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There Are LOADS Of Jobs Out There, But People Don't Want To Work!

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posted on May, 19 2012 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia

Originally posted by Kryties
How is not having a chance being 'defeatist'? Jesus mate, you really must live in Atlantis as another poster suggested.

what is preventing you from learning a trade job without a degree or certification?
What is preventing you from doing your best to watch youtube videos and go to the book store without buying a book, just stay there 3x a week to read about landscaping?

As I have been reading this thread up until this point without posting I feel I must post now...

You can do ALL the reading and youtubing you want it doesn't mean you will get any kind of job with it! Jobs won't take reading and youtube as experience on a resume!!! There are many things I can do but because I don't have a license or a degree to do it, nobody will even consider me for work. I can do admin office work and use to but now places want you to have a business degree. I use to clean houses and organize closets on the side but now I can't because it's illegal without a license. Those cost money, then I need a business address and since I rent I can't use my personal address and well I can't afford a shop to have a business address for, so yea there goes that idea. I tried to get it going but was turned down at every corner, which again IS frustrating. I'm a very business oriented person but when nobody is willing to give you a chance it sucks.

Also going to a bookstore and treating it as a library isn't a good idea, go to a library. I only say this as a former bookstore employee! Nobody wants grimy hands on a "new" book or ear marked pages! Yes people did these things while treating the store as a library like you suggest.

I'm a female and the "trades" you mention aren't so easy for women to get hired on for. The men just laugh and say you're a woman like i can't paint or do manual labor. I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty but they will always hire a man over a woman 98% of the time for such jobs.

I do agree that some people out there are lazy and are the type you mention but for the majority it has nothing to do with being lazy, there really is a lacking job market right now. The section for jobs in our local paper use to be pages, the other day there were TWO jobs!! There were thousands of people laid off in my area from the cape (Kennedy Space Center) so add that number to the already high number looking for work and well it makes it impossible to find work. Around here it is all about who you know, not what you know.

Another thing you need to remember is that hearing "NO" on a constant basis week after week is very frustrating and depressing. It isn't fun and sometimes it will kill any motivation you have to look for a job.

I am currently working at a dog groomer as a bather and I love it. My friend helped me get this job (she is the groomer) and if it wasn't for her I'd still be looking. The pay isn't great but I enjoy the job very much and eventually I will learn the grooming side and make more income..... Previously I danced, yes the exotic kind, to pay my bills. It was either shake it or be on the street and well I didn't want to be homeless. It wasn't an easy job and I hated going to work but it paid the bills and was legal. The pay wasn't guaranteed and many times I'd go home owing money (we had fees) or only having enough to put gas in my car. I was more than happy to get out of there. I have had many jobs over the years. I'm not picky and will do just about anything if given a chance.

I think you are being a little harsh and as someone else said I think you made this to stick it to another member and their thread. I told my friend today that people who say it's so easy to find a job make me want to scream and pull my hair out because they have obviously never been in the situation many are in right now. It's always easy to say something is all roses when it doesn't affect you.

One last thing about jobs and constant applying, your credit! I'm sick of my credit being pulled and when they say it doesn't affect you they are lying. I had mine pulled and the 50+times my credit was pulled lowered my credit score. Employers see that and think you are applying to too many places and that can also be counted against you! It's a crap situation and if you ask me credit should have nothing to do with getting a job but that is for another thread.

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by dreamseeker
Sure there maybe a limited amount of jobs but jobs are too specfic. One job I applied for had odd hours I figured they could be flexible. I would have done the job no problem but they were not willing to be flexible at all.
That was the only interveiw I had out of the 50 I applied for. :

This is just it!! In a COMPETITIVE job market, and you deem that you have the ability to dictate your hours at a job interview?

It doesn't work like this people. When you start at the bottom in a new job, you need to prove yourself worthy of a promotion.

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by Goldcurrent

I disagree; there needs to be some sort of law to protect people from long hours such as this. I applied for another job where one shift is 16 hours. When do I sleep?
This is just employee abuse. These jobs do not promise a break.
I am 37 years old and have a disablity 12-16 hour shifts is not psychically possible for me. Even if I could work long hours like that I would not want to work more than 10 hours so I can have time to rest and eat. I really don't want to die young. I am not willing to kill myself for a job espically one that does not promise a promotion or any type of advance. When you are a mental health aid you are not promoted because you need licensures and higher degrees for that. Psychology is different than a lot of feilds. I can not get a licensure until I get a PHd and unfornately I am not able to get enough loans for a Phd.
edit on 19-5-2012 by dreamseeker because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

If he was credentialed in El Salvador, then he is credentialed, even if he doesn't have a license here in the states.

Not the same as going to the kid next door with no experience or credentials as a dentist.

Why did he leave El Salvador?

Was if for the better pay he could earn here in the states, even working without a license?

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by mblahnikluver

I understand what you are saying and will respond to your post more in detail perhaps tomorrow
But I am not painting a perfect picture, just a better one

And everyone's response seems so lazy to me

I didnt' do any youtubing, just reading books
and if you go to a big bookstore you can sit and read
Small bookstores perhaps not

But if there's no smal bookstore then it's time to invest in a book
I mean a Book!

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by dreamseeker

There are laws in place (Overtime, shift differential, etc) but I'm sure every State varies. I understand that the shift is not the most desirable, but 3 12 hour shifts a week doesn't sound so bad.

If I were you I wouldn't be scratching my head wondering why the employer chose someone else though.

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by poet1b

You are stretching it now, assuming he was credentialed in El Salvador simply because he is a good dentist. As if people could not possibly be good at their skills without some sort of government certification. Further, you completely ignored my post that linked you to a peer reviewed study showing that credentialed doctors are the third leading cause of death in America. That study alone puts a big ass hole in your credential argument.

With or without credentialism the maxim; "let the buyer beware" remains sound advice. How many saps have been lulled into a false sense of security because of this credentialism you are insisting is so necessary?

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

LAZY? Applying for jobs, going to school, rewriting my resume, driving to different temp agencies, I would spend 4 -6 hours a day sometimes just looking for a job. How in the heck is that lazy? You just seem very judgemental to me. I stopped coming an ATS for a while due to the judgemental attitudes of some people.
Some people just expect way too much. I worked 2 jobs before 60 hours a week before I became too disabled for those long hours. After going to the Dr the 20th time for the same thing the Dr told me I would not live much longer if I did not cut my hours at work down by at least 40%.
Guess what I listened and I am still alive.

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by Goldcurrent

Well I have a disablity that would kill me if I were to work this long. Think about there are only 24 hours in the day. Hello!

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by Goldcurrent

Labor laws exist to protect workers from abuse for a good reason, and employers have no right to violate those laws. The only reason they are doing so is that there is no law enforcement against such illegal activity.

The same could be said for protecting your property or your person. If you can't protect yourself and your love ones and your property, well, that's competition.

Labor rights are every bit as legitimate as property rights.

If we keep going down this path, then we will be like Mexico, where anyone with any valuable property has to hire guards to protect them.

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by dreamseeker
LAZY? Applying for jobs, going to school, rewriting my resume, driving to different temp agencies, I would spend 4 -6 hours a day sometimes just looking for a job. How in the heck is that lazy? You just seem very judgemental to me. I stopped coming an ATS for a while due to the judgemental attitudes of some people.

I am in no way an absolutist
I will never have a solution that will work with 100% efficiency

Originally posted by dreamseeker
Some people just expect way too much. I worked 2 jobs before 60 hours a week before I became too disabled for those long hours. After going to the Dr the 20th time for the same thing the Dr told me I would not live much longer if I did not cut my hours at work down by at least 40%.
Guess what I listened and I am still alive.

ATS is full of people with different opinions
This thread largely disagrees with me, so why would stop coming here for that reason?

If anything I should as over 75% of posters so far disagrees with me

But I consider truth to be very constroversial and always welcome a debate where no one takes anything personally.

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by kingllama

I used to be all for joining the forces, but after seeing what happened to my friend after he joined the marines, I wouldn't want to join. He came back with a slew of health issues, he told me he was vaccinated for 11 things and now he has ED.... Screw that.

Not to mention I do not want to sell my soul to the military industrial complex and I do not agree with their motives. I'd like to become a scientist maybe even develop weapons but that doesn't sound appealing to me anymore, I can't stand the idea of killing others...

Peace corps??

I would so like to go to the South Pole and work in the comm shop there. Wifey would be upset though. Friend told me the old buildings there used to be a Navy base. One of the doors is still labeled "JAG office". Why would they need a JAG office at the south pole??

I have 22 years in the Navy, never had to kill anyone. I did carry a weapon on watch sometimes. And I did have ammo for it, so I suppose if I told you you would never have to do that it would be a lie. There is always a small possibility that you may.

However, bear in mind that in the Navy they have many different jobs. My rate is ET or electronic Technician, radar, radio, computers, fixing electronics mostly. I did stand watch, to make sure no one stole the ship, and sometimes on watch carried a 45 pistol an/or a 12 gauge shotgun. The guys that went out with the torpedo retrievers and had shark watch would take a M14 rifle with them.

Now, when you sign up, you can get your job, your rate, in writing, before you go. So say you sign up top be a nuke. If you are very smart, they will test you for nuke school. That job involves operating a nuke reactor, on a big ship like an aircraft carrier, or a submarine, and it is really unlikely you would even stand watch with a weapon doing that job. They also have a rate called musician, used to be a postal clerk rate, CS is culinary specialist. All those jobs are online at the goNavy website I am sure.

I think the Navy was great. I love being at sea, and ships are almost as much fun as sailboats. But, I am old, so I don't do it anymore.

Young guys like you are supposed to step up and replace me.

But the Navy is very picky. You might not be able to get in depending on how you do on your tests, and whether or not you have done drugs. But if you are able to get in, and get a good rate, it could be a really good thing for you.

edit on 19-5-2012 by kawika because: add text

edit on 19-5-2012 by kawika because: add text

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
And if you can't afford kids why did you have them?

You fundamentally misunderstand what it is to be human and that's a tragic thing.

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 07:16 PM
I'm fed up with people coming into my work looking for a job when they don't want to actually do any work. They arrive with their dole forms (that need signatures from prospective employers stating they attempted to get work from you in order to maintain their dole or social security payments), and ask for a job. When we say "there is nothing available here BUT - I can get you work digging post holes for a fencing contractor", they leave. Usually in quite a hurry.

Now digging post-holes may not be the most glamorous job, I understand. I've done it though because I needed a job. I didn't die, or contract some hideous disease. It just required me to get out of bed on time and do some manual labour. Quite frankly, I was probably the fittest I have ever been whilst employed to carry out this task. Ultimately, what it boiled down to was the fact I had an income and was earning it. That's what is important.

Too many times people are being too selective when it comes to the work they are prepared to do. Personally, I don't fear the loss of my current job (should the company go broke etc.), because I can simply walk down the road and cut firewood for a nearby wood-lot. I can get shed hand jobs in shearing sheds (which usually provide accommodation so travel is no issue). I can work in one of the many local vineyards weeding or pruning.

I can dig post-holes...

If you aren't prepared to do manual labour (I do understand there are some who may be physically incapable or have legitimate reasons for not being able to carry out this sort of work - but that's not everyone!), then don't whine that there are no jobs around. Because there are.

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

Wait a minute, I agreed with your link and comment. I didn't ignore it, I just pointed out that it didn't address my question.

Here is a good link on the subject about medical and dental tourism. Apparently El Salvador has a good reputation. The irony is thick.

You are ignoring my point about using a dentist from El Salvador, verses the kid next door with no training or schooling looking to practice dentistry or surgery.

edit on 19-5-2012 by poet1b because: change and to verses

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
reply to post by mblahnikluver

I understand what you are saying and will respond to your post more in detail perhaps tomorrow
But I am not painting a perfect picture, just a better one

And everyone's response seems so lazy to me

I didnt' do any youtubing, just reading books
and if you go to a big bookstore you can sit and read
Small bookstores perhaps not

But if there's no smal bookstore then it's time to invest in a book
I mean a Book!

A book doesnt get you certified, here in NL they want you to have a business degree to work as a teller at the friggin supermarket (and im not kidding!)

Seriously YOU should do some reading about how the world works.

I went as far as applying for a job as garbageman (while i have an IT background) but THEY werent even hiring.

As long as you are clueless about people's situations and what got them jobless in the first place, and the local job availability when they are ready for the market again, you simply can't make statements like this.

Certification is everything now and without money, you can't get certified. And if you really think recieving unemployment equals a trouble free life on the couch munching on cheeto's and watching tv all day you are even more delusional then i thought.

There are days i dont eat AT ALL because i dont have the money for it, think i chose that, or want that?

Seriously the way you think about jobless people pisses me off, but i don't think you care anyway, because you got it all figured out, right?

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
How easy is it to get a plumber to your house same day and sometimes same week?
How often does a plumber call you back even?
And how much does it cost?

This market is thirsty for more plumbers
More plumbers is more competition which will be better prices for you as well

What about an electrician?
Are they easy to get at your home same day?

And even more importantly landscapers
You call a landscaper sure they may come same day, but when will they start the project?
Sometimes months or weeks ahead
Sometimes they give you a quote and never call you back
Sometimes they come to do an estimation and they never send you the quote unless they do it onsite

Many of these guys are either irresponsible or they have so many contracts to work on that they don't care
And that's from the horse's mouth

There are plenty of jobs out there
But when people think of jobs they only think about the help wanted ads or
They never think of starting their own business and THAT is the problem

They wait for a job to come to them instead of them themselves going towards a new business initiative

Come on people!

I realize that this is not universal truth, some areas in ghettos have very little buyers for landscaping and also may live in appartments where the landloard takes care of it.

But in the city and suburbs there's loads of jobs
And if you live in a ghetto maybe you can drive outside of town for such a job and then move out

However let's not say there's no jobs out there
That's just not true

I'm not saying it's easy out there, but you don't jump to "There's No Jobs!!!"

Well I got the plumber's crack part

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 07:23 PM
Sadly, I am sterile, yet complete morons breed uncontrollably and my taxes help feed and clothe them/.
Even when I started at entry level, I get deducted money that I desperately needed just so some idiots kids can live comfortably.

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by TRiPWiRE

Starred my friend.

I used to dig holes, sling bricks, clean #ters, etc. etc. just so I would have a job. It builds character and a good work ethic. Trust me, I do not miss doing those jobs but believe it makes me appreciate the job I currently have that much more.

I see people out there who are Whiners; who have NEVER had to do these things and never WOULD, even if it meant starvation. I feel sorry for no one when they say they cannot find a job.

They ARE out there. It's only what you are willing and able to do.

Now I am one who does not ever fear an economic downturn because I am not afraid of a little hard work. There will always be jobs for those who are willing and able.
edit on 19-5-2012 by Goldcurrent because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by poet1b

I guess I missed the post where you agreed. However, you want to present an either or situation where either a skilled professional is credentialed, or if not then they are not skilled and are instead inexperienced. Before you brought up surgeons, the discussion was on plumbers, electricians and landscapers. You brought surgeons into the fray to sell credentialism, but now want to claim that the study that revealed that doctors are the third leading cause of death - credentialed doctors - has no bearing on this discussion. It does have bearing, particularly since you brought surgeons into the fray. It is not an either or scenario. A great surgeon does not have to certified in order to be a great surgeon, anymore than a great plumber doesn't need certification in order to be a great plumber.

Credentialism is not, nor was it ever, about protecting people. It has always been about government aggregating power through regulatory schemes that don't protect people, but certainly expand government.

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