reply to post by hqokc
Please dont even think the word cold as there is a possibility that you ourself have spent years and years with a human being and stll havent been
able to decipher their emotional dictionary,thats fairly standard,stuff in any male female dynamic.
Remember that its like he can almost tell you your future,not is own but yours,if he has accurate honest data,so remember that ever since he has known
you he has tried to take you down shortcuts in life as a natural way of going,and every time you have forced him to take a conventional path you have
blown dust in his eyes,maybe this will help you understand without "createing"an emotional dynamic for yourself so you can grasp the idea.Imagine if
you lived with someone who reacted like this,your son stubbs his toe on the rock outside and comes in screaming and he is only three and it is
bleeding and it is your first child,and Daddy simply walks over bends down looks at the toe and says,its ok son it isnt broken and there doesnt seem
to be any deep abrasions on the wounded toe,carry on all is well.Now daddy didnt do much emotional reassureing and he didnt do any emotional
reinforceing,in fact he didnt add an emotional context to the dynamic at all because as Daddy sees it there IS no need because everything is ok,and
Daddy ASSUMES that the people around him know and trust him as much as he trust himself,its only in our liberally-laced world that he doesnt in fact
have this trust.This isnt Daddys issue,it is a matter of perspective and an Aspie has a 3rd dimension to rely on every second,while we all have one or
two.A third dimensional perspective takes away the requirement for useing emotions to validate the tactile world,when looking down at the bleeding toe
a two dimensional thinker doesnt "see"past the interaction of the pain impulse and the instinctual reaction from the tactile data[the blood-the
pain-the potential for unabated future blood and pain--a full stop panic until there is order again-an appeal for instinctual help or aid in decision
makeing] that occurs in this dynamic in the 2D thought process.All systems come to a full stop so the emotions and the perspective of data can settle
down and reorientate themselves in a forward direction.A 3D thinker looks down and sees the same visual but his mind is processing the data in 3D so
he is actually thinking through the micro-moments that the emotions garble up the 2D thinkers equilibrium.He isnt failing to aknowledge that emotions
"could"be attatched to the dynamic,he looks for a "need" for emotions and doesnt see it,so there is no failure on his part.The concern and love and
want to help and teach and prepare for the future are all present and accounted for but the emotional impetuous isnt,emotions arent required to be a
core value component of the dynamic for a 3D thinker,its really that simple.
It is called evolution as defined by form-function-cause and effect.
The seeming lack of social interaction needs to be redefined as seeing no need to communicate within that social structure because most of what 2D
thinkers talk about is repetative and reassureing to each others 2D perspective,constant voteing and agreeing to stay in the same cumulative dynamic
in a steady manner,a 3D thinker can see the whole picture and doesnt need to have the results of constant votes constantly running through their heads
to decision make or to be grounded.This statement might sound derogatory or demeaning to a 2D thinker which happens to be the majority overwhelmingly,
but the facts are saying that 3D visual thinking is evolutionary progress,and as a result there has been a defined and concerted and organised effort
by 2D thinkers to suppress and to diagnose,medicate and as I said generally supress Aspergers and other similarly diagnosed 3D thinkers. It is a
survival tactic to weed out that which is different and in the minority,however because so many of our leaders naturally evolve out of this 3D pool of
thinkers we have encountered a dynamic where some richpowerful aspies have decided to let all the rest of their brothers and sisters be rounded up
and medicated and put on lists as is being is some countrys like Canada.
This 3D thinking can be "taught"to any 2D thinker,but the dynamic has been suppressed as I said,do you think an overwhelming majority of 2D thinkers
are going to give up their positions of power and tenure to the few 3D thinkers who were naturally designed to do the job?Not a chance,remember they
got those spots through numbers and attrition and through suppressing their 3D counterparts as a survival tactic.In the Sumerian times these 3D
thinkers were sages and future-tellers and right hand men to kings and rulers,they and their talents had been definitively quantified and utilised in
the proper context,exactly as Intuative Consultants are doing today makeing six figure salarys for predicting trends accurately by intuition alone.
If children who are 3D thinkers at birth arent given an eduction either by 3Ders who learned to tone down and reset their internal communications
systems to 2Dor by 2Ders RAISED by a 3Der then there is bound to be huge monumental difficultys for the poor kid because the teacher wont be smart
enough to teach anything due to emotional interference in the teachers minset and perspective,the poor kid will eternally wonder what is wrong with
the teacher,because everything will be the long route ,the teacher will not even be able to quantify that there are shortcuts available never mind
being used by the kid already.You see a 3D thinker is takeing these mental shortcuts from the first thought they ever conceptualise,it isnt learned
for some it is inborn,so really most of the time these kids are wondering in their heads whats wrong with their teachers,moreso than their peers[they
actually are ahead so they are comfortable watching their peer learn their own way],its the source of their new data from their teachers that is the
problematic progress issue for them,the only perspective I could give you is the one of a 2D thinker liveing in a room full of 1D thinkng primates and
being expected to learn from 1D teaching chimp,the 2D thinker would go mad or would learn to become a 1D thinker to survive,and it will be like
constant gardening to remain at the 1D level,but this is nature isnt it.Unless suddenly a ship full of other 2D thinkers suddenly showed up.and things
took a dramatic change with the 2D thinking person becomeing the majority in a moment and then teaching the 1D primates how to learn to become 2D
thinkers in a reverse dynamic.Similar to what will happen when the genetic creators of the humanity we are return to us and begin to help the vanguard
of 3D thinkers already here begin to teach the majority of todays people to think in 3D terms,but it wont be until there is a numbers change in a
dramatic fashion.We are liveing in a dynamic naturally orchestrated to support a forward evolutionary transition in this direction,I believe.
When you put an Aspie or any 3D thinker into a forced learnig dynamic with 2D teachers as happens by proxy in most cases due to the majority of 2D
thinkers birthing 3D thinking children---You are haveing to teach a smarter perspective how to behave retroactively,to regress and go backwards,to
embrace emotionally catalysed thought processes and decision makeing dynamics ,when that mind has already evolved PAST a NEED for this situational
emotional /cerebral dynamic.It takes one to know one,and as I said all of our natural leaders throughout history are from this mindset,because they
can visualise the moment and the future more easily and further ahead and back than 2D thinkers can do by nature.An Aspie doesnt hold back a normal
classroom the normal classroom holds back the Aspie,there is no room to gain another dimension of thinking for the Aspie so naturally the only
sequential dynamic is for the Aspie kid to teach the entire class,but because of the numbers game and natural survival instinct which is directly
incorporated into the world ran by the 1d and 2D mindsets we instead see persecution,diagnisis,medication,and worse being committed against these most
advanced human perspectives.Most of us just dont know the value in these kids because the people that do know, the rich powerful ones, are USEING
these kids ad their genetics as tools and have been doing so for centuries.
Do not allow your kids to be put on any LISTS,its like nazi germany these lists,refuse,never refuse your child help,education or care as you see
fit,but DO NOT allow legally anyone to make a list informal or not of your childs evolved perspective,get a lawyer and sue someone dont let them
supress the diamond you gave birth to,it was designed to make this world a better place,even if the teaching process has been bubgled these are
diamonds,remember that as with all humans most things are set in us by about seven or eight,so if the teaching dynamic has been damageing for all this
time we need to approach a new type of teachng to catch these minds up to the 2D level where they can enjoy life with the rest of the majority of
human thinkers.Todays majority that is---I predict a very Aspie future for mankind.Simply because if you dont waste emotional energy on needless
dynamics you can offer a much more focused purer emotional dialog to other people and because of the seperation of cerebral and emotional impetuous
these minds are also more empathetic to others around them so it is easier for them to care about the whole world because they "see"the whole world in
their perspective and have no reason to exclude it and ommit it,if there were an emotional.cerebral/instinctive dynamic enacted then they might become
more self-centered as a survival instinct.
Remember the idea is to NOT repeat mistakes,so the more we soften the blow of realitys tactile consequences by useing the chemically charged emotional
response like a drug to mask reality from ourselves intentionally then the more mistakes we are naturally going to repeat,and at some point we will
consider second and third chances to be normal and expected and then relied on,and when this mindset infects us then we become willing to hurt others
with our decisions as they become catalysed by our overwhelming survival instinct.A survial instinct artificially and intentionall selfservingly
manifested through specific dynamics we allow to happen through our uncontrolled addiction to emotional reactons and their chemical reactions we
experience internally on an individual level.
I am no professional,and no one should take anything i offer with any more quantitative seriousness than a proverbial grain of salt,I am just offering
the perspective of a suspected aspie who read hundreds of biographys and auto-biographies as a kid because it was the only place I could learn
something new that i was hungry for and lacking---I needed to quantify human experiences tactilely and emotionally,learn the commonalities of
connection,I am saying that as a kid i NEVER read fictional stuff and didnt like toys and never had invisible friends,I didnt even think that way,in
fact those behaviours werent "real"to me even if my peers did them,I wasnt affected by peer pressure,I actually fely empathetic to my friends and
constantly was helping them out of dynamic situations they couldnt see through.
Do you really want to know what I thought when my parents gave me toys,I thought that they should be giveing them to the children,as a small kid I
already had a dynamic idea of the differences between me and kids ,when i was three or four???And I wasnt them,in fact I already KNEW WHY the toys
were being given and I was far beyond the tactile lesson already.I didnt need the emotional impetuous to form my own thoughts and make assertations
and come to natural conclusions,my mind was born seeking patterns of natural continuity.
Sorry I need to get moveing here,but I hope i have helped someone in some way and I hope i havent offended anyone in the process.
edit on 19-8-2012 by one4all because: (no reason given)
edit on 19-8-2012 by one4all because: (no reason
edit on 19-8-2012 by one4all because: (no reason given)