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The Chemtrail Hoax

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posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 05:05 PM

I try not to use other web sites to show proof of the chemtrail issue because even when I visit most of these sites it casts doubt in my mind


I think they call that "a clue."

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by apc

I try not to use other web sites to show proof of the chemtrail issue because even when I visit most of these sites it casts doubt in my mind


I think they call that "a clue."

Yeah, too bad he has his fingers in his ears ignoring us, when all we want to do is help him.


posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 06:15 AM

Originally posted by HowardRoark

Originally posted by apc

I try not to use other web sites to show proof of the chemtrail issue because even when I visit most of these sites it casts doubt in my mind


I think they call that "a clue."

Yeah, too bad he has his fingers in his ears ignoring us, when all we want to do is help him.

Now he can see it.

[edit on 2-4-2005 by jra]

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 11:36 AM
the 'clue' i get from 'those websites', is that they are a fabulous resource for disinformationists. you can point at these sites and say, 'see, only irrational idiots believe in chemtrails', because the carnicoms et al. are making bold claims based on 'smoke'.

the whole purpose of these sites is to 'cast doubt'.
howard, and Outof_The_Boeingfactory are great at casting doubt by describing the science of cloud formation, while ignoring or belittling all real evidence(watch them say again, 'what evidence'? HAHA!)
but Code3 and i both know, THE SKY LOOKS DIFFERENT. SOMETHING has changed. it has to be a military operation because only the military could 'legally' pull it off.
notice the pattern of code3 and i? we both noticed the change, and THEN looked on the web for an explanation. this is true of MOST 'chemtrail believers'. it was not a movement 'started' by cliff carnicom. he just happened to be the first one to really freak out about what was going on in the skies. it doesn't mean that he is now a pillar of 'good science', OR that he is THE stereotype of a 'chemtrail believer'. it doesn't mean that if i noticed unatural cloud formation, that his poor scientific method somehow affects the truth written in the sky.
they are doing with truth what they do with political spin. they are putting LOOSELY associated schools of thought into the extreme radical fringe demograph. the same as a liberal is now a 'marxist/socialist', and a middle of the road conservative atheist is now a bible thumping, pro-life, pro-war bush lover; now a sky-gazer who noticed a change is a radical 'chemmie who believes carnicom's lies'.
just trying to help.

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 12:52 PM
Hello, I am not about to read 15 pages to look for an answer, when I could simply ask it.

My question is pretty simple, what are in these chemtrails, why would the government use it, and what are the effects of chemtrails?


posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 02:09 PM
A quick scan of just a few pages would answer your questions, but basically there are a lot of ideas that we are being sprayed with chemicals diguised as normal aircraft condensation trails for the purpose of affecting the human population below. People claiming to feel dizzy during "heavy spray days" or that a friend of a friend of a friend knew a guy who was somehow related to an air force conroller who was contacted by the military confirming the existance of such an operation.
Draw your own conclusion from that one...

There is in my opinion only one possibility, however slim, that operations are under way for the purpose of climate adjustment. This hypothesis has merit only in that it fits a logical case of circumstances, without drawing 100% from the ether like the former ideas, in that it would be a realistic approach to manage our warming trend. There is no conclusive evidence to verify this suggestion, and all evidence that has been presented in support has proven unreliable and smacking of fabrication.

At this point thinking the lines in the sky are anything but water is nice thinking, but the only thing that can be assumed is that it is only water.

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 05:00 PM
Okay thanks, I might look more into this.

-Your friend Liquid

[edit on 053030p://666 by LiquidationOfDiscrepancy]

posted on Apr, 3 2005 @ 03:01 AM

Originally posted by billybob

That is the key billybob, it is very hard to sift through all of the disinformation on the web. To really know what is going on is to witness it firsthand, otherwise its very easy to see it as a hoax when looking at it from an "Internet only" point of view! Then it is all to easy to explain it away as normal contrails, and more jet traffic, pollution, etc. the problem of it is, for me it happened in one day. One summer day in my part of the world there were not any chemtrails, then the next there they were, forever changing the deep blue

posted on Apr, 4 2005 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by Legalizer
Did any of the articles say what the source of Perchlorate was?
Perchlorate is a jet fuel additive.

The Fertilizer Institute

Perchlorate is a compound found in natural deposits and is also manufactured for various industrial purposes, mainly as a propellant for jet fuel. A recently published paper suggests it may also be present in fertilizer. However, subsequent scientific work disputes these findings. In fact, it appears perchlorate does not appear in fertilizer, except for a small amount of products that come from some natural deposits in Chile. The Fertilizer Institute is working with EPA on a definitive testing program to finally determine if there is any perchlorate in fertilizer.

For what it is worth, the Fertilizer Insititute has corrected the above refrenced page. It now reads correctely, "mainly as a propellant for rocket fuel."

posted on Apr, 4 2005 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by Code 3

Originally posted by billybob

That is the key billybob

Do either of you have any objective data that indicates that the sky has changed?

Other than an increase in the amount of cirrus cloud cover as a result of ordinary everyday contrail formation, a subjective claim that the "sky has changed" is not proof that "chemtrails" exist.

posted on Apr, 4 2005 @ 08:59 PM
BTW, for those of you that insist that "something has changed," I present this chart

posted on Apr, 4 2005 @ 09:38 PM
My observations are.., they always spray during the day .They always spray in front of, or in the path of the approach of the sun. There for the sun must have something to do with it? Perhaps solar radiation. But than again, if this is the case, this data would be readily available. Any astro minor with the right equipment would be able to measure the amount of solar radiation being emitted from the sun. So perhaps there is something a little insidious going on. Perhaps the trails are all benign in nature and what going on is one tear of a very complex multi-tear mind screw program.

[edit on C:Monocu04e4 by Opus]


posted on Apr, 4 2005 @ 09:50 PM


Yes. Yes it has. It's called smog. Mmmmm.

posted on Apr, 4 2005 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by Opus
My observations are.., they always spray during the day .They always spray in front of, or in the path of the approach of the sun. There for the sun must have something to do with it?

So, let me get this straight. You think that chemtrails are always sprayed so that they are between you and the sun? is this right? No matter where you are, they always spray the "trails" between you and the sun.

Perhaps the trails are all benign in nature and what going on is one tear of a very complex multi-tear mind screw program.

Maybe chemtrails are "Trails of Tears in the sky?

[edit on 4-4-2005 by HowardRoark]


posted on Apr, 5 2005 @ 12:03 AM

Originally posted by Opus
My observations are.., they always spray during the day .They always spray in front of, or in the path of the approach of the sun.

Not true. I've seen these "chemtrails/contrails" persistently at night. Funny that you've mentioned the sun....

Some time last year(could have been 2 years ago) I walked outside of my house and noticed a beautiful full moon. A "chemtrail/contrail" appeared to 'cut' the moon in half diagonally. It was definitely f'in weird. That was the first time I ever saw, or noticed, a "chemtrail/contrail" at night. Tried to get a picture of it with my camera phone....but it didn't come out. Surprised no one else saw it and posted about it here. Maybe someone DID and I just missed it.
Usually when I see these things at night they are around the moon. I don't really think that has any significance though. It just makes them easier to see because of the light of the moon.
When I started noticing them at night more I wanted to post here about it.... figuring the gov't/aliens/nwo/whoever was "spraying" at night now thinking that no one would notice. I decided it wasn't apropriate for ATS and was gonna put it on BTS...but I never got around to writing the post.

I really don't know what to think of "chemtrails/contrails". I really have no knowledge of aircrafts, and altitudes, and chemicals, and ice particles, etc. I think if they are real then they are being used more for weather control than to poison the population.
I can say this, however:
When I was a little girl I loved to watch the planes that would fly overhead. I was convinced that airplanes were the slowest things ever...I thought that I could beat them in a race, especially in a car. To me, at that age, the only reason why others thought the planes were fast was because there was no traffic in the sky, or traffic lights, stop signs, etc. I used to get afraid when my uncle kicked a kickball really high because I thought that the ball could hit a plane in the sky and cause it to crash in my backyard. My point to this is that I've spent a lot of time watching the skies, airplanes, etc.
I can remember the first time I saw a tradtional contrail. I could have been no more but ten years of age...probably younger. I thought the contrail was actually PART of the plane. I can remember thinking that those "big" planes could hold a lot of people. When I realized that the plane seemed to "shrink" after a short while I concluded that it must be magical.....all the people would be crushed if the plane was really shrinking.
When I told my mother about it she offered the very simple explanation that those magical planes I was seeing were actually our fighters/millitary and that long white trail I saw was actually just smoke from the engine. (my mother didn't know anything about planes either)

I'm sorry I'm boring you all with my childhood....

Well everytime I saw a contrail when I was little it follwed the same "grow/shrink" pattern. I'm not sure at exactly what age, but I stopped watching airplanes and contrails eventually.

Many years later, a fellow co-worker asked me if I knew what "chemtrails" are and I didn't. He explained it to me. I didn't grasp what he was saying until he pointed an already formed one out to me (no plane in site). I argued that it was just a cloud and he pointed me towards various websites on the subject. I started paying attention to the skies once again and the most immediate thing that hit me was that the trails lingered for a very long time after the plane had gone. The second thing that hit me was at times the trails were much, much longer than any I had ever witnessed as a child.

My conclusion is that these "chemtrails/contrails" aren't quite natural....but I'm not sure that they are really anything to worry about either. Whatever the hell it is coming out of those planes seems a lot different than what I remember growing up....but at the same time technology has also changed.

I was always perplexed as to why skywriting hasn't come up in any discussion about "chemtrails/contrails". (forgive I said, I don't really know much about this stuff) I haven't seen skywriting in years and to my knowledge no one really does it anymore....but from what I remember... skywriting kinda behaves in the same way as an alleged chemtrail, doesn't it? The way it slowly dispearses? *remembering all the times some genius decided to write PEPSI over the baseball fields when I was dying of thirst* lmao

Proof Of Malicious Intent via Chemtrails

(just kidding with the link....for those of you with no sense of humor)

posted on Apr, 5 2005 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by God
Some time last year(could have been 2 years ago) I walked outside of my house and noticed a beautiful full moon. A "chemtrail/contrail" appeared to 'cut' the moon in half diagonally. It was definitely f'in weird. That was the first time I ever saw, or noticed, a "chemtrail/contrail" at night. Tried to get a picture of it with my camera phone....but it didn't come out. Surprised no one else saw it and posted about it here. Maybe someone DID and I just missed it.

Actually, two people did see it also. A Mrs. Edna Nelson of Otter Falls, MN, and a Mr Harry Funk of Rockton, WV, both saw the same trail at the same time you did.

(just kidding back at you


posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 01:38 AM
I got me a photo of a chemspray operation in progress.


posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 09:01 PM
I really liked your post God, personal observations are the only "proof" of chemtrails we will get for quite some time. I dont lik to post wb sites but this one is very good. He is a weatherman named Scott Stevens. Here is his site:

Check out the Pilots view section also, Scott seems to be really on the ball. Here is an excerpt:

The contrail debate is the last area I ever wanted to get into. I felt late to the game, and great research had already been done but with a camera always at my side it would be just a matter of time before I 'caught' one of the active over flights spraying its cargo overhead. Below is that first picture I shot on August 29th at about 2 pm Mountain. Now that I have seen one, and know what to look for these flights are so numerous that often several aircraft are visible in the sky simultaneously, I wonder how I missed seeing them for so long!

This is something all sceptics need to realize. Once you finally see what chemtrails look like, you see them right away, without any daoubt if spraying in your area is occuring.

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 06:54 AM
OMG. I come back from 2 weeks in China and you guys are still at it. Hilarious. BTW they must be doing some serious "chemtrail" spraying over in Shanghai, as the air is terrible on a hot day.

Out the window of my plane on the way there I did actually spot 2 "chemtrails", which was strange as we were over Siberian tundra with no population for a 1000 miles. Then again it was -45C outside so perhaps it was frozen water crystals from other jets on the same flight that's just too ridiculous - the Russian miltary must have been spraying stuff around.

I love the way the only argument that now seems to come from the "believers" is that: "the sky is different from when I was kid". The summers also seemed to be much longer when I was a kid - do you think there is a conspiricy to make then shorter?


posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 02:06 PM
*giggles like a school girl*
What fun has been had!
Welcome back fatha!

>yah gotta love it when apparently our enemies are covertly cooperating with us... yeah....

[edit on 9-4-2005 by apc]

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