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It's time my story needs to be heard

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posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 03:28 AM
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

Thank you for sharing your story, was a really interesting one to read, you have been through so much! Yet you are in a very good mental and physical condition, enough to share your story objectively.

I can relate to the "must close bedroom door when I sleep", and even lock it, ever since I've seen the movie "Alien Abduction - Incident in lake county" which totally freaked me out about aliens. I don't know how many people here have watched this movie, but as a 14 years old kid who just came back from a night with friends, and watching this terrifying movie to see at 2am, I had terrible nightmares for a while and was afraid to go to sleep and wake up at night and see an entity watching me. I was even scared to go out to the toilet and always opened the bathtub curtain to make sure there's no one there lol.. For that reason I used to lock my door and close the window shutter so I could feel safe enough to sleep. I still do, although when I sleep in other places or outdoors it doesn't even cross my mind.

So nope, no encounters for me though lol but I know it exists, I have friends who had OBE experiences and had experiences with entities, I know how hard it is to share such stories so I value your courage, thanks again for sharing your story. All the best

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 03:32 AM
reply to post by restlessinMT

Thanks for coming forward with your story. Genuine fear usually tells me that something is amiss. I believe in our natural instincts to perceive danger from the unseen and unknown. And sometimes sleeping in clothes is all you can do to protect yourself.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 03:40 AM
reply to post by Shuye

Don't even remind me of the time when my doorknob broke and my door wouldn't shut. It would just swing open. I had to put a couple of shoes to keep the door closed.

I have heard of the movie, but have not seen it. I will be on the lookout for it.

I was the same way when I was younger too. I had to have my brother walk me through the hallway to the bathroom in the middle of the night sometimes.

Isn't it strange that this feeling of being watched is so universal? You know, some deer and elk hunters swear that the animals know they're being watched from behind the blinds. They can sense their predators. I suspect we have a similar tool that we forgot how to use.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 04:03 AM
Lots of fear. This is unfortunate.

I don't suppose some of you with experiences have anything positive? Or would I be the only one.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 04:12 AM
reply to post by Huggiesunrise

There are two sides to the same coin. I mentioned a complete lack of fear at seeing the Hooded Entity several times. I have also mentioned that there seem to be some benevolent, angelic entities with a desire to help and heal us.

The fear stems from our own ignorance of what we're dealing with. There are positive aspects to this story as well. This is not fear-mongering. Ultimately, my story does have a happy ending--I have just refrained from making any conclusions or inferences.

You're welcome to post a link to your thread or share your experience on mine. I'd love to hear it

edit on 14-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 05:10 AM

Originally posted by NarcolepticBuddha
reply to post by Huggiesunrise

There are two sides to the same coin. I mentioned a complete lack of fear at seeing the Hooded Entity several times. I have also mentioned that there seem to be some benevolent, angelic entities with a desire to help and heal us.

The fear stems from our own ignorance of what we're dealing with. There are positive aspects to this story as well. This is not fear-mongering. Ultimately, my story does have a happy ending--I have just refrained from making any conclusions or inferences.

You're welcome to post a link to your thread or share your experience on mine. I'd love to hear it

edit on 14-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

Hi NB!
Really nicely written thread, thank you!

I can relate to your post here, regarding fear stemming from our own ignorance.
I have felt "fear" when faced with a perceived visitation, only to realise later that I was not afraid of the actual visitation or visitors. It was just that I was powerless to do anything about it, I was afraid of my own inability to intervene if anything "bad" did happen.

I have also experienced "sleep paralysis".
I have also had to contend with mild depression, mostly as a result of...
also having a serious illness (Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome - a type of ME).

Isn't it strange how many people who have experiences such as "visitations" also have experience of sleep paralysis, depression and illness?

I'm wondering if these experiences (illness/depression/sleep paralysis) create the correct (spiritual/mental) conditions within us for "visitations" to occur?

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 05:19 AM

Originally posted by followtheevidence
Riveting story mate. Thank you for sharing. I have little to no firsthand experience with these ... entities. I've come to my conclusions about their true nature, though I'm at a total and utter loss as to their intent - if they even have one or even know for themselves what their intent is. Given their behavior, I'd say they have no freakin idea what they're doing.

It is my understanding according to your testimony and many others - that about all these things are good for is looming about in corners or rudely standing next to people's beds at night. I really just want to say to these ... entities - "What's the point bro? Look, I can lurk in corners too! *demonstrates lurking in corner* I can also, *gasp* loom awkwardly by a bed *demonstrates awkward looming*. What's more, I can open doors, walk around, eat food, read books, laugh, and a lot of really cool things that you apparently can't do. So bugger off - go loom awkwardly somewhere else. The jig is up. No one is scared anymore. Mind your own business. Go back from whence you came. Go loom quietly with the rest of your shadow-reptilian-gray buddies. Hitch a ride on Nibiru and go back to Pleiades or Sirius or whatever dark corner of the universe you came from. Or if you insist on visiting us, at least don't be the uninvited guest. Learn how to drink a cup of tea and have a conversation - and for God's sakes learn how to knock or call first!"

I really really don't mean to make light of what you've been through. I can't imagine how much of a struggle it has been for you. I applaud your courage for speaking up and sharing your story. I just can't contain my anger at these entities. I can't take them seriously. I want them to know how rude and ridiculous they are. What a bunch of creeps. I hope they read this and realize that people are losing patience. So to the nameless entities who may be reading this (assuming they can read) - STOP traumatizing people and get a life! You're not interesting or mysterious - you're UNINVITED. You're creepy. You're nothing anyone wants near them. Go away. Leave us alone.

/end rant
edit on 14-7-2012 by followtheevidence because: (no reason given)

Brilliant! That made me laugh out loud!

My own take on the looming at the foot of the bed/standing in the doorway/hallway/corner/shadows aspect of perceived visitation, is that we only catch glimpses of what is REALLY going on, either at the very start of a visit, or at the very end of a "visit".
Like when you are anaesthetised for an operation - you can remember things in the theatre when you are drifting off to sleep, and when returning to conciousness, but very rarely anything in-between when you are "under".

If our visitors (either spiritual, inter dimensional or ET) have the ability to "anaesthetise" us, then it would make sense that we only ever catch glimpses of the "drifting off to sleep" and "returning to an awake state" portions of the visit.

Anyway, thanks again for a VERY entertaining post!


posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 05:27 AM
reply to post by Gordi The Drummer

Yes, I believe so. Did you see my post regarding the initiations and trials that shamans in tribal cultures often speak of? I would also recommend taking a little bit of time to research more about it, if you're interested.

It is usually something traumatic, such as a major life-changing event, illness, or brush with death that allows some of us to become perceptive to what is behind the curtain.

It is believed that the good spirits/angels/guardians/devas/whatevers become sympathetic with the plight of humans and become attached to them to help, heal, and guide us. Everybody has such angels and guards, I believe.

I think the people who experience major illness or events get a little extra special help. Oftentimes people come out better on the other side from such experiences as well. I believe the illness/event is a way to resolve any lingering, negative karmas one has incurred--and thus the spiritual development can begin and take hold. This is my opinion anyway.
edit on 14-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 05:33 AM
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

Hi there, just read your story and found it interesting, i to have suffered sleep paralysis for most of my life (46yr old now) and one time woke up floating above my bed then crashed back onto it. Though i have had several weird experiences in my life i have never any strange figures in my bed room, at least to my knowledge.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 05:39 AM
Very interesting story, glad to hear you are getting along okay.

one thing i wanted to ask you about though, you said you saw the face of Jesus when you chanted the name Krishna. what face did you see? the white guy with the long hair?

the reason i ask is because that isn't what Jesus looks like. most likely, what you saw what you expected to see IMO.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 05:50 AM
reply to post by emptyOmind

Great question! Actually, no, I did not see a white guy with long hair. The face was not exactly a portrait either. I saw a purple/indigo impression of a face. It appeared to have a full beard and middle length hair (kind of shaggy, but above the collar).

When I saw it, I knew it was the face of Jesus. I just intuitively knew what I was looking at. But it was only a "shadow" of sorts. Like if he had pressed his face into some damp clay or sand and left an afterimage.

To me, it still looked and "felt" like I was seeing the face of Jesus. I am willing to admit I misinterpreted the image, but I personally do not think so!

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 05:51 AM

Originally posted by NarcolepticBuddha
reply to post by Gordi The Drummer

Yes, I believe so. Did you see my post regarding the initiations and trials that shamans in tribal cultures often speak of? I would also recommend taking a little bit of time to research more about it, if you're interested.

It is usually something traumatic, such as a major life-changing event, illness, or brush with death that allows some of us to become perceptive to what is behind the curtain.

It is believed that the good spirits/angels/guardians/devas/whatevers become sympathetic with the plight of humans and become attached to them to help, heal, and guide us. Everybody has such angels and guards, I believe.

I think the people who experience major illness or events get a little extra special help. Oftentimes people come out better on the other side from such experiences as well. I believe the illness/event is a way to resolve any lingering, negative karmas one has incurred--and thus the spiritual development can begin and take hold. This is my opinion anyway.
edit on 14-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

I'll have to take a look at that, it sounds interesting!
I like the expression "behind the curtain" too, that's a great analogy!

The idea of "sympathetic" spirits becoming more attached to humans who are suffering (through illness/depression), is nice too, but I'm wondering if negative entities also see this and "target" those who are suffering and weakened? Might explain why people who go through serious illness, seem to experience more "paranormal" events than others?

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 05:55 AM
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

Yes I agree it is all very intriguing, and I did notice, although very different in motif , your avatar has something in the feel that reminds me of my own

If you like to exchange more of the experiences feel free to U2U maybe we are able to find some new clues in any direction.

Much love

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 05:55 AM
reply to post by panicman66

Thanks for your post. There are many who believe that sleep paralysis is the first step in astral projection or out of body experience.

I am inclined to believe this is the case. Dozens of my sleep paralysis episodes have lead to what I believe to be genuine astral projections/OOBEs.

Sleep paralysis is heck of a thing and I wish more people weren't so quick to dismiss its impact on us. I believe it is a natural part of what we are, not a "sickness" or "defect". However, more adequate sleep science needs to be done before I can answer that with confidence.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 06:00 AM
reply to post by Gordi The Drummer

Exactly so! We become vulnerable to harmful spirits as well as receive the benefits of helpful ones. I believe there is a point where negative entities can no longer touch us once we've pulled ourselves out of the muck.

From personal experience, I believe I have reached such a point where I am in control--the negative spirits (if, indeed, that's what they are) cannot harm me. They have no chance. Whenever they try to mess with me during sleep paralysis, I can send them away with a flick of the wrist!

Edit: And yes, I surmise much of our existence has to do with this tug-of-war between negative and positive forces. These spirits (I wish I could use this term with more confidence) seem to be warring over their influence on our lives. This struggle of positive and negative is a subtext for essentially all religious scriptures.
edit on 14-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 06:06 AM
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

Good vs Evil?
Ying & Yang (Spelling? oops!)
The Darkness and The Light
Above and Below etc etc

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by Gordi The Drummer

Right you are! Electrons and Protons..the list is huge! The whole of this reality we know on earth seems to be built around duality and achieving equilibrium..oneness, singularity...Or something like that

But sometimes you just have to rock out on some drums too.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 06:13 AM
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

I forgot that you were also a drummer!

2nd best stress reliever ever!!!!

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 06:19 AM
hi OP thank you for the post
- i believe your story, because of every context question would be,
what are your beliefs, right now.
From what i ve gathered from your posts, you have seen many kinds of entities,
yet they all belong to different factions of the same group : Evil

..i believe you; because yes i ve seen the 'hooded one ' , the past years - in fact, several different ones,
yet all hooded, though different cape colours, different faces, different (evil) spheres, like they have each their own spiritual area to take care of.
Do you remember a specific 'signature ' ? pic
...they always have a 'signature ' - for example, 'magick ' or ' the broken cross '

There seem to be two main categories of entities -
the above, who are the (fallen) angel types,
the 'alien entities ', who appear to be something like the angels offspring: yes they have esp etc but still somehow seem to be needing some physical dimension.

.... if you want to survive - and im serious -
there s but 1 thing you can do: to find asap God of the Bible
- and dont listen to the tainted 'religion ' what man destorted it into.

see - a couple of years ago, He chased several of those out of me;
not by pityful human 'exorcism ' - but with He just saying 1 word:
and it hit them as high energy bombs.

perhaps the below link you may find interesting -
many people, just expierienced alike you have -

Do please try see the bigger picture here:
that there is a réason, why this happened to you.
... - because, like a pirate, Evil never attacks an empty vessel
but will leave empty vessels alone: he rules them already, anyway

find out now, if its true what i say -
in honesty: the purpose for you, and the big picture, you will find only with Him


posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 06:21 AM
reply to post by Gordi The Drummer

Drums are very therapeutic. First of all, you get the thrill of just pounding away on things with sticks to make interesting sounds.

Secondly, the rhythms and beats have a HUGE impact on us. Thank of all the cultures that use drums in their dance and rituals. Now think of how many of those rituals involve trance and healing. The shamans I spoke of earlier use drums as a hypnotic rhythm to enter the spirit realms.

Drums were (hu)man's first form of music and quite possibly one of the earliest of his inventions.

In the age of colonialism, drums were often forbidden to the natives as they were deemed "too sensual" and the Euro-centric explorers feared the trances and rituals would bring about demonic activity.

And they're just so fun to play! I play trap-set drums, djembe, balafon, and have been attempting to learn tablas (but they are an amazingly complex set of drums to learn)

edit on 14-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

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