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The Chemtrail Hoax

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posted on May, 13 2011 @ 01:27 PM
This is a great thread that deserves a bump, IMO.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by Komodo
if you can do better & actually bring something to the table besides hot air.. i'm all ears.. cuz.. yea.. this is DOCUMENTED..

and yes.. there is cloud seeding Whacker.. wait for it.. Cloud Seeding

BAM~!!! DOH ~!! Whacker fails again ~!! it took me all but 2.5secs to bring this up..

WOW ~!! yes.. Chemtrails=Cloud Seeding (as with CHEMICALS) the hell else would they do it.. ~!!

Your SO Hilarious~!!! and yes.. they do it with .. wait for it ..

NVM.. not gonna waste my breath..

Except, that cloud seeding has nothing to do with the chemtrails conspiracy.

Small single engine and twin engine prop planes, flown into rain/snow storms, to fire flares inside of precipitating clouds, at lower altltudes...has nothing to do with what chemtrailers describe.

Can you describe though, how a twin engine Piper Seneca, can reach jet altitudes, and leave a massive trail across the sky, when it its service ceiling is 25,000 ft, it will be doing about 200 mph there, and with two pilots and full fuel, it can carry about 300 lbs. Its about the same with a Cessna 340 too.

Or even better, tell us how a small single engine plane can do it.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 11:33 PM
bump - this still remains as valid today as when it was posted - and even before - turns out it comes from 2000!!

Yep - even way back then the flaws in the hoax were patently (sic) obvious!!

and has anythign actually changed in the last 11 years??!!

Only the names of people falling for the hoax!!
edit on 15-5-2011 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 03:39 PM
"5. There has never been any evidence of anyone collecting some of this "chemtrail" material in situ, having it tested by any reputable laboratory, and presented to anyone."

Dude do your homework! Watch this

Chemtrails are made up of Aluminium and Bereum. They have tested the snow on Mount Rainier in North America where the only possible source of pollution would come from the sky i.e. sprayed from aeroplanes. There are very high levels of toxins that have been detected in the snow. The soil in the surrounding area has also been tested with the same results.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by spooky1973
"5. There has never been any evidence of anyone collecting some of this "chemtrail" material in situ, having it tested by any reputable laboratory, and presented to anyone."

Dude do your homework! Watch this

Chemtrails are made up of Aluminium and Bereum. They have tested the snow on Mount Rainier in North America where the only possible source of pollution would come from the sky i.e. sprayed from aeroplanes. There are very high levels of toxins that have been detected in the snow. The soil in the surrounding area has also been tested with the same results.

OH BS, quit spreading junk science. You think that aluminum and barium can only come from airplanes?

Where do you think Al and Ba come from, if they can only come from aerial spraying. Do you think they are something synthesized in some lab? Wow, the lack of knowledge of the Earth is just mind boggling low at times

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 07:37 PM
The only thing thats staggering is that YOU have clearly not watched the video, yet feel obligated to pipe up with a half baked statement.

Everything from lead to radioactive isotopes are found naturally in our global habitat, its the levels and distribution that are our concern, and if 3000 x over FDA levels do not concern you,or you think it can be brushed off as normal! somehow,simply goes to show, its to late for some.
you wanna play blind man,go walk with the shepherd...

our eyes are open.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 10:56 PM
Great post

You changed my opinion on chemtrails completely. Job well done.

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by spooky1973
The only thing thats staggering is that YOU have clearly not watched the video, yet feel obligated to pipe up with a half baked statement.

Everything from lead to radioactive isotopes are found naturally in our global habitat, its the levels and distribution that are our concern, and if 3000 x over FDA levels do not concern you,or you think it can be brushed off as normal! somehow,simply goes to show, its to late for some.
you wanna play blind man,go walk with the shepherd...

our eyes are open.

3000x times the FDA levels? Now come on, show us such proof. Really now, tell us how the food and drug administration is involved.

Lets look at your clalms

Chemtrails are made up of Aluminium and Bereum.

BTW, its "Barium", not Bereum. And just because other chemtrailers say its true, apparently makes it true? You are posting an allegation as proof. Reposting other chemmies statements, does not any more make it proof.

They have tested the snow on Mount Rainier in North America where the only possible source of pollution would come from the sky i.e. sprayed from aeroplanes.

WRONG. Where did you get your fear of airplanes from? Do you really think there is no aluminum compounds in our natural environment? Would you like to tell us how much of Mt Rainier is Aluminum compounds? What about in dust? Do you think that absolutely no dust can make it up there?

how about this for all of your chemtrail friends. Post for us, right here and right now, how much of the earths crust is aluminum in some form.

There are very high levels of toxins that have been detected in the snow. The soil in the surrounding area has also been tested with the same results.

Ha, anohter chemmie who thinks Barium and Aluminum are "toxins" and that they should not be in the soil. Riddle us this, oh mental giant. Where do you think Aluminum and Barium come from?

edit on 11-8-2011 by firepilot because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 05:37 PM
It might be a good idea to check your own spelling before you correct someone else. Also you haven't watched the video yet, judging by your comments. The proof is on there!!.

Now feel free to research what I'm about to tell you because it proves that chemtrails are not just a conspiracy.

Francis Mangels holds an MSc in Zoology specialising in Aquatics, he has worked for the US Forest Service for 35 years and also worked for the USDA as a Wildlife Biologist specialising in soil conservation for several years. He is a master gardener and has had the soil and water tested where he lives in North California. The area is miles away from any industry highway or forms of contamination and water there is considered to be a pristine water source. The snow water on Mount Shasta in North California has been tested by Francis Mangels and the results are 61,000 micrograms per litre of aluminium. The government limit is 1000. Also contains "Barium" 83 and Strontium 383.

Now are you seriously telling me that amount of aluminium is coming from "dust" and the natural environment? Clearly. He has also tested the soil over the years and the PH level use to be 5.6 to 6.6 and this level is required for healthy plants, but the level is now neutral which obviously is not good for plants to grow. The result? I think you can work that one out yourself.

I’m no expert but I have done my research and you have to be completely blind to not see this is proof that they are spraying toxins on us, in America, UK, Holland, Hawaii and other places. Do you not look up at the sky and see the lines that stay there all day and spreading out covering the sky with a dull grey haze? I have many photographs of chemtrails, one particularly is of 3 lines, all intercepting at one single point and I have compared this with the flight path map over the UK, (This information is easily available) and it showed me no flight path is even slightly similar. What do you think they are? They definitely are not contrails as contrails are ice particles that would not scientifically stay in the sky for hours after the plane has passed? Not possible!!!

If you watch the video it shows a conference where geoengineers of The Air Force Research Laboratory, discuss chemtrails and admit they are spraying 10 to 20 megatons of aluminium on to us. When questioned about the effects that aluminium would have on us, one of them said he doesn’t have the answer as it has not been tested.

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by spooky1973
"5. There has never been any evidence of anyone collecting some of this "chemtrail" material in situ, having it tested by any reputable laboratory, and presented to anyone."

Dude do your homework! Watch this

Chemtrails are made up of Aluminium and Bereum. They have tested the snow on Mount Rainier in North America where the only possible source of pollution would come from the sky i.e. sprayed from aeroplanes. There are very high levels of toxins that have been detected in the snow. The soil in the surrounding area has also been tested with the same results.

Yes - because what is being tested IS soil.

did you know that soil is, on average, about 7-8% aluminium?? That it is the 3rd most common element on the planet??

The testing in WITWATS has been shown to be, at best, an awful mistake - see here fo an explaination of how you have been fooled.

But to put it simply - they ahve tested sludge, found it has a lot of aluminium in it, and then said that it has a high level compared to the allowed limits for water.

However sludge is NOT water - it is not correct to apply the limits for water to sludge!! Sludge is essentialy soil - and so teh readings they got are not actually remarkable at all - they are actually LOW for soil!! They found 375000 ug/litre - or 375mg/kg - but soil is normally anything up to 10% aluminium - or 100,000 mg/kg!!

And when actual water was tested at Mt Shasta no aluminium was found at all.

ther are many sources of barium in het atmosphere - one you may not be aware of is the brake pads on your car - every time you brake you may be adding a chemtrail of barium!! This article tells how scientists use barium to track automotive pollution from brake wear!

It is good to be concerned about eth environment - it is not so good to buy into a line of rubbish that has been long debunked. Sadly many people do - some get quite upset about being told they are jsut wrong and accuse "us" debunkers of all sorts of things.....when actually all we're doing is providing verifiable, scientifically sound information that shows this particular conspiracy is nonsense.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 05:21 PM
There is always going to be governments, companies, organisations, that will endeavour to withhold from public scrutiny, their hidden agenda by making public dis-information, manipulate the truth and down-right lie.

It has been proven, repeatedly, that our government lies to us, and withholds information.

Emails were exchanged between academics of university of East Anglia, which were intercepted by hackers, discussing how they falsified reports on global warming, and the government use these reports as their official source of information. Ramp up public concern, while pushing for carbon taxation. They claim earth’s temperature is rising, when in fact the earth has been cooling since 2002.

Check out this evidence about earth is cooling.

This lie is being used to promote the belief in ‘man made’ Global warming, and the overall justification for geo-engineering.

The amount of people who are aware of chemtrails! And want it stopped!! It’s talked about on the TV, Radio, even celebrities talk about it, its all over the internet. This began because people started to notice the lines in the sky, the unnatural lines that criss cross over the sky day after day, the lines that don’t match with commercial flighpaths. The ‘debunkers’ like yourself are people who don’t believe this is happening to them, they don’t want to believe, they want to carry on with their happy day to day lives, oblivious to what’s going on around them. It is the truth and you can’t handle the truth. We all know what normal contrails look like, and I’ve never seen a normal contrail stay in the sky all day spreading out into a haze.

Ultimately if you are right, good! If I am right, we all lose. Over and out!!

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by spooky1973

Yeah, but you can verify yourself that Francis Mangels and WITWATS were wrong, you don't have to trust the government.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 02:10 PM
Unicus (Mick West), you do seem to spend a lot of time on websites like this and you even have your own website called chemtrail science which is all about debunking chemtrails. You put a lot of time and effort into debunking chemtrails. You say 'I’m not paid for this. I do not work for anyone in conjunction with this site. I’m just some guy' So you are some guy, well I think Francis Meleger is a more credible source of information and a more credible source of unbiased opinions, than you. You work in avionics as a trainee pilot, he is a professional biologist of 35 years’ experience in the work of soil conservation. He has seen the effects that chemtrails are having on plant life, soil and water.

I agree with other peoples comments in that you are paid to debunk chemtrails. Seriously if chemtrails were a myth, people would just ignore the irrational conspiracy’s, and not spend so much time on websites where you know there are a lot of people who believe in chemtrails, any normal person wouldn’t even bother looking on those websites and trying to argue it, but you spend a lot of time trying to make people believe that chemtrails are simply contrails.

A chemmie will never let you change their mind on something they believe in, but you are very determined to argue points with so called facts, figures and statistics. Where do you get your facts and figures from? Can you undoubtedly confirm the statistics have not been tampered with? Falsified? The government controls everything and have been proven they lie, they want NWO which means they have the power to have fingers in all pies, including faked statistics (I’m refereeing to my last comments where it has been proven official documents on global warming have been falsified)

Why have you a determined interest in debunking chemtrails, why does it mean so much to you if you think chemtrails are not real anyway. What’s the point because you can’t change people’s minds. What is the point of a debunker? (I think this deserves a new thread)

I can tell you a chemmie is someone who wants to spread the word to make other people aware. Even if we can’t do anything about it, I’d rather have the knowledge and be aware, rather than be a sheeple who doesn’t believe, who can’t see what’s really going on in the world. Who is the best person to employ in the fight of debunking chemtrails, someone who works in avionics? How much do you get paid?

Can you comment on why the chemtrails in the sky don’t match with flight paths? You must of seen the photos/videos on you tube of chemtrails where aeroplanes double back on themselves several times in a few hours. They are not crop dusting planes. Commercial aircraft simply don’t operate in this manner, neither do military aircraft. Look at this link…You telling me this is a contrail? And no they do not use jumbo jets to fight forest fires either, before you say that’s what it is.

Nobody believes the debunkers, you are a fake, and you are a shill.

Definition of a shill…
A shill, is a person who helps a person or organization without disclosing that he or she has a close relationship with that person or organization. Shill typically refers to someone who purposely gives onlookers the impression that he or she is an enthusiastic independent customer of a seller (or marketer of ideas) that he or she is secretly working for. The person or group that hires the shill is using crowd psychology, to encourage other onlookers or audience members to purchase the goods or services (or accept the ideas being marketed). Shills are often employed byconfidence artists. Plant and stooge more commonly refer to any person who is secretly in league with another person or organization while pretending to be neutral or actually a part of the organization he or she is planted in, such as a magician's audience, a political party, or an intelligence organization (see double agent).
Shilling is illegal in many circumstances and in many jurisdictions[1] because of the frequently fraudulent and damaging character of the shill's actions. However, if a shill does not place uninformed parties at a risk of loss, but merely generates "buzz", the shill's actions may be legal. For example, a person planted in an audience to laugh and applaud when desired (see claque), or to participate in on-stage activities as a "random member of the audience", is a type of legal shill.
"Shill" can also be used pejoratively to describe a critic who appears either all-too-eager to heap glowing praise upon mediocre offerings, or who acts as an apologist for glaring flaws. In this sense, they would be an implicit "shill" for the industry at large, possibly because their income is tied to its prosperity. The origin of the term shill is uncertain; it may be an abbreviation ofshillaber. The word originally denoted a carnival worker who pretended to be a member of the audience in an attempt to elicit interest in an attraction. Some sources trace the usage only back to 1914.[2][3]

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by spooky1973

I explain why I debunk here:

And your video shows the Evergreen megatanker in firefighting configuration dropping water.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 02:46 PM
Yes I seen that website and your guide on debunking.

Why do you ignore the other points I have made? Id appreciate your explanation on chemtrail lines/bends/curve/u-turns that don't match with flightpaths? I have researched this myself based on the lines in the sky and comparing to flight paths over my location and surrounding areas.

Also whats your views on the morgellons epidemic?

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by spooky1973

Not all flights follow flight paths, or even flight plans. There's plenty of training flights, refueling practices, awacs, high altitude holds, and other reasons why a plane might be flying like that. I've seen one myself, and tracked it down.

And there's more detail here, especially in the comment section, regarding identifying "racetrack" contrails

If you've got some examples you'd like to look at, then I'd be happy to give them a shot.

I think Morgellons is just a list of symptoms which is mostly better explained by existing conditions. The fibers seem to be just environmental fibers.
edit on 13-8-2011 by Uncinus because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by Off_The_Street
(1) The existence of a huge and sinister plot is completely lacking in evidence. The President; Congress; SecDef; Director of the FAA; the entire command structure of the various armed services; every military man or woman who flies, maintains, fuels, and overhauls aircraft; every commercial pilot and crew member; every meteorologist; and every aerospace engineer who builds, sells, modifies, or maintains the entire fleet of worldwide commercial aircraft comprise a group of about half a million people. Every one of them would have to be in on the plot.

No, if there are a small group of powerful individuals masterminding some sort of huge and sinister plot, they certainly wouldn't inform all of the peons of what their individual roles meant concerning the big picture. That's a page out of Huge and Sinister Plots 101.

You got a LOL out of me with the IHOP reference, but this thread didn't change my mind at all. There is something being sprayed, based on my own and others' observations. I don't know what it is, but I do think aluminum is very plausible. Wouldn't Monsanto & Bill Gates love it if all the green things on the Earth died except their aluminum-resistant GMO abominations? Talk about market share. Just saying.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by Universer
I don't know what it is, but I do think aluminum is very plausible. Wouldn't Monsanto & Bill Gates love it if all the green things on the Earth died except their aluminum-resistant GMO abominations? Talk about market share. Just saying.

Spraying aluminum would not actually increase the need for aluminum resistant crops.

Soil is naturally 7% aluminum, you'd have to spray trillions of tons to even change that by 0.1%, and even then it would not make a difference.

Aluminum toxicity only becomes a problem in acid soil. The only way to make the problem worse would be to make the soil more acid. Spraying aluminum will not do that.

And of course, no such change in the soil has been detected, either in aluminum, or pH.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by Uncinus

I don't know if any of that is true, and some of it isn't relevent. I do know that there are different forms of aluminum and that the soil might not be the target. Aluminum falling out of the sky and onto the plant is not the same as it being in the soil, whatever the form.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by Universer

None of the forms of aluminum would make a difference (unless they were dropping about 500x the total US aluminum production per day). It's the acid that's the problem.

So why would it then not be more reasonable to suspect acid?

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