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Men (Masculinity) Dangerous to Society?

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posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by MeesterB

Seems to me that the generation coming up behind mine has already been pretty heavily feminized. What did you think emo kids were? lol In all seriousness though, the new standard for guys is basically to be little phonies. Sitting in their rooms playing war games, or watching UFC, thinking that it makes them hard, and then, when the ball drops, and things go wrong, none of them will know what the hell to do as their instincts are being pretty much literally dumbed down by the public school system and the MSM in general. I mean, how can anyone with a semi-functional brain consider the likes of Jersey Shore to be entertaining. I just see it as a bunch of little spoiled rich chumps who do nothing but act like morons, but somehow it is now a hit with the next generation. It completely baffles me. I guess the fluoride is doing it's job too then eh. Either that or there's a little too much chlorine in the gene pool if you get my drift.

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by iamconcerned

AHAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAA Thanks so much for my weekend humor fix. Let's just get rid of men, that way we can all listen to our Melissa Etheridge CD's in peace, without being reminded of how much she sucks. After all, when men stop producing things that create wealth, then all the teachers, social services, single mom benefits will just keep arriving based on.... whose wealth? Your gig of having everything handed to you as a woman is completely dependent on men paying for it. Men are now in revolt. They won't marry you, they won't work their ass off so you can steal it in a divorce after two years, and they definitely no longer work harder because you decided to have a kid against his wishes, they usually end up going to jail instead (part of your 95% convenient). So now, since men would rather play video games than put up with feminist nightmares like you, and your free ride for being a woman with kids is coming to an end since nobody is paying for it, now you come here and spoooooge all over us. CLASSIC.

Bitter , party of one.....

but seriously, you clearly hate women. No one here said anything about getting rid of men, that is except for the butthurt men trying to exaggerate the OP's position, aka strawman. I don't know any feminists who think a man is supposed to generate all the wealth while they sit around popping out babies. Not to say that there arent any women who do this but they are not respecting men or themselves in any "feminist" way.

edit on 24-2-2012 by kokoro because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by Starchild23

Originally posted by femalepharoe
reply to post by Starchild23

do not disrespect or degrade women?

you called me "little miss princess".

The thread states , masculinity cultivation - SPECIFICALLY.

I then detail violent acts of men, which you chose to ignore and instead (attempt) to attack me.

I approached it just as I should have, and the people who got it - got it. Why are you defending pedos , rapists, and violence??

IS that that what "masculinity" means to you??

Did I say any of those things were good? Did I call you out by name? No. I spoke to all of women in general...every woman I have read about, seen on tv, or known in person.

Masculinity is strength. Femininity is emotion. Physical and nonphysical. Two sides of the same coin. Duality. Divinity.

This is what these words mean to me. I look at man and woman in love, and I see god. Is that wrong?

Also, I would encourage you to reread my above post. I modified it to include some concepts I left out...erroneously.

edit on CFridaypm515150f50America/Chicago24 by Starchild23 because: (no reason given)

Keep talking, you are perfect just the way you are, hope it's contagious around you too. Ooohooo!

The division between the sexes is the greatest oversight by all of us throughout time.
We didn't know what we were supposed to do with it.
Our own histories and the stuff they have taught us showed us a screwed version of what woman are supposed to be. We have tested and used what we were given, and it made some of you very happy and some of you murderous and violent. Hence our confusion and fear of giving ourselves without holding back.
Starve an animal and back it into a corner and it will bite you.
Love of both and a healthy respect for both laws and we could really have something magical to behold.

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 11:08 PM
We just need a balance. Not more femininity or masculinity. The two are meant to balance eachother, not overpower one another. When either becomes too dominant, society suffers.

There's a "battle" going on right now, imo, in which the feminine is and has been trying to rectify the overabundance of the masculine from the last few thousand years. The masculine is having a really hard time relinquishing some power over the feminine as the natural order tries to restore itself. I think thats why feminism is demonized. Its essentially an ad hominem attack.

Just my two sense....

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by femalepharoe
Do you have any thoughts on the overwhelming hows and whys of the statistics that conclude that masculinity cultivation is killing our world.

The statistics are a coincidence. The problem isn't what's between the legs/hormones, the problem is what's between the ears and education.

I mean I could easily turn those statistics around and say 90% of women provoke that violence on themselves, etc., bad logic, blah blah, but that's nonsense and we both know it.

Instead of treating people according to statistics, treat people according to their humanity as rational, thinking individuals with personalities of their own.

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by hudsonhawk69

You are no ordinary man, you are a god.
Please don't ask for excitement through chaos, be loved, give love, isn't that enough?
Can it ever be enough for the warrior inside your heart?

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 11:34 PM
a couple quick things.

First about sexual assaults mostly from men,

Let me point out that these are reported cases. In today's day and age it is very easy for someone to falsely accuse someone of "Rape" or what ever, just to get back at them. Most people today see "guilty" the second someone is accused. I promise you, there are a lot of innocent men and fraud women out there.

Also I can promise you, that a lot higher percent of women also commit these crimes and it is impossible to get actual statistics, because the chance of an "incident" being reported is extremely lower than if a man did it. The problem here is, if a woman does it to a boy or teen male, there is little to no chance of it being reported. The women that do get caught are usually reported by someone other than the victim.
If a woman were to do something with another young girl, it is also far less likely it will be reported, and even in the cases where it is, people rarely believe the child, because they were just "playing" or "cuddling" or what ever, and because it's a woman, they will most likely believe them because "women are nurturers" in the minds of everyone. Not to mention, what proof do they have?

Point Number Two:

Hun, they have been feminizing men for decades now, and men are now exposed to high doses of women hormones on a daily basis through the food they eat and the water supply.

Every ad, movie, and tv show out there always has a "powerful" smart woman in them, and in most cases the woman is the hero, while the man is made to look like the idiot. seriously, just watch any tv commercial and tell me how many of them show the man as the "brains" and the woman as the one who screwed up.

They have been working to take the Man out of Men for years, and all you have to do is listen to people like the "op" and you can tell this is working like a charm on the psyche of the public.

White, Straight Men are now at the bottom of the totem pole in every possible way. Education is even structured towards girls, not boys.

Yet with all of this, The number of "reports" is ever increasing, according to you.

Women are far more violent with children than that of men.

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 11:40 PM
Here is some statistics from Child protective services, contradicting what you are saying about men being more abusive than women with children.

PARENT --------------------Number-------------------------------- Percent

Father and Other----------------6,365-----------------------------------00.9%
Mother ------------------------- 265,022----------------------------------37. 2%
Mother and Other--------------39,597-----------------------------------05.6%
Mother and Father-----------132,029----------------------------------18.5%

Total Parents----------------- 578,821---------------------------------- 81.3

38.5% Fathers involvement

61.3% Mother involvement

edit on 24-2-2012 by tw0330 because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-2-2012 by tw0330 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 11:42 PM

Media are crucial to constraining men to seeing violent masculinity as the cultural norm...

I agree with this quite a lot.

When the question of "harmful masculinity" comes around, I usually go back to the old Taoist and Buddhist ideas regarding balance. Masculine and feminine attitudes, energies, thoughts, et cetera are opposite polarities (or rather, two sides of the same coin. One cannot exist without the other) and harmony, sometimes stagnation, in any society exists when opposing polarities are brought into balance. Balance, however, doesn't always mean equal amounts.

In Western culture these days, unfortunately, "manliness" has become violence, battle, and aggressiveness. Being gentle, respectful, and kind is never harmful to a man but it is seen as "female," and I think with the jokes about homosexuality and teasing, being a good man in the more traditional sense is to be avoided. I think it comes down to insecurity in masculinity and the stigmata against homosexuality. I see things like this quite a bit in the Midwest where blue-collar work and Baptist denominations come together to enforce ideals present in the 1950s. Homosexuality in many circles is something to be hidden and manliness is accentuated to avoid the appearance of femininity.

Of course, there are men who are more "feminine" than some women and vice-versa. In some places, women perpetrate more child abuse, for example, than men do.

To recap, femininity and masculinity are two aspects of humanity that are vital to life. When one becomes too powerful and the balance is tipped, harmful things can happen whether they be in society, culture, a home, school, family, or individual.
edit on 2/24/2012 by Lifthrasir because: Fixed paragraph format.

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by Starchild23

And women wonder why men are always frustrated? Stop degrading them!
edit on CFridaypm545452f52America/Chicago24 by Starchild23 because: (no reason given)

Whos frustrated? ... Nah mate... I go easy. If a woman turns out to be all feminist and crap, I'll just boot her and get another. You know... the beauty of being a man is we're not shunned cause we have lots of women. And theres a LOT OF THEM. So... I dont get frustrated at all. Just boot her and try again.

Old chinese proverb. "A key that opens many locks, is a master-key. A lock that opens with many keys, is useless"

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 12:00 AM
Both are degrading each other i think.
You should be what you are.
But there should be clear connection between your nature and your worldly duties.
Everything will be good.
Equality doesn't exist outside, you should look for it in yourself.
A society in which there is equal distribution of power between male and female would cease to exist.
I wonder why submission is considered such a bad thing when it's the best quality anyone can have.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 12:07 AM
Report on women sexual preditors

False Accusations of DV

CPS Statistics

Top Ten Violent Women

So explain why men need to be feminized?
How about we Let Men be Men and Women be Women

Women = to Men


Women > Men

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by deepankarm
Both are degrading each other i think.
You should be what you are.
But there should be clear connection between your nature and your worldly duties.
Everything will be good.
Equality doesn't exist outside, you should look for it in yourself.
A society in which there is equal distribution of power between male and female would cease to exist.
I wonder why submission is considered such a bad thing when it's the best quality anyone can have.

I agree with you, they do both degrade each other.

The problem is, when a man publicly says something about a woman, it is considered sexist and the media is all over it (in a bad way).

If a Woman would do the same thing about a man, then it would be either not reported, or it would not be sexist, just fact.

MSM is very lopsided when it comes to gender equality, and women are the winners by far.

MEN are feeling backed against a wall in many cases, and need to act out, just to feel like a man in this male bashing society (sadly sometimes it can be violent, which I do not condone.) "MAN" outlets are getting harder and harder to come by, whether it is stupid laws, or wives reading how bad it is for a man to spend time with friends.
This has lead to many divorces.

The argument can go both ways I know.

Men and women ARE different, and society is tailored towards women.
edit on 25-2-2012 by tw0330 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by Lifthrasir

Media are crucial to constraining men to seeing violent masculinity as the cultural norm...

I agree with this quite a lot.

When the question of "harmful masculinity" comes around, I usually go back to the old Taoist and Buddhist ideas regarding balance. Masculine and feminine attitudes, energies, thoughts, et cetera are opposite polarities (or rather, two sides of the same coin. One cannot exist without the other) and harmony, sometimes stagnation, in any society exists when opposing polarities are brought into balance. Balance, however, doesn't always mean equal amounts.

In Western culture these days, unfortunately, "manliness" has become violence, battle, and aggressiveness. Being gentle, respectful, and kind is never harmful to a man but it is seen as "female," and I think with the jokes about homosexuality and teasing, being a good man in the more traditional sense is to be avoided. I think it comes down to insecurity in masculinity and the stigmata against homosexuality. I see things like this quite a bit in the Midwest where blue-collar work and Baptist denominations come together to enforce ideals present in the 1950s. Homosexuality in many circles is something to be hidden and manliness is accentuated to avoid the appearance of femininity.

Of course, there are men who are more "feminine" than some women and vice-versa. In some places, women perpetrate more child abuse, for example, than men do.

To recap, femininity and masculinity are two aspects of humanity that are vital to life. When one becomes too powerful and the balance is tipped, harmful things can happen whether they be in society, culture, a home, school, family, or individual.
edit on 2/24/2012 by Lifthrasir because: Fixed paragraph format.
There is no relation between homosexuality and balance of feminine and masculine aspects.
Sexuality in itself is based on polarity.
And since you have mentioned buddhism, it doesn't condone any form of sexuality neither does any religion be it christianity,islam,hinduism,ect.
This is the common misunderstanding among people and it's why we all are at war on sexuality.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by kokoro

I certainly don't hate women, and if you look at any patent site, you will see that 90% of the patents are from men. Women are definitely smart, they just don't create/invent wealth on the same scale. If my 'butthurt' ramblings make just one person think twice about signing up for the slavery that is marriage, then i've done my job
Enjoy your cats and dwindling benefits

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 01:31 AM
I dont hate womens ,but i have to say, womens tend to ask for equality and respect, and tend to act like godly beings

They want to work the same jobs as mens do with the same pay but WITHOUT the troubles.

If a girl harass you,she dont get any troubles , just try to do the same to a women, and you end in troubles

etc etc etc...
i can go for an hour with a full list of arguments but i know , some feminazis here are already foaming with rage

I dont see any respect here, i just can see a difference in matter of treatment

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 03:10 AM

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 03:16 AM
reply to post by femalepharoe

This article is an outright violation of the ToS. As in the beginning topic post the author wantonly engages in outright bigoted lies.

Most of violent crimes and sexual assualts on children and adults are overwhelmingly commited by males. (PLEASE NOTE: this is not to say that women have not, will not, or do not have the capacity to do so)

Those links alone should prove how bigoted the OP is and how severely this violates the ToS.

Further more, the entire social theory and similar rhetoric lead one to paint the OP as a person who subscribes to the bigoted female supremacist movement known as feminism:

So this whole topic has more in common with a neo nazi scum trying to talk about Jewish peoples as a market dominant minority, then it does about someone who genuinely wants to talk about social issues.

The OP has not used a single link or publicly made statistics to validate his/her position.

And if there is any doubt onto the nature of this bigot, I direct your attention to this article:

Don't waste your time trying to argue with a bigot.

edit on 25-2-2012 by korathin because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 03:18 AM
Masculinity is natural and is the outer barrier of society that keeps it up and protects it.While masculinity can destructive,femininity is by far more dangerous as it is self destructive.

Look at the natural laws.

Oh and it was masculine men who built society,so if you don't like it,go and live in the wilderness and lets see how long you survive without a masculine figure.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 03:23 AM

edit on 25-2-2012 by Domo1 because: (no reason given)

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