others overthrew the British with blood & revolution. And we take that for granted nowadays. We forget the fact that revolution is a never-ending process that constantly recycles itself through different leaders and different nations through the years. When our nation's founders were fighting to establish this country, they didn't see it as a one-and-done kind of deal, they viewed it as a continual process that was to be fought not just against the British, but any corrupt leadership thereafter as well. Obviously, they could not live forever, so they left it on us to continue the fight they started, and we fail them everyday we let the current system go on. We need to find our way back to our roots. And we needn't fear anything. There will indeed be blood when the day comes, but we must remember, to sustain this country in the form our forefathers envisioned, it is a necessary duty to die, not for one's country, but for basic human liberties & rights. We just mask this fact as saying we die for our country, but it's really the rights & freedoms that we die for. It's all a natural process.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. ~ Thomas Jefferson

This guy's ready. Sing him up.

Of all the things Jefferson said. I'm not sure this was his finest. However in the affairs of men, times come when force, and only force, will do. I'm sure there are more than a few well armed men ready to respond to a well organized call.I'm afraid that many think that revolution is just showing up and standing in line, a show of force. and the opposition will just say ok you win. empty the desks and leave. No those are elections, not revolutions. Revolutions are a bit more messy.A coup d e ta is more efficient. But a real satisfying revolution seems to start from the ground up.

First who is the enemy? What are their numbers? How do you defeat them? Remember this is the real world. Remember back a few Christmases. Remember Saddam Hussein swinging from the gallows. Remember Thomas Jefferson was pretty specific about the plant food.

Also understand that revolutions are not always as successful as the one fought on the North American continent in 1776.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by david99118

Originally posted by Rastafari
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

bigger guns doesnt matter, everyone knows the master type of warfare is ofcourse guerrilla warfare.
the in the civil war in El Salvador 1980, for the first 2 years or so the guerrillas only hand revolvers and little pistols, then they gradually began increasing their size in arsenal. the guerrillas were so effective that the government had to rely on the US, and they STILL were getting whooped. the guerrillas were outnumbered and outgunned. and still the deaths of the Salvadoran military were greater than the deaths of guerrillas .

they lost because they dident do it right. the only way to defeat a guerrilla movement is a scorched earth campaign. go in to their territory and slaughter every man woman and child. burn and crops and secure the water supplies. the "people" can not fight a trained military willing to do what ever it takes to win. it is physically impossible since they have neither the organization nor the weaponry. yes asymmetrical is warfare is typically the only way to fight a technologically superior force. but once that force begins systematically eradicating your supporters, your going to run out of recruits.

on the other hand, if their fighting as terrorists rather than guerrillas, the people may have a chance. setting up explosives to kill the government supporters or kill government leaders can go a lot farther to weakening the governments control. in the US terrorism would be the only chance the people have to win. and that's assuming 1. the US military stupidly follows the rules of war. 2. significant portions of the military wouldn't turn on the government leading to a traditional symmetrical civil war.
edit on 1-9-2012 by david99118 because: word change

" in the US terrorism would be the only chance the people have to win."


posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by musashi9
People don't overthrow because there is no good reason to. Only silly conspiracy theories and theory nuts who think the end of America is soon.
At the end of the day you still live in a great country and you are still very much free people.
You people don't realise how easy you have it and you have no idea what a tyrant is.

"Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry."

SO WATCH YOUR MOUTH BIG BOY. you clearly don't understand "what a tyrant is" OR isn't for that matter. pull ur thumb outta ur ass and fight the good fight, don't just sit and be a lazy little c*nt.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by JamesCookieIII

Originally posted by musashi9
People don't overthrow because there is no good reason to. Only silly conspiracy theories and theory nuts who think the end of America is soon.
At the end of the day you still live in a great country and you are still very much free people.
You people don't realise how easy you have it and you have no idea what a tyrant is.

"Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry."

SO WATCH YOUR MOUTH BIG BOY. you clearly don't understand "what a tyrant is" OR isn't for that matter. pull ur thumb outta ur ass and fight the good fight, don't just sit and be a lazy little c*nt.

Before you get banned, let me comment that statements like yours insult not only yourself, but more importantly, insult those people who have actually experienced tyranny. Not getting your way, especially in what passes for a democratic society is NOT tyranny. To say so is sniveling, at best.

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