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Russia And China Join Forces And Prepare For War Against The Falling Apart U.S. Can we win this one

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posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 04:16 AM

Originally posted by penninja

Originally posted by NotAnAspie

Originally posted by penninja
reply to post by NotAnAspie

What imminent war rofl...

Last I checked China has on

Did Kim Jong Un read this thread and show it to Hu Jintao? Did I miss something lol

edit on 2-9-2012 by penninja because: (no reason given)

You're a horrible American.

You have no concept of what it means to be an American and stand up for what you believe in.

You are just another robot drone slave pledging to a stripey piece of cloth.

You have more of a chance than anyone to stand up to the tyranny of war fostered by the elites and you fail.

Dare you tell anyone else to learn history.

All I hear is a bunch of insults

the calculations have been done over and over the traditional bombings killed far more people than the bombs ever did.

This last one has just gone on to be plain stupid bro

We would have had to invade the mainland, Millions more civilians would have been killed you have no idea what you are talking about the figures don't even come close your really highly uneducated in the topic you are talking about.

And for the record YES this is a hypothetical topic, but your the one going off saying it's encouraging people to start a war they can't win, so which is it a hypothetical topic or a pro china war editorial

derrr... seems like by now you'd get that it's ANTI war. You see, people have this problem with thinking they are the biggest baddest mofo on the block and this thread is proof that people just want to prove how big and bad they are and they can do whatever they want without consequence because they have the God given right and no other race of human beings have the same God given right. This is the nature of many Americans so it would simply be karma for billy badass to get knocked out by the underdog.

I'm not pro war on EITHER side, but I am smart enough to see that when other people suffer, like people who get bombed in the middle east and asians who have to work hard all day for very little so they can complete on our market and get ahead of the game without war, but rather sacrificing comfort to be the true winners... I respect that. I respect the middle eastern family who has lost loves ones because I KNOW it could be me. I know that could be me standing there tearing at myself in grief. I'm not so shallow to think that as an American I have some God given right to always be on top and be untouchable while everyone else suffers. Is it pride people feel or do they just feel lucky? Do they think that luck was handed to them by God. Do they look in the mirror and say "I must have deserved to be born American and not South African Pigmy. I guess I should go talk all kinds of smack against those undeserved South African Pigmy because clearly God doesn't like those people and that's why he made me American & I must do my duty of preconceived notions to go exploit all the under privileged of the world in his honor"

Watch out... you just might wake up and find yourself in a battlefield. THAT is what I'm saying. Isn't this obvious to you?

In battle you should respect your opponent. You should never just consider that you've got it "in the bag" because it's really not a show of bravery. It sounds more like fear to me. Who are you trying to convince? Me?... Or yourself? You're not bringing anything new to the conversation. You're giving a pep talk and I say how dare you tell any others to learn history when you are just echoing to the very signature whitewashed version and you probably have no idea how bad it sounds because if you take a look around, more and more each day are finding out that our history is a LIE.

It's better to be wiser than waste all your energy trying to be mightier because as you rush out in haste you might be completely overlooking the tripwire laid out before you. If this country has been sold over to another power it's going to be heartbreaking for many who didn't see it coming, don't acknowledge being hated by the world for their obtuse brutishness and their lack of historical knowledge. The most important thing is to find the puppet master, the source, not just run blindly into war spouting how mighty you are.

Before the pep talks, maybe you should just take a good long look at the situation and get a more thorough assessment of this hypothetical adversary before you go thinking that this country is the only one with heroes laying in graves. Listen to Chinas dialogue, it's never bombastic, yet always firm. Listen to Russia's because they seem unamused. We'd be doing good to sit tight and skip the big talk right now. We have spread ourselves very thin.
edit on 2-9-2012 by NotAnAspie because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 04:17 AM
reply to post by NotAnAspie

Well, I was wandering what country you were from but then you called me a ninny..

I know you're not here to make any friends but why try to make enemies? Do you not realize how you sound? When reading your last posts myself and others were thinking. Wow, this person is off base, but it is your opinion. And now I can't speak for anyone but myself but WOW, you are really uneducated and or crazy.....

Hitler was the centuries worst human beings. You sound like one of his worshipers trying to make excuses for his actions and crimes against humanity. As for war, ( The gateway for demons.) Are you serious? WOW! You're out there!

The more you post crazier they get... I'm sorry you hate the U.S. so much! Heh! Google Hitler real quick, youre about to get educated......

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 04:26 AM
reply to post by NotAnAspie

You know cut it out, you completely derailed the thread because your arguments were bashed and you have no actual substance.

All your doing now is taking the moral high road and I hate to tell you but that doesn't win a debate going off topic and talking about what a wonderful human being you are.

Your kind of on the emotional end now of a manic episode Like a bipolar girl I was once in a bad relationship with... "I JUST CARE, I don't want anyone to get hurt waaaaaaaa" "you'll (sob) you'll get yours one day, My Russian Cousin wont be happy when he finds out what your saying (sob)"

Your kind of really absorbed in this all as if it's reality, i'm not so sure these conversations are where you should let your mind go bro, your acting like we just wiped out Beijing with a hydrogen Bomb

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 04:37 AM
reply to post by Uneedhlp247

I don't know man, excessive dui laws, occasional trigger happy cops, pots only technically legal you have to spend 150 bucks at a doctor to smoke it.. speed cameras

Not really all that far off from extermination of a portion of the population, I mean we have some religious conservatives running for office Hitler believed that the Norse gods would set Russia on fire... it's not so far off really

Hitler was a 5 foot 2 Jewish guy that liked Eva Braum to poop on his chest, wanted to exterminate his own people and did a lot of methamphetamine while watching a cave across from his mountain retreat for aliens.

Obama is a somewhat personally conservative Black guy with an education

(wow lol, that'll make you appreciate Obama haha)

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 04:42 AM

Originally posted by penninja
reply to post by NotAnAspie

You know cut it out, you completely derailed the thread because your arguments were bashed and you have no actual substance.

All your doing now is taking the moral high road and I hate to tell you but that doesn't win a debate going off topic and talking about what a wonderful human being you are.

Your kind of on the emotional end now of a manic episode Like a bipolar girl I was once in a bad relationship with... "I JUST CARE, I don't want anyone to get hurt waaaaaaaa" "you'll (sob) you'll get yours one day, My Russian Cousin wont be happy when he finds out what your saying (sob)"

Your kind of really absorbed in this all as if it's reality, i'm not so sure these conversations are where you should let your mind go bro, your acting like we just wiped out Beijing with a hydrogen Bomb

That's funny!

I think our friend is getting a little beat up and defensive... That was funny though!

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 04:58 AM

Originally posted by Uneedhlp247
reply to post by NotAnAspie

Well, I was wandering what country you were from but then you called me a ninny..

I know you're not here to make any friends but why try to make enemies? Do you not realize how you sound? When reading your last posts myself and others were thinking. Wow, this person is off base, but it is your opinion. And now I can't speak for anyone but myself but WOW, you are really uneducated and or crazy.....

Hitler was the centuries worst human beings. You sound like one of his worshipers trying to make excuses for his actions and crimes against humanity. As for war, ( The gateway for demons.) Are you serious? WOW! You're out there!

The more you post crazier they get... I'm sorry you hate the U.S. so much! Heh! Google Hitler real quick, youre about to get educated......

What? You must not be able to read so you might want to get used to having your intellect picked on.

Hitler was an idiot. I clearly stated how he was stupid, a puppet trying to be a hero. That is almost an exact quote of what I said. My point is that we let the elite get us sucked into that war for all the wrong reasons and we basically did what we were told. We provoked Japan as well. We provoked their enemy status. We did not try to help RESOLVE any of it and we are still very much tied to Roman Catholic politics regardless of all the crap they've started.

If that's not asking for trouble, then what is?

This is why you can't make sense of things and only parrot the parts of history you see on TV... you can't read.

That is not sticking up for Hitler... he was a hopeful moron that took the bait. That is saying that if we weren't so blindly loyal to malicious empires, we might actually be able to make better decisions and reseolve conflict rather than make it worse and wind up taking a weapon basically handed to us by a German Jew and making ourselves look like a bunch of dicks.
Einstein who was german born, studied in Berlin and switzerland was living in the US... having moved there when Hitler came into power. On the eve of WW2 he informed the president that Germany might be making a nuclear bomb and that they should research it.

How the hell did he know this? How did he get to the position of informing the president right before we engaged in war... which we had been trying to avoid?

There is much more to this story and then they are letting on but just looking at the facts they claim are interesting enough.

Why is the story of pearl harbor so suspicious and though we were taken completely by surprise?

Do you understand that Taiwan used to belong to Japan and now the Un says is a province of China?

I have heard that we hid missiles there while we were working with Chinese nationalists during the Chinese civil war and just so happened to be around WW2 as China was being taken over by Mao Communism.

Patton wanted to take out the Soviets right after the war but we were tapped out, so later we brought down their economy. The US is afraid of communist countries. We would have already started WW3 if we did not have communist sympathizers. Capitalism is no better but capitalism keeps the pyramid structure so the elite can collect at the top.

Everything will be rewritten or there will be war.

I say fine, rewrite it.

Stop listening to these aggression junkie war dogs.

War does not solve problems, it IS the problem.

Observe the capability and hardship of others and understand that Roman Catholicism is the most hypocritical pile of horse# to disgrace this Earth.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 05:19 AM

Originally posted by penninja
reply to post by NotAnAspie

You know cut it out, you completely derailed the thread because your arguments were bashed and you have no actual substance.

All your doing now is taking the moral high road and I hate to tell you but that doesn't win a debate going off topic and talking about what a wonderful human being you are.

Your kind of on the emotional end now of a manic episode Like a bipolar girl I was once in a bad relationship with... "I JUST CARE, I don't want anyone to get hurt waaaaaaaa" "you'll (sob) you'll get yours one day, My Russian Cousin wont be happy when he finds out what your saying (sob)"

Your kind of really absorbed in this all as if it's reality, i'm not so sure these conversations are where you should let your mind go bro, your acting like we just wiped out Beijing with a hydrogen Bomb

what the hell is this crap?

Get back on topic or call your shrink... pot, kettle, black... get it?

That had NOTHING to do with this topic and I will take the moral high road as much as I want (
nana nana boo boo in your language) because all this prideful warmongering just sounds like what some guys chant in their heads when they can't get it up and I'm just trying to be nice and let you know this before you teach it to a child... because you will ruin his life. No decent person would want that. This is no way to keep an erection.

Face it, the Chinese are cooler than you will ever be.

I don't even know any Chinese people around here lately but my point is that you need to get a grip.

Superman was not American, he was from another planet. Pride does not make you bulletproof.

The american people have the ability to keep themselves out of wars if they stand up for what is right... and that is TRUTH. You need to know the full truth and you need to demand it from your leaders before you go encouraging more young men and women to go be killed in war. They don't even know what they are doing it for, that's nothing to be proud of and when people come online talking "so many of our heroes have fought and died and blag blah"... That's nothing but trying to make young people feel guilty so they will join the military and go be killed when what you should be doing is encouraging them to invent a reverse mind control helmet.... for you.

You should spend more time searching for the REAL history and less time talking about how bad ass America is... cause you gonna get your heart so broke, guy.

Word on the street is that macho America is the most unappealing trend going.

I'm sure some people in here are having trouble in the romance, you might want to listen up.

I hear that most women agree that "dirty frenchmen" is even a huge step up from "Macho American"

Just a piece of advice.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 05:25 AM

In 1940, Japan signed the Tripartite Pact, creating the Rome-Tokyo-Berlin Axis, building on the alliance created in 1936 by the Anti-Comintern Pact. Japan now looked hungrily towards the oil-rich Dutch East Indies to fuel its Co-Prosperity Sphere. In 1941, when Imperial General Headquarters rejected Roosevelt’s ultimatum regarding the removal of troops from China and French Indochina, the US President announced an oil embargo on Japan. For Japan, the move was the perfect pretext for war, unleashed in December 1941 with the Pearl Harbor attack.

Okay so it was part of Romes plan that they side with Japan in order to be defeated by America who your busy bashing all along?

You had a lot to say about America using that A bomb but Japan was an Ally of Rome who you just labeled like... the most awful whatever whatever that ever whatevered the earth.

So your with the theory that Germany and japan were duped by Rome and the powers behind the Vatican actually wanted to set Germany and Japan up to loose even though Italy would be invaded in order to see America rise to power which they now control instead behind the scenes? Even though our only Catholic President ever was assassinated?

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 05:33 AM
reply to post by NotAnAspie

Your kind of crazy bro, your off topic not I

The thread is Titled Can We Win This One

Your off on another thing entirely, you've brought in everything from nostradamus to karma now the Roman catholics... this is the WW3 forum my friend not the "give peace a chance forum.

The Chinese are Cooler than you will ever be

This is the entirety of what you have wasted pages trying to say, I'm glad you think so... I'll think of you every-time A pop up says "CONGRATULATIONS YOU'VE WON" from on when cruising porn lol

If the war was over "Cool"

Well then I see you Elvis and Raise you the Fonz and since no one was ever cooler then the Fonz China and Russia still loose

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 06:17 AM

Originally posted by penninja

In 1940, Japan signed the Tripartite Pact, creating the Rome-Tokyo-Berlin Axis, building on the alliance created in 1936 by the Anti-Comintern Pact. Japan now looked hungrily towards the oil-rich Dutch East Indies to fuel its Co-Prosperity Sphere. In 1941, when Imperial General Headquarters rejected Roosevelt’s ultimatum regarding the removal of troops from China and French Indochina, the US President announced an oil embargo on Japan. For Japan, the move was the perfect pretext for war, unleashed in December 1941 with the Pearl Harbor attack.

Okay so it was part of Romes plan that they side with Japan in order to be defeated by America who your busy bashing all along?

You had a lot to say about America using that A bomb but Japan was an Ally of Rome who you just labeled like... the most awful whatever whatever that ever whatevered the earth.

So your with the theory that Germany and japan were duped by Rome and the powers behind the Vatican actually wanted to set Germany and Japan up to loose even though Italy would be invaded in order to see America rise to power which they now control instead behind the scenes? Even though our only Catholic President ever was assassinated?

Almost every president we've ever had goes to Catholic church while in power.

The Italian government is totally separate from the Vatican on paper, regardless of how much influence they may or may not be inflicting at any given time.

The Lateran treaty gave the Vatican privileges and tax exemptions in 29 by Mussolini but after being invaded and obviously losing some ground. The papal states had been invaded in 1860 and for a long time there were hostilities, so it might prove interesting to look into what all kinds of crap they pulled up until the Lateran treaty. I'm not sure why it would be surprising that hostilities would occur this close to the Roman catholic church. They have fought themselves for crying out loud over universal jurisdiction, which essentially means that the pope wanted to be able to prosecute any person for any crime anywhere in the world regardless of what their own country had to say about it and that region has been notorious for families fighting other families, much less powers that wish to have full reign. I'm not quite sure how the Papacy actually took being invaded while it was happening, such as the looks on their faces and what-not but I'm sure it wasn't appreciated and it's pretty safe to say that although this invasion was successful, it did not get rid of the roman catholic church did it?... and to this day they have still got their noses all up in politics.

So yeah, we took Mussolini out of power and why would this exactly be a problem for the pope?

The Vatican is not the official Italian government so you are referring to something entirely different when you say rome, unless you are speaking of more ancient rome. The Roman empire is not the Italian government. What's left of it is the roman catholic church and those they influence and they DO have influence. Despite being invaded in 1860 they are now happily providing Bishops to all parts of the US aren't they?

This Italian government you speak of as a member of the axis was not the Vatican.

Can you not see a huge potential for stirring up trouble in that?

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 06:27 AM
reply to post by NotAnAspie

Wow, you are serious huh? Did you really just say that, "....china is way cooler..."???
I seriously tried to give you the benefit if the doubt, so here it is, yes I'm prideful for being an american, your treasnous talk is what gets young americans killed, they CHOSE to join, not drafted fool and they are not dying im droves like you are led to believe. You wanna know the absolute truth NotAnAspie?
China was our ally then turned there back on us, they have stolen our technology, riding on the shoulders of giants in the field of inovation An invention, they have copied western economics, have destroyed the moral rigjts of having children, blacklisted freedom by censoring the interwebs...the country is polluted and gridlocked with corruption, there is no pride, no value but a baseless shadow of the once mighty empire it once represented a millenia ago, they have continued to take an take more and more, if this country was as succesful as america, there where is there navy? There air force? Having a largr army proves nothing if you do not have the air an sea assest, your continued hate on americas ability to fight is a cheap shot ab proves nothing, china fears, it fears it citizens will one day question its Gov, asking why, for the people of china have as every much right americans have, there VOICE, when stand united no government, not entity, no power can stop that, we have achieve that an by doing so, regardless of what you think, qoute and say, we have proven coutless times, we are the greatest power this world has seen. Yes I talk big and so what, why? That kind of thinking is gonna get us killed? No. If you can't take a little bloody nose, then maybe you should go back home an hide beneath your bed, its a bad, terrible world out there and reality is not forgiving, for there will always be some nation on the top of the food chain, history has shown that countless times, yes there will be an age when america will fall, but that time is not here, nor will it be anytime soon. Qoute all you want, believe the media, but bring military myself, I know but a fraction of our capability an can honestly say, be aware, be afraid, there are weapon systems in place that'll literally nock your socks off, being the apex predator we have to have those abilities, without them, then by all means guy, move on in the territory. Until then, please, don't question, don't check, don't doubt for a second that china or russia could ever win. Nothing is greater than unity and the american people will not faulter, we are not forced to do so and nobody puts a weapon to your head to join the US Military. We are all free thinking people who chose to join, not out of tyranny, but to defend this great nation, to stand ready to deploy, engage and destroy the enemies of the united states of america in close combat, always an will be a guardian of freedom and the american way of life.
Go ahead an qoute the so called evil agendas, because others have agendas of there own and they are far worse to the civilian population then us. Its just that simple.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 06:33 AM

Originally posted by penninja
reply to post by NotAnAspie

Your kind of crazy bro, your off topic not I

The thread is Titled Can We Win This One

Your off on another thing entirely, you've brought in everything from nostradamus to karma now the Roman catholics... this is the WW3 forum my friend not the "give peace a chance forum.

The Chinese are Cooler than you will ever be

This is the entirety of what you have wasted pages trying to say, I'm glad you think so... I'll think of you every-time A pop up says "CONGRATULATIONS YOU'VE WON" from on when cruising porn lol

If the war was over "Cool"

Well then I see you Elvis and Raise you the Fonz and since no one was ever cooler then the Fonz China and Russia still loose

I thought it would bother you. And yes, I'm entertained.
Thank You for satisfying my plan so predictably.

I actually do not personally know any Chinese and have never been there but if you think ww3 could be won because of pride in your flag, then you really need to start diagnosing yourself instead of others. That's what you need to be more concerned about... yourself. You like being American? Then try keeping you and your fellow Americans safe rather than bragging about how great everything is here when pretty soon, China's gonna own it all if we don't watch it... and when they do, it might not be a good idea to try to be shoving in their face how lame and unadvanced you think they are when their country is stamped on probably most of the stuff you buy.

Did you know they make some of our currency? Yeah... thought all that stuff was made in a mint in DC... Nah, a lot of it is outsourced to China.

I wouldn't underestimate those people. They've gotten a lot accomplished in a very short time and against some slim odds.

And while the Fonz may be cool... you're not... nor are you funny.

but keep trying and maybe one day you'll get there.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by NotAnAspie

Almost every President has gone to Mc Donalds to it doesn't mean they have any more or less power than the current budget for Lobbyists and degree of campaign funding, although substantial i'd be far more concerned these days about the power of Monsanto and few dozen other companies to affect my life than the Catholic Church quite frankly.

To be honest although Bush was enamored my guess is if Obama had to have a sit down with the Pope or any of his minions he'd spend much of his time thinking "Jesus Christ please tell your friend to leave already i have work to do"

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 07:20 AM

Originally posted by Arnie123
reply to post by NotAnAspie

Wow, you are serious huh? Did you really just say that, "....china is way cooler..."???
e but a baseless shadow of the once mighty empire it once represented a millenia ago, they have continued to ation on the top of the food chain, history has shown that countless times, yes there will be an age when america will fall, but that time is not here, nor will it be anytime soon. Qoute all you want, believe the media, but bring military myself, I know but a fraction of our capability an can honestly say, be aware, be afraid, there are weapon systems in place that'll literally nock your socks off, being the apex predator we have to have those abilities, without them, then by all means guy, move on in the territory. Until then, please, don't question, don't check, don't doubt for a second that china or russia could ever win. Nothing is greater than unity and the american people will not faulter, we are not forced to do so and nobody puts a weapon to your head to join the US Military. We are all free thinking people who chose to join, not out of tyranny, but to defend this great nation, to stand ready to deploy, engage and destroy the enemies of the united states of america in close combat, always an will be a guardian of freedom and the american way of life.
Go ahead an qoute the so called evil agendas, because others have agendas of there own and they are far worse to the civilian population then us. Its just that simple.

Weapons that will knock my socks off aye? Gee, my feet will be so cold, what ever will I do?

I guess I will use one of my socks to stop my bloody nose since Billy McKnuckleton is going to punch me through the internet because he can't take that I said China was way cooler... but he is going to be so great being able to handle a Russian or Chinese boots up his ass... I can tell. He'll take it like a trooper. Cause he's all grown up and stuff and he'll be united with all the others that think just like him, that saying China is cool is treason.

And no, he's not a psychopath. He's an honest hard working American that has a right to be angry if he can't get employed in a slave pay sweat shop because Corporate America moved all those factories over seas... How dare those Chinese steal our factories so they can barely keep their children warm. Shame on them.

The fact is guy, China woke up and realized they had to play ball on the world market because the almighty dollar was on it's way to buy, sell or bribe any and every soul it possibly can and now you must face the fact that it's the value put into the war machine that wins wars and I know contracts are being cut, troop numbers shrink, resources are being squandered... as the less verbally boisterous and more efficient China laps it up while you're eating freedom fries with your greasy cheeseburger for another big corporation like a patriotic duty while fighting a war in your brain.

So China has stolen from the US.

Excuse me?.... Do what? Are you native American?


China has one of the oldest, richest and most gifted histories in the world and you have the gall to say THEY are the thieves? Trade STARTED with China.

This just goes to show how totally unobservant you are. The silk road that leads to China is one of the oldest trade routes known and they have been trading since ancient times and have one of the oldest civilizations... yet European elites devise a system that invests in the youngest punk on the block in a country it took from it's indigenous people... who were FROM ASIA ORIGINALLY... and they turned this country into it's fighting dog... and of course this mutt thinks it's running the show because it's got a loud bark and it keeps forgetting that chain around it's neck. It's the epitome of a dumb animal.

Do you really think you own this block just because you urinate everywhere?

This planet needs to learn how to function as a whole but people like are keeping everyone else from achieving that simply because you think your blood is better?... or maybe the dirt beneath your feet is better? Does that really make a lot of sense?

Oh no, that's right... it's that proud American history that is so much better... That short, premature abomination of a history built on the backs of slaves and exiled Indians and nothing has been clear since it's inception, but how would you know that? You don't have enough slack on your chain to see that far.

Good boy.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by NotAnAspie

It didn't bother me or get to me, I honestly don't care what your saying, your kind of all over the place, Honestly i'm barely humoring you because you kind of live in your own world and from your name and title I kind of get who you are and that you obsess and stuff and that's cool.

But honestly, please stop with the insults and the duhhrs and the wise cracks and realize your not a thread killer your thread ruin-er your not actually even throwing good ranks, your thoughts kind of jump all over the place you make connections that aren't really....there.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by NotAnAspie

This last one you sent is so rude and full of meaningless insults let me go a step further.

You think you like China better because in the States you don't fit in, because you've never actually been cool here because you probably have some of the issues that go along with the who i can see you are, maybe you stutter slightly sometimes, maybe you just weird out a little around people and you think the uniformity of that culture would be nicer to you but it wouldn't as a guy who actually goes to Asia occasionally I can tell you all places have cultural norms and facial cues and body language and you can no more decipher these things easily there as anywhere else and you'd still kind of weird out girls a bit you'd still be consider odd just odder for being foreign, at heart you wish someone would defeat us because in some dream then you'd be free of the everyone else that wrongs you and all the people you hate would have some imaginary vengeance played out upon them but really that's just your fantasy

You know what? I really like Asians, particularly the Japanese if I had it my way I'd be there full time but I have obligations in regards to family that keep that at bay for the moment. Not because they are superior, not because they work better i'd hate to work at a japanese firm 5 minutes late it's off with your head, but because I prefer the women if I have one beef with America it's the culture of divorce and i'm kinda sorta Buddhist and i'm not very into tramp stamp culture and as I am past my "wild" stage i'd like a different sorta girl then what i get over here for the most part

But unlike you I don't take MY issues and work them up into vast conspiracies against me, my mind functions normally, I can see all the factors my brain doesn't connect unrelated things and....

China is not Militarily capable of beating the USA all of Asia together can't do it, all this stuff your spewing highlights the point, we are a mean culture, we are an aggressive people, we are a creative people as opposed to a uniform people and every complaint you have simply is a point in the positive as to why we would win a fight and that's what this thread is about not whatever nonsense your jumping around to. it's why we won before, it's why we'd win again.

On a day to day basis I think your right overall and for the most part, they are more livable, some of us are like animals compared to them in my honest opinion, but that's not what wins fights.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 08:32 AM
Getting back to topic...which was Russia and China Join Forces to fight U.S?

This is the REALITY! Even if China and Russia and Iran and Pakistan and Syria and Cuba and North Korea and another DOZEN COUNTRIES joined in in a WAR against the United States...and the U.S. MILITARY WAS NOT CONSTRAINED BY ANY POLITICAL ISSUES...AND we don't even use Nuclear Weapons but the other side does...we would not just would be the single greatest loss of life on Earth since the Yellowstone Super Volcano erupted about 750,000 years ago.

And I repeat....we would NOT USE NUCLEAR WEAPONS! We have obtained the Breakthrough that will render Nuclear Weapons OBSOLETE! We have not fully installed the system and in fact the First Carrier Group the USS. CVN-78 Gerald R. Ford will be the first Carrier to have the Direct Energy Beaming Part of the System Launched in 2015 along with it's Modified with a Nuclear Powered FEL like the Carrier...Aegis Class Cruiser.

In the mean time...we have two Land Versions of the Free Electron Laser Fully Operational as well as an Unknown Number at sea. We also...RIGHT NOW...have converted every Aegis Cruiser with the New SM-3 ABM as well as Satellite Killer. This version of the SM-3 blew up a Satellite in a decaying orbit with a FULL TANK OF HYDRAZINE...a Powerful Booster Fuel that is very TOXIC and the New SM-3 not only scored a hit on a Satellite Orbiting the Earth at speed of about 18,000 Miles per Hour...the Super Computing Target and Acquisitioning System Targeted the Hydrazine TANK and as it played out on TV with the help of a Powerful Telescope...this at one time very good Anti-Aircraft Missile became a Super Long Range ABM and Anti-Satellite Missile. Continued
Split Infinity

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

All Aegis Cruisers received the New SM-3's and these are also being designed to be carried in Mass by both B-1's and B-52' well as Sub Launched and Land Based. These alone and they are already being upgraded...could handle the Majority of China's or Russian Missiles but it is the Direct Energy Weapons that are the GAME CHANGER. The FEL or Free Electron Laser as well as the MEB or the Microwave Emitting Beam....will become a WORLD WIDE SYSTEM.

These Two Weapons will be deployed TWO to a Carrier Group as the Carrier Itself will have a Nuclear Powered Version and New Reactors will be replacing the old Nimitz Class Dual Reactors and the Aegis Class Cruiser will have a separate Nuclear Reactor for it's FEL. Plus the Enterprise is being replaced by the Gerald R. Ford and the Nimitz was to be replaced by the J.F.K. but due to the Arctic Oceans Ice Sheet Melt...the Nimitz may become refitted and be used as an Arctic Carrier Group designed to protect New and DANGEROUS Arctic Ocean Shipping Lanes that will appear as the Ice Melts Completely in the Year 2020. That is the Date that the USS. CVN-79 J.F.K. will be launched.

THESE weapon Systems will actually SAVE the U.S. MONEY as certain Programs will no longer be needed. Think about would any country fight a U.S. Carrier which will be 50% Robotic have a Mag-lev Catapult and have the ability to Vaporize targets as small as a 50 Cal round at the Speed of Light? Plus this Laser which is Hotter than the surface of the SUN...will be able to Target via Networked Super Computers...the WARHEAD or MIRVED WARHEADS and if it is an ICBM and will go into low Earths Orbit for a moment...the FEL will VAPORIZE the actual independent Warheads instead of shooting down the missile. It can do the same but not as Clean in Earths Atmosphere as it vaporizes Nuclear Cruise Missiles, Actually vaporize multiple holes through an Enemy Bomber and Vaporize Nuclear Gravity Dropped Bombs...and since even Discover Magazine has stated that a Nuclear Powered FEL will be able to Vaporize a hole through 1000 Feet of Solid will have no problems using satellite Magnetometer Readings as well as Gamma Ray and Neutron Emission Satellite Detectors to vaporize a Thousand Plus feet of Ocean and Vaporize warheads while they are still in the Sub's Missile Tubes.

And I have not even talked about the MEB. The U.S. did something Brilliant and that was about a Year they allowed Chinese Military Leaders to watch U.S. Military Exercises. Then we told them about our Plans to deploy the FEL and MEB. The Russians already knew but had concentrated on Particle was a disaster as particle Beams have a nasty habit of Killing the Target and Irradiating the people shooting it! The Chinese are now not talking of building a large Blue water Navy...they are Helping with the North Korean Issue and no one hears about Invading Taiwan anymore. This was a smart move by U.S. Military Planners as if an enemy KNOWS what they are up against...misunderstandings become less likely.

Split Infinity

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 11:52 AM
Ofcoruse USA will win , They are many steps ahead of other countries interms of secret weapons.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Hey Split, what do you think of the Rail-Gun systems the navy will incorporate around 2015-2017? the peak of ballistic warfare is now a very real option for our military. Although the testing showed it works, there were problems with power constraints and of course metallurgy factors, but as with all projects, those issue can and will be addressed. These Rail-Guns along with the energy based weapons systems you speak of can take a large toll on a ships reactor, unless the energy weapons are chemical in nature, then its a matter of logistics.
With a fully armed and deadly navy, it'll be the apex predator of the still is. A nation that can control the trades routes of the seas will control the flow of the world. Along with our Air Force Joint-Programs for the F-35, that is our gift to our allies, as yes that was a joint project, but concieved by american minds, would you call the F-35 a true fifth gen fighter? and even tho the F-22 has been capped, a few here and there still come off the assembly line, just not in large bulk. The US army will soon have the M1A3 abrams reading for fielding if not already, an don't forget our new attack choppers, what we saw in the raid in pakistan was but a fraction of what is going to be implemented in our new attack choppers. Combat engineers are field testing Exo-suits for heavy lifting and the MOS 15W will have a brethern in its job as land based drones become fielded for squad assault and defense in field excursions, an assault drone for every 6-8 squad based teams to help with fire support and triage. Even our chemical fields are getting full upgrades as I have seen new technologies that are chemical based on identifying blister, nerve an biological agents an ways to decontaminate them, just in case our enemies decided to go dirty on us.
All this has come off the drawing board an though some won't see action another 5 years or so, other tech is already being implemented, the american military is thinking more on the technological aspect of warfare now, with a leaner, better equiped trained force, coupled with a mentality that everybody is a leader, we are a force to be reckon with.

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