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Originally posted by Pervius
If anyone has a hard time believing they are spraying toxins....
The B-2 sprays acid in it's exhaust so you can't see a contrail behind it.
The U-2 reconnaissance plane has antifreeze in it's jetfuel (JPTS) so it doesn't freeze at high altitude.
You breath in both of them daily. 2 verifiable poisons being sprayed into the atmosphere.
Originally posted by santjime
reply to post by weedwhacker
why do you say that it is false? couldnt you go up in a plane and get a sample for yourself with a group of scientist and test it that way as well???!
here is the webpage on ksla news website. . . not a hoax to me on 23-4-2011 by santjime because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by Komodo
yep .. it's a total hoax.. but their spraying over my town right now and within 3 days it will be raining..
just like clockwork..
Originally posted by Komodo
yep .. it's a total hoax.. but their spraying over my town right now and within 3 days it will be raining..
just like clockwork..
Originally posted by Komodo
Originally posted by Komodo
yep .. it's a total hoax.. but their spraying over my town right now and within 3 days it will be raining..
just like clockwork..
yep .. they sprayed yesterday and today BAM.. just like clockwork.. it's raining..
Originally posted by santjime
reply to post by firepilot
YOO BROO, before you speak do your research, chemtrails also have to do with weather modifications, a big part of it is raining. . . .do your research before you speak, and alot of it acid rain.....
The Air Weather Service mission includes the field testing and operational application of weather-modification techniques.
Substantial work has also been conducted in the past 10 years regarding the dispersion and transport of seeding material in both convective and orographic clouds.
The use of tracer material to tag a seeded region has been particularly helpful in this effort. The two tracer materials that are used most often are chaff and SF6. Both materials could be released from either the air or the surface.
The dispersion and transport of the chaff is monitored by radar, while the detection of the SF6 is usually conducted with aircraft equipped to detect it at very low concentrations. (Stith et al. 1990; Klimowski et al. 1998).
D. Designation of cloud treatment techniques.
1. Seeding agent(s) to be employed.
2. Method of transfer to clouds (aircraft, ground generators, or others).
3. Location of seeding in cloud (base, mid-level, top, other).
4. Method of dispersal into cloud (Agl generator, flares, rockets, dry ice dispenser, etc.).
5. Time(s) of day seeding is to be performed (if selective).
6. Duration of seeding in each operation.
E. Requirements for facilities and equipment.
1. Operational center.
2. Meteorological equipment.
3. Aircraft.
4. Ground generators.
5. Seeding devices.
F. Personnel.
1. M e t e o r o l o g i s t ( s ) .
2. A i r c r a ft crew.
3. I n s t r ume nt t e c h n i c i a ns and o b s e r v e r s.
G. Measurements to be made.
1. Meteorological.
2. Aircraft.
3. Radar.
4. Other.
Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by charlespearl
You are SO hilarious!!!
Once again.....linking CLOUD SEEDING, factual info....into the nonsense "chem"-trail HOAX concept!!!
Originally posted by Komodo Cloud Seeding
Originally posted by charlespearl
They put chaff and other radar tracers in it so they can trace the Chemtrails on radar. Remember that!
Originally posted by Ivar_Karlsen
Originally posted by Komodo Cloud Seeding
Yup, and this is the equipment used for that:
Contains thousands of gallons of chemtrail fluid, right?