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Men (Masculinity) Dangerous to Society?

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posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by femalepharoe

What do feminists choose to ignore?

• Women commit most child abuse in intact biological families.

• Children are 3 times more likely to be fatally abused in Mother-only Households than in Father-only Households.

• Children raised in Single-mother Households are 8 times more likely to become killers than children raised with their biological father.

• Women hit their male children more frequently and more severely than they hit their female children.

• Women commit 55% of child murders and 64% of their victims are male children.

• 82% of the general population had their first experience of violence at the hands of women, usually their mother.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 07:53 AM
Lady we men are violent because it in our blood. nature made us that way in order to protect you and our children against the aggressors or people who may want to take away what we have eg wife,kids,land,livestock anything a man needs to feel secure and to survive. and i would say your stats are totally absurd. did you know that men that live in an abusive relationship in which the agressor is a woman continue and up to this day live in that misery? why because he would be ridiculed and no one would believe them as people(sexists) like you have been pushing this propaganda that its okay for women to be abusive and that men are responsible for abuse. a woman can hurt herself and could easily call the cops on a man saying its domestic abuse and for sure the police without a question would assume she is correct thus inflating your stats numbers. which are biased because of how society blames domestic abuse squarely on men. and come on 99 percent of rapes in prison are committed by men? that i found amusing and made me laugh because its like stating 99 percent of birds fly. ever heard of Eileen Wournos? she was a serial killer and she was a woman. so please save us the sexist rant because accept it the world itself is biased stats are extrapolation of anything as its almost impossible to quantify social issues and blame them on a specific gender. and even if your stats may prove true then what is your solution? castrate men so they don't produce testosterone? hey maybe then they will become peaceful robots

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by 1ncegreat

Eileen Wournos did not rape anyone. She was raped by a man!!

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by Hecate666
Reading through this thread has made a few things very clear. The most insulting posts here are from men.

Why are feminists so sensitive to criticism when they dish it out so readily?

You would almost think that they thought of themselves as a superior sex.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by ollncasino

It all depends on where you get your information from, this is from another site, not a 'femminist hating' site.

· Domestic violence includes physical, emotional and sexual abuse.
· Domestic violence is totally unacceptable. Every woman has the right to live her life free of violence, abuse, intimidation and fear.
· Domestic violence is very common. One woman in four experiences domestic violence at some point in her life. It occurs across all cultures, ages, ethnic groups and social classes.
· Domestic violence is very dangerous. Each week in the UK, two women are killed by a partner or ex-partner.
· Domestic violence is not just about individual men abusing individual women. It is also about the systematic abuse and oppression of women in the society in which we live.
· Domestic violence is about power and control. Abusive, violent and sexually abusive behaviour is wide-ranging and subtle in what it tries to achieve.
· Domestic violence is intentional and instrumental behaviour. It is about scaring you into doing something that you don't want to do or out of doing something that you do want to do.
· The abuser is 100% responsible for his abuse. His abuse is his problem and his responsibility.
· It is not your fault. No woman ‘asks for it' or deserves to be abused, regardless of what she says or does.
· Abusive men can change. His behaviour is within his control and he can choose to stop.
· You can't change him. He is the only person who can stop his own violence and abuse.
· He may change a bit. Some men change a bit, maybe becoming less violent, but remaining abusive and intimidating. You can decide for yourself whether he has changed enough.
· You don't have to put up with it. Every woman has the right to safety and respect, to live a life free from violence and abuse. You have the right to put your own and your children's needs first.

edit on 25-2-2012 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 08:08 AM
Women are more likely than men to be murdered by an intimate partner. Of those killed by an intimate partner about three quarters are female and about a quarter are male. In 1999 in the United States 1,218 women and 424 men were killed by an intimate partner,[114] and 1181 females and 329 males were killed by their intimate partners in 2005.[115][116] In England and Wales about 100 women are killed by partners or former partners each year while 21 men were killed in 2010.[117] In 2008, in France, 156 women and 27 men were killed by their intimate partner.[118

The UN Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women (1993) states that “violence against women is a manifestation of historically unequal power relations between men and women, which has led to domination over and discrimination against women by men and to the prevention of the full advancement of women, and that violence against women is one of the crucial social mechanisms by which women are forced into a subordinate position compared with men.”

From wiki.
edit on 25-2-2012 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 08:12 AM
I have a feeling this is going to turn into an ugly sh!t storm of male vs female banter.

I have to agree with one of the posters on here regarding equality and feminism. Its total BullSh!t to expect men to bend over backwards to placate the oh so sensitive and emotionally fragile females when it suits them but also when it suits them they wanted to be treated like equals.

well sorry we are NOT equal. we are male and you are female. We both have strengths and weaknesses. What we are supposed to do is compliment each other, not try to out do each other.

It seems a strange division that women and men should try to compete against each other when they should be working with each other. Women are useless at manual labor compared to men. Dont blame us blame evolution or god or whatever. Women are good at organization and multitasking. You dont see us complaining. Just accept you're not a goddess and lets get on with it.


posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by Itisnowagain

wow here we go giving yet another pathetic excuse to justify women being violent. so because she was raped by that one person gave her all the rights to kill the others? or did they all raped her before she killed them? or what she was a prostitute and like all prostitutes they sell sex so here is my opinion of how she became so messed up and turned into a killer. one day while she was having paid sex she had severe guilt of being a prostitute,hated herself for it, hated men for it, blamed everyone for her choices and how she came to be. and then before you knew it she snapped and her killer genes were activated and using her profession as a tool to prey on people so she can kill them and say they raped or attempted to rape her. and if that was the case im sure there would be alot more serial killer prostitutes out there. I guess you feel sorry and have sympathy for her eh.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by Itisnowagain

and where are you getting the idea in my post of me saying she raped someone? Iam just using here as a mere example: that women are capable of the same evil as men too. face it its just that more men are caught or portrayed as violent because a few do

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by 1ncegreat

You wrote this "and come on 99 percent of rapes in prison are committed by men? that i found amusing and made me laugh because its like stating 99 percent of birds fly. ever heard of Eileen Wournos?"

I think your grammar fooled me into thinking it was related, i can see now that maybe it wasn't.

I am not justifying anything, she admitted she deserved to die for what she did.
Women are capable and you have named one. How many men can you name?
edit on 25-2-2012 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by Itisnowagain

There is nothing wrong with my grammer. Im sorry for your confusion. the sentence ended, there was a period. and another one started if you would have read correctly. And yes she was the only one that came off the memory. Im sure if i do some research i can bring you more names of women serial killers all over the world. I can also give you a list of the males ones too. MY point is gender neutral. Men and women are capable of the same evil. in the end when it comes down to it its an individual choice to commit violence.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by 1ncegreat

I feel it is the one with the biggest stick.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 08:42 AM
Oh puhlease this whole debate is shackled over the violent men...

Everyone is different. I am a man. Do I go around raping people, beating people up, throwing punches? Nuh uh.

I'm a gentle soul. Not into that stuff. Though I do read about it every working day in my job. And let me tell you that women can and also are violent, aggressive, etc. It's not just men.

From the court briefs I check all the time, to me it seems to be mainly that men use fists or blunt objects whilst women use knives or sharp objects.

Either way, I find it to be the psycho's and irrational in society that are dangerous...

Mind you, that alcohol plays a part too, and men on alcohol get hyped up. Women on alcohol get sleepy.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 08:44 AM
The world is changing though, we are evolving. The big stick attitude is not working anymore. It is time for peace.
Women can now choose peace if they wish. When women could not be independant, they were subservient. A child grew in an enviroment where they veiwed the victim and a bully mentallity.
Children should see men and women standing together on equal footing. The man, the father, the husband, used to be the boss and everyone was scared of him, that is changing.

edit on 25-2-2012 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 09:07 AM
edit on 25-2-2012 by essanance because: not worth it

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 09:09 AM
These kinds of posts really rub me wrong, and let me explain why.

I was adopted through the welfare system in Indiana in 1984 at the age of 4. I was taken from my biological mother who had been abusive toward her 3 children . Malnutrition, Sexual Abuse (though I do not know if I ever was), and physical abuse were all done by the mother (yes the, not my).

The father of me and my older sister was around for about 3 years, and by the looks of the hundreds of court, cps and mental health records that I have the father never did the abusing, and is only guilty of eventually abandoning his children (though this may or may not be the case, he just dropped out of any documents around 1982), at which time the biological mother was then remarried to a different man who she had the third child with. There were never any records of this man being abusive either, and the only record I have is that he was pretty much her "YES MAN", and anything she said, he agreed with. Both Husbands reported abuse on them as well, but of course she also said she was abused by the men.

I was the middle child, and for the first three years received the majority of the abuse. According to the documents the biological mother, did not see me as a person, but instead as an unwanted entity. The good news here was, I spent more time in foster care than with my Biological mother, but sadly my sister did not spend much time in foster care.

In 1983 the Indiana court system finally said enough is enough, and called for the children being taken from her permanently. Some how she got wind of this (I do not know details as to how, they are not in the records), and when the cps case worker showed up to take the three children from her, all the lady found was an empty apartment with only a single child in it (yes the child left was me). She had fled with two of the children. Eventually the courts found her in Kentucky, but the state of Kentucky would not help Indiana in retrieving the children from her, because they did not have any record of child abuse from her.

As for Documentation, the Documents about her, pretty much end here, the rest of them talk about my adoption and rehabilitation.

In 2001 I was able to track down my bio sister (how is a story within itself). She was and still is in Louisville Ky, and is also having to live in a special home for mentally challenged women. At this point I have pieced together parts of the rest of the story from what she has told me, and what I have heard from her case workers, and care takers. (though I am missing quite a bit of those 3 years, and do not push her to tell me anything), mostly what I have is from the time she became part of the "system" to now.

In 1987 my Biological mother, had been found dead in a hotel room after being murdered, from a drug deal that had gone bad (that is what I was told, at least). My Sister and half brother were found sometime later with a man the authorities had arrested. From what I was told, both were put up for adoption, but since my sister had been so badly abused, she became mentally challenged and was prone to angry fits and outbursts. The couple "returned" her to the system, which she has been in ever since.

I have regular communication with my sister, and see her when I can (3 hours away), but have not yet found what has happened to my half brother, though I have some clues, just no luck in finding him. When I visit my sister, and take her out, It makes me mad to see what the abuse my biological mother had done to her. She is 32 and has a mindset of a 5 to 10 year old. She has very little skills in regards to personal skills, and spends her days at an adult daycare center, where all of her friends have even worse mental disorders than she does, causing her to never be able to see things from an adults stand point of view. To this day, I am the only family she knows, though she is also the only blood family I know (other than my daughter)

The point of this story is, I see a situation, where the fathers were never abusive and a mother who was never held accountable for actions she committed against her children. She should have been jailed for the first offence, let alone 7 years of abusing her children. But the biggest problem I see is that the documents from the courts, seemed more concerned about what the father was doing than the mother.

As a result, we have 3 lives impacted for life. I too had some developmental problems growing up, but was able to work hard and get past them. Though I will admit, Some things, such as trust issues, still haunt me to this day.

So when i see a thread like this one, I cringe and feel anger within me, as this kind of thinking people have, lead to abuse within the early part of my life, and worse yet, the mental disorders of my sister.

Do not tell me women don't abuse like men, because I promise you, They do, and most know they will get away with it too.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by ollncasino

WOW u are so right you show them the truth and all they can do is hide behind the old ,DONT ATTACK ME !!! TROLL THREAD MOD DELETE!!!!

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by femalepharoe
...did I hit I hit soft spot?

Guys compete and that's what they do. If they lose control of that need to compete, then the ultimate expression of that competition is violence against the person, place or thing that the guy is competing with. Very simple to explain and while not as simple to address, there have been periods in human history when it was addressed better than it is now days. In fact, now days, this potentially lethal predilection has become the one necessary attribute for success at every level of societal structure.

Leaders should not be hyper-competitors, but our bizarre culture requires a fight from all who would strive to better their own community. This ends up with the most competitive (remember that the ultimate form of competition is violence) of the society being the ones who win the leadership roles, and with these potentially malignant characters having temporarily satisfied that need to win by winning election, the next battle looms ahead, with often no guardrails established to keep the hyper-competitor from spinning off into the trees as he lurches forward into his new position of leadership. This is probably why most modern presidents have gone off the rails during their 2nd terms.

I have always seen women as the leaders and men as the facilitators that require firm guidance by the women that have a much broader view of what's needed for the long run by all within a society. Men are definitely valuable as workers, fighters, project managers, work-site supervisors, protectors, and any job that requires the need to compete with others, with time, with established degrees of efficiency and the whole host of other forms of resistance that exist in our world. That said, if all you really know how to do is compete, then your ability to achieve a higher vision, and to lay out the pathway toward that vision for everyone, and not just yourself, is severely crippled. I like to say that you can't perceive the future if you're always looking over your shoulder, and winners look over their shoulders at those behind them to see if they're gaining on them. That's the nature of competition, and that's why our entire society judges success and failure in 3 month increments called fiscal quarters. No one in a position of leadership can even imagine beyond the next set of numbers, and that's because we've allowed this to become a man's world.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 09:40 AM
Oh my we got a man hater here ha ha ha
Seriously who got dumped recently? get back in that kitchen and get the dinner on!

(tongue stuck firmly in cheek of course)

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by ollncasino
reply to post by femalepharoe

What do feminists choose to ignore?

• Women commit most child abuse in intact biological families.

• Children are 3 times more likely to be fatally abused in Mother-only Households than in Father-only Households.

• Children raised in Single-mother Households are 8 times more likely to become killers than children raised with their biological father.

• Women hit their male children more frequently and more severely than they hit their female children.

• Women commit 55% of child murders and 64% of their victims are male children.

• 82% of the general population had their first experience of violence at the hands of women, usually their mother.

Thank you!

As you can see here, men are not the sole cause of violence in America, nor indeed the world.

Let's try the shoe on the other foot, eh?

This is my whole point. Men and women are just as responsible for everything. For nearly every act of violence man has committed, there was a woman nearby who did nothing to stop it. According to our law, for that, she is just as responsible.

Do not demonize men, do not imply that they are monsters or more at fault for the violence in society than women...for the women have just as much power. We are all not make yourself out to be more than you are.

Woman's rights comes with woman's responsibility. Remember that.


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