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I make my own liposomal vit C. This stuff is frickin AMAZING!!!!!

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posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by 2serious

ETA: Edit to add.

Means they changed their original post to add something.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 02:23 PM
My cleaner arrived today , so as planned I will also put this to the test after I pick up the ingredients on wednesday, and hopefully I will be able to replicate the same results as other posters in this thread have had.

The only problem I may have is that there is no where locally that sells distilled water, after checking every place it seems this may be my one stumbling block.

Is there a way to do this without distilled water, or is there a way to distill water with no equipment at home? as I really do not want to have to order anything else in. Advice would be really appreciated.

Everyone who has posted detailed results of their findings have done a great job and it is very refreshing to see genuinely kind and compassionate people In this thread without tearing each others posts to shreads

edit on 11-6-2012 by The 5th because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 02:44 PM
Update on today's batch.
I soaked the lecithin for an hour before mixing and it looks like I got very close to 0% separation.
This looks much better than last weeks batch.....and I just realized that I am starting to feel like Dr.Jekyll....

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by The 5th

A lot of what is regular bottled drinking water is distilled. Check on the label to see if it is. I assume you have regular bottled water in your area?


posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by 2serious

yep: OP is original post (and I also take it to mean poster as well)
ETA: edit to add

ETA: I see that was already answered 3 times before I posted - what an awesome thread.
Also, I have to agree, this in not like any other ATS thread I ever saw before. Co-operation vs the usual competition.
I bet the peeps in this thread could even make a resource based economy (no money) work too!!

edit on 11-6-2012 by RogerT3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by KritikalMass
reply to post by mtiger92

great results it must be so heartening to see the improvement in your dad! i wish you and your father health and happiness, i know that if you continue researching outside of the conventional treatment, your father will make a complete recovery.
i have a friend with stage 4 lung cancer, inoperable, theyve given him at the very best, 2yrs, but not before they make a buck outta him with the chemo and radio, i am desperate to get this to him trouble is they have no concept of the massive fraud which is cancer treatment. they are desperately trying to prolong his life with the chemo-when i spoke to him he'd just finished a 4 hr session injecting chemo that was thick as syrup- and constantly on morphine. how do i breach such a paradigm shifting topic.
@ Megamind, thanks a bunch. KritikalMass, I empathize with you and your friend. Stage 4 cancer is vicious. I helped a friend who has lymphoma, bone cancer, leukemia, you name it she had it. She's been close to killing herself because of the horrible side effects of the chemo.
I will see her next month to see how she is doing.
I want to start my dad on glutathione therapy as well, does anyone know how the recipe for the glutathione??

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by The 5th
Is there a way to do this without distilled water, or is there a way to distill water with no equipment at home? as I really do not want to have to order anything else in. Advice would be really appreciated.

Check your local supermarket for ice, and melt that to use instead.

Most Ice is made from RO water (Reverse Osmosis filtered, also called purified), but I have never come across bottled water that is distilled.

RO water is also suitable. Check the ice label for the manufacturers website, for example ASDA in the UK sell theiceco brand, and their website explains that they use purified water for their ice.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by Destinyone

Yeah I figured bottled water would be the next best alternative, thanks for the reply.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by fieldfly

Wouldn't of even thought of that, thank you so much for the advice. Fingers crossed that the AA and lecithin arrives tomorrow and I can crack on with this straight away. Looking forward to seeing the results.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by KritikalMass

If you don't mind considering my two cents on alternative approaches to cancer here's some ideas. I have spent many hours looking into a natural product called bloodroot salve. It was briefly discussed at this site before, but the shills came in and people lost interest.

Here's a blog written by a woman who had several tumors that she fought with bloodroot salve and tonic. She also used baking soda and apricot seeds. It's a very good read.

Another good site was this one:

I couldn't get a enough of these testimonials and spent a couple weeks on the internet soaking up all this information. I have my own jar of the salve now just to be prepared.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by RogerT3
Also, I have to agree, this in not like any other ATS thread I ever saw before. Co-operation vs the usual competition.
I bet the peeps in this thread could even make a resource based economy (no money) work too!!

I will deviate from the topic a little here ...

You bet! Money and greed destroy everything they touch.

I am convinced that if the human race wants to survive it will have to grow up.

I also believe that the human race could create a paradise on earth if we wanted it en masse.

Imagine if people cared more about each other and the well being of others than they did about making money.

Imagine the health and happiness that people could experience the world over.

Our priorities and values are all out of wack.

We should value People above all else. People should be our number one priority.

It may take a lot of time, and maybe even a 2x4 across the collective head of humanity, but eventually ...

... we will all get it!

edit on 11-6-2012 by MegaMind because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by dominicus
can you just put it in something like orange juice to take to work or does it ruin the mix? Sounds interesting.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 05:19 PM
While this might be good, it would be better to take the vitamins in moderation. Too much of a good thing can be painful; I am speaking from experience. My father is really into herbal supplement. He creates concoctions from them trying to cure different things. Some have worked while others have hurt people.

To me don't try to cure big things unless you're willing to risk death. Small things are all fine and dandy to take the risk. Overall it sounds really good, I won't try it myself as herbal supplements scare me. I'll lent the information to my dad. If things go well for him I'll be posting again. If he has tried it already I'll post his comments about it.
edit on 11-6-2012 by undergroundlight because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 05:54 PM
Just finished making my first batch, about to go jar it and put it in the fridge. Will update later this week or when/if I notice any results sooner. On one hand I consider myself healthy but on the other my energy levels seem low.

Spilled a little... that stuff is slippery!
edit on 11/6/2012 by bonsaihorn because: Oops...

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by mtiger92

Glutathione Recipe:

3 level tablespoons lecithin
1 tablespoon (6- 7 grams) glutathione powder

Use same procedure (with ultrasonic cleaner unit) as described for the liposomal vitamin C mixture..

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 06:48 PM
I also have to report that over the past year or so, diet and nutrition seem to be having a less and less effect on my well-being and general state of body-balance (physical health). Non-physical factors are becoming more and more dominant. My personal woo-woo belief is that there are huge consciousness developments going on for a lot of us that affect the physical stuff in a major way, and each person is having their own unique, tailored ride.

Spot on Roger, I have noticed this in myself and many others. The C here will do some great stuff, but for some it will be like a nice bump, and then it is on to the next thing to help them evolve. For many, making the stuff and taking it will be a really nice bump. Each is on their own unique path at this point, it does seem like the whole "focus on the body, fitness life" is waning for those on a certain trajectory.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by MegaMind

We have been doing this for a week now and my gf and I have definitely noticed a change in our skin. Our skin tone looks more even and our skin feels smoother and softer. I know C is involved somehow with the formation of collagen which is what gives skin its youthful appearance. Collagen is found throughout the body's many different tissues. So if its changing my outward appearance I wonder what its doing inside my body

That is an effect I've noticed as well. My complexion is soft, glowing, and just looks a lot better than usual. A few wrinkles seem to be disappearing into the skin -- I guess that's the collagen plumping them up. Still feel energetic and brightened/happy taking about 2 ounces a day.

Yesterday, Sunday, I awoke at 6:30, and got all my errands done by 11 a.m. Spent the rest of the day cleaning, cooking, and doing various other chores. It was the most productive Sunday I can remember in many years!

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by KritikalMass

Sorry to hear about your friend. If he is open to alternative treatments, you can present the science behind how vitamin C works to cure cancer. There are many links online, so I'd just start with googling "vitamin C and cancer" and find some evidence that you think is compelling.

As your friend is undergoing chemo, you might want to show him this article, too:

Vitamin C Stops Radiation Damage

If you scroll down this PDF, you'll see an amazing before and after photo of a Japanese woman who had stage 4 cancer. After three years of vitamin C IV treatment, she looks 20 years younger! It's simply astonishing. Pictures don't lie, and your friend might find these images compelling.

Ultimately you cannot change minds if his mind is set against it. Some people refuse alternative treatment. If you can find a good holistic doctor that would be willing to work with your friend, that might do the trick, as some people just need to hear this kind of evidence from a professional, and won't accept self-care and independent research as an option. Good luck.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 08:14 PM
This thread was pretty intriguing , So went out and bought everything. I'm making it now. I'll post if I see any change.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by shagreen heart

It might take time with some people to feel results. If you are taking only a teaspoon, you might want to consider upping the dose. Try taking one ounce twice a day. Some studies I have seen suggest that it can take two months to see the real benefits, so I'd be patient. We all have unique body chemistry.

Also, for myself, it was so easy to see the benefit of bright, happy mood, because I have struggled with depression and negative thoughts for several years. Sometimes there is an immediate positive effect, such as this, and other times the effect may be more subtle.

Even if you don't feel the effects in a big way, you can at least know that you are protecting your body against radiation damage and strengthening your immune system, good things if you can feel them or not!

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