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Russia And China Join Forces And Prepare For War Against The Falling Apart U.S. Can we win this one

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posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by NotAnAspie

What imminent war rofl...

Last I checked China has one set of ships it can force project with and at best had the capacity to go for Taiwan which they have backed down on for the time being.

Did Kim Jong Un read this thread and show it to Hu Jintao? Did I miss something lol

You might want to change your name to "Anaspie" because your being really Aspie if you actually think this thread is convincing Two nations making bundles from one another to go to war because of what we write lol

edit on 2-9-2012 by penninja because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 12:24 AM

Originally posted by NotAnAspie

Originally posted by Uneedhlp247

Originally posted by Arnie123
reply to post by P12SOLD

Yeah an I'm sure russia had a better shot at afghan huh? I seriously have a laugh when people try to look down on us americans, though I totally understand, being on top your always gonna have people sneering.

All are cowboys, we are all hero's. the american mentality pushes us to the extremes, thats the basis of our entertainment industry.
A war with China and Russia would be devastating for sure and would impact our society and shake the very foundations of earth itself. I would hope nothing that foolish will ever happen.
So go ahead P12SOLD, qoute our history, for we are here and now. I am a proud american citizen, a fighter, built for war, to defend, to never give up, to not accept defeat in the face of adversity, for aid, compassion, love, to push an here to stay.
This attitude amongst us American is what makes us so damn good at what we do... You see, some people might say what about Vietnam or what about this or what about that but they don't understand that all of our failures was always due to our damn politicians and their stupid political games. When they don't stand in the way we are unstoppable and there are many great examples of this like Pearl Harbor. We were surprise attacked and our navy was hurt good but their was no politics involved and we kicked all kinds of azz. The Japs paid for their mistakes then we made the Germans pay for theirs.. No other country on this planet seems to want to make the bad guys pay for their mistakes so we step up to the plate and handle it. If our govt.s stupid political games could stay out of the militarys way they would always get in take care of business and get out. We have the worlds most highly trained professional military, our militant leaders are the best in the world and we dominate the air, sky, and sea.. So win our country has people like Amie123 as leaders and followers we will be triumphant. Our military knows how to win not lose. It's the political battles that stand in our militarys way of victory. Don't let your envy of us turn into hate as it does. No other country has evolved like America. ( sorry Indians,) the feather not the dot.

You're nowhere close to being unstoppable if your own politicians are standing in your way. I guess all these other races are just inferior and don't have to political problems? This is incredibly short sighted. "Well, We would have won IF THEY LET US" What kind of an excuse is that? The fact is we had no right to be in Viet Nam and kill all those people. It's not a contest. WW2 was completely set up and bankrupt Germany was set up to lose and be the foes so elites could get a larger portion of the world on board with establishing more of a western minded presence in the middle east. Its no coincidence that so many Israelis have so much Italian blood. The Roman empire which is now nestled quietly away in Italy has been trying to do this for ages... THOUSANDS of years and look how successful they still AREN'T. Same old song and dance. We spent almost all of our resources to smack around tiny Japan and Germany that isn't that big of a country and was falling apart... and we had multiple countries helping us yet we had to do the most work and we are now the country that dropped huge bombs on innocent people and the traces are still there. Guess what America... The jokes on YOU because the rich who start these things to attempt global domination are probably chillaxing in Tahiti while stuff like this happens.

Hollywood can't save you from this.
All of Americans office and cleric jobs can't help you with this.
The flag can't protect you from this.
I doubt mexicans are going to come in and do it cheaper once a lot of troops start dying from this.
Do you think Chinese Canada and their secret gold reserves are going to help?

Don't say you weren't warned about walking into that fire.

We may have dropped 2 bombs that killed many, it wasn't an easy decision as you may think. I guess you don't know you're history as good as you think you do. We saved many more lives by dropping the bombs than we killed. It was a terrible choice but the right one. Americans have more compassion for casualties of war than anyone else. Get you're history correct. We saved more lives by bringing the war to a quick end than letting it carry on and on. Our military knows how to win wars, it's always our govt. officials that have never served in any branch of military that end up calling the shots. This is our week area. They need to just step back when they get us involved and let our military do what they do best. WIN!

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 12:30 AM
reply to post by Uneedhlp247

Stared that, had to.

I hate when people get into the Americans used A bombs nonsense, this is freshman college info here, the cost in lives without those bombs would have been gigantic, I am... personally the hugest fan ever of Japanese culture I LOVE the Japanese and there would have been a heck of a lot less of them if we hadn't given them a way to surrender. Even an examination of the Japanese culture should make it plain to anyone they never would have surrendered without some extreme display they would have fought to the last damned fighter maybe the bombs allowed them to save face in a weird way. But obviously the typical member of the yell at America sect has as much cultural understanding as the bag of weed they are smoking.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 12:42 AM

Originally posted by penninja
reply to post by Uneedhlp247

Stared that, had to.

I hate when people get into the Americans used A bombs nonsense, this is freshman college info here, the cost in lives without those bombs would have been gigantic, I am... personally the hugest fan ever of Japanese culture I LOVE the Japanese and there would have been a heck of a lot less of them if we hadn't given them a way to surrender. Even an examination of the Japanese culture should make it plain to anyone they never would have surrendered without some extreme display they would have fought to the last damned fighter maybe the bombs allowed them to save face in a weird way. But obviously the typical member of the yell at America sect has as much cultural understanding as the bag of weed they are smoking.

THANK YOU! Someone else that knows their history! I wish there was more of us that paid attention in school. Its like arguing with a 4 year old...

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 12:56 AM

Originally posted by penninja
reply to post by NotAnAspie

Oh, yeah, sounds like you've been to China recently... not. Why don't you talk to someone who has because the China you read about is not the China they report. It's not a superiority complex, it is said ALL OVER that China will be the next world power and this being said for a reason. A lot of what they are investing in is infrastructure as our stuff is often neglected and falling apart. It doesn't really matter what you see in the records as far as universities are concerned when you have so many from China studying abroad. It's the blind who think you can just buy any and all education when the fact is a lot of people know how to do all sorts of things from EXPERIENCE because they didn't grow up in front of the American boob tube. They were actually out doing, working even at young ages, knowing more about survival and making fast headway in a growing technological world and are often much more disciplined. This is pretty common knowledge and shouldn't sound like such a mystery to you. You have kids? I bet they are watching something really dumb on TV right now aren't they? Well, if not just be aware that this is what most American kids do all day when not attending their failing schools if not playing video games where you THINK you are learning combat but are really just pressing buttons. The US has put all their trust in the machines they build and that simple fact is that it is KNOWN that countries like China do not share all their secrets. That's ridiculous. without even looking it up right off the top of my head I can think of someone in the Chinese space agency commenting on how China doesn't tell even their own people what kind of advancements they have been making. I'm not just making it up... this is what is said about their culture on many levels and there are so many things about China that you obviously do not know.

Did you know that China has it's own secret access to insider auctions on American debt so that other bidders can't go in and drive up the price?

And why?... Because in 09 China figured out a way to do this but officials in the states quickly put a stop to it claiming it was unfair that other bidders not know who is engaged in the bidding process... now they are their own network access to be able to buy things from American stocks. So what changes in 3 years to make this go from practically illegal to having their own network access to do it? Tell me since you think you know so much about China and think that everything is all out in the open... and that "they all talk about it openly"

yeah, like you've been over there having tea with top Chinese and US officials and know what they discuss. NO country tells all their secrets and China even comes out and SAYS they aren't telling all. That's not MY OPINION... like your mere opinion. that is what they say. Anyone who knows anything about China also should know that their media is very restricted... their own people don't even know so how the hell would you know?

You only learn what you are ALLOWED to learn & one thing you should have learned already is that even tech that claims to be made in america was only assembled in america & the components were made somewhere else. Now if they are buying our debt and can copy anything in any store that is supposedly made in america, how are you so deluded into thinking they couldn't produce whatever they wanted? Because you read an article that says they only spend X amount of dollars on military tech? Hey NEWSFLASH just because a pack of ramen costs a quarter in america, that doesn't mean it costs a quarter in China. There are ways to hide numbers and there are ways to hide resources & one thing you are NOT EVEN considering is the difference in the labor force and how it works. In america, we've got this things called military contracting and within those military contractors there are not just people building stuff, there are unnecessary jobs GALORE... to create work for bigger budgets. A lot of the contracting budgets are also padded for black contracts and other inefficient things. You think it actually costs what they say it cost to spend all that money on the war machine? You obviously know nothing of how your OWN country even works, much less China which you are 99% cut off from.

You've got a hysterically narrow scope.

Of course they don't spend as much money building weapons... I doubt they have a flat screen in every break room of the plants not to mention that Chinese people can survive off of next to nothing whereas we are having our asses ripped out by what's going on in the US economy right now.

do you even have a clue about what's going on? Math?

You're trying to compare apples and oranges. You want to go screw around with people who've been living by Chinese law, you go right ahead smart guy

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 01:07 AM

Originally posted by all2human
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Well you better get on with it before your country is completely controlled and owned by China..again without even dropping a bomb
love it if you would provide a link to this fantastic technology you keep saying will change the world and how it can realistically be done..
edit on 1-9-2012 by all2human because: (no reason given)

The Tech I speak off is information I learned First Hand but it is now public so I would Google...Free Electron Laser CVN-78 GERALD R. this will be the first U.S. Carrier to have a Nuclear Powered FEL.
Split Infinity

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 01:25 AM

Originally posted by penninja
reply to post by NotAnAspie

What imminent war rofl...

Last I checked China has one set of ships it can force project with and at best had the capacity to go for Taiwan which they have backed down on for the time being.

Did Kim Jong Un read this thread and show it to Hu Jintao? Did I miss something lol

You might want to change your name to "Anaspie" because your being really Aspie if you actually think this thread is convincing Two nations making bundles from one another to go to war because of what we write lol

edit on 2-9-2012 by penninja because: (no reason given)

That's a pretty pointless comment seeing as how this entire subject is hypothetical.

How is describing a hypothetical war that has not yet begun as immanent in a hypothetical situation any more ridiculous than all of you who have already won the war in your mind and are campaigning it like a frightened troop on a battlefield who's trying to psyche himself for when it actually begins.

It makes no sense that you would find that odd when the same can be said about every other thing being said in this thread.

take a look at yourself.

you can't, can you? You're unable.

Are you out of blindly patriotic things to say? I guess so.

i see we're working on how the bombs dropped on Japan saved so many lives now. Do you mean soldiers or innocent people... because the bombs were dropped on innocent men, women and children whereas the battles of war should be fought by those who fancy themselves "soldiers" and if that is what they believe, why in the world would they rather that innocent civilians die in their place?

Secondly, it didn't stop killing people after the smoke cleared, so you might need to look closer at the calculations.

Furthermore... over 2 dozen bombs bigger than the ones dropped on Japan were dropped on Pacific Islands... Oh, but civilians were cleared out and even though you still can't live there, it didn't hurt anyone... oh really? Did you know some of the last Japanese hold outs were found on pacific islands in the 70s?

Two bombs you say... yeah, you keep right on saying that while you tell ME to learn history.

And you know what else, I don't exactly condemn the actions of what they did in Japan because they hadn't precisely calculated the effects and were themselves, surprised... but you know what the worst part is and this is why I even brought it up but I guess some are too thick to pick up on meaning (see definition of aspie) we were suckered into doing this. This is what so many people cannot grasp.

Where did we get this tech from? Who else was dealing with this tech at the exact same time? You need to learn more about the circumstances surrounding the creation of the bomb because there is a lot you must be missing. We were SUCKERED into doing this for the elite and we are still being the bullies on the block FOR the elite and instead of waking up and realizing that all this American warmongering talk is nothing to be proud of and that the colors of your flag have stained your blinded eyes but for a little piece of stupid pride, you would back up the thugs that send our people to war and are short sighted enough to get mad because our own people die when it's people like you who encourage it when AS AN AMERICAN you are supposed to be exercising your right to have a choice and maybe change this pattern for all people across the world since they are all oppressed by the same empire and think it's your robotic duty to just march right into the fire.

You're a horrible American.

You have no concept of what it means to be an American and stand up for what you believe in.

You are just another robot drone slave pledging to a stripey piece of cloth.

You have more of a chance than anyone to stand up to the tyranny of war fostered by the elites and you fail.

Dare you tell anyone else to learn history.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by NotAnAspie

Some people have all the answers. ( YOU ) These people are full of s---!!! You seem to ramble on and on in favor of China. You post as if you're of a higher intelligence and we are merely nieve Americans... Not only does it sound like you dispize America but that's ok. I'm sure you'd enjoy life in you're beloved China, home of the free, the land where you couldn't have more than one daughter. God forbid you end up in the hospital, you may end up losing organs that would be sold on the black market. Of course China spends less money on their military.. We spend enormous amounts of money developing the latest and greatest for our military and China spends pennies on the dollar stealing our technology. Don't you recall a few months ago when our stealth helicopter crashed during a top secret assassination, China had such a hardon to get in there before we could retrieve it. For what, to have some camel soup? NO, they couldn't wait to what? Steal some more of our technology! Who knows how long it would have taken them to figure it out on their own if at all with their military budget. Of course they wouldn't say how much they really budget for their military. YOU THINK WE DO? The Chinese govt. seems to be more crooked than a Frenchmens teeth. The Chinese govt. holds a contest every year to see who can hack into the most secure systems in corporations in the U.S. for what? The best Tea recipe!!!

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 02:24 AM
reply to post by Uneedhlp247

I'm inclined to agree, even tho this notanaspie guy is PRO chinese, I'm not gonna nock on him for that, this thread is after all about a hypothetical scenario between a couple of powers, it wouldnt be one sided after all, there is always gonna be people rooting for both sides.
And for the record notanaspie, there is nothing wrong with being patriotic. You shoukd try....err wait, you are...chinese patriotism. China an russia both attained nuclear technology thru us as spies, look it up, your a big boy, no need to qoute a source. You say china will be the next super power? I say put your money where your mouth is, like I stated before, the thread is about a what if scenario, so leave out the historical parts an go straight for the butter, Lets pretend me and you are playing a game of Red Alert or Command an Conquer, your china an I'm the US, we both have our current real world militaries for OPS, now make your move, than I'll make mine and so forth, I will absolutely own the map, why? Because we have vastly more resources at hand and defeat is not an option. So do the math guy.
Don't be so quick to dis us. Yes right now things are going down that we don't like, I can understand your position, but don't use that as your crutch, your sooo angry about our current state of affairs that your blinded by your hate, you fail to see the big picture. No, china is a long ways away, AND I WILL NOT SEE MY NIEGHBORS DEAD EVERYWHERE, but proud to stand an fight for what THEY believe in. When push comes to shive you'll see the awakening of the giant once again, only one country has done that an now they know best. Don't be so quick to push us aside like mere insects, like split said, we have the tech, like help said, our politicians are messing up, but all in all, don't think we will fade into the night without a fight, and we will PUT UP A FIGHT THE WORLD WILL NOT FORGET.
In my honest opinion, I wish my adversary was extraterrestial in nature and not terrestial, so that we as a species can band togetber with our chinese an russian brothers then sit there an bicker about our petty differences an old birth rights.
edit on 2-9-2012 by Arnie123 because: name changes

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by NotAnAspie
The only thing worse than a warmonger is a peacemonger... The world can't evolve around hugs and kisses as nice as it would be. Their must be war! War is how bad decisions are resolved, not hugs. War is a tool used since the beginning to settle differences not kisses. A peacemonger will have something negative to say about every war ever faught no matter how good the cause. I guess saving the Jews in WW2 was a bad thing because innocent people died (Hitler.)

Its funny how people refer to the U.S. as warmongers when the wars we fight in are for the peace of others. Does this make us warmongers for peace?

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 02:36 AM
Wow, I totally went off on those last two posts.

I went all ballistic and stuff. I forgot I was at home for a minute there.

Seriously though, no one is really giving a strategic argument here. Can the hyped up people who just want to convince everyone that America can never be beaten (see Rome) understand that it's really not going to make a difference what you FEEL but more about actual strategic implementation.

American pride says America would win

So? Karma says America will lose

Gold reserves say America will win

Nazis had gold and they didn't win

Failing economy says America will lose

History says America will lose, call it a win and truth in history will lose

Nostradamus hinted that the antichrist pope would be that last one & Italy is our ally so that means we lose

The bible says something about everybody becoming farmers so we all win

Migrant workers lose

Seriously, unless we stick to geopolitical game planning in this thread it's just going to be a circular argument & so far I am becoming even more embarrassed of the so called logic behind the US patriot sentiment.

ok, so I put this forward concerning strategy & how we are kinda behind the 8 ball in our world takeover plan.

It appears that part of the strategy to secure global dominance for the west was to topple Iran after establishing a stronghold in Iraq. Did we finish what we set out to do in Afgahnistan? Have we completely screwed that country up yet which seems to be the general MO. We already had cooperation in places like Kazakistan. This increases geopolitical presence. It doesn't seem like the work in that area was finished.

A few troops went to Australia but they didn't really seem to want them there. Can anyone give the conspiratorial connoisseurs explanation to this? Then China said some stuff to Australia that makes them sound like a new little bro.

Despite long term presence in South Korea from decades past & all that prepping, we've still not nuked North Korea, which is west access to Asia & even though everybody else has got all kinds of missiles, we seem to be particularly cocky when it comes to that air space.

I could go on with other geo-strategic stunts we've pulled but most are familiar I think... if only they could look at the big picture & consider ages past and see how it tells a story... kinda like the game RISK.

That's probably not such a good example but perhaps that explains why the global domination plan seems to be falling apart, because it's reminiscent of a stupid Milton Bradley board game, but seriously. Remember the Kahns? No, not the guy on star trek but speaking of him, why did the have ricardo monteban dressing up like a ancient asian warrior flying around in a space ship & called him Kahn!? Coincidence? I THINK NOT! Just remember who the kahns were trying to over rule & gave them quite the hard time.

Go back to the silk road & the old Chinese, dutch and English trade.

I think somewhere way back in history some cocky smart allecky chinese person told some European monarch or some pope that one day china would rule the world & they just couldn't stand it.

Now, I'm not saying it's going to happen because what i see is that this domination plan is falling apart but i think JUST IN CASE, Chinese has prepared itself well for this & at the cost of their own people's comfort... so i wouldn't screw around with those people because they might be really disgruntled ninjas.

I also do not think it is any coincidence that Israelis are Italian & so is the Vatican and lots of them were sent to USSR where they did mind control experiments and still to this day so many isaelis still maintain they're Gods chosen people & all Muslims are trying to kill them.

Did you know that the pope thinks the RESIGNED Tony blair would make a god EU president? EU PRESIDENT? that's what he said but then again he probably doesn't like the EU sticking their nose into his financial issues or that turkey is a member so he wants to reconstruct it with a noble slave

Why DO you suppose that Netanyahu is too stupid to realize that if they attack iran they are sure to get bombed?

the answer is clear, it's because he has a chip in his head & he can't wake up to the fact that he's a NWO puppet. at one point in time italy asked him to be finance minister. Why not. He'd be pretty easy to control with a chip in his head.

I know, i know, the dots are a little more complicated than that but this fear/dominance game is more in our blood, in the demons of our slaughtered past than it is is the forefront of our minds. If we could find the truth & analyze it we'd see how bad the game RISK really sucked.

that's why the dots are so hard to connect, that's why no one knows who Putins mama is & why some are certain he is of royal European blood which could be true but may very well be completely fabricated but if we're defeated by russia, some king will say "but Vlad, I'm your father" before he's killed.

I was asian once.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 02:56 AM
reply to post by NotAnAspie

Really though! Do you have anything to say?

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 03:12 AM
The U.S. borrowed money from China to finance our debt. The Chinese Communist Regime miscalculated. Since the Chinese economy is a 100% creation by the United States as EVERYTHING that the U.S. buys from China is not in any way necessary for the U.S. as there is NOTHING the U.S. imports from China that the U.S. cannot do well as this being a 40 year plan by the U.S. to allow Unfair Chinese Trade Practices at a cost of an increase in our National Debt in order to develop a Chinese Middle Class that will question it's Leadership.

The U.S. Military nor the U.S. Government actions are not in any way effected by this debt. WHY? Because China cannot force payment of the loans. The U.S. Military is so far in advancement to every other Military and right now we are installing Direct Energy Weapon Systems that will make Nuclear Weapons OBSOLETE....China CANNOT START A WAR with any country without risking a total collapse of the Chinese Economy.

Example...China attacks and attempts an Invasion of Taiwan...the U.S. Navy send several Nuclear Carrier Groups with their accompanying Subs that sink all Chinese troop carriers. Then the U.S. stops all payments of Chinese Debt as well as refuses to allow any and all Chinese Goods shipments from reaching the U.S.
Now what can China do? Split Infinity

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by NotAnAspie

You know I'd like to quote that rant because it's fairly epic in nonsense. I think you managed to do almost every single thing that makes a post ridiculous in one fell swoop.


You know China has some great cities and China is definitely one upping on the little big man syndrome of building bigger to show they are no1, good for them.

They just aren't some giant nightmare threat and your obsessing.

I don't care how many students they send abroad they are nowhere near per capita as educated, none of that means they have an advanced military they simply don't they have 9 Carriers to build before they even catch up with us most of their subs are deisel and they don't have projection power their warheads aren't modernized to withstand our electronic and energy counter measures for the most part and they aren't even our enemy in the first place lol

You sound like the people in the 80's who went on and on about how Japan was going to blow us out of the water and then they didn't lol

Even talk of how their economy will be bigger soon, maybe... it friggin should be lol they have 1.5 Billion people, but at the same time along with that and along with modernization comes upkeep they still have 5x the job to do to support it, the military of the future is small and high tech, 3 Million troops isn't a big deal in a world where one bomb can kill 3 Million people in a blast or compared to the challenge of getting them on boats particularly when the guys your fighting are parked in force in the Me on top of your supply of oil.

Your kind of compulsive do you know that?

And sorta racist too, your prescribing all these traits to them like some army of cybernetic hacked in drones.

Chinas doing a lot of building, good for them... they have a few lovely cities. So what? Americas engaged in wars we aren't building targets atm, It's sound reasoning actually and if China was going to or part of their plan was to fight anybody they wouldn't be so into sky scrappers would they?

All this drivel, Americans are stupid, Americans are fat, Americans are on the boob tube.

You know what? It only takes about 10% of a society to maintain it.

I saw a meme a few weeks back that basically sums it.

"They called Americans fat and stupid, Americans Kicked their (butts) at the Olympics and Landed on Mars"

Glad they have a Moon landing in a few years and are catching up to where we were in the 60's, enjoy all the headaches that come along with that including ending up in the position where we are now... your responsibilities taking all your personal money away

It's actually nice, I hope they do catch up with us we shoulder the whole burden right now, This planet is like an unruly classroom with one teacher, I think they do have what it takes to play and Pay, the Russians didn't, they dropped the states they held responsible for hardly have kids to further the cause, 20 years ago they were the guys who fought us hard in things like the Olympics now that are nothing Just a big Slavic Canada with Nukes

Did you ever stop and think that your country WANTS you to panic every time someone even so much as steps up to a remotely competitive level with us?

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 03:26 AM

Originally posted by NotAnAspie

Originally posted by penninja
reply to post by NotAnAspie

What imminent war rofl...

Last I checked China has one set of ships it can force project with and at best had the capacity to go for Taiwan which they have backed down on for the time being.

Did Kim Jong Un read this thread and show it to Hu Jintao? Did I miss something lol

You might want to change your name to "Anaspie" because your being really Aspie if you actually think this thread is convincing Two nations making bundles from one another to go to war because of what we write lol

edit on 2-9-2012 by penninja because: (no reason given)

That's a pretty pointless comment seeing as how this entire subject is hypothetical.

How is describing a hypothetical war that has not yet begun as immanent in a hypothetical situation any more ridiculous than all of you who have already won the war in your mind and are campaigning it like a frightened troop on a battlefield who's trying to psyche himself for when it actually begins.

It makes no sense that you would find that odd when the same can be said about every other thing being said in this thread.

take a look at yourself.

you can't, can you? You're unable.

Are you out of blindly patriotic things to say? I guess so.

i see we're working on how the bombs dropped on Japan saved so many lives now. Do you mean soldiers or innocent people... because the bombs were dropped on innocent men, women and children whereas the battles of war should be fought by those who fancy themselves "soldiers" and if that is what they believe, why in the world would they rather that innocent civilians die in their place?

Secondly, it didn't stop killing people after the smoke cleared, so you might need to look closer at the calculations.

Furthermore... over 2 dozen bombs bigger than the ones dropped on Japan were dropped on Pacific Islands... Oh, but civilians were cleared out and even though you still can't live there, it didn't hurt anyone... oh really? Did you know some of the last Japanese hold outs were found on pacific islands in the 70s?

Two bombs you say... yeah, you keep right on saying that while you tell ME to learn history.

And you know what else, I don't exactly condemn the actions of what they did in Japan because they hadn't precisely calculated the effects and were themselves, surprised... but you know what the worst part is and this is why I even brought it up but I guess some are too thick to pick up on meaning (see definition of aspie) we were suckered into doing this. This is what so many people cannot grasp.

Where did we get this tech from? Who else was dealing with this tech at the exact same time? You need to learn more about the circumstances surrounding the creation of the bomb because there is a lot you must be missing. We were SUCKERED into doing this for the elite and we are still being the bullies on the block FOR the elite and instead of waking up and realizing that all this American warmongering talk is nothing to be proud of and that the colors of your flag have stained your blinded eyes but for a little piece of stupid pride, you would back up the thugs that send our people to war and are short sighted enough to get mad because our own people die when it's people like you who encourage it when AS AN AMERICAN you are supposed to be exercising your right to have a choice and maybe change this pattern for all people across the world since they are all oppressed by the same empire and think it's your robotic duty to just march right into the fire.

You're a horrible American.

You have no concept of what it means to be an American and stand up for what you believe in.

You are just another robot drone slave pledging to a stripey piece of cloth.

You have more of a chance than anyone to stand up to the tyranny of war fostered by the elites and you fail.

Dare you tell anyone else to learn history.

All I hear is a bunch of insults

the calculations have been done over and over the traditional bombings killed far more people than the bombs ever did.

This last one has just gone on to be plain stupid bro

We would have had to invade the mainland, Millions more civilians would have been killed you have no idea what you are talking about the figures don't even come close your really highly uneducated in the topic you are talking about.

And for the record YES this is a hypothetical topic, but your the one going off saying it's encouraging people to start a war they can't win, so which is it a hypothetical topic or a pro china war editorial

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 03:29 AM
They say that history repeats itself.... I think this true if you forget your history.... I don't compare the U.S. to the Roman Impire because that wasn't our history! Remember America is a new country compared to the history of the rest. Our history consists of our Cival War and the the stock market crash in the 20s causing the great depression. Well we recently went through our second major stock market crash and the depression that followed wasn't nearly as bad. Are we in recovery now or was that the calm before the storm? I don't know but I do know that if history does in fact repeat itself then we will recover and we will be stronger than ever. At least untill history repeats itself! As for our Cival War well, that is yet to come. Could this be when the U.S. would be attacked, when we are all broken up fighting our selves? I don't think so, it's not in our history...

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 03:33 AM

Originally posted by Uneedhlp247
reply to post by NotAnAspie

You ninny, those people were herded to Hitler and he was told what to do with them. he trusted the wrong people and got himself mixed up trying to be the hero but couldn't play a clean game of ball and had to pay the piper.

That doesn't change the fact that this was an elite conspiracy.

While they were sucking him into the charade they told him they would be taken off his hands and sent to Madagascar, but they changed the plans as things were falling apart and war was approaching leaving them to the unprepared Nazis who didn't want nor didn't foresee the continuance of the responsibility. NOBODY gave a crap about those poor people, especially not the one's herding them around insisting they were displaced regardless of where they were born... even German born with some German relatives.

Do you know just how far back Jewish persecution goes? Who do you think started it? It was the Romans but not just in biblical times... I mean ALL THROUGHOUT the history of the Roman Church... Yes, the CHRISTIAN Roman Church. The Church whose religion was established in Israel... so they took the religion and have been persecuting jews EVER SINCE. Does that make a lot of sense to you? Does it really not dawn on anyone how ridiculous it is that the church who was upholding all the teachings of the king of the jews since it was made the roman religion would be persecuting the very race he came from and was referring to with the lost tribes and all that... that they would be calling that race inferior and persecuting them for hundreds and hundreds of years.

but don't let the right hand know what the left hand is doing.

this is why Catholics make no sense and the Vatican is evil and if you are unaware just how much of this crap they started, you need to do some research. It's got very little to do with religion and beliefs because they ADOPTED a religion which had a Jewish foundation and i think God did all this on purpose so that we would eventually see the hypocrisy of it all. it's ridiculous that people still uphold that church, yet we bombed the crap out of Germany, not the Vatican. The US and other European countries were still all ears to what the Vatican had to say. It wasn't an issue of inferiority of the races... they just got some people to be stupid enough to belief that by acts of violence and terrorism, just like they pit whites against blacks in the US so we will have no social cooperation. It wasn't inferiority of race because some Jews were in on it... the ones with money, the one's with connections. They didn't give a crap about their own people. They just wanted to build empires. Hitler was just stupid to not see through Jewish shenanigans in Germany. They did the same crap in Palestine...started terrorism against British diplomats to get what they wanted, while those diplomats were trying to help them do just that. That just drove home the need.

this has been going on AGES and the reason persecution like this continues is because people fall for it. Keep falling for it and you'll see war in iran and israeli on a large scale in your lifetime. This insanity is why they fight in Palestine when they are closest cousins to jews. It has been propagated by the elite to have an excuse for war.

So they were herding around a bunch of displaced jews that no one wanted to help...and why? So that a larger European entity could reach down and rescue them and give them back their home land refreshed with european blood and european interest and it has been oddly effective because if you would pay close attention, Zionists and christians make the strangest bedfellows because their religions are in stark contrast... yet they are the closest bedfellows and israelis are westernized, always look to us for support and we let them have a hay day all up in our junk. It is and always has been a path to middle eastern control and that's why muslims are so damn pissed off because THEIR religion is actually closer to christianity yet we are so paranoid of them now due to propaganda, we are completely unaware that these religions came from the same bloodlines. Adam, Abraham.

Why? cause the Vatican is evil and they have always pulled the strings of European countries and that VERY MUCH includes Germany.


We considered it on behalf of the crown.

Pearl harbor was the reason we engaged. we didn't go to save those Jews... don't kid yourself.

And that kiss and hug stuff was silly. Figures you'd try to make this sexual.

Kisses and hugs have nothing to do with the understanding that our wars have ripped so many lives apart and that is how you bring demons into this world. You just don't get it. war is the portal to hell. You have no qualms about keeping it wide open. It solves nothing. Only summons demonic energy.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 03:44 AM

Originally posted by penninja
reply to post by NotAnAspie

You know I'd like to quote that rant because it's fairly epic in nonsense. I think you managed to do almost every single thing that makes a post ridiculous in one fell swoop.


You know China has some great cities and China is definitely one upping on the little big man syndrome of building bigger to show they are no1, good for them.

They just aren't some giant nightmare threat and your obsessing.

I don't care how many students they send abroad they are nowhere near per capita as educated, none of that means they have an advanced military they simply don't they have 9 Carriers to build before they even catch up with us most of their subs are deisel and they don't have projection power their warheads aren't modernized to withstand our electronic and energy counter measures for the most part and they aren't even our enemy in the first place lol

You sound like the people in the 80's who went on and on about how Japan was going to blow us out of the water and then they didn't lol

Even talk of how their economy will be bigger soon, maybe... it friggin should be lol they have 1.5 Billion people, but at the same time along with that and along with modernization comes upkeep they still have 5x the job to do to support it, the military of the future is small and high tech, 3 Million troops isn't a big deal in a world where one bomb can kill 3 Million people in a blast or compared to the challenge of getting them on boats particularly when the guys your fighting are parked in force in the Me on top of your supply of oil.

Your kind of compulsive do you know that?

And sorta racist too, your prescribing all these traits to them like some army of cybernetic hacked in drones.

Chinas doing a lot of building, good for them... they have a few lovely cities. So what? Americas engaged in wars we aren't building targets atm, It's sound reasoning actually and if China was going to or part of their plan was to fight anybody they wouldn't be so into sky scrappers would they?

All this drivel, Americans are stupid, Americans are fat, Americans are on the boob tube.

You know what? It only takes about 10% of a society to maintain it.

I saw a meme a few weeks back that basically sums it.

"They called Americans fat and stupid, Americans Kicked their (butts) at the Olympics and Landed on Mars"

Glad they have a Moon landing in a few years and are catching up to where we were in the 60's, enjoy all the headaches that come along with that including ending up in the position where we are now... your responsibilities taking all your personal money away

It's actually nice, I hope they do catch up with us we shoulder the whole burden right now, This planet is like an unruly classroom with one teacher, I think they do have what it takes to play and Pay, the Russians didn't, they dropped the states they held responsible for hardly have kids to further the cause, 20 years ago they were the guys who fought us hard in things like the Olympics now that are nothing Just a big Slavic Canada with Nukes

Did you ever stop and think that your country WANTS you to panic every time someone even so much as steps up to a remotely competitive level with us?

YEAH! Couldn't of said it better myself! Well maybe.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 03:49 AM

Seriously though, no one is really giving a strategic argument here. Can the hyped up people who just want to convince everyone that America can never be beaten (see Rome) understand that it's really not going to make a difference what you FEEL but more about actual strategic implementation. American pride says America would win So? Karma says America will lose Gold reserves say America will win Nazis had gold and they didn't win Failing economy says America will lose History says America will lose, call it a win and truth in history will lose Nostradamus hinted that the antichrist pope would be that last one & Italy is our ally so that means we lose The bible says something about everybody becoming farmers so we all win
reply to post by NotAnAspie

You know, mentioning Karma God and the Bible in the first paragraph of a post that is supposed to be intellectually serious debate is why you will never win, I can never be sure about America or China 100% but Coherence and facts are mandatory

There isn't actually much of a comparison between America and Rome even though people like to use that one a lot.

There wasn't very much in this thread pride related, people are talking about weapons systems and The Chinese Navy and force projection and very real issues and your return on karma is purely opinion, there is such a thing as a Just war I haven't known Karma to be very real in these situations if it was The Mongolians wouldn't have made it very far Germany wouldn't be at the top of the ladder of a United Europe lol.... Japan wouldn't be an Economic power house...If Karma had a basis in war no one told the Generals

America doesn't actually have all that much Gold anymore... We aren't very much like the Nazis the Rome thing is closer... except for the fact that Rome happened and our better thinkers do actually work against the pitfalls and IF there is any Nazi compassion at all I think we learned from them because our invasions have been slow and spread out.

As far as a failing economy it's not really failing, globalization is taking it's toll on everyone right now, China has serious issues to face too so does everyone

And from there you just go incoherent about the bible and Nostradamus and the Pope, who says this is the last Pope, I've been reading this nonsense for 3 Popes now... 2012 ends in 4 months and squat has happened, it's Sept already...I don't know that Nostradamus got anything right aside from how to treat Plague and the Bible is probably not worth the paper it is printed on

You have Nothing going on in this thread in regards to reality man. Just LOOK at CHINA they Scary AMERICANS STUPID FAT TV WATCHERS THEY LOOSE Bad Karma you kill for no reason.

Wake me up when someone kicks our ass bro

And seriously

The only way Empires fall is when their children throw them away. If there is ANY way we go down... it's this, dumb kids banging away in senseless hatred of their own Nation in order to rebel spewing the philosophies and virtues of other systems even though those things are nothing but the will to power of your elders and your nations enemies and competitions who have no good intentions for YOU.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 04:00 AM
reply to post by NotAnAspie

What is all this theoretical drivel about centuries old conspiracies?

I personally think it's Good to look for conspiracies because sometimes they can be real, being a bit of a detective is a good thing.

But mostly conspiracies are a slightly off balanced mind in overdrive trying to make sense of uncomfortable realities and loosing track of the process.

Merovingians and Illuminati and Jews oh my! We're off to see the mason the wonderful Mason of OZ

Look man the truth of WW2 is Chaos, many different people with all sorts of crazy beliefs doing crazy things in Tandem with no one at all in control of the overall scene

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