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UK Unemployment Corruption

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posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by blupblup

Originally posted by jimbo999
My first question would be: WHY did the British public vote in the Conservatives? Don't they realize yet that the Cons are in bed with Big Business and always have been??

Only 36% of voters actually voted Tory, the vast majority did not.
But they did have the biggest share and the Lib Dems, despite (apparently) having the polar opposite ideals and values, decided to jump into bed and **** the country.


and that is the 36% of the 60% who actually voted

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by Power_Semi

You have got it !
When you 'vote' these politicians into government, you think your going to get 'change' ?
No, your not, you are going to get more of the same.
All you are doing is changing one board of directors for another, and they're only goal is to
take the 'company' (UK Limited) down the same road. The road to profit ! They are the only ones
who will profit, you, the work force will make them that profit !
Its an illusion !
When you register a birth you sign your child over to the company !
It all starts there ! Research and find out for yourselves !


posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by ProRipp
When you register a birth you sign your child over to the company !
It all starts there ! Research and find out for yourselves !
Investers in people. Its printed on my driving license.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by blueorder
and that is the 36% of the 60% who actually voted

Indeed... and yet all those who didn't vote still bitch and moan.

Then again, who is there to vote for really? It's a "Lesser of two evils" things really.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by blupblup

Originally posted by blueorder
and that is the 36% of the 60% who actually voted

Indeed... and yet all those who didn't vote still bitch and moan.

Then again, who is there to vote for really? It's a "Lesser of two evils" things really.

they should change how elections are reported and give percentages for the parties based on the overall potential electorate, not just those who vote, fairly burst their pravda like reporting on the BBC, Sky etc

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 06:28 PM
i am glad this has been brung up on here,i have been made redundant not long ago and reluctanly had to go on jobseekers and i can honesly say i am contemplating toping myself i am so depressed by it all,plus the company i worked for has been went bust so i dont even know if im getting my wadges iv got to wait to here of the admistrators, these forced work/traing thingys will keep hapening until the entire country is on the dole then when shtf well be forced to go to war or help with war effforts theres somthing going serioserly wrong in this counrty (UK),

edit on 23-1-2012 by haven123 because: i need to die

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by VoidHawk

Whenever you 'register' anything, you give up ownership of WHATEVER it is you are registering to
whomever you are registering it to !
You 'believe' you own your car ? No you don't !


posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by blueorder
they should change how elections are reported and give percentages for the parties based on the overall
potential electorate,

How do you mean?

fairly burst their pravda like reporting on the BBC, Sky etc least we're not as bad as the US... but still, awful.
Politics will always be corrupt and poisonous, until we the people do something about it.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by haven123
i am glad this has been brung up on here,i have been made redundant not long ago and reluctanly had to go on jobseekers and i can honesly say i am contemplating toping myself i am so depressed by it all,plus the company i worked for has been went bust so i dont even know if im getting my wadges iv got to wait to here of the admistrators,

keep the head up, I am self employed but for the last two months have had to use credit cards just to pay basic bills, it can be a real head wrecker of a situation, but I try and focus on my family, if it all goes tits up as long as they are healthy we will live somewhere

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by haven123

Man, don't talk like that ! Don't let 'THEM' win !
What your contemplating is a long term solution to a short term problem !
Get your chin up and snub your nose at the bastards !

People will listen !


posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by haven123

It's never as bad as you think mate.
If you're serious about the "Topping yourself" thing, don't think like that, or try not to.
I know it's hard man, but something will change, you'll get something.

edit on 23/1/12 by blupblup because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by blupblup

How do you mean?

sorry, what I mean, is that instead of reporting the Tories (in this instance) with 36% of the vote, it should be their percentage of votes against all potential voters (including those who didn't actually vote)

What would that make it, 20% or something (it's late and my maths ain't something I want to work on right now

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by blueorder

I get what you meant, but how would we know how they would vote (those that didn't turn out I mean)
would we judge it on past voting choices or what?

I mean 36% percent of voters voted Tories...

If all those other people came out but voted the same as everyone else had voted, It would have still been 36% of people.

36% of 10 million.... or 36% of 20 million.... is still 36%

How would we cast votes for those who don't turn out?

It IS late and my maths and mind are slowing down too

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by blupblup

no, what I mean is not extrapolation (ooo big word for this time of night
D ) of the non voters and potentially how they would have voted, just actual percentage of those who voted Tory against potential electorate- always state who the biggest winners were

40% no particular party:

edit on 23-1-2012 by blueorder because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-1-2012 by blueorder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by blueorder
just actual percentage of those who voted Tory against potential electorate- always state who the biggest winners were

40% no particular party:

Ahhh ok... yes, definitely.

They would never have won.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc
The media is ran by the rich and tailored for middle-class people who believe that anyone who is working class is complete scum and deserve to jump through hoops and live in abject poverty until one day they've had enough of being poor and magically sort themselves out.

The middle-class are the working-class. Are you saying middle-class people think of themselves as scum, etc?

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 06:57 PM
if you feel like topping yourself then you are ill. Go and see the doctor and get signed off sick, no courses to go on then. The darkest hour is always just before dawn.
Try not to take the anti-depressants -another example of corruption, just look at all the kids on ritalin?
Best wishes and know that it as always been this way. Count your blessings...

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by VoidHawk

What you described there is pretty much standard practice in a lot of other businesses. It's all a con game, a vendor cons a supplier, the the supplier up sells on BS and the company buys the crap only to find they are then bogged down with something that has no bearing on the original requirements and hey presto £250k wasted on another #e project.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 07:09 PM
OMG you have figured it all out!!!!
i thought it was just me but i have had a feeling this will just be the start....
i have been unemployed over a year now (not by choice either!)
i have fell in and out of work since leaving school 8 yrs ago and dropping outta college 7yrs ago
at the minute is the longest i have ever been unemployed and i have tried furiously to find work
i have done many mandatory courses for "the dole" all have been fruitless bar one and like OP said
they got paid for it and were happy putting me in temporary employment for a fast buck

also the private employment agencies are vultures they will get you job for a few weeks and not call you with more shifts (they got payed for keeping the employment figures down and dont care about your needs any longer)
you work for agencies you are expendable!
it doesnt matter about new legislation that protects temporary workers
if anything that legislation was put in place to give employers more powers (after all thats what lobbyists are payed to do "bribe politicians and increase profit margins")
at this rate i will be trained in just about every unskilled labour role till im dead

it seems you have found TPTB master plan!!
1/ obtain incredibly cheap labor for employers with their abilty to force you to work for un-employment benifit for in most cases less than half minimum wage
2/ make it appear everyone has a job (or at least most of them) by putting you on a course/work trail and removing you from unemployment figures
3/ enslave through guilt of unemployment (tell you its your fault you are unemployed and constantly force upon you the need for material things like the latest gadgets etc.. via media outlets)
4/ all while instilling a false hope of getting a job at end of it
(and you have no chance of getting it as after 12 weeks you are back in jobcentre unemployed just days before the employer was compelled by law to employ you)

soon we will all be semi-unemployed and micro chipped
forced to do our 40 hours for our benefits and ultimately our food

ah well looks like im gonna watch some bear grylls n learn to make shelter/live off the land
i want off grid ASAP
thinking of making a floating island lol
imma slave for nobody except maybe a dominatrix

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by haven123

How long were you with the company? If you been there more than a year (think thats the requirement) then you'll get some redundancy AND you'll get wages owed. Wages owed was an extra form in the redundancy pack so look for it. It should not take more than about three weeks for redundency to be paid once you complete the forms.
There have been a few links posted in this thread concerning the crap were being dealt, go find one that you like and use it to channel your feelings at the bstards who deserve it. Makes you feel a whole lot better.

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