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I make my own liposomal vit C. This stuff is frickin AMAZING!!!!!

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posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 08:33 AM
To shagreen and others not noticing a huge difference ...

I can see that if a person was already in good health with no brain fog to speak of that they may not notice any appreciable difference in alertness or energy from the vitamin C. If for example I were to discover a new supplement right now and begin taking it I can't imagine I could become any more alert, awake or sharper than I already am. That would not be saying that the new supplement wasn't beneficial it just may not make such a significant impact in the way I already feel.

For myself you have to understand that I was not completely aware of just how tired and worn down I was. I didn't realize the extent of my brain fog - my mental lethargy. When I began taking the Liposomal C I felt an enormous difference in my mental and physical well being. My body and mind were practically flying. The contrast of feeling was huge. In hindsight its rather scary to think what my real state of health was. I have had a transformation. I am feeling the way a human being was meant to feel. I now remember feeling like this. Its familiar but it was a long time ago. The gradual decline brought on by poor diet happened almost undetected. If I were to quit taking the C I would imagine that the return to my former self would also happen gradually.

Just like I didn't realize it was possible to feel this way someone who is already feeling this way all the time might not realize it is possible to feel the way I was. It is the contrast that makes it apparent. My new normal is indeed much different from my former self but without that contrast I would have nothing to compare it to - it would just seem normal - nothing special.

In time memories fade and this contrast will fade as well, but It would be a mistake to forget what has happened and get lazy in taking my supplements or in changing my diet for the better. One could get comfortable with feeling this way and lazy about doing what made all this happen. I am sure a gradual, undetectable, decline could be allowed to take place. That would be a mistake.

And finally I would like to note that if you don't feel an enormous difference in taking Liposomal C and still enjoy good health then consider yourself fortunate. I don't think that feeling an enormous difference after taking Liposomal C is a very good sign. It, in my opinion, must mean that your health is particularly poor.

... just something to consider.
edit on 11-6-2012 by MegaMind because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-6-2012 by MegaMind because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-6-2012 by MegaMind because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 09:22 AM
Well, I finally got my USC and have made 4 batches of the encapsulated V-C. I made extra jars for my mother and stepfather and some for myself and for my friend. My mother and stepfather will get their jar this evening to start them off.

I am like many of the others, who have noticed a profound difference in myself.
I am taking 1 oz twice a day. My friend with Lupus is taking the same. He says that he feels good, but is not experiencing the higher energy levels and clarity of mind that I am. He has all 3 forms of Lupus and is 57 years old, and he's still taking it, (today is his third day, so his 6th and 7th doses). He is amazed at the amount of energy that I have had over the weekend. On Friday, I made a batch as soon as I got home from work and found the box had arrived! LOL! I took my first dose then, with great expectations! However, I didn't feel anything from that first dose. I had promised my son that we would paint his room this weekend and I didn't know how I was going to have the energy if I was not going to benefit from this C.
Saturday morning, I took my 2nd oz dose. And about an hour later, I was feeling a definite difference in how I felt and proceeded to get up and worked ALL day long in his room, climbing a ladder over and over and over... (his ceiling is 12') I took my 2nd dose for the day around noon or 1pm.
I went all day and stopped about 5pm to do dinner and cleanup. I STILL felt good although my muscles ached a little from all the exercise that I am NOT used to doing!
I thought I would have a bit of trouble sleeping by 10pm. because my mind was still so alive and alert, but when I laid down, I was out in probably 20 mins, which is better than the hour that I usually lay there!!
So, the next morning and afternoon, same dose, 1 oz. I'm feeling even better than the day before and completely finish his room!! LOL! I am soooo ecstatic about this that may seem like a cakewalk to others, it means a LOT for me.

I had cancer 5 years ago, had to have a hysterectomy and 10 days later, I was rushed back to MD Anderson in Houston for emergency surgery for a hernia where the inner stitches had broken or were missed (still undetermined) and 12 inches of bowel looped through the hole coming back in. Well, I nearly died from that, but that is a looong story! The reason I bring this up is... It is super common for women who have a hysterectomy to gain weight. It's also common for them to lose a LOT of vitality from such an intrusion. I have gained about 70 lbs since then, and after I work (on my butt behind a computer all week), I am normally DONE by the time the weekend arrives. I have laid in my bed ALL weekend on the computer or watching TV or reading, just because I had no energy to do anything. I would cook IF I couldn't get the kids to do it, but I've let my house go and the kids have practically taken over that. I have gradually gotten this way since the recovery (ALL CANCER IS STILL GONE!!! YAY)... But, over the past 2 years, I have gotten sooo bad, that I don't feel as though I even have the energy to walk to the kitchen for a drink... It's been really bad and this is the BEST thing that has happened for me to get me up!! Honestly, this is exactly as the OP has in his title, "This stuff is frickin AMAZING!!!!!"
I am sooo grateful for the OP and for all of you who have attributed to the 'research' in getting this right and the dosing... etc... You are all such a Blessing to me, and I hope you all continue in good health and feeling good for the next HUNDRED years!!

I also wake up VERY easily and feeling good!! THAT in itself is a frickin miracle!!! I am a tough one to get up... But, I just feel like I did in my 30's...ALREADY

Maybe after a week, I'll feel like I did in my 20's???! Wow.. I am sooo grateful! I was VERY sore last night from the 2 days of climbing the ladder and the painting. I thought that today I would not be able to walk, because in the past, after any kind of excertion on my part even HALF as long as I worked this weekend would've cost me a couple days work and contemplating muscle relaxers...But, I tell you all... I woke up this morning and I don't hurt very bad at all!! Not even a need for an Ibuprofen!! I CAN feel the strain of my muscles a little, but OMG.... I FEEL SOOOOO WONDERFUL!!! Thank you OP and ALL of you who helped me decide to try this... Thank you FOREVER for this miracle!!! I can't wait to see how it continues to help me! And, I PRAY that my friend will soon realize at least SOME of the benefits that I am experiencing now. I LOVE this stuff!!!

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 09:26 AM
After using the mixture for over a week, I maintain my results have been incredible... near 'miraculous'.

I don't have time to go through the whole thread, but a quick scan revealed that some people have had little or no noticeable effects from the mixture.

This is not surprising at all. Reports of supplements having profound effects on one person and no effect on the next person are common. I mentioned my nephew earlier in the thread. He's a powerlifter. He said there's a good deal of clinical research on the supplement creatine. Some lifters have astounding results with creatine, and experience phenomenal gains in strength and muscle size. Others see no results.

My nephew is using the liposomal C mixture. I gave him some of the batch I made.He was impressed by my results. He's reporting "no noticeable effects". I wonder if it's because he's in great physical shape?

I think MegaMind is on the right track. Those of us who've experienced the great results have had problems with fatigue and some other issues.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 10:03 AM
Thank you OP and all you other informative posters!
Just made my first batch yesterday, took two tbsp yesterday and two this am, and am so very impressed with this stuff. I always get all excited about magical new supplements, but as I'm pretty healthy, I don't expect to really feel an effect, only to know that perhaps I have extended my healthy years down the road.

So I was amazed that I actually feel more energetic and even happier and clearer headed! My skin even feels different, and I woke up with few little whiteheads where I have some tiny sun damage spots, which is what happens while skin repairs itself. These sloughed right off when washing up, leaving my skin finer - already!

This stuff is amazing. My hubby hates the taste of it, and he's the one I was mostly making it for because he doesn't eat as much fruit and veggies as I do. I got him to take a tbsp yesterday and today, but today he gagged a bit and said no more. I'll have to experiment with a tiny bit bicarb, plus vanilla and stevia.

I wish my parents weren't so stubborn - they'd never try it in million years, and after how all the doctors have made them worse over the years, they still only trust them. My in-laws however, are much more open minded, and I will get them started with it this afternoon and look forward to seeing how they do. I'll know it's working when they're misbehaving and driving us crazy

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 10:38 AM
Well I just made my second batch this AM.
I upped the Vit C to two scoops and let the Lecithin soak for a hour before mixing.
The batch has a LOT less separation so far, I'm thinking I got better encapsulation.
I have not had the dramatic effect some have, but I upped my dosages to 2 oz every four hours yesterday.
I'm trying this long haul and looking to see if I am getting any improvement in my physical condition(s).
I figure 30 to 90 days should be enough to see if this is making a difference for me.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 10:42 AM
I am sold on the idea that vitamin C would be more effective in this form.

I contemplated making my own in the way you have shown, but since I am elderly and lacking energy/stamina, I decided to find some 'ready made'.

I have bought this

If it renews my energy, I might be able to 'make my own' eventually.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 11:15 AM
Okay, a response from someone who was already taking lecithin:

Three days in on it so far, taking 2 doses a day, morning and early afternoon. I already had the lecithin-derived mind clarity, verbal ability, etc., and feel this is a hallmark of lecithin (acetylcholine) intake. I have cut down on the lecithin capsule dose though, so this will save me money there. From the vitamin C I would guess I'm getting a feeling of increased well-being, joints feel lubed even first thing in the morning (I'm 58 and very inactive) and overall feel more like moving around and doing things. I just started a new job and am having to learn a lot of new processes and detail oriented things, and this seems to be making me more able to deal with it with good humor. Partner says his morning blood sugars (type II diabetic and smoker) were very low for a change even though he had more carbs than usual yesterday. He's getting more done around the house and actually seems to be in a good mood for once
compared to his usual crotchetyness! It may be that the clouds and rain finally cleared here in Oregon but I doubt it...

Oh, forgot to add, we decided it tastes just like an eggroll. The chopped cabbage taste along with the vegetable oil taste of the skin of the eggroll. Not great, but not gaggy either. Tolerable, like sauerkraut juice.
edit on 11-6-2012 by signalfire because: addition

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 11:28 AM
You may all find this series of video interesting ...

It is a presentation given by Dr. Thomas Levy.

The first video is the guy from New Zealand who was cured from C ... they then introduce Dr. Levy.

Note: there are nine parts ... visit the youtube page where they play consecutively here

first part of nine (1/9) ...

Also as a side note I tried to visit only to find it redirecting to nonsense. I wonder if their website is under attack?
Wouldn't surprise me in the least ...

edit on 11-6-2012 by MegaMind because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-6-2012 by MegaMind because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by MegaMind
To shagreen and others not noticing a huge difference ...

I can see that if a person was already in good health with no brain fog to speak of that they may not notice any appreciable difference in alertness or energy from the vitamin C.

That definitely appeals to my sense of elitism

So basically, I am healthier than all you guys

Ok, seriously though, your post makes sense and add to that people are all different, and different biologies will respond differently to supplements.
In my 3 decade experiment with health, nutrition and alternative healing, I can vouch that there are a VERY few basics that ALWAYS convey benefit, and the rest of it is pretty case specific, or at least, genre specific. Again, 99% of alternative stuff just doesn't work the way it is prescribed or practiced.

There are some other non-material aspects that may come into play, as other posters have eluded to (crankyoldman especially) and of course the good old psychosomatic effect (kind of the same thing in my boat).

I also have to report that over the past year or so, diet and nutrition seem to be having a less and less effect on my well-being and general state of body-balance (physical health). Non-physical factors are becoming more and more dominant. My personal woo-woo belief is that there are huge consciousness developments going on for a lot of us that affect the physical stuff in a major way, and each person is having their own unique, tailored ride.

I was quite hopeful about getting a lift from the lipo-C, and have not lost hope just yet, but I also had some reservations knowing my current state of play

Anyway, it's been a blast so far and my adventure is not over yet. Seeing all you peeps get results and especially seeing people making up 'natural' cures for their diseases and sick relatives (and hopefully begin to escape the shackles and health destroying influence of allopathy) gives me a nice warm fuzzy feeling

edit on 11-6-2012 by RogerT3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 11:39 AM
Thanks for all the feedback on the taste! Some more questions:

- I keep missing the right time to take it (i.e., on an empty stomach), so I don't get around to taking it very often. I'm also a grazer and eat little bits of food basically throughout the day. So what happens if you just take it right before, with or after food? Does that mean it's not gonna work at all? Any experiences?

- When I made my batch, I only let the US cleaner run for 6 minutes... that's what the Hawaiian chiropractor in that video said. The blend is fine; it's been in the fridge for days and hasn't separated. Does it make a difference in quality how long you let the USC run?

- How long does this stuff keep in the fridge if I don't use it up in a few days?

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 11:47 AM
Wow this thread seriously blew up big time

I was just posting my own results about this vit c stuff w really no other intentions, and to see so many others feeling this good and improvement health wise is just incredibly awesome. It feels good to know this helps others, as i myself have had mostly bad experiences and very little help from medical establishment. So i try hard to keep myself knowledgeable and healthy and always look to add good supplements to my arsenal.

I think the 2 or 3 folks who are not feeling any difference may already be in optimal health, or close to it. I think those in their 30's and, the higher you go in age will feel the most dramatic improvements.

My 2 cents

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 11:53 AM
well, i know i'm not in top condition, and i can have quite a bit of brain fog myself (as a cook i have to know how to prepare and cook so many dishes and plates, time them perfectly to be sent out on time, and coordinated with other tickets to be on time as well. beyond the mental aspect of the timing, and knowing the difficult french dishes, i also have to run down a flight of stairs into a basement walk in if i need something, or run around a kitchen to grab what i need, or drop dishes off. the kitchen can be sweltering, which can really slow you down sometimes. i figured this would be perfect for me) so i'm familiar with brainfog, and forgetting things, and desiring strong mental clarity and energy. i also never wake up rested either, it really bothers me. i have to really make myself get up, and i feel like there is a huge drowsy weight pushing my body down for a long time after i wake up before i shake it.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by RogerT3
I also have to report that over the past year or so, diet and nutrition seem to be having a less and less effect on my well-being and general state of body-balance (physical health). Non-physical factors are becoming more and more dominant. My personal woo-woo belief is that there are huge consciousness developments going on for a lot of us that affect the physical stuff in a major way, and each person is having their own unique, tailored ride.

i actually agree with this a lot. i've been on a strange inner journey myself lately, and it has helped me profoundly.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by EdwynaGolden

Wow! Amazing testimony, Edwyna! Thanks for sharing. I'm so excited that you are noticing dramatic improvement in how you feel. I think if we could all feel just a bit better, that will lead to better things -- like more exercise, healthier outlook (then improved relationships, perhaps), better dietary choices, etc. The chain reaction alone will be a terrific boon. Someone earlier on was going on a 'superfood diet!' Just not enough thanks for dominicus for posting, really. What I find cool is that no one comes to ATS looking for dietary supplements (at least not me). So, for this to happen here is fabulous and to me speaks of the grass-roots, self-empowerment of it all.
Keep up the questions and answers. I'm pretty much done working on the wiki for now.

Please, if you are new to the thread, before you ask a question, visit this wikispaces page:
I have organized much of the helpful information found in this thread into an entirely searchable and categorized site. Still hoping for another editor or two to join me. Thanks and cheers to all!

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by EdwynaGolden

I had cancer 5 years ago, had to have a hysterectomy and 10 days later, I was rushed back to MD Anderson in Houston for emergency surgery for a hernia where the inner stitches had broken or were missed (still undetermined) and 12 inches of bowel looped through the hole coming back in. Well, I nearly died from that, but that is a looong story! The reason I bring this up is... It is super common for women who have a hysterectomy to gain weight. It's also common for them to lose a LOT of vitality from such an intrusion. I have gained about 70 lbs since then, and after I work (on my butt behind a computer all week), I am normally DONE by the time the weekend arrives. I have laid in my bed ALL weekend on the computer or watching TV or reading, just because I had no energy to do anything. I would cook IF I couldn't get the kids to do it, but I've let my house go and the kids have practically taken over that. I have gradually gotten this way since the recovery (ALL CANCER IS STILL GONE!!! YAY)... But, over the past 2 years, I have gotten sooo bad, that I don't feel as though I even have the energy to walk to the kitchen for a drink... It's been really bad and this is the BEST thing that has happened for me to get me up!! Honestly, this is exactly as the OP has in his title, "This stuff is frickin AMAZING!!!!!"
I am sooo grateful for the OP and for all of you who have attributed to the 'research' in getting this right and the dosing... etc... You are all such a Blessing to me, and I hope you all continue in good health and feeling good for the next HUNDRED years!!

I also wake up VERY easily and feeling good!! THAT in itself is a frickin miracle!!! I am a tough one to get up... But, I just feel like I did in my 30's...ALREADY

Maybe after a week, I'll feel like I did in my 20's???! Wow.. I am sooo grateful! I was VERY sore last night from the 2 days of climbing the ladder and the painting. I thought that today I would not be able to walk, because in the past, after any kind of excertion on my part even HALF as long as I worked this weekend would've cost me a couple days work and contemplating muscle relaxers...But, I tell you all... I woke up this morning and I don't hurt very bad at all!! Not even a need for an Ibuprofen!! I CAN feel the strain of my muscles a little, but OMG.... I FEEL SOOOOO WONDERFUL!!! Thank you OP and ALL of you who helped me decide to try this... Thank you FOREVER for this miracle!!! I can't wait to see how it continues to help me! And, I PRAY that my friend will soon realize at least SOME of the benefits that I am experiencing now. I LOVE this stuff!!!

EdwynaGolden: Hello from a fellow Texan (central Texas for me)! I also had a hysterectomy, about 6 years ago, and while I didn't suffer the complications you did, I have had problems with some weight gain (about 25 pounds) and loss of energy. I try to live as healthy as possible, and was always pretty active before, so it's very frustrating to run out of steam so early in the day now.

Do you use the soy lecithin? Do you worry about the increased estrogen effect of soy? I have been trying to find the sunflower lecithin in granular form to make this concoction, but I have only been able to find it in the soft gels. I'm willing to try this, if for no other reason than to get more energy. My husband is planning a 10-day wilderness trek in the Colorado mountains later this summer, and I'd love to be able go with him, but right now, I know I don't have the stamina to do it.

I'm glad it's working so well for some folks, maybe I'll be one of the lucky ones too!

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by 2serious
reply to post by EdwynaGolden

Wow! Amazing testimony, Edwyna! Thanks for sharing. I'm so excited that you are noticing dramatic improvement in how you feel. I think if we could all feel just a bit better, that will lead to better things -- like more exercise, healthier outlook (then improved relationships, perhaps), better dietary choices, etc. The chain reaction alone will be a terrific boon. Someone earlier on was going on a 'superfood diet!' Just not enough thanks for dominicus for posting, really. What I find cool is that no one comes to ATS looking for dietary supplements (at least not me). So, for this to happen here is fabulous and to me speaks of the grass-roots, self-empowerment of it all.
Keep up the questions and answers. I'm pretty much done working on the wiki for now.

Please, if you are new to the thread, before you ask a question, visit this wikispaces page:
I have organized much of the helpful information found in this thread into an entirely searchable and categorized site. Still hoping for another editor or two to join me. Thanks and cheers to all!

What an awesome site you've set up. Well done my Friend....


posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by 2serious

OMG what a stellar effort, kudos and congrats

I'm embarrassed not to have been more active in that after I offered it, but you just took it and ran, really excellent work.

If you still don't have editor partners by next week when I get all my new stuff (and renew my enthusiasm and commitment to the project) I'll get onboard for sure - how do we sign up? (yep, that's a bit selfish I know!)

ETA: at least I can add the URL to my sig

Again, nice job

edit on 11-6-2012 by RogerT3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by RogerT3
how do we sign up? (yep, that's a bit selfish I know!)

ETA: at least I can add the URL to my sig

Again, nice job

Thanks RogerT3 and Desityone! Just an 'out of work' instructional designer here, so this sort of thing is my cup of tea! Not sure I should put this on my resume though . . . hmm. Don't think that would go over well.

Anyway, here is a quick video on how to join:
I forgot to mention, if anyone joins, you probably won't be able to make edits right away. I will need to go in and approve your membership (as the admin), I believe. Wikis are great.

Roger, I feel very uniformed about some of the 'thread-speak' -- I'm guessing OP is original post, or original poster, depending on context. ETA is probably not 'estimated time of arrival' -- could you clue me in, I've run out of guesses!

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 02:14 PM
Interesting video ...

Another presentation from Dr. Thomas Levy that is perhaps even more interesting than the one that I had previously linked to ...

enjoy ...

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by 2serious

ETA = edited to add ...

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