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UK Unemployment Corruption

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posted on Jun, 25 2012 @ 08:48 PM
I was told by a provider that I could take a course that would otherwise set me back around £8K. About a year at Oxbridge incidentally. I checked and it was being offered for ~£300 elsewhere, when not paid by Govt. It was 5 days long but turned into 4 because the trainer had to get back to Surrey (~3hrs drive). Of the 12ish people on the course only two 'passed', myself included.

Even taking the test was an achievement. By week's end, an online test was due but it transpired we couldn't or weren't allowed to use the provider's IT suite for the test! Security concerns supposedly. They had many computers, subsidised I expect, by Govt. I, (yes me!) had to bicycle around 4 disparate areas of town helping people to set-up computers due to incompetence on the trainer's part. The people I helped were very grateful and I had some nice cups of tea each time. No guidance had been offered on setting up the test on our own computers.

We'd all assumed that any online testing would be completed within the provider's facilities. Not an unreasonable assumption. I only managed to set it up for my own test through trial and error. When I'd completed the test, the provider phoned me (she was automatically notified that I'd finished) to ask if I could help the others as her company had been unable to assist via their helpline. One of the guys I helped was the other person that passed. He informed me via email so I was glad I'd at least helped someone. The course was taken at a stupid pace. What they'd crammed into 4 days had previously been tutored over many weeks, so the trainer informed us. So it wasn't surprising that most failed.

They still got paid for every one of us. The trainer offered me no money for the day's work I carried out. I saw her leave the day before in a high powered flashy sports car. I know it was her because I helped her back to the car with luggage. She was keen to beat the traffic and get back to Surrey. She didn't tip

Also, the only reason I was on this particular course was because I'd sat through 3 days of minding numbing job training in order to qualify for the course I wanted. Three days of former mobile phone salesmen (no offence!) revealing to us that sitting up straight in interviews, and using 'buzz' words on CVs is all good job seeking practice. You don't say?!

It was only after I'd sat through the initial 3 days of nonsense that they informed me they would not provide the training we'd previously agreed on, and which was much more relevant to me. Instead they offered me the 4-5 day course I described above. This is, of course, because they received money for the 3-day jobseeking 'course' and probably guessed that I would leave if they were honest about not providing the training I had wanted. The course I wanted was 1 day and would've cost about £100. But they couldn't provide it in-house. The course they offered was (apart from the trainer they hired) run in their offices. I'm guessing the margins were better for them. I paid for the course I wanted afterwards myself - even though JC+ had sent me to this trainer who had agreed to provide it but failed.
edit on 25-6-2012 by jannerfish because: clarity

posted on Jun, 25 2012 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by _Phoenix_

(the girl at the end is beautiful thou lol)

Yah, if your in to beavers.... On to the OP, keep sticking through it. The market will get better in time

and jobs will open up to further and better your life..

posted on Jun, 26 2012 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by jannerfish

i tip my hat to you for assisting others caught up in this murky ripple. be careful janner, that company may target you for an unpaid internship!
best wishes fakedirt.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by jannerfish

Sorry to hear of your ordeal. Did you find that you felt used and confused afterwards? almost like your in shock?
I did, took me a while to get over it.

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 03:10 AM

Originally posted by funnybones
it makes me wants to move to a cave house in Spain and live of the land

Wait, you can actually do that?

posted on Jul, 6 2012 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by DarthMuerte
reply to post by funnybones

Is there any place left on earth where you can live off the land without TPTB bothering you?

Yes, but I'm not telling you where.

posted on Jul, 6 2012 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by mrballistic

Originally posted by _Phoenix_

(the girl at the end is beautiful thou lol)

Yah, if your in to beavers.... On to the OP, keep sticking through it. The market will get better in time

and jobs will open up to further and better your life..

I'm into hot beavers if that's what your asking.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 12:04 AM
There is more to it...

Several corporations are also using dodgy employment agencies who can supply hundreds if not thousands of foreigner workers who can not speak English.
These poor persons come in hoping for a better life, instead because they can not speak they are treated as rubbish paid the minimum or less wage and have their rights obliterated.

if you have a good personal awareness and can think for yourself than you will struggle to find a Job.

The system do not need thinkers the system needs puppets.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 02:16 PM
I'm convinced that most of the jobs listed on the Job Seekers website are fake. I've applied to many, many hundreds of them and maybe 2 or 3 have gotten back to me... oh no not the jobs advertised, recruitment agencies asking me to sign up with them. Also, I have noticed that since I have started applying for these jobs, I'm getting a hell of a lot of spam in my email inbox.

I'm desperately searching for a job, just finished uni studying a degree in computing and in a catch-22... need experience, can't get it. I've contacted a huge amount of companies asking for unpaid work but they're all saying no.

This economy sucks, off to Tesco shelf stacking £30k in debt I go...

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 04:17 AM
I'd just like to add something which is relevant to the topic of job searching... Apprenticeships. I'm all for getting young people into skilled jobs, but when the government are paying sales companies around £600 to take on a young person (16-19 year olds) as well as paying these young people between £97-110 per week to do the exact same sales job as all the other staff in the company it is an absolute outrage.

Apprenticeships should be aimed at skilled employment such as engineering, IT, plumbing, electricians I'm astonished at some of them I am seeing...

- Sales
- Customer Services
- Recruitment
- Warehouse Operative

It's a shocking waste of tax payers money, there's no reason on earth that job sectors such as above need to have apprentices.

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 04:44 AM
reply to post by scottlpool2003

This is the problem with the entire system, employers and agencies are being rewarded for supposedly training people, but there is no supervision of the training to ensure that it includes transferable skills. All the money seems to be going to middlemen. Agencies are the same, the employer gives the agency £15 to £20 an hour, and the employee will receive from that the minimum wage. It is a joke. Add to that, that the government then spends money on tax credits to top up that persons income to a liveable amount. Where is the sense in that? The staff in the benefit agencies are on around £18,000 a year, possibly more, why are they not doing the job that they are getting paid for instead of outsourcing all the work to agencies and private companies? It is not only corrupt, it is stark staring mad.

Excellent OP, OP

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by Biliverdin
reply to post by scottlpool2003

This is the problem with the entire system, employers and agencies are being rewarded for supposedly training people, but there is no supervision of the training to ensure that it includes transferable skills. All the money seems to be going to middlemen. Agencies are the same, the employer gives the agency £15 to £20 an hour, and the employee will receive from that the minimum wage. It is a joke. Add to that, that the government then spends money on tax credits to top up that persons income to a liveable amount. Where is the sense in that? The staff in the benefit agencies are on around £18,000 a year, possibly more, why are they not doing the job that they are getting paid for instead of outsourcing all the work to agencies and private companies? It is not only corrupt, it is stark staring mad.

Excellent OP, OP

I've always said that the people in the benefits office should have better incentive to get those people into employment. For example, if they get someone off benefits which is around £60/week I think, if that person is still in employment 6 months later, they get a commission of £60. I would make the staff happier, more productive, give them incentive to HELP people rather than look down their noses at people and ultimately get those scroungers off benefits and into employment.

Someone said something really interesting to me and it makes total sense although it would never happen or work but here it is:

Everybody over the age of 50 gets given £1,000,000 and instantly retires. £1,000,000 is enough to live on from 50 upwards even on interest of 4% would be £40,000 per year. If a retired person or couple can't live on £40k/year then something is seriously wrong. They don't have access to the whole £1m, maybe a fixed amount or if they want to buy a house or whatever, they have to apply for it. They also sacrifice their pension.

So all those people retiring in 10-15 years ANYWAY have now freed up tons of jobs and left enough experienced people in those jobs to help train the younger generation (it's practically happening anyway with apprenticeships). It sounds far fetched to give £1m to everyone between the age of 50 and 70 but the govt are plowing billions into apprenticeships and other "economy boosting schemes" anyway.

It's win-win, big gaps in the job market, tons of millionaires with cash to spend, govt stops WASTING billions on stupid apprenticeships, youth get employed, less people on benefits, hundreds of billions saved in pensions, more people paying taxes it's totally worth spending £100bn or so.

I know it would never happen one can only dream of ideology though!

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by scottlpool2003

Originally posted by Biliverdin
reply to post by scottlpool2003

This is the problem with the entire system, employers and agencies are being rewarded for supposedly training people, but there is no supervision of the training to ensure that it includes transferable skills. All the money seems to be going to middlemen. Agencies are the same, the employer gives the agency £15 to £20 an hour, and the employee will receive from that the minimum wage. It is a joke. Add to that, that the government then spends money on tax credits to top up that persons income to a liveable amount. Where is the sense in that? The staff in the benefit agencies are on around £18,000 a year, possibly more, why are they not doing the job that they are getting paid for instead of outsourcing all the work to agencies and private companies? It is not only corrupt, it is stark staring mad.

Excellent OP, OP

I've always said that the people in the benefits office should have better incentive to get those people into employment. For example, if they get someone off benefits which is around £60/week I think, if that person is still in employment 6 months later, they get a commission of £60. I would make the staff happier, more productive, give them incentive to HELP people rather than look down their noses at people and ultimately get those scroungers off benefits and into employment.

Someone said something really interesting to me and it makes total sense although it would never happen or work but here it is:

Everybody over the age of 50 gets given £1,000,000 and instantly retires. £1,000,000 is enough to live on from 50 upwards even on interest of 4% would be £40,000 per year. If a retired person or couple can't live on £40k/year then something is seriously wrong. They don't have access to the whole £1m, maybe a fixed amount or if they want to buy a house or whatever, they have to apply for it. They also sacrifice their pension.

So all those people retiring in 10-15 years ANYWAY have now freed up tons of jobs and left enough experienced people in those jobs to help train the younger generation (it's practically happening anyway with apprenticeships). It sounds far fetched to give £1m to everyone between the age of 50 and 70 but the govt are plowing billions into apprenticeships and other "economy boosting schemes" anyway.

It's win-win, big gaps in the job market, tons of millionaires with cash to spend, govt stops WASTING billions on stupid apprenticeships, youth get employed, less people on benefits, hundreds of billions saved in pensions, more people paying taxes it's totally worth spending £100bn or so.

I know it would never happen one can only dream of ideology though!

Wow!! what a fantastic idea

It would actualy be cheaper for them to do that. The problem though is this.
The governments need the people to be in debt, to be constantly harrased, to be in fear etc etc. All those given 1 mill would not be living in fear, they would start to think, they'd work out what was going on and they'd get politicaly active....Good god man!!, we cant have that happening

posted on Aug, 5 2012 @ 03:54 PM
you have all heard of the company A4E who have swindled £45 million out of the government
in fraudulent conduct.
The way this works is as long as your with any of these job finding government funded projects
you are not classed as unemployed!
it's all about fixing figures of unemployment!
A4E,Pertempts,New deal........ they have no intention of getting you back into work of training.

But wait for it there is also a scheme where you work for free for a company who gets £500
just to have you there to be a slave really.
NO prospect of a job after the time you spend there.
so IF you find yourself in this situation where you are being exploited i suggest you do as much
damage to the company's machinery there name there product etc.
Just cause as much mayhem as possable

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 06:55 PM

Originally posted by Korg Trinity

Originally posted by VoidHawk
reply to post by Korg Trinity

I assume you agree we are all entitled to our own opinions and beliefs? of course you do else you would not be expressing your own. It's just that this thread is for people like myself who's beliefs and opinions differ from yours.

It would be nice if you could go elsewhere to express yours as you cant deny you ARE disrupting this thread, not because we believe you are write but because you are simply in the way. Theres a nice chap.

So you don't agree with me so i should go else where?? Is that the sum of your logic??

No wonder you can't see my words to you were meant to help you move forward in your life....

And as for you socialistic views... Your entitled to express them, just as i am entitled to express the opposite if i so choose...

If you don't like it when people disagree with you then perhaps ats is not the place for you, cause i can assure you you will have plenty of people whom express views that differ to yours.


Not everyone is as 'lucky' as you. You probably had some savings to live on before you got another job, but a lot of people don't and have to go on the dole to get money to eat.
How did you get your other job by the way? Was it through a friend or a contact? If not then I'm sorry for bringing it up.
Jobs are not as easy to come by as you seem to think. I have a friend who has a phd for goodness sake and the only job she could get was in a call centre! She speaks three languages and that's still the only thing she could get. I've been working my a**e off doing both an ECDL and the advanced ECDL and I couldn't get a job there!

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