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It's time my story needs to be heard

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posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 02:21 AM
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

Well...again...I wish you luck. I will not try to tell you what you have experienced is real or not since it did not happen to me. All I can say is...what I have told you...especially the statements not pertaining to being tagged...are a KNOWN REALITY TO ME AND ASSOCIATES.

The only reason I can even say this is that it is nothing that has not been said or theorized before and I do have limits on what I can and cannot do...but that is the great thing about this board for me....I could very well be spreading Disinformation....but I am not.

Look up the 1950's Washington DC Newspaper articles detailing and also having a huge quantity of interviews with Military and Civilian Authorities on Public Demands that the Government as well as U.S. Military do something to stop MASSIVE E.T. CRAFT FLYOVERS OF WASHINGTON DC. It is all public knowledge and this happened again in the early 60's.

This happened before a system of Protocols was developed to handle UFO and E.T. sightings. It is a direct result of the U.S. Military's refusal to give back Alien Bodies and Tech. and a DEAL WAS STRUCK. After this deal...abductions were extremely limited but there are other E.T. species which we know to exist but are unknown to us. We had an Ace in the Hole and that was to play one race against another. This may sound like Sci-Fi but it is all there public to read. This may give you a clearer picture on reality. Split Infinity

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 02:25 AM
All I can say on the matter is that I was once taking prescription sleeping pills (can't remember which ones)
and made the mistake of opening my eyes after lying down for bed. I was lying there for maybe a half hour and opened my eyes to see very clearly, shadows moving on the walls.

They were roughly humanoid in appearance and would also hide around corners and furniture etc.
I swore at the time I wasn't hallucinating.
I saw what I saw and remember thinking to myself as it was happening, "There's no way this is happening"!!
But there they were.

I experamented with this several times until my prescription ran out as it was completely fascinating to me.
The meds had side effects and yes, one of them was hallucinations.

Was I hallucinating?

Well, that all depends on YOUR definition of the word hallucinate now doesn't it?

After this experience, and listening to the fascinating stories my wife brings home from work on the psyche floor of the hospital she works at, and reading the book, '___', The Spirit Molecule by Dr. Rick Strassman, I have come to the conclusion that the definition of hallucination as I use it, is as follows:

The ability to experience through any one or more of our five senses, a very real and equally valid parallel or adjoining dimension/ reality that the majority of people have no access to.

So yes,
I WAS hallucinating and YOU may have been to my friend.
edit on 14-7-2012 by Screwed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 02:27 AM
reply to post by Starsuckers

I'm glad you enjoyed it, and you'll just have to take my word for it that it is not made up at all! Not one iota. You see why I'm so hesitant to draw conclusions and make inferences..I don't have all the answers, just the images.

The Boxy Michelin Man is one for the birds haha! I have no idea what that was about. One night after declaring that I was too afraid to see the Gray Men, This thing showed up. When I saw it I knew it was my "visitors" in disguise. It was just so humorous seeing this contrived thing. It seriously looked like a cartoon character and had such a ridiculous smile on its face. What any of them were ever doing in my bedroom while I slept, I have not a clue.

After seeing this Michelin Man thing, I never ever again had a "wake-up" encounter. Every time I wake up in the middle of the night (which I often do)..nothing. I still wake up like before, but I never see anything this time although I do still feel a presence. Maybe they're just more careful not to scare me? I can't really say one way or the other.

As for my mom, she says she saw it as an image during meditation. I woke up suddenly to see it. Unless I am waking up in an altered state of consciousness? I have no clue. I find it very strange that we both have seen it in completely unrelated accounts and in different contexts. She was really hesitant to tell me about it because it sounds so friggin' absurd!

I have considered hypnotic regression. At this time I have not sought out or located any hypnotherapists in my location (and am not sure I would even be able to afford such a session). I am worried that hypnotic regression would muddy the waters instead of cleansing them.

For now, I am content to just live in peace the best I can. I'd like to think that all the answers will be revealed to me in my own time, when I'm ready, and when I am deserving. This is usually how I have learned everything over the years..with a tremendous amount of patience.
edit on 14-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 02:35 AM
reply to post by skepticconwatcher

I don't mind skeptics. I am still skeptical myself! What I do not want to see is people attempting to point out inconsistencies in my story in the hopes of "catching me in a lie". You know? I don't mind people raising questions. In my OP, I welcomed them.

I do not want to see people constantly asking if I was on some dope or that I am mentally unfit or psychotic in any way. Believe me, I have investigated this possibility many times and have again and again been dissatisfied with this conclusion.

What I do not want is someone attempting to completely kick this thread to the curb. It's in the Gray Area for a reason. I do not want to see insults and mudslinging.

If someone has a legitimate question or needs clarification on any point, I will answer.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 02:39 AM

Originally posted by NarcolepticBuddha
reply to post by knoledgeispower

I developed a debilitating auto-immune disease my first semester in college (it's similar to lupus, called dermatomyositis). Auto-immune diseases are rough, and the treatments are usually very harsh. Beware of medications like prednisone. They can cause A LOT of harm. But I would never presume to give someone medical advice.

I used to proudly tout as an atheist in my younger days. After all my experiences with cancer and depression, I have experienced so many unbelievable things--miracles--that no atheist could deny. I am a very devout Hindu now (I did not grow up in a Hindu atmosphere or community.) I believe all roads lead to Rome. A devotion to God is a devotion to righteousness and good by any name you choose. The Spirit and God know no quibbles between names and methods.

It is often said by shamans that the sickness is a trial initiation that allows select individuals to enter communion with the spiritual realms. Think of the illness and pain as a means of quickly burning out unresolved karma. This is the beginning of a spiritual journey (one that may take several lifetimes, depending on your belief or point of view).

(I apologize if my beliefs contradict the western, Judeo-Christian majority here on ATS. I am simply typing what I know and have studied. This thread is certainly not open to religious debate, but everyone is welcome to share their beliefs and experiences with Spirit. Just don't turn it into a mudslinging contest! Thanks)

The doctors talked about Prednisone in the beginning and my Mom did a lot of research and said No. They gave my younger sister Plaquenil for her treatment instead. Years of taking it has left little grey patches of skin around her knees and elbows, it looks like they are dirty but it's just toxins from the medicine.

My Mom was given Prednisone for Crohn's and Fibromyalgia. That was a horrible medicine!!! She would have these side effects we would call a "Prednisone attacks" where her vision would suddenly go all wonky and her speech would be slurred, it was pretty much the equivalent to falling down drunk. She had one of these attacks at church (Presbyterian). I think it was for Easter, Mom and I were both reading a small passage of scripture, she was going to read hers and then I was to follow with another passage. While she read she started to have an attack. I noticed when she startled to struggle because my Mom is a book nerd and loves crosswords, suduko, etc. I quickly flipped open her passage, put my hand on her back and stood beside her and read her passage and then mine. She was humiliated and on top of that, there were members who, despite us being attenders for 7+ yrs, thought she came to church drunk. It wasn't too much longer after that then I stopped going to church all together.

Since about 2006 I've been calling myself a Spiritualist because it best fits with what I believe, for I do not believe in the Bible, and believe what I believe through experiences in life. This September I'll have been becoming aware for 1yr and just starting to really get into the Spirituality/souls/energy.

The lessons that I've learned from having a sick family, and the illnesses that I've started having the last couple years, are so important. I'm grateful for being given this opportunity to learn so much in this life cycle. I've met amazing people with cancer, especially my younger sisters best friend, may she rest in peace. They met when they were both first newly diagnosed at Easter Seal House and when they played together, you would never be able to tell they were sick. One day after Ashley had a big round of Chemo & my sister had a biopsy and blood work, they got back from Children's at the same time. They were barely functioning and in the elevator ride they decided they wanted to play together. When they got to the 3rd floor they had a bit more energy and within 15mins were running and laughing. Their bond was so beautiful and so therapeutic to each other

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 02:44 AM
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

I understand. I believe you completely and I have you in my prayers. I am so happy for you that you made it through all of that stuff.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 02:45 AM
reply to post by Screwed

Granted. And thanks for bringing up the multiple definitions of "hallucination". What I meant was that this was not a hallucination brought on by any medications or chemicals that I had put into my body. I do not believe it to be an expression of stress either.

But now we're getting into a dangerous area where we can't be sure of anything we see, hear, smell, taste, or touch.

I do think that people, at certain times in their life, can see through the "maya", the illusory fabric of this reality and into the spiritual realms. The yogis have been claiming this for many thousands of years. However, it requires special circumstances. Spiritual development and initiation is required. Think back to shamanic cultures.

I am by no means a yogi or a shaman. But I believe there are two sides to the coin. Certain illicit chemicals seem to open gateways to other realms of perception--shamanic and yogic trance seem to do this too. Unless they were all crazy and belong in the psych ward. That seems more far-fetched to me though.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 02:47 AM

Originally posted by NarcolepticBuddha
reply to post by sled735

I am searching through your thread to see the post about the Boxy Man. It is long and will take me a while, but I am excited to hear that somebody else may have seen it.

Thanks for sharing.

You will find Alfred2012's posts begin after page 30 something on my thread, if that helps.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 02:52 AM
reply to post by knoledgeispower

Prednisone attacks. Believe me, I know all about them! Such horrible side effects for such a vital medication. I have decided that if I have a relapse, I will suffer the disease instead of the medication. The steroids have completely deteriorated the cartilage in my femoral/ hip joints and I am going to need a hip replacement on both sides one of these days. I am not very old, but my body sure is. I, too, am taking plaquenal (spelling?) except we call it hydroxychlor here haha. I have the dirty, purplish elbows, knees, and knuckles from the medications.

Spending those years in the children's hospital cancer ward was an amazing experience. As I said in my OP, that was another incredible story altogether. I have seen so many friends die in there. I can't believe some of the stuff I've been through. It's all a state of mind, that's all. Stay true and positive. Never give up on the good. It will see you through.

edit on 14-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 02:54 AM

Originally posted by NarcolepticBuddha
Unless they were all crazy and belong in the psych ward. That seems more far-fetched to me though.

Youd have to define "crazy" first.

I think one day in the future we will all look back with shame when we recall the days when we put people who had this ability to see into other dimensions into psych wards. You can hardly call it a gift, it certainly wasn't sought out by these people.

there is alot more to this world/universe than what we can readily experience with our five senses as I am sure you already know. Sometimes however, we get a glimps. Still others are stuck with it day and night.
What a personal HELL that must be.
edit on 14-7-2012 by Screwed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 02:55 AM
reply to post by sled735

Thanks, it helps tremendously. 30 Pages is a lot to sift through. It's a shame how much good info is lost against the voluminous archives of ATS. I appreciate you pointing out the post as I was very nearly giving up on finding it.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 02:58 AM
reply to post by Screwed

Very true about the haphazard way we use to the term "crazy" to label people under numerous conditions and categories.

In my own experience, all that I have seen and done in the "paranormal" has been a gift and curse. The phrase "ignorance is bliss" comes to mind. But I believe there can be bliss through enlightenment as well.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 03:05 AM

Originally posted by NarcolepticBuddha
reply to post by knoledgeispower

Prednisone attacks. Believe me, I know all about them! Such horrible side effects for such a vital medication. I have decided that if I have a relapse, I will suffer the disease instead of the medication. The steroids have completely deteriorated the cartilage in my femoral/ hip joints and I am going to need a hip replacement on both sides one of these days. I am not very old, but my body sure is. I, too, am taking plaquenal (spelling?) except we call it hydroxychlor here haha. I have the dirty, purplish elbows, knees, and knuckles from the medications.

Spending those years in the children's hospital cancer ward was an amazing experience. As I said in my OP, that was another incredible story altogether. I have seen so many friends die in there. I can't believe some of the stuff I've been through. It's all a state of mind, that's all. Stay true and positive. Never give up on the good. It will see you through.

edit on 14-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

Both horrible medications you've been on and are currently on. My Mom kept drinking so the Prednisone stopped working and she now has to take Humara once a week.

It's been a long 13yrs of having sick family and even myself eventually getting sick but I've always tried to stay positive by looking at the learning experience that is has brought.

Have you tried healing through manipulation of the energy all around us? Example: I'll be having a pain in my stomach and my boyfriend will place his hand on my stomach above the pain. He will concentrate on energy going into me. It will reduce my pain or temporarily remove the pain while we are still in contact. He can even do it just using his body. I've also started getting into using energy when I'm feeling nausea or pain, I focus on pulling in new energy and pushing out the bad energy. It can help ease things for a while or make them go away for a bit.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 03:07 AM

Originally posted by NarcolepticBuddha
reply to post by sled735

Thanks, it helps tremendously. 30 Pages is a lot to sift through. It's a shame how much good info is lost against the voluminous archives of ATS. I appreciate you pointing out the post as I was very nearly giving up on finding it.

Well, he posted a lot of them. You will still have to read through many pages to see which one it is on. Sorry.

But while you're there, you can enjoy reading some of the other experiences people have shared.
Timical has told some fascinating stories about his experiences! Right up there with yours! Awesome!
Oh, and I only need one more flag to hit 50 (hint, hint)

edit on 7/14/2012 by sled735 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 03:12 AM
reply to post by knoledgeispower

Yes, about the contact healing. I have experimented with it on myself so many times and have found that it works! I mentioned in my last post about my hips being in horrible condition? That doesn't stop me from playing hockey or walking 9 holes of golf. Don't let anybody tell you what you can and can't do.

Once you are open to the possibility of achieving the goal you pursue, it is within your grasp. Does not the Bible say "ask and ye shall receive"?

Once you realize this, things such as physical pain and limitations will be at your mercy.

There is a lot of wisdom in such sayings that so many people refuse to hear. I do not read the Bible (I will be getting to that someday), but I know there is much truth in it.

Edit: Here is a tip for the contact healing. The males should use the right hand and the women should use their left hands. This is the point of greatest energy output for the sexes.

edit on 14-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 03:21 AM
Riveting story mate. Thank you for sharing. I have little to no firsthand experience with these ... entities. I've come to my conclusions about their true nature, though I'm at a total and utter loss as to their intent - if they even have one or even know for themselves what their intent is. Given their behavior, I'd say they have no freakin idea what they're doing.

It is my understanding according to your testimony and many others - that about all these things are good for is looming about in corners or rudely standing next to people's beds at night. I really just want to say to these ... entities - "What's the point bro? Look, I can lurk in corners too! *demonstrates lurking in corner* I can also, *gasp* loom awkwardly by a bed *demonstrates awkward looming*. What's more, I can open doors, walk around, eat food, read books, laugh, and a lot of really cool things that you apparently can't do. So bugger off - go loom awkwardly somewhere else. The jig is up. No one is scared anymore. Mind your own business. Go back from whence you came. Go loom quietly with the rest of your shadow-reptilian-gray buddies. Hitch a ride on Nibiru and go back to Pleiades or Sirius or whatever dark corner of the universe you came from. Or if you insist on visiting us, at least don't be the uninvited guest. Learn how to drink a cup of tea and have a conversation - and for God's sakes learn how to knock or call first!"

I really really don't mean to make light of what you've been through. I can't imagine how much of a struggle it has been for you. I applaud your courage for speaking up and sharing your story. I just can't contain my anger at these entities. I can't take them seriously. I want them to know how rude and ridiculous they are. What a bunch of creeps. I hope they read this and realize that people are losing patience. So to the nameless entities who may be reading this (assuming they can read) - STOP traumatizing people and get a life! You're not interesting or mysterious - you're UNINVITED. You're creepy. You're nothing anyone wants near them. Go away. Leave us alone.

/end rant
edit on 14-7-2012 by followtheevidence because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 03:22 AM
Wow! Fascinating read! I believe you. I have been visited but I do not think I was abducted. I was laying in my bed one night (about 15 years ago) thinking things though my head and listening to my Dads snoring next door when a unbearable bright light shined into my room though my window. My bed was right against the wall with the window right there in the middle of it. If I sat up I could look right out the window

I was frozen with fear but after a few moments slunk out of bed and to the corner of my room. I was too scared to open my door and leave. I just wanted to try and hide. There was no sound and I could barely keep my eyes open. I remember looking at my fish tank that was directly across the window with the light on them and they were going crazy and why the hell did I ever start sleeping in the buff! I was thinking this is it! Hell I am naked alone in my room and they are here to get me! Crap!

I minute later it was just off and gone. That quick and no sound. It took me awhile to get the guts to peer out the window but there was nothing. I never did go to bed until first light!

But thanks for your post! S&F even though I will be having trouble sleeping now and double checking my doorway. By the way... I can't sleep with the door closed or in the buff!

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 03:24 AM

Originally posted by sled735

Originally posted by NarcolepticBuddha
reply to post by sled735

Thanks, it helps tremendously. 30 Pages is a lot to sift through. It's a shame how much good info is lost against the voluminous archives of ATS. I appreciate you pointing out the post as I was very nearly giving up on finding it.

Well, he posted a lot of them. You will still have to read through many pages to see which one it is on. Sorry.

But while you're there, you can enjoy reading some of the other experiences people have shared.
Timical has told some fascinating stories about his experiences! Right up there with yours! Awesome!
Oh, and I only need one more flag to hit 50 (hint, hint)

edit on 7/14/2012 by sled735 because: (no reason given)

Actually, I just looked, and Alfred2012 starts posting on the bottom of page 41. Timical starts on page 36, and he tells about a terrifying experience of coming in contact with the Devil at work on page 38. He then shares MANY more experiences in the next 20 pages or more. You and he need to get together! I think you both have had extremely weird experiences you could share!

edit on 7/14/2012 by sled735 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 03:25 AM
Sounds like you really did go through hell and back. A lengthy but worthwhile read and a facinating story, especially the re-call of the visitations. I think your recollection will resonate with members and non-members that are probably too afriad to share similar stories. Glad you took the courage to share and I hope you continue to remain strong.
edit on 14-7-2012 by digitalf because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 03:27 AM
reply to post by followtheevidence

Haha great post. Thanks for your contribution. I totally agree. What is their deal? Whether they be ETs, spiritual entities, or whatever. Don't they have anything better to do?

They'd make very poor sociologists/anthropologists since they don't seem to do any interviews--just the hanging out in dark corners like you said.

I really hope that ETs have better things to do. And if they are ghosts or spirits or whatever, they really need to find some new activities to get involved in.

In all fairness, some of the voices in my sleep paralysis (if they actually do belong to any external entities) do seem to have a benevolent agenda. Others do seem to just like messing with people and provoking fear. Some humans seem to enjoy this activity as well.

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