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There Are LOADS Of Jobs Out There, But People Don't Want To Work!

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posted on May, 19 2012 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by AnIntellectualRedneck
The OP's attitude pretty much gives you the picture of what's wrong with the U.S.

Instead of recognizing that people do actually run into bad stretches and that not everybody may be as lucky as they are, people immediately jump to throwing accusations of laziness and stupidity.

Hence, there will be no employment problem until this person has a problem.

nah its not that,,,, its the fact that skills are needed in America... Not just labor... or Ditch diggers to be exact....

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 10:07 PM
Sorry nevermind.
Critical thinking and ingenuity is so 1984.!

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 10:07 PM

See how easy it is to criticize people who think they are superior?

Well at least you understood the point of my comment even if you didn't like the delivery.

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by ZeroSumWinner

See how easy it is to criticize people who think they are superior?

Well at least you understood the point of my comment even if you didn't like the delivery.

Clearly you didn't understand the point of my comment, regardless of what you thought of the delivery. There are far too many people demanding jobs be handed to them and far too few willing to create those jobs. It doesn't take a principle software engineer to do the math on that.

Too many people are convinced they don't have to concern themselves with market forces. This means in a market where the supply of jobs is limited and the demand great, this puts employers in a position to make demands they could not make under market conditions where there are more jobs available than there is demand for the jobs.

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 10:15 PM
There are jobs out there but people just want good jobs. I suppose that after you spend fifty grand on College and take four to five years out of earning a living they expect top salaries. Not everyone can have those jobs. Look at the ones who deceived you into thinking the cost would get you a better job. The schools led you to believe something that wasn't true or realistic. They wanted everyones tuition to fund their organizations salaries. That appears to be a motive for deception to me.

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

OK I totally get where your coming from, I really think my generation has dropped the ball when it comes to "work ethic".

But I also have to agree with Poet; depending on where you live, certain types of jobs are just not available to most.

You mentioned in this thread that you do programming, I myself am a software tester. I am currently unemployed.

I was laid on March 30th, they closed down my entire department and outsourced it to India. I am currently still looking for a job. Problem is every job that I apply for, I know 5 or so people are also applying for that job, and I probably know 2 or 3 of them. And I just don't have the experience to compete with the old tech workforce which has flooded the market due to all these corporations outsourcing.

Have I looked elsewhere outside my field? Yes...but to no avail.

My roommate who is a voice actor has been looking for work longer than I have, he has applied to pretty much every job that he is qualified for but steady work. He gets some odd gigs every now and then, so he can actually eat.

I have worked landscaping in Arizona in the past. But now I live in Los Angeles, and that market is pretty much cornered here.

There is no way I could make enough money to pay my rent for this month, or save to move...or save for anything for that matter. I live with 5 other people and we barely scrape by in a 3 bedroom apt, in a pretty sketchy part of town.

And I haven't received anything from the state, the company I worked for failed to properly post my unemployment wages so that is all messed up.

I don't want to get into my whole life story
but I just think some people do fall on times that seem impossibly hard. I'm in that position right now.

ETA: Its funny I would probably be better off in a 3rd world country right now, hell maybe I'll move to India and try and get my job back.

Is China hiring?
edit on 19-5-2012 by Openeye because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 10:19 PM
The problem I see is not that many people are physically lazy, but that many people are MENTALLY lazy. I'm not saying that physical labor jobs like contractors, construction, etc. is easy, but finding strong minds is far harder than finding strong backs. Thinkers make the real money in the modern world, not doers. It's a lot easier to drive a truck than to invent or design one, you gotta be the architect, not the construction worker if you want to survive. Those that can't or won't, Darwin...

I have a cousin who just graduated with his master's degree. He got a job right out of college and the company is paying to move him 1/2 way across the country straight out of college. Why? Because there is GREAT demand in his field, he's a rocket engineer and will be working in aerospace. He got there by having a family that placed education as the #1 priority, and by working his brain off, not his ass...this is the only way forward folks, you will have to adjust or the world will pass you by...

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 10:23 PM
people just lack the innovation... Period in America....

I see it all. around me...

Americans think they are entitled...

To eat and get fat... And be taken care of all their lives...

If work required labor, or something that makes them get up early its over...

This was the case even during the great BOOMing economy...!!!!!!!!!!!

There are so many followers in America its funny...

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

You don't pay me a fair wage, I don't work.

I would rather quit working at this point and I don't know why. It's just a hunch, a hunch that says "this is bull#!".

After all, I am not a Rothschild slave.

Are you?

This isn't a knock on you by the way. Just a general question.
edit on 19-5-2012 by The Sword because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 10:26 PM
I still don't understand why more people don't CREATE their own work instead of relying on others. Thats a huge downfall of our pie eyed civilization

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 10:29 PM
yes thank god I live in a country where the majority cannot figure out how to get a job....

Or deal with working....

talk about job security....

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 10:29 PM
Yea, there are jobs out there, I'm one who runs a small pool services business...sure I can go to your house on a one day notice, in most cases; but it’s not worth it. You see, these calls I get are so far and few in between now, it’s just not worth the effort. It does not pay all the expenses.

People in my community just can’t afford the service… and most companies that were here have sense closed down or moved out of the country, which means most former employee’s that had jobs, just don’t have the money they once had. When that happened my business went on a downhill spiral. Five years ago I could support myself by working this business; today I have to drive 80 miles one-way to support myself by working in a factory. Let me add that sometime the workload at the factory is just not there either; they have been hit as hard as my small business.

So, yea there are a lot of jobs out there, but there is not enough customer based business to keep them all profitable... most of these type jobs will be, I have a contract for three weeks to complete this, after that I don't know what work will be avavilable for us... get the point

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

Since you seem to want have a conversation about the "ontology" of the problem lets address your somewhat disorganized thoughts.

1. Why didn't you invent some disruptive technology that changed the face of business instead of selling out and taking a corporate job as a software engineer?

Where's the money in this? Disruptive technology (e.g. things like napster, bittorrent, etc.) rarely result in long-term bank.

2. Were you too lazy? Too mentally slow? Too mentally slow? Maybe you didn't have enough go-getter attitude?

See answer to #1.

As for market forces. Yes, the market can only sustain so many people with my pay scale. That's not my problem. If you don't want to live in a pyramid scheme, figure out a mechanism to put everyone on the same footing.

Good luck with that.
edit on 19-5-2012 by ZeroSumWinner because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by Obl1vion

Too bad that I live in a country where the majority cannot see the bigger picture.

Work, work, work until you #ing drop?

Quite a boring life, eh? We all seek it because that's where the SECURITY is!

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by The Sword
reply to post by Obl1vion

Too bad that I live in a country where the majority cannot see the bigger picture.

Work, work, work until you #ing drop?

Quite a boring life, eh? We all seek it because that's where the SECURITY is!


If you do not like capitalism... get outta here....

Seriously see if Putin will let you in Russia.. LOL

edit on 19-5-2012 by Obl1vion because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by ZeroSumWinner

The employee always looks at the risk of entrepreneurship and asks; "where's the money in this?" This is the nature of the employee, whether he is flipping burgers for a fast food joint or is a principle software engineer for a Fortune 500 company. This is just one characteristic that separates them from the producers.

It is also always the employee who hears or reads the reality of market forces being explained to them and they invariably want to respond in a manner where clearly the assumption is that the one explaining market forces is lamenting that. This is the nature of employees. Not too fast on their feet, not too quick with the wit, regardless of whether they're flipping burgers for a fast food joint or are employed with a Fortune 500 company, they just don't get it.

Only when they have to sign paychecks on the front of a check instead of the back of a check will they begin to understand the value of labor. Until that time they - these employees - will go on contenting themselves...until they're no longer employed, then the confusion and anger takes over. Such is the nature of employees.

edit on 19-5-2012 by Jean Paul Zodeaux because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by Openeye
reply to post by ModernAcademia

OK I totally get where your coming from, I really think my generation has dropped the ball when it comes to "work ethic".

But I also have to agree with Poet; depending on where you live, certain types of jobs are just not available to most.

You mentioned in this thread that you do programming, I myself am a software tester. I am currently unemployed.

I was laid on March 30th, they closed down my entire department and outsourced it to India. I am currently still looking for a job. Problem is every job that I apply for, I know 5 or so people are also applying for that job, and I probably know 2 or 3 of them. And I just don't have the experience to compete with the old tech workforce which has flooded the market due to all these corporations outsourcing.

Have I looked elsewhere outside my field? Yes...but to no avail.

My roommate who is a voice actor has been looking for work longer than I have, he has applied to pretty much every job that he is qualified for but steady work. He gets some odd gigs every now and then, so he can actually eat.

I have worked landscaping in Arizona in the past. But now I live in Los Angeles, and that market is pretty much cornered here.

There is no way I could make enough money to pay my rent for this month, or save to move...or save for anything for that matter. I live with 5 other people and we barely scrape by in a 3 bedroom apt, in a pretty sketchy part of town.

And I haven't received anything from the state, the company I worked for failed to properly post my unemployment wages so that is all messed up.

I don't want to get into my whole life story
but I just think some people do fall on times that seem impossibly hard. I'm in that position right now.

ETA: Its funny I would probably be better off in a 3rd world country right now, hell maybe I'll move to India and try and get my job back.

Is China hiring?
edit on 19-5-2012 by Openeye because: (no reason given)

Have you looked into working overseas? There are hundreds of companies hiring, most all IT positions require US citizenship. So no worry about it being outsourced to India. There are tax breaks too, the first $91.5K is tax free if outside the US for at least 330 days over a 12 month period.

I did it for eight yrs. Just an idea.

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by Obl1vion
people just lack the innovation... Period in America....

I see it all. around me...

Americans think they are entitled...

To eat and get fat... And be taken care of all their lives...

If work required labor, or something that makes them get up early its over...

This was the case even during the great BOOMing economy...!!!!!!!!!!!

There are so many followers in America its funny...

That is 100% BS , America is not lazy. Most of us are bewildered by what corporate America has done to our job structure. You could be a plumber, electrician, office assistant, welder, professional engineer, aircraft mechanic, metal worker, biologist, nuclear scientist....the list goes on, but the foundation that creates and nurtures a productive, dedicated and loyal worker has completely evaporated over the last 20 years.

Corporate America has sacrificed us for the almighty buck, and has found that outsourcing our jobs overseas as well as importing goods cheaper than we can manufacture them ( with the help of the US Government that will not adjust the value as a tariff on those imports) are better for their interests, and have left us hanging out to dry. This single set of facts are the problems with the US economy today and has left most of our loyal workforce dumbfounded.

There are jobs out there, but they have been 'adjusted' to give the worker hardly any benefits, opportunity for advancement given proven proficiency, and job security. The unions today now lowball anyone coming on board to the point that there is not enough self-esteem left in a productive workforce that is really proud of what they produce, and that, good people, was the foundation that made this country one of the most productive and envied nation on this planet in the 50's thru 70's

Wall street, the FED, The Fortune 500 and the last 3 presidencies have sold out America to the point where we stand today. Want to change it?

edit on 19-5-2012 by charlyv because: spelling , where caught

edit on 19-5-2012 by charlyv because: clarity

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by bg_socalif

You know I haven't really looked into that, mostly because I don't speak any other language.

A few people I know are working in China right now, said it was actually really easy to get a job there. But they know the language, I have started studying Chinese, and Japanese, but I do not take to other languages very well.

I hate my brain sometimes

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

I've been noticing this kind of class warfare stuff on facebook recently. What's bringing you to write this? Is it a personal thing, or is it just watching too much news? Is there a specific reason is my question?

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