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I make my own liposomal vit C. This stuff is frickin AMAZING!!!!!

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posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 03:26 AM
I think it was a post by crankyoldman detailing the blood types. O has least effect apparently, which is me

Anyway, good morning peeps. It's a mixture of happiness and jealousy that I read your posts. Seems I am dragging my heels with this juice as I have really nothing exceptional to report.

This a.m. I started the day with 3g of AA in my Superfood mix, 20 mins later and no running to the loo, so if this keeps up then it is looking more and more like my Lipo-Mix is not doing the job. However, until I get the new USC and Lecithin I'm not gonna know for sure if it is the mix or me

I got no response from mods about a sticky so how about an editable off-site resource where we could post the formulas, recipes and results in an organised and easily researchable form? Anyone up for managing or contributing to that?

edit on 10-6-2012 by RogerT3 because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-6-2012 by RogerT3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 06:57 AM
Took another 3oz of AA in water and still no runny bottom, so looks like I can tolerate 3g of VitC at a time without diahrrea.
It also probably means I can't draw any conclusions about my lipo-mix.

I will finish the experiment today with my 3rd dose before dinner, then I am going to stop experimenting until I get the new machine and Lecithin. Also, my body should have a few days to reset, so any reaction to the new brew should be more honest

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 09:19 AM

So I have this idea, and need thoughts, basically many know that a lot of people are magnesium deficient, so I was wondering if it would be possible and safe to make this mixture using magnesium ascorbate?

I want to trial it, ive looked at prices and it's roughly $70 for a jar of the powder, however its only $13 for a jar of magnesium colloid (liquid).

This standard liposomes VC has done so much for me that I really want to try and experiment using other vitamins and minerals in this fashion, I have done some searches but most information comes back as "not enough research to provide proof" of any positive effects etc, and most are sprouting the FDA position etc, which I don't trust anything a government body sprouts off about that ensures lining the pockets of big pharma, etc.

So, I am here, asking all you chemistry buffs whether or not this may be possible, or even if it would have a positive effect.

The magnesium ascorbate creates a 0 Ph level, the actual powder is magnesium ascorbate vitamin c buffered.


posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by RogerT3
I think it was a post by crankyoldman detailing the blood types. O has least effect apparently, which is me

Anyway, good morning peeps. It's a mixture of happiness and jealousy that I read your posts. Seems I am dragging my heels with this juice as I have really nothing exceptional to report.

This a.m. I started the day with 3g of AA in my Superfood mix, 20 mins later and no running to the loo, so if this keeps up then it is looking more and more like my Lipo-Mix is not doing the job. However, until I get the new USC and Lecithin I'm not gonna know for sure if it is the mix or me

I got no response from mods about a sticky so how about an editable off-site resource where we could post the formulas, recipes and results in an organised and easily researchable form? Anyone up for managing or contributing to that?

edit on 10-6-2012 by RogerT3 because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-6-2012 by RogerT3 because: (no reason given)

Hey mate, the only time I had to run to the toilet was when my solution was mixed with too much water, and it didn't encapsulate properly, so the excess vitamin c was being absorbed through my stomach from what I understand.

So with my recent mixtures with correct levels, I've had really good results with no stomach issues, today I had 2 table spoons at 11 am and didn't eat anything until 7pm, I wasn't hungry at all and didn't get any stomac cramping or diarrhea, neither my partner or my friend have reported diarrhea either and they have been going for 3-4 days too, so the fact you aren't getting diarrhea is a sign you have mixed it correctly, and you sit are an outstanding home-chemist

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 09:33 AM
Sorry I only read about 12 pages of this thread before posting... but I have to ask you something. I was intrigued by the OP's post; I bought non-GMO lecithin, ascorbic acid and an ultra-sonic jewelry cleaner. Yesterday I made my first batch of the concoction.

Is it really supposed to taste that foul, though?

If I had to describe the taste, it would be "rancid oil mixed with an extremely sour lemon." The sour part is not so bad, but the rancid taste is horrible, to the point of gagging. My 9-year-old son almost threw up when he took a tablespoon full, and it's really hard to get the taste of your mouth after you take a tbsp.

Anyone else has had that experience, or is something wrong with my ingredients? I'd really like to hear from other people who've tried this.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by sylvie
Sorry I only read about 12 pages of this thread before posting... but I have to ask you something. I was intrigued by the OP's post; I bought non-GMO lecithin, ascorbic acid and an ultra-sonic jewelry cleaner. Yesterday I made my first batch of the concoction.

Is it really supposed to taste that foul, though?

If I had to describe the taste, it would be "rancid oil mixed with an extremely sour lemon." The sour part is not so bad, but the rancid taste is horrible, to the point of gagging. My 9-year-old son almost threw up when he took a tablespoon full, and it's really hard to get the taste of your mouth after you take a tbsp.

Anyone else has had that experience, or is something wrong with my ingredients? I'd really like to hear from other people who've tried this.

Yep, sounds like you made it right haha, mine tastes like that, or sour milk with lemon and a paper like aftertaste, I nearly threw up the first time, try having a glass of juice after wards, or chewing on some cashews

I chase it with water now I'm not gagging everytime, but yeah the taste is bad! But generally if something is good for you it's going to taste horrendous

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by sylvie

At first it didn't taste nice but I love the taste now, I just can't wait for the next dosage

I believe the more sour the less encapsulation so maybe look at megamind's method of making it a few pages back.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by RogerT3

I got no response from mods about a sticky so how about an editable off-site resource where we could post the formulas, recipes and results in an organised and easily researchable form? Anyone up for managing or contributing to that?

Okay, I'm game. I have a site here:

I haven't done one thing to it yet, but did want to let you know I'm working on getting the skeleton up and ready.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 11:19 AM
Is there a conversion for the dosages like 1 oz equals 1 gram of C?
Or is that possible?

And also...for those that get a bit of nausea after a dose, I found that one 550 mg capsule of Ginger Root seems to calm that right down.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by 2serious

Great idea!
I went through a ton of posts yesterday looking for something...LOL

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by AlanQaida

So I have this idea, and need thoughts, basically many know that a lot of people are magnesium deficient, so I was wondering if it would be possible and safe to make this mixture using magnesium ascorbate?

I want to trial it, ive looked at prices and it's roughly $70 for a jar of the powder, however its only $13 for a jar of magnesium colloid (liquid).

This standard liposomes VC has done so much for me that I really want to try and experiment using other vitamins and minerals in this fashion, I have done some searches but most information comes back as "not enough research to provide proof" of any positive effects etc, and most are sprouting the FDA position etc, which I don't trust anything a government body sprouts off about that ensures lining the pockets of big pharma, etc.

So, I am here, asking all you chemistry buffs whether or not this may be possible, or even if it would have a positive effect.

The magnesium ascorbate creates a 0 Ph level, the actual powder is magnesium ascorbate vitamin c buffered.


Yes, you can. you can use the mag-asc but I would recommend you use CalMag combo. First it comes powdered and is fairly cheap. Second, the two go hand in hand and calcium is very hard to absorb normally. I have made it using the same process, and since the CalMag just blasts right through you in the regular drink form, I'm sure I got it right as there is zero negative effect from the mixture. CalMag won't dissolve in cold water, so you have to heat it, dissolve and cool. Let the Lecithin cool too, so both mixtures at the same temp - then have at it. Happy cooking

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by AlanQaida

Hey mate, the only time I had to run to the toilet was when my solution was mixed with too much water, and it didn't encapsulate properly, so the excess vitamin c was being absorbed through my stomach from what I understand.

So with my recent mixtures with correct levels, I've had really good results with no stomach issues, today I had 2 table spoons at 11 am and didn't eat anything until 7pm, I wasn't hungry at all and didn't get any stomac cramping or diarrhea, neither my partner or my friend have reported diarrhea either and they have been going for 3-4 days too, so the fact you aren't getting diarrhea is a sign you have mixed it correctly, and you sit are an outstanding home-chemist

Hey Alan, thanks for the vote of confidence mate

Unfortunately, I did a test today taking 3g of ascorbic acid in water 3 times, just as I did for the lipo-mix yesterday.

I had absolutely no discernible difference (apart from the taste - I find Lecithin quite disgusting) between the 2 days, so I make that mean any of the following:

1. My lipo-mix is crap or at best no different to taking regular AA.
2. My body doesn't respond as positively as others to vitC or lipo-vitC
3. My body needs longer to experience the benefit (I like this one, gives me hope!!)

If it's number one, I'll discover that as soon as my new USC and NOW Lecithin arrives, and I can create a batch fairly close to that of all you guys that are leaping over tall buildings with a single bound

If it's number two or three, I'll discover that within 30 days of getting my new kit. Then I'll either be out or I'll be another poster child of the Lipo-C Movement

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by sylvie
Sorry I only read about 12 pages of this thread before posting... but I have to ask you something. I was intrigued by the OP's post; I bought non-GMO lecithin, ascorbic acid and an ultra-sonic jewelry cleaner. Yesterday I made my first batch of the concoction.

Is it really supposed to taste that foul, though?

If I had to describe the taste, it would be "rancid oil mixed with an extremely sour lemon." The sour part is not so bad, but the rancid taste is horrible, to the point of gagging. My 9-year-old son almost threw up when he took a tablespoon full, and it's really hard to get the taste of your mouth after you take a tbsp.

Anyone else has had that experience, or is something wrong with my ingredients? I'd really like to hear from other people who've tried this.

yep, it's one of the single most disgusting tastes I have experienced in my short 46 years

and yes, it takes quite a while for the taste to go away, that would be the oil sticking to everything it comes in contact with. Burping is quite revolting too

As it's an oil, we'll need to find something other than a water solvent to ease the pain. Youghurt is a great solution for getting chilli oil out of the mouth if you order the Phal by mistake, so maybe this would work.
It's a good addition to the thread - experimenting in ways to remove the after taste

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by 2serious

Originally posted by RogerT3

I got no response from mods about a sticky so how about an editable off-site resource where we could post the formulas, recipes and results in an organised and easily researchable form? Anyone up for managing or contributing to that?

Okay, I'm game. I have a site here:

I haven't done one thing to it yet, but did want to let you know I'm working on getting the skeleton up and ready.

That´s great! I also thought, that it would be good to have it all in more organised form.
I just made new mix today with dubble amount of C-vitamine. I´ll see tomorrow how it works. There´s a lot of experimenting with this stuff.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by 2serious

good for you

I think a new improved questionnaire would also be great, perhaps people can suggest questions that would help others get good information.
Can you add the questionnaire results to that page and a link to the actual poll? People are much more likely to take a survey when they can actually see the results

ETA: just reread that and notice it could be offensive - my comments are in no way a negative on the wonderful work you did on the poll you created. I've just had a few ideas in the meantime that would be great additions to questions for people, that might help isolate why it works for some and not for others (me and daynight42)
edit on 10-6-2012 by RogerT3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by Sabreblade
Is there a conversion for the dosages like 1 oz equals 1 gram of C?
Or is that possible?

And also...for those that get a bit of nausea after a dose, I found that one 550 mg capsule of Ginger Root seems to calm that right down.

That will depend on which recipe you're using and which vitC.
If you use pure Ascorbic Acid powder, then you are taking a gram of vitC each time you consume a gram of powder. I find a level tablespoon of AA is about 14g, so 14g is going into 16oz (ugghh mixing of metric and imperial - shudder) so you'll get somewhere close to 1g of VitC per oz. Since 1oz is 2 tbl sp, that's .5g per tbl sp of lipoC rounding things up for simplicity.

Then you have the encapsulation to factor in, which is being assumed as the same as bio-availability (big assumption), and then you also have the issue of how do you calculate the encapsulation - the bicarb test being suggested as the standard in this thread so far.

BTW, root ginger is usually available in most supermarkets and if not, in any asian store. Blend up some root with lemon juice and honey and take a teaspoon any time you experience nausea, fancy a digestive or a mouth freshner, or spread it on toast or crackers, it's yummy. (Hate to see people buying capsules from a store when they can just as easily enjoy the real thing

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by AlanQaida

More thoughts on your mineral aspirations.

From research a long time ago (decade or two) I came to the conclusion that there is a big difference between a plant derived colloidal mineral and the plain old chemical rock!

People talk about bio-availability but my feelings are there is life in plant minerals that we can benefit from that you aren't going to get by buying a bag of metal or rock powder from a mining company subsidiary.

I'd be wary of using liposomes to transport powdered rock into my liver bypassing the digestive/protective process.

As I stated in my first post, I'm a big advocate of natural is best, or even, keep it ALL natural, but VitC has always been the compound that doesn't quite fit, probably because I am swayed by Pauling when it comes to believing humans are no-longer able to get enough vitC from our diets due to environmental degradation, poor living habits, stress and a bunch of other stuff we didn't have to deal with 100,000 years ago, so supplementation is a must for optimum health, or in the very least, for healing the body (and we can all use a bit of healing!)

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by crankyoldman

WONDERFUL! thank you very much
i feel like i have a new lease on life, im starting a superfood diet today, im so excited i dont want to got o sleep haha!

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by RogerT3
reply to post by AlanQaida

More thoughts on your mineral aspirations.

From research a long time ago (decade or two) I came to the conclusion that there is a big difference between a plant derived colloidal mineral and the plain old chemical rock!

People talk about bio-availability but my feelings are there is life in plant minerals that we can benefit from that you aren't going to get by buying a bag of metal or rock powder from a mining company subsidiary.

I'd be wary of using liposomes to transport powdered rock into my liver bypassing the digestive/protective process.

As I stated in my first post, I'm a big advocate of natural is best, or even, keep it ALL natural, but VitC has always been the compound that doesn't quite fit, probably because I am swayed by Pauling when it comes to believing humans are no-longer able to get enough vitC from our diets due to environmental degradation, poor living habits, stress and a bunch of other stuff we didn't have to deal with 100,000 years ago, so supplementation is a must for optimum health, or in the very least, for healing the body (and we can all use a bit of healing!)

i agree with you 100%. as i replied to crankyoldman, im starting a superfood diet today, going to buy loads of spinach and brocoli, and kale, and some acai, i would rather get these minerals from plant derivitives than clay trace elements

so exciting, i feel like im 10 years old again, i want to go to the beach and run and jump on all the rocks

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by m83x1
does it make difference what US cleaner you use? are all US cleaners equally good? are watts and frequency important here? what US cleaners are you using?

so any 30W cleaner is good, yes, no?

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