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Russia And China Join Forces And Prepare For War Against The Falling Apart U.S. Can we win this one

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posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 06:40 PM
Tough fight, but I'd say we lose

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by Arnie123

Arnie...we have spent a lot of money on the Rail Gun and here is the has become OBSOLETE ALREADY! Still...when the Military spends that much money on developing something...some Politician is going to find a way to keep it even though it is no longer necessary.

I heard that they were going to modify the tech to Shoot Cargo into Space. The acceleration is too much for a Human Body but if Cargo was properly designed for could replace Rockets for placing satellites and Cargo for Space Stations or any other Future need into orbit.

As far as Rail Guns aboard U.S. Naval Ships...that IS DEAD! The Free Electron Laser or FEL is already scheduled to be installed in the USS. Gerald R. Ford CVN-78 as well as CVN-79...the USS. J.F.K. These are both FORD CLASS NUCLEAR AIRCRAFT CARRIERS and the first new carrier design since the Nimitz Class. They will have NEW Dual and very powerful A1B Nuclear Reactors. It is still in discussion whether a THIRD Nuclear Reactor will be required as the Ford and J.F.K. will be fitted with a Nuclear Powered Free Electron Laser.

So Computer Tests are attempting to see if two of the New A1B Reactors will be enough to Power the FEL as needed or if Two Newer and More Powerful Designs will be used or if a THIRD A1B will be installed. Since the Ford is to be Launched in 2015...they do not have much time to decide. Plus the Fact that ALL AEGIS CRUISERS will also have a Nuclear Powered FEL installed.

Since the FEL will be installed on every U.S. Carrier as well as every U.S. Aegis Class Cruiser that means there will be...if Nimitz is refitted as Enterprise will be decommissioned and because the U.S. Navy has projected that there will no longer be North Polar Ocean Ice thus a Carrier will be needed to patrol these new shipping lanes...this will amount to 12 Carriers...10 Nimitz Class, 2 Ford Class with 12 Cruisers for a total of 24 Nuclear Powered FEL's OVERT IN THEIR NATURE...and there are currently 2 Land Based FEL's with a plan to build a total of 8 MOBILE Land FEL's....bringing the total to 34 FEL's and this does not include COVERT AIRBORNE or SPACEBORNE FEL's.

This does not even take into account the proposed MEB...Microwave Emitting Beam into the Rail Gun as to be used as a USN. Ship Based Weapon seems...DEAD. If it didn't need a Nuclear Power Source then it would be good for deployment on smaller ships such as Destroyers or even Coast Guard Cutters but the FEL System which will use Satellites with special Laser Reflective Mirrors as Conventional Laser Mirrors Vaporize on contact with this sort of well as a networked Super Computing System that is so comprehensive and most of the detection system is already operational...that a U.S. Carrier or Cruiser can Vaporize a target as small as a 50Cal Round or Vaporize individual Nuclear Warheads MIRVED atop a ICBM as it reaches low orbit as this would be the best time to strike it. Cruise Missiles as well as Bombers will have their Warheads Vaporized in atmosphere and the FEL's Super Computing Target and Acquisitioning System can Locate via Gamma Ray and Neutron Decay Detection exact location of Warheads INSIDE A BOMBER and use Multiple Beams split from even one FEL Beaming Source to Vaporize the Warheads right through the Bomber. It has even been suggested that a Enemy Bomber...if flying low and not subject to explosive decompression...could actually keep flying after a precise Vaporization of it's Nuclear Payload was completed since the Multiple Holes in the Plane on both sides...would allow Air Heated to Extreme Temps to escape as it would be like a Lightning Strike and Thunderclap inside the plane as the Air would First be Heated to temps. above the Surface of the Sun and then as that air is vaporized...a vacuum would be created that would allow air to rush in to fill the void like a Lightning Bolt and then following Thunder. But this would probably knock out the planes Electronics and it would most likely crash. But this does show the accuracy of the Weapon. With the Satellite Over the Horizon Reflective abilities...and the Lasers ability to NOT BE EFFECTED BY ATMOSPHERE as well as unlimited Range and the ability to target an almost infinite number of incoming Missiles, Aircraft, Cannon or as small as 50 Cal Gun Fire as well as it's ability to operate below Ocean water thus can target and vaporize any Torpedo or Sub at any distance or depth at the SPEED OF LIGHT....there is no use for a Rail Gun. This is the Weapon that someday will be called the Weapon that made Nuclear Weapons OBSOLETE!

Remember...since the FEL is essentially LIGHT....the Beam can be widened by the Reflective Laser Mirrored Satellite System to be CITY DIAMETER in WIDTH or MORE. Thus no need of a Nuke with all that Radiation.
Split Infinity

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Yea man, I went ahead an looked it up, looks very promising tech!! In only a matter of years also, there seeking a megawatt build, but even thats not impossible an a very real tech within a very close time period.
I guess with our current age alot of people thought a rail system was next gen, but current leaps an bounds in technology has already surpassed all that, so I have high hopes for this tech. A game changer indeed.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by Arnie123
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Yea man, I went ahead an looked it up, looks very promising tech!! In only a matter of years also, there seeking a megawatt build, but even thats not impossible an a very real tech within a very close time period.
I guess with our current age alot of people thought a rail system was next gen, but current leaps an bounds in technology has already surpassed all that, so I have high hopes for this tech. A game changer indeed.

Arnie...People have NO IDEA how Big of a Game Changer this is. It will Force the U.S. to completely rethink about how WAR will be fought. This will be a real Battle in Congress as this kind of a system and there is not much out there about the MEB...just the FEL...will question whether Aircraft are even needed? Troops are defenseless against this kind of Weaponry. ICBM's...Cruise Missiles...Anti-Ship Missiles like the Carrier Killer the Chinese were Building....OBSOLETE. Tanks, Cannons, Whole Divisions.....OBSOLETE. Other than the Ships or Carriers that have FEL's....OBSOLETE. Subs....once considered the safest and most impossible to find and destroy....OBSOLETE.

In fact...these systems even make the ANTI-SYSTEMS TO DESTROY THEM....OBSOLETE. It is all about who deploys them FIRST and which nation has the tech. to properly Target this kind of power at the enemy....well I think everyone knows what Nation and Military that is.

Sadly....any Breakthrough Tech. on this level will be challenged to see if it actually works. I hope a way of demonstrating it in a way that does not KILL ANYONE will occur. This is what happened when that Satellite with a almost full tank of HYDRAZINE....a Very Toxic Satellite Booster Fuel fas falling out of Orbit. I said to My Girl...WATCH...the USN. is going to shoot that satellite down but they are going to use the Tank of Hydrazine as an excuse to test the NEW SM-3 ABM. And I told her...I bet they will make sure they break open the Hydrazine Tank! Sure as Hell...we got to watch Telescopic Imaging of the Satellites Hydrazine Tank Blowing Open as they did not even use a Warhead...they just used the KINETIC ENERGY of an SM-3 Hitting a Satellite orbiting at about 18,000 Miles Per Hour. I called it! I told her...this is why we did not place ground bases in POLAND. There has been a Breakthrough in Powerful...Long Burning Solid Rocket Fuel as well as Super Computing Target and Acquisitioning. The FEL is such a Big Deal that the U.S. Economy will have to restructure. Split Infinity

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 01:45 AM
I bet it would be like a cow-day-taahh ...

So they would both attack. But the states wouldn't fight back. They'd let them in to take over. Maybe put up a bit of resistance at best. Since some say the you=es g---v has basically been taken over by offshore interests, bankers, and elitests, if the war happened then they would just tell the troops to stand down.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by Uneedhlp247

Could this happen?

Of course, almost anything is possible.

Is this something we can handle in our current state?

I believe it is.

is the U.S. as bad ass as we have always been?


FEL vid

Who knows what those crazy bastards will make next.

reply to post by Cosmic4life

So suck it up and learn important words like Humility, Humbleness and Diplomacy.

Practice what you preach chap.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by Cosmic4life

You really, really do not have a CLUE as to what you are talking about. You say that you are not a U.S. Basher...yet every statement you make points to it.

You have declared that the U.S. would lose a WAR against China and Russia but every analyst or Expert in Warfare from a variety of Countries and this includes China's own Military Leadership...has stated that against the U.S. Military...China would have NO CHANCE.

I am extremely familiar with current U.S. Military Capabilities and even know a bit about Capabilities that are not made Public and can tell you with 100% certainty...that Russia and China do not have the capability to defeat the U.S. Military. China as well as Russia have very little ability of FORCE PROJECTION. Without Force Projection there is ZERO POSSIBILITY of any Country or even MULTIPLE GROUPS of Countries to be able to Militarily even confront the U.S. Military. This does not even take into consideration of Huge Breakthroughs of U.S. Capabilities in Direct Energy Weapons. China could have an Army of 500 MILLION and it would not matter if they cannot be able to GET TO A BATTLE.

The United States has a Global Military Force and has 48 States which are surrounded by the Atlantic the Pacific and a Close related Country of Canada between it and the Arctic Ocean. It also has a Navy that makes it impossible for any troop carriers to reach it's shores.

It's entire Military as well as Reserves are Battle Hardened. The Russian Military is in a total state of disrepair. There is no way for either of these two countries to Force Project either Troops or Military Equipment to confront the U.S. Military and even if they did by some miracle...they would quickly lose in battle. Split Infinity

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 03:34 AM
reply to post by Uneedhlp247

What you really need to worry about and hope to God it never happens in your country:

The Ukrainian Holodomor or Genocide of 1932-1933:

Now most of you Americans would never had heard of this; approx 9 million Ukranians were killed and approx 12 million all told by a nation stripping wheat and food at gun point off another nation.

Please pass this historical fact around to all your friends because it may very well happen again in years to come.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 03:57 AM
reply to post by bluemirage5

One of the main reasons that the U.S. Military is so large and advanced is because we had to fight two European World Wars as well as being attacked by Japan.

After this...was the COLD WAR and the Soviet Union had every intention on expanding to take over Europe as well as the Middle East and gain control of the Oil as well as a plan to gain access to a Warm Weather naval port.

The U.S. Made some mistakes such as backing of the SHAH in IRAN and we were so concerned with the Big Picture we disregarded obvious mistakes that would one day come back to haunt us. the Big Picture...we prevailed and now we find ourselves again....looking at a Big Picture. The difference now is that we are at a point of Military Development that is so vast in it's capabilities that we are being looked at as the Power Mad entity. Still...without would be a much worse World. Split Infinity

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 05:03 AM
Keep on dreaming that the US is going to magically fall apart some day. As much as everybody hates our country, it isn't going anywhere. The dollar can fall, the US won't. The US military is not going to switch to rubber bullets tomorrow.

If it did well then I feel sorry for the rest of you, for some reason people think whatever replaces it is going to be better. I wonder just what utopian nation is going to take the reigns after the US falls? Maybe China will be nice to all of you, lol.

It really gets me how many people just hate the US without realizing that it has pretty much been the most benevolent empire in the history of Earth, despite the million things everyone hates us for.
edit on 4-9-2012 by RSF77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by Arnie123
reply to post by Cosmic4life

Lmao, what a load of BS. For starters, you had family as pilgrims and your a hard worker, lay off the crutch cheeky fellow!! Pilgrims, lol, you wanna pissing war? My family are native to this land, oh faced!!! Native america.s, sioux ponca, put that in your pipe an smoke it at tea time.
Japan was a strategic decision as it would save american lives from a large ground assualt force, thats like saying japan went the easy way and bomb pearl harbor when they could have brought their fleet an went mono a mono, in war you save as much of YOUR people not the enemies, don't make me laugh with your lack of insight.
Afghan, a bunch of cave men? Whatever people may think they are, they are alot smarter than you currently think, thats why they maintain the title, grave yard of empires, your tea an biscuits could'nt pull it off, your mighty russian who you praise soooooo much an hero of WW2 could'nt pull it off, and yes even we are faultering agaisnt them, we know.
Speaking of which, how dare you, the audacity to sit there an say american blood was'nt spilled in nowhere near the amounts of the russians!! during ww2, does D-Day ring a bell? MY GOD!! how much more blood do you want? How much to quench your thirst? You brits really don't like how history worked out for you guys as a once world power.....Jesus guy, your literaly in a poop flinging match!! An you some how thing you got the bigger poop to fling around, lol this is great!!!
We lost korea? Ummm their was a CEASE FIRE!!! If we had lost, it'll be a complete communistic state, the gall you have, clearly the pictures clear and the cultures demostrate clear winners there cheeck fellow.
And iraq, that had to happen, one way or another. Yes the iraqs quit in droves, just like the gulf war, in my opinion, whats to argue? We came in force an they put there weapons down an kissed our hands, alot better than a blood bath.
Seeing that your from england, I guess its only nature you would say that, yes I will give you the "Bull", you claim this an claim that, but no matter how much you preach, I could tell the tell tale signs in your post, *wink*

OK Arnie123 first lets deal with the Pilgrim issue.

I live in Plymouth UK, It may have escaped you during your History lessons (probably picking your nose or smart mouthing your teacher) but the New World began here from the Mayflower onwards, which is why our Football team (Plymouth Argyle) are called the Pilgrims, any fan of Argyle is a Pilgrim.
I also stated that I have ancestors and relatives who are American and that US history is also UK history, I did that to quell any notion of American Hating.

It's not Americans that suck, it's American Foreign Policy that sucks ... Are we clear on that now or are you going to keep on whining that the world hates you.

Hard Working : Clearly you were asleep during basic English lessons like reading, at no point did I say I was hard working, I said I am Working Class IE No Tea and Biscuits, No Monocle and Top Hat, No Title and Butler called Jeeves, So you can stick that right up your Peace Pipe.
If your a Sioux Ponca your Tribal Elders must be real pleased with your capitulation to the White Mans Doctrine of Conquest.

Japan : Well if it was a strategic decision then you can expect MAD mutually assured destruction from Russia and China.
Oh yeah that's right, you only drop nukes on nations that don't have them to throw back.
It all comes back to the fact that you don't have the stomach to take heavy losses.
You say it is audacious of me to state the facts regarding US/USSR military losses, well the numbers speak for themselves.
US .. 416,800
USSR .. 10,700,000
There is a great Wiki page titled WW II casualties, go read it !

And the rest of your post regarding Korea, Iraq, etc etc .... Blah Blah Blah Blah.................

Have a nice Day.


posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by thatonedude
reply to post by Uneedhlp247

Could this happen?

Of course, almost anything is possible.

Is this something we can handle in our current state?

I believe it is.

is the U.S. as bad ass as we have always been?


FEL vid

Who knows what those crazy bastards will make next.

reply to post by Cosmic4life

So suck it up and learn important words like Humility, Humbleness and Diplomacy.

Practice what you preach chap.

Yeah that's called Civil unrest and demonstrations.

Another thing you no longer have the stomach for.

Have a nice Day.


posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by RSF77
Keep on dreaming that the US is going to magically fall apart some day. As much as everybody hates our country, it isn't going anywhere. The dollar can fall, the US won't. The US military is not going to switch to rubber bullets tomorrow.

If it did well then I feel sorry for the rest of you, for some reason people think whatever replaces it is going to be better. I wonder just what utopian nation is going to take the reigns after the US falls? Maybe China will be nice to all of you, lol.

It really gets me how many people just hate the US without realizing that it has pretty much been the most benevolent empire in the history of Earth, despite the million things everyone hates us for.
edit on 4-9-2012 by RSF77 because: (no reason given)

Just keep on whining that the world hates you all ... It doesn't, what the world hates is your Unconstitutional Foreign Policy ... you said it yourself, the US is an Empire ... can't get much more Un-American than that buddy, go read your Constitution.

Have a nice Day.


posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 08:15 AM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
reply to post by Cosmic4life

You really, really do not have a CLUE as to what you are talking about. You say that you are not a U.S. Basher...yet every statement you make points to it.

You have declared that the U.S. would lose a WAR against China and Russia but every analyst or Expert in Warfare from a variety of Countries and this includes China's own Military Leadership...has stated that against the U.S. Military...China would have NO CHANCE.

I am extremely familiar with current U.S. Military Capabilities and even know a bit about Capabilities that are not made Public and can tell you with 100% certainty...that Russia and China do not have the capability to defeat the U.S. Military. China as well as Russia have very little ability of FORCE PROJECTION. Without Force Projection there is ZERO POSSIBILITY of any Country or even MULTIPLE GROUPS of Countries to be able to Militarily even confront the U.S. Military. This does not even take into consideration of Huge Breakthroughs of U.S. Capabilities in Direct Energy Weapons. China could have an Army of 500 MILLION and it would not matter if they cannot be able to GET TO A BATTLE.

The United States has a Global Military Force and has 48 States which are surrounded by the Atlantic the Pacific and a Close related Country of Canada between it and the Arctic Ocean. It also has a Navy that makes it impossible for any troop carriers to reach it's shores.

It's entire Military as well as Reserves are Battle Hardened. The Russian Military is in a total state of disrepair. There is no way for either of these two countries to Force Project either Troops or Military Equipment to confront the U.S. Military and even if they did by some miracle...they would quickly lose in battle. Split Infinity

Your entire post proves you don't know jack s##t.
Hubris, Arrogance and Indifference.
Your post also suggests that you are another fool who doesn't actually read before firing off with that world famous big mouth, I am not an American Hater, It's your Foreign policy that sucks, that and your attitude to the rest of the world.
How typical of people such as you to hide behind the whole US population and cry US Hater ... No, you're not going to get away with that anymore pal, stand on your own illegal Unconstitutional foreign policy, because by US law you shouldn't have troops anywhere outside US borders.

Now lets get to the nitty gritty of weaponry ... do you really think Russia and China don't have DEW, the Russians were ahead of the US as far back as the 60's
Your so called force projection relies on satellites, well they will be toasted either by DEW or anti-satellite missiles.

Where's your force projection now eh ?
Lastly are you really so naive to think that what you see in Russia and China is everything they have developed, and even what you see is pretty damned good actually.
Russian missile technology is the best in the world, their Submarines tour the Gulf of Mexico undetected, they are decades ahead of the US in DEW technology, they Invented Scalar weaponry.
I don't know who your so called Analysts and Experts are but I would fire them and get some intelligent people instead.

Have a nice Day.


posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Even if this FEL weapon is commissioned to be brought into service, do you really think the rest of the world (especially Russia and China) are going to allow the US to have a weapon capable of making all their weapons useless?

If the U.S. does deploy it then the world will be at the whims of the USA and we will be pressed into Pax Americana times 1,000,000.

IF the US attempts to bring this weapon system into play then Russia, China, N. Korea, Pakistan, India, and Iran will attack with everything they have in a bid to stop it. Sure, the US could retaliate with nuclear, chemical or biological weapons but wouldn't it be better for them to stop the US 'super weapon' and suffering a few million dead, rather than letting the US acquire that sort of weaponry and forever living under U.S. dominance?

If America attempts to place those weapons in space then we shall see not only their enemies mobilizing but former allies will as well. I don't think ANY nation in the world would like to see a single nation with world domination weaponry.

The US has a nice big, shiny army and navy but there is no hope in Hell can they face off against the rest of the world, even if the UK and Israel back them to the end. We would see Russia, China, Pakistan, India, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Ireland, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Greece, Austria, The Low Countries, The Scandinavian countries, Canada, Mexico, S. America.. and so on, so forth, massing their military strength to obliterate the United States. Even with their FEL, Rail, EMP, MEB and nuclear weapons they would not last a week against a couple billion soldiers.

So, the US can prance and parade about how they are going to bring this new weapon into service but they will push it back a decade. And then another decade. And another, and another. Because the other world powers, even with their pacts and alliances, will not want to see one nation with supreme control over all others. It would be a true World War and it would only end with either the eradication of Humanity as we know it, or with complete and utter decimation of the United States of America.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

LOL! You really think Russia (who clocked up 5 times the space time than you in the 60s) and have put the first satellite and man in space are really in as bad a shape as they portray?

You're a fool if you think so. Russia has the worlds LARGEST special forces (Spetsnaz) and have developed more advanced missiles and missile systems than the US has (even with a fraction of your military spending), don't believe me? Check out their new ICBM which has turned your multi-billion dollar ABM shield into a hunk of junk.

Russia, and to a lesser extent China, have been militarizing, training and innovating their military power since the Cold War height and were preparing to sledgehammer the US (and Europe) back to the stone age.

Do you really think Russia (who have extreme corruption in the Govt. and military) have been sitting idle for the past 20-60 years? Or China, who have known to understate their military strength and spending, have been building conventional weapons?

China produced Sun Tzu, the legendary tactician who is still referred to by modern armies and is known for misdirecting his enemies as well as using deception. He practically wrote the book on warfare ('The Art of War').
If we take his teachings and apply them to Chinese beliefs (mainly to use whatever goal necessary to win, and to fool ones foes) then you can kinda get the jist of what I am saying.

China has been known to use their vast reserves of manpower to overwhelm their enemies, or by using unconventional weapons en masse to overwhelm their foe.

Russia (under the Khans) also used this same belief system.

Both sides are watching the US in action (Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan more recently) and watching how it works, meanwhile they are plotting counter measures and strikes to decapitate the US chain of command.

The US shows its hand too much, Russia and China don't show theirs or if they do then they make it look messy and brute.

Anyway, sorry for interrupting your day dreams about American invincibility.

Just one more thing. Your armed forces aren't 'battle hardened'. Some of them are but the majority suffer from PTSD (Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder) and can't cope with what they saw in the Mid East. It is largely Irish mercenaries, British regulars, French Foreign Legion and German regulars who fight on the ground. The US bombs from afar and then mops up what survivors there are.

And I trained with your Marines (the so called 'Best of the best') and they couldn't keep up with us or the British Commandos who came over to train as well. So don't give me that bull about your military being in tip top shape. Your Infantry are falling apart mentally, and genetically (thanks to inoculations against the depleted Uranium- tipped weapons during Operation Iraqi Freedom).

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by Trajan
reply to post by SplitInfinity

LOL! You really think Russia (who clocked up 5 times the space time than you in the 60s) and have put the first satellite and man in space are really in as bad a shape as they portray?

You're a fool if you think so. Russia has the worlds LARGEST special forces (Spetsnaz) and have developed more advanced missiles and missile systems than the US has (even with a fraction of your military spending), don't believe me? Check out their new ICBM which has turned your multi-billion dollar ABM shield into a hunk of junk.

Russia, and to a lesser extent China, have been militarizing, training and innovating their military power since the Cold War height and were preparing to sledgehammer the US (and Europe) back to the stone age.

Do you really think Russia (who have extreme corruption in the Govt. and military) have been sitting idle for the past 20-60 years? Or China, who have known to understate their military strength and spending, have been building conventional weapons?

China produced Sun Tzu, the legendary tactician who is still referred to by modern armies and is known for misdirecting his enemies as well as using deception. He practically wrote the book on warfare ('The Art of War').
If we take his teachings and apply them to Chinese beliefs (mainly to use whatever goal necessary to win, and to fool ones foes) then you can kinda get the jist of what I am saying.

China has been known to use their vast reserves of manpower to overwhelm their enemies, or by using unconventional weapons en masse to overwhelm their foe.

Russia (under the Khans) also used this same belief system.

Both sides are watching the US in action (Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan more recently) and watching how it works, meanwhile they are plotting counter measures and strikes to decapitate the US chain of command.

The US shows its hand too much, Russia and China don't show theirs or if they do then they make it look messy and brute.

Anyway, sorry for interrupting your day dreams about American invincibility.

Just one more thing. Your armed forces aren't 'battle hardened'. Some of them are but the majority suffer from PTSD (Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder) and can't cope with what they saw in the Mid East. It is largely Irish mercenaries, British regulars, French Foreign Legion and German regulars who fight on the ground. The US bombs from afar and then mops up what survivors there are.

And I trained with your Marines (the so called 'Best of the best') and they couldn't keep up with us or the British Commandos who came over to train as well. So don't give me that bull about your military being in tip top shape. Your Infantry are falling apart mentally, and genetically (thanks to inoculations against the depleted Uranium- tipped weapons during Operation Iraqi Freedom).
You are assuming that China and Russia both have bigger and better militaries and that their soldiers are more capable than ours and that they are just bluffing at the moment . Don't think so buddy! You say you were in our military and our soldiers are no where close to being as good others. I think maybe youre the one stuck in a day dream.
edit on 4-9-2012 by Uneedhlp247 because: Clicked on reply on accident

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by Trajan
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Even if this FEL weapon is commissioned to be brought into service, do you really think the rest of the world (especially Russia and China) are going to allow the US to have a weapon capable of making all their weapons useless?

If the U.S. does deploy it then the world will be at the whims of the USA and we will be pressed into Pax Americana times 1,000,000.

IF the US attempts to bring this weapon system into play then Russia, China, N. Korea, Pakistan, India, and Iran will attack with everything they have in a bid to stop it. Sure, the US could retaliate with nuclear, chemical or biological weapons but wouldn't it be better for them to stop the US 'super weapon' and suffering a few million dead, rather than letting the US acquire that sort of weaponry and forever living under U.S. dominance?

If America attempts to place those weapons in space then we shall see not only their enemies mobilizing but former allies will as well. I don't think ANY nation in the world would like to see a single nation with world domination weaponry.

The US has a nice big, shiny army and navy but there is no hope in Hell can they face off against the rest of the world, even if the UK and Israel back them to the end. We would see Russia, China, Pakistan, India, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Ireland, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Greece, Austria, The Low Countries, The Scandinavian countries, Canada, Mexico, S. America.. and so on, so forth, massing their military strength to obliterate the United States. Even with their FEL, Rail, EMP, MEB and nuclear weapons they would not last a week against a couple billion soldiers.

So, the US can prance and parade about how they are going to bring this new weapon into service but they will push it back a decade. And then another decade. And another, and another. Because the other world powers, even with their pacts and alliances, will not want to see one nation with supreme control over all others. It would be a true World War and it would only end with either the eradication of Humanity as we know it, or with complete and utter decimation of the United States of America.

Where do you guys get these theories from? The whole world siding against us, half those countries are Nato countries lol, India is the largest democracy in the world, why would Mexico attack when they are basically a one city nation that could come to an end as a nation from a single attack?

This is by far the most bizarre and wishful thinking post yet.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 10:54 PM
And lol this entire thread assume that Russia and China either one or both aren't for all intents and purposes sorts on the same side anyway.

The United States isn't interested in global governance, just a series of stable regions, Globalism, I honestly don't believe our leaders are alone in this, we moved to a multi-polar world view long ago. So did everyone else.

I suggest we all stop thinking what we hear spoken publicly and at the UN is even remotely real, if the world was going to truely rise up against what the US is doing China would have cut our money long ago, Russia would be doing a lot more to secure it's supply lines to the region as a precursor to a fight. We are building a pipeline to assure China's growth

North Korea, Quadaffi Duck, Hugo... how ever it plays out the fight this thread depicts will never happen and when whatever public bs is over this globe will be a series of regions with no more small states wielding great power likely that will include on both sides places like Israel for example...

Eliminate the global hot spots, break the world into secure stable blocks for international commerce, that's the game all the big boys are playing. However it's written will be up to the smaller nations to decide their fate.

China and Russia vs Nato


More like welcome to the NWO, I see noting but a long game of Good Cop Bad Cop being played at the UN by the security council. LOL how long has it been since they were Bad Cop?

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 11:12 PM
Is it me or was I the only one who woke up one day and found Russia and China integrating Capitalist systems only 20 years ago while in Tandem step by step the US taking away freedoms and Europe as well integrating socialist policies? China basically giving the US loans while it's going into wars it verbally is in opposition to? really? Tons of high tech "spying" but barely a peep from the USA about it in any meaningful way, American military in Afghanistan on the border of Russia and China and all they do is mildly talk some smack...mildly lol

I think it's all lies, I think we aren't enemies at all, I think 60 years of going out to dinner in NYC after meeting at the UN led to friendships in high places, between bankers and Industry and diplomats

You know, we have always been at war with Eastasia after all

edit on 4-9-2012 by penninja because: (no reason given)

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