posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 01:49 PM
You were given every opportunity to succeed.Your parents,my Grandparents SACRIFICED to create this dynamic for you all.
Then the Boomers decided they didnt like marriages ,BANGO,goodbye society as we knew it,goodbye long solid fiscally supported marriages leading to
post-secondary educations and opportunity for kids ,hello divorce,poverty,lack of educaton and dysfunctional broken families,the Boomers children
were sold out.
All along the boomers did very well,their educations allowed them to take all of their parents jobs early and to create more as they needed,usually
levels of beuracracy requiring University degrees,jobs never really needed but simply created to feed the monster.
Then as they aged into middle life their mismanagment toppled the ecomomy and they all structured BUYOUTS for themselves and then went into small
business and enmasse became entrepeneaurs.
First they set themselves up with more fiscal power than their parents without putting in the hard work to earn it like their parents did,so they
didnt respect it from day one.Then they divorced enmasse and fiscally crippled their children enmasse,this prevented entire generations after them
from recieving post secondary educations forcing them into fast-food jobs to support the Boomer needs and wants,a perfect set-up,because when they all
took their buyouts and took over small business enmasse they TOOK THEIR KIDS FUTURES AWAY AGAIN,first they dominated all the education based jobs and
purposefully held back young up and comers threatening them as nature says they should,then when they broke that system they switched to small
business and threw out their degrees ,they actually took over the jobs their kids were forced into,they hijacked their own kids for chripes sakes.
It is a disgusting history and I have had to witness it and be victimised by it for a lifetime.
This issue is really a fight between the remnants of the Boomer mentality and the new generation,their grandchildren.
What kind of freaking monsters would ruin their own kids and society as it was known ,lie and tell themselves it never happened
,subjugate fiscally anyone who claimed different ,and then decades and decades later try to repeat the same abuse on their own Grandchildren?
Yes young generation dig in and fight this Baby Boomer mentality,you WILL NOT LOSE THIS BATTLE OF ATTRITION you have TIME ON YOUR SIDE NOW,my
generation didnt have this saving grace.
Do not give up on your internal compass and the values you want to represent,in todays world the transition is gaining momentum,there are options now
for everyone,you can now find a more honest and integrity driven place to devote your energy and support.
Dont vote for politicians you know in your heart are crooked,when you see someone trying to expose craft and dishonesty support them and fight
together.dont work for entitys that operate like these crooked politicians,just refuse,there are options for you now.
When you see wrongs being done dont let yourselves be bought out by money,take that advice from part of a generation that had that fiscal confidence
and security ripped away from them by the same graft you now face and learned to survive without it.
Disenfranchise them by not allowing them to manipulte you fiscally.Take a loss to make a point and if you all stick together you will break their
Look to your great grandparents for direction,skip your grandparents and parents generations,we are flawed.
The Boomers mentlity need you more than you need them and dont let them brainwash you into believing anything different.
The worm has now turned,dont pity these manipulators,crush them ASAP.
Use tools like Intuitive Dynamic Managment to create dynamic templates to find the TRUTH.Learn from survivors how to win battles with a more powerfull
foe.If you dig for the truth and fight for it you WILL WIN.
Dont let yourselves be blamed for things catalysed by others,expose them instead and hold them accountable.
Work harder to support truth and integrity than those pulling in the opposite direction,you will win these tu-o-wars now,its is a bunch of gangster
seniors on the other end of the rope trying to convince you they are stronger than you are,but their money cant pull on the rope,and they cant use it
to weaken you in todays world,so keep pulling harder,work harder than they did,understand that your great grandparents worked that hard to create the
monster you now fight so you will need to look to them for directions on how to destroy the monster,remember they are a lazy bunch who think they are
smarter than you and use money to undercut you.
You will not create change unless you work harder than the people who created the staus quo.
Just dont let yourself be caught in a place where your hard work and intentions are undervalued and manipulated.
Respect your own hard work and intentions enough to make solid choices for yourselves.
Dont walk away without a fight,fight for what you believe in.You never lose when you are fighting the good fight,you may change locations but never
lose.But dont go silently into the night,try to make change along your way,speak up and out,you deserve a voice.
If a man cannot stand up and speak his piece without fear of being blackballed then he must move on or he is no longer a man,he is a slave.
I worked on some of the worlds largest land based Oil Drilling Rigs,i was in may life and death situations on a daily basis,working in an environment
where small errors potentially carried fatal consequences.Just standing in the wrong spot in a Blonde moment can get you killed easily,just putting
your hand in the wrong spot ONCE and your name changed to lefty.The men around you needed to be like minded.I witnessed a few serious life altering
injuries over the years.
Hockey players work under the same type of pressure every single night,one wrong move,one misstep and they could be maimed or injured for life and
possibly suffer a fatality,durig their job duties.This is a non-negotiable reality.This is a reality MOST people do not understand.
I didnt end up on the biggest and best Drilling Rigs for nothing,I was not "connected",I earned my way there through hard work constant learning and
solid principals, along the way I walked away from many many opportunitys other men never had a shot at,I turned down cherry jobs based on prinicipals
many times before I found the optimal dynamics.
This meant that if i was on a top rated Rig and some idiot teflon manager began making questionable decisions I had the knowledge and acumen to see it
happening and provide rational reasonable solutions or alternatives,this meant I could pinpoint motivation and intentions,if you refused to accept a
superior alternative in ANY situation I immediatly knew you were flawed,then I had to decide if the opportunity I had there was worth the trouble of
defining causality of this defect or not.Was it worth it to learn why you were a putz? Or were you intentionally undermining the optimal path for some
regressive reason or to cover some personal shortcoming?In most cases a refusal to accept a superior alternative is catalysed by protectionist
behaviour attempting to mask a core deficieny or three.In a few cases it is a lack of knowledge and education but those men immediatly see the light
and get on board,others see the light but refuse to fight the status q