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Report: Colorado shooting suspect sent plans notebook to psychiatrist

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posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by CloseEncounter

Maybe not abnormal in general, but certainly abnormal coming with his name in the upper left corner of the delivered package - when his name/picture are all over the news.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 08:37 PM
I think the biggest question has yet to be asked... It doesnt seem like he was in a hurry to commit suicide. So why send it at all?

Hes still alive to spout whatever nonsense he'd like. No need to leave a carbon copy that potentially could have stopped him.

It stinks to high heaven.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by RobinB022
reply to post by CloseEncounter

Maybe not abnormal in general, but certainly abnormal coming with his name in the upper left corner of the delivered package - when his name/picture are all over the news.

When he mailed it, no one knew who he was, apart from a few people at the school.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 09:46 PM
OK so I live in Australia. Must be different here.

If the police here found a package from a mad shooter who booby trapped his apartment and was getting thrown out of University and that package was in said University our Police would immediately think


Then, to minimize risk to themselves and everybody else they would do a controlled explosion to safely disarm (read detonate) the bomb. This usually destroys whatever is in said package!

But no, no reason here to suspect A BLOODY BIG BOMB! No mate.

This is way past believable. Was his secret GF named Alice and was she from Kansas.


posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 10:08 PM
Wow the post office even seems confused and weary of this "reporting" .

U.S. Postal Service spokesman David Rupert said the agency's inspectors have no direct knowledge of the package reportedly containing the notebook. He said no one has contacted the Postal Service for assistance in the investigation.

What the heck is going on?

Which story is right?

The University of Colorado, Denver said the U.S. Postal Service delivered the package to its medical campus Monday, and it was immediately investigated and turned over to authorities within hours.

Too many conflicting stories seems more and more each day about anything and everything coming from this crime.

Citing unnamed law enforcement sources, Fox News' website reported that Holmes sent the notebook in a package that had sat unopened since July 12. The university said the report that the package sat uninvestigated that long is inaccurate. A spokeswoman declined to comment further, citing a gag order issued by a judge...


edit on 25-7-2012 by LorraineRKO because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 11:13 PM
This might have nothing to do with this notebook that was "found" but the name Anschutz rang a bell to me. I started a thread a while back about a mock city being built in the town next to mine. This city is to prepare emergency responders. Funny thing is that my friend was met there by homeland security however it is privately funded.
The Anschutz Corp. helped to get this project started.
The Anschutz Corp is also the worlds largest MOVIE THEATER CIRCUT !!!! They also own some newspapers and some of the film industry. They are based in Denver Colorado.
I don't know if this has anything to do with anything but I thought it was interesting.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by Dreine

1. you can get helmets and bullet proof vests at any army surplus stores. The same probably goes for leg, throat, and groin protectors.

2. not really.

3. not really, when you have a semi auto and everyone is sitting in rows and can't get out easily.

There are reports from witnesses of another person though. They are being ignored. There is a video in one of these threads where a person says they thought there was another and that one of the canisters was thrown from another direction (which of course could be explained by someone picking one up and throwing it away from them). It is strange that this took so long to find.
edit on 26-7-2012 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 12:42 AM
Whether he was just a lone nutter or the whole thing is a setup, there sure seem to be a lot of details that don't add up. This "letter" business being one of them, part of a long list at this point.

No wonder the case has been sealed. I wish I could just blow it off as a "deranged gunman" scenario, but the more info that comes out, the more questionable the official story becomes.

Seems to be a universal law.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 12:47 AM

Originally posted by conspiracyrus
I think the biggest question has yet to be asked... It doesnt seem like he was in a hurry to commit suicide. So why send it at all?

In his twisted mind.

I think he was asking for help.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 01:11 AM
reply to post by mattdel

I don't believe any of this; from here on in I would'nt believe a damn thing coming out of media right now in regards to Holmes.

Obviously there are going to be things planted to make Holmes look even worse to fit the profile of a lone gunman with severe mental problems. I'm not buying it.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 05:21 AM
The story is fishy, but rather than a massive conspiracy, it is more likely the psychiatrist did read the package a week or so ago, but did not take it seriously, and now he is lying about it to save his reputation.

He would look like the world's worst psychiatrist if he missed such a red flag and did nothing about it, so he's doing what people do to protect themselves - lie.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 05:24 AM
Also, we need to be realistic and stop assuming that conflicting reports and information point to a conspiracy, again, a far simpler explanation is that the media are not particularly good at getting their facts straight because they are all scrambling over themselves to get stories out first.

Incompetence is always more likely than conspiracy, because it's much easier to screw things up than make elaborate far-fetched, evil plans.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 05:32 AM

Originally posted by Dreine
My questions, without reading every article about the incident, are this..

1) To get that level of body armor that he supposedly had, it usually requires the individual purchasing the armorea to supply a Federal badge number that is issued to law enforcement officers. Did Holmes know a person to purchase this armor for him, did he buy it secondhand from someone...?

2) To put on said body armor is not an easy task and usually requires another set of hands to go over everything to ensure maximum protection. Did he have help?

3) Firing a weapon while wearing a gas mask is not easy. It can be done, but accuracy goes way down... could there possibly have been more than one gunman?

Those are just the most obvious things that come to mind, will have to read some more to see what else seems out of place.

Thoughts and prayers to the victims and their families.
edit on 25-7-2012 by Dreine because: grammar fail

1. You can get body armor on the black market. Two of my friends have bullet proof vests. Neither of them are ex military or police

2. Putting on body armor is easy. Especially if it is a military issued IBA. They velcro around the torso. Cake.

3. Your right on that. But didn't the guy have a semi auto rifle? AR15 right? I think those have burst on them. Plus when people are that close together in panic, your bound to hit someone.

--I don't see anything out of place on your points. He could have easily carried this out.
What it sounds like to me though, is that it is a set up. I don't see how this gaming nerd can snap one day and think he is the Joker. Doesn't make much sense.

I say, Bath Salts.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 05:33 AM
Are my eyes deceiving me that a thread has just disappeared off ATS in regards to Holmes?

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 05:34 AM
But prayers for the family is a must.

It is sad that these days you can't go to a theatre without worry for your life.
People need more morals and Jesus.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 05:58 AM

Originally posted by resoe26
But prayers for the family is a must.

It is sad that these days you can't go to a theatre without worry for your life.
People need more morals and Jesus.

Oh for goodness sake.... Will you shut up with the Jesus thing? Like no one who loves 'Jesus' has ever done anything bad? Sheesh... Wake up will you....

Oh and I always find a prayer works wonders for a bullet to the face, really helps take the edge off.. Oh and it's brilliant for mass starvation, children dying of HIV, countless rapes and murders on a daily basis... And sporting achievements, always with the sporting achievements... Big fan of sports is Jesus isn't he? Always helping those American footballers and basketballers to achieve their goals isn't he... Must be why he can't quite squeeze in a visit to Africa... Or does he only help black folks who moved to America? Cos they're the truly deserving ones, right???

I go to the theatre all the time without fear for my life...

It's people like you and the conspiracy theory guys that creator more fear than any MSM story about ONE guy going nuts with a gun in ONE theatre, in ONE town..... Honestly, everyone on here talks about how the big scary government is trying to frighten us all yet they're the ones saying it was one guy, as a ONE OFF. You're all the ones saying it's a worldwide conspiracy and everyone's going to be dead or in prison camps being anal-probed by human/alien hybrids or whatever.... Which is more scary hm? Who's doing the scaremongering?

People keep pushing this "it's to take our guns off us" idea... Really?

1) if they wanted to take your guns and lock you down they'd just walk in and do it.... You think they couldn't impose a police state even if everyone had their guns? You all got tanks have you? Helicopter gunships? Fighter planes? High precision cruise missiles? Spy planes? Control of all communications? Thē media? Wake up, if they wanted to oppress you they'd do it and there wouldn't be a damn thing you could do about it....

2) since the shooting, gun permit applications went UP, throug the roof in fact... Hmmm... Weird plot don't you think? Encourage everyone to buy loads more guns, this making it harder to disarm them later?? Yeah genius... Unless you're going to suggest that the behavioural expert, mind control expert, all knowing government didn't realise that would happen and it had the opposite effect to the one they wanted... In which case, you reall need to re-think your stance on just what they're capable of don't you?

I wonder if we'll get to hear what was in his notes before the trial or whether this is covered by the whole 'sealed case' thing.. We might just have to wait until the trial before we get the details..
edit on 26-7-2012 by Milkflavour because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by resoe26
But prayers for the family is a must.

Prayer is the ultimate lazy way out. There are countless things you could do to help those people, but instead you're going to sit at home on your ass and whisper a few words to yourself to make yourself feel like you've done something.


If real, God/Jesus, ironically, is the only one who could truly have stopped this tragedy, but did nothing. Tell us more about how irrelevant things are so important.
edit on 26-7-2012 by humphreysjim because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 06:07 AM

Originally posted by Dreine

3) Firing a weapon while wearing a gas mask is not easy. It can be done, but accuracy goes way down... could there possibly have been more than one gunman?

Not to take away from the rest of your post, but I don't think #3 is very relevant. Walking into a dark, crowded, tear-gas filled room where people had been sitting shoulder to shoulder and aimlessly spraying an assault rifle probably doesn't require much in terms of accuracy, when it comes to hitting your "target."

edit on 26-7-2012 by Nostalgic because: sp

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by humphreysjim

Originally posted by resoe26
But prayers for the family is a must.

Prayer is the ultimate lazy way out. There are countless things you could do to help those people, but instead you're going to sit at home on your ass and whisper a few words to yourself to make yourself feel like you've done something.


^^^^^^ this ^^^^^^^

If everyone stopped believing that the problems we face are all part of 'god's plan' and started believing that it is ALL OUR FAULT and WE are responsible for causing the problems, then the belief would follow that we are also responsible for fixing them, then there's nowhere to hide.... Once every single individual recognises and accepts total personal responsibility and autonomy then there could be no further justification of inaction...

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 06:50 AM
That package was planted and I have no doubts about it. It's like someone said in one article I was reading today, thats like a passport surviving the inside of the WTC on 9/11.

It was definately planted most probably in the past 24 hours; that tells me either the whole story of that package is total fabrication and lies OR there IS a link somewhere at that University by an unknown person who should now become a person of interest.

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