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UK Unemployment Corruption

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posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 11:23 AM
we all want a sense of justice however how can we justify a laborer earning 250 quid a week working himself into an early grave and his boss sat cushdie in an office earning 10grand a week.
No one is worth more than the laborer never mind 20times more . Then the employees dignity is constantly eroded by the bullying culture taught in management school.

Schools teach kids that they are equals-laugh-out-loud they make them wear their communist uniforms misleading them to think people care. Well people don't care , its dog eat dog. Employers will do anything to exploit there employees , the hardest most loyal workers get paid the least,and that's a fact. The clever corrupt rise to the top. they call it delegating I call it exploiting.The people telling people to get off their backsides are the exploiters, I can imagine them saying that to the people in thirdworld countries , they don't care that it would take a 2 parents family to work 60 hours each each week on the minimum wage to just reach the poverty line. And they don't care.
The most vulnerable in sosciety get dumped on. The sick, the mentally ill, the unemployed, the veterans and all the time these people are getting your tax money thrown at them but they are not benefiting, the agencies and shareholders/owners are getting the benefit. Ban agencies Now, how dare they take a cut out of every hour worked ?
edit on 25-1-2012 by allintoaccount because: missed a bit.

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 07:01 PM

Ban agencies Now, how dare they take a cut out of every hour worked ?

And people flock to them offering their soul. We are sooooo brainwashed that most will stare at you blankly or even with anger when you tell them that.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 06:33 AM
Thanks for taking the time to post, the job centre is a depressing place at best and to then go through a mix of companies that are blatantly ripping the country off must have made your blood boil.

In my experience, it's always been who you know as opposed to what you know that gets you on in life.
Put the word out amongst friends and family that you are looking for work. Explain the circumstances of your unemployment and whilst you're actively seeking try and find some voluntary work in your local community.

One day you'll be having a chat with a total stranger and they'll have the perfect job for you, it's called fate – I believe in it.

Those that sit at home watching TV will never encounter it, you have to create an opportunity to be rewarded in this life - ignore the politicians/governments/companies that leech off the vulnerable. The most rewarding experiences will come to those who seize an opportunity, you just have to be on the lookout.

caution - take from the video what you will, he is an illusionist so not everything is always what it seems.

Good luck!

p.s nice plan putting the topic link in your footer ;p

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by Korg Trinity
reply to post by VoidHawk

People like you need to wake up and loose some of that pride you have....

I like many have had to set thier sights lower... I was an Account Manager for a large multinational IT company and found myself out of a job under the guise of company restructuring... Along with about 60 others...

What did I do??

I didn't go to the jobcentre and try and scrounge of the state...

I'm surprised you had the time to take your head out of your Daily Mail to post that. Or did you bang your head on the underside of your bridge?

If you unexpectedly lose your job you may have to sign on for a number of reasons including needing income, payment protection insurances etc. The OP has paid for the temporary support via NI during his previous employ and was entitled to it. My wife found herself in the same position, having to go to the Job Centre in her 40K BMW to sign on and look for work on their systems, whilst getting treated like some sort of scumbag by the people that work there. .

Just because you were lucky enough to find alternate employment quickly enough it doesn't mean others can.

So don't be so quick to judge, lest others judge you, like I did above...

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 02:45 PM
Has anyone given you any advise on where to take this ?

posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by lambros56

A few links posted but if you can help please post or messege me.

posted on Feb, 5 2012 @ 05:02 AM
reply to post by VoidHawk
take a look at the articles and i'm sure an approach to your local mp will shed some light on this issue.
regards fakedirt

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 08:03 AM
It seems as though the way to go is to set up your own business and scoop up as many 'undesirables' to work with you as you can.
The only issue with this of course is a: Finding the niche your business can bloom in, b: finding the capital/getting a loan without capital to get the business off the ground.

Media software development and UK manufacturing and engineering is all but swirling down the pan, which is hand in hand with our economy. It's cheaper to buy and import goods and services from overseas than it is to buy within our own country. (I don't pretend to know much about it, but I've gathered this is because of something the Government has done)
We need to find a way to turn the industries around, people would be flooding back into jobs if the market for the goods was still there. Unfortunately, it's a vicious circle. No spending with out money, no money without jobs.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by VoidHawk

I also have discovered info on these partner companies of JC Plus. I am most interested in the article you have on here. I did an article on

Your article adds a disturbing new twist to the scam. When I was unemployed last year I confronted the "advisers"
on their partner companies and took all the paperwork with me. I was not coerced as I stated this this was a scam. The head office of JC plus cannot define the role of "adviser" as they are not qualified to do anything except accept your signature. The rest is coercing into a contract which you do not have to sign. Check out also on the above site Useful extracts from the JobSeekers Act. No one in JC Plus is familiar with the act which is the law, it states that. A JC agreement can only be changed with agreement by BOTH parties.
This is coercion and slave labour if forced to work for what is a legal entitlement. When they take you off the unemployment register and you get paid by a third party slave wages to hide the unemployment figures with third party companies who offer nothing then that is just fraud. Would be interested in getting your story, contact me with any more info on this anybody who has been through this. Everyone I have spoken to has said it was just a scam, all evidence I have seen points to the same conclusion.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by VoidHawk

I also have discovered info on these partner companies of JC Plus. I am most interested in the article you have on here. I did an article on

Your article adds a disturbing new twist to the scam. When I was unemployed last year I confronted the "advisers"
on their partner companies and took all the paperwork with me. I was not coerced as I stated this this was a scam. The head office of JC plus cannot define the role of "adviser" as they are not qualified to do anything except accept your signature. The rest is coercing into a contract which you do not have to sign. Check out also on the above site Useful extracts from the JobSeekers Act. No one in JC Plus is familiar with the act which is the law, it states that. A JC agreement can only be changed with agreement by BOTH parties.
This is coercion and slave labour if forced to work for what is a legal entitlement. When they take you off the unemployment register and you get paid by a third party slave wages to hide the unemployment figures with third party companies who offer nothing then that is just fraud. Would be interested in getting your story, contact me with any more info on this anybody who has been through this. Everyone I have spoken to has said it was just a scam, all evidence I have seen points to the same conclusion.

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 11:23 AM
Interesting blog in the Guardian about Job searches, job clubs and attitudes towards joblessness.
edit on 8/2/12 by blupblup because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by blupblup

hi blupblup.
i read the article, cheerz for the link. first thing that sprang to mind after absorbing the entire column was, '' 6 month contract''. it didn't state if the job was paid or if it was one of them setups where one worked for ones dole. maybe they are different issues, however 6-month contracts effectively hinder the individual from accuring benefits afforded to most directly employed individuals with good stability of tenureship.
it's been noted that certain stores are taking on unpaid dole recipients for blocks of employment. the workers already there may well be affected by the hierarchy deciding to lower their benefits and reduce working time. a scenario where the firms take advantage of the need to reduce unemployment figures.
agency employment conditions recently changed to give the workers improved benefits and conditions after a certain time span. can't remember what it is but suppose it's 9-months and then you are near parity with permanent staff on pay and conditions. what happens? probably on the eighth month and second week, one is let go of and the job is re-advertised. save the agencies sacks of.
i can see this setup leeching into the wider workplaces and when the permanent staff start feeling the effect, businesses will suffer because for just one example, staff may very well lose any form of loyalty to the firm.
suspicious times.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 01:29 PM
Thank you for posting OP, and bringing attention to this. These 'Back to work' programs remind me very much of the 'Work experience' scheme in the early 80's. Around 1980/81 I worked in a local supermarket. Young kids would come in, on a very low wage that was paid for by the government. They used to work full time hours, just like the employed staff, for half the wages. I remember my company did get into bother because they were making those young kids work late nights etc, and that was against the law apparently.
It was an absolute scam, I never saw one get a full time job. Call it coincidence, and I'm not trying to be political here, just making an observation, but a Conservative government where in power then too!
I hope you will contact your M.P. Voidhawk, and tell him what you have told us. I would be interested to know the response.
Star and flagged.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by airliebird58
I hope you will contact your M.P. Voidhawk, and tell him what you have told us. I would be interested to know the response.

Hi airliebird58
It's being done and IF I get a response I'll definately post it.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 04:40 AM
Tesco in row over advert for unpaid workers as it claims 'expenses plus benefits' offer was a mistake

Read more:

'IT error'

More like testing the water for the introduction of corporate slave labour.
edit on 17-2-2012 by mc1km because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 05:59 AM
OP, I think you should print that first post out, add any names you collected on the way and post it to EVERYONE. Send it to every newspaper, all the MPs you can find in the phone book, and radio stations, especially Talk Radio. And then make a blog, get a twitter, a facebook.

Great thread but frightening to read.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 06:11 AM
Nice op, the whole system is a joke. Not saying to much but there is a company you get sent to after you have been going to the job center for awhile (I think that's the case not been sent yet) they get paid for this but they don't keep in contact with the job center, I think you can see where this is going. Do what they say and they treat you like crap do jack and they kiss your arse.

Job agencys need to be looked at as well, advertising fake jobs to get people on the books is a joke and needs to stop. When people working at the job center are telling you about agencies that you should avoid I think we have a problem.
edit on 17-2-2012 by aivlas because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by VoidHawk

Glad to hear you have done that, wonder what sort of response you'll get? My brother posted a link to this thread on Facebook, that's how I found it. I've shared it too. Not much, but it might generate a few more views for this thread.
All the best, will follow thread with interest

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 01:26 PM
i don't think this will get coverage just yet on the msn to the wider public. when this slave system eventually affects a much larger percentage of the population, imo thats when the fireworks fly. the established workers i suspect will notice changes in working practices, pay and conditions until enough is enough and the media will have no choice but to go against the grain of this political facilitation towards companies rubbing their hands anticipating huge profits and reduced operating costs. breathe in.

the work experience program should imo have been kept in-house with the gubbermint. the opportunities the government have missed with this is incredible. all the manufacturing bases and mothballed factories now empty that could have been administered as areas of equipping persons with a wide and specialised skill set.
i guess they shivered at the liability and logistical nightmare.

edit on 17-2-2012 by fakedirt because: ae

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by mc1km

Thanks for the link, I'd missed that one.

Here's the vacancy add

Image source and article here

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