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9/11: A Boeing 757 Struck the Pentagon

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posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 05:59 AM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1 Well 2 main things come up with the crime scene. As for the photos of parts we have no name of who took them, no date and time taken or where they were taken.
Almost all of the famous photos of plane parts taken inside the Pentagon was released in a 2002 article by Sarah Roberts, a DoD journalist hoping to prove a 757. Looks fishy, eh? She collected snaps from rescue and cleanup workers, etc. Private sources. They handed them over anonymously. Why the suspicious secrecy? And why no official photos to confirm them? Could be a sign of foul play. But think about it a minute: Rumseld's missile "admission" (not typo, disinfo!) No official DoD photos of the parts proving their own 757 story. no one was allowed to release the photos of a secure facility without permission. They had 'em, digital cams, ooops a copy still on there... Everything done thru channels, the channels yielding nothing. Unauthorized but sick of the secrecy, they dropped their meager stashes on disc to Roberts. Anonymity? Maybe they didn't wanna get in trouble. or invite too much publicity. Roberts excerpt:

Many images are officially classified. The following article attempts to bring together all known images sent to me or in the public domain that show aircraft debris inside the Pentagon. The images were either found online or sent to me by recovery workers to be used with permission.
Ony a few are anonymous actually - like the best one IMO, of the landing gear, looking much like a 757's. Other sources listed: MDW Engineer Co. Fort Belvoir - the less clear ones, punch-out hole. This is military and official, but generally unclear shots not def, 757 FEMA's Jocelyn Augustino - the famous gear and some riveted fuselage metal "VATF workers" So we see evidence of WHATEVER covered up. A heavy veil is dropped over the place. Total control? Nah, there's a few leaks, a few peeks, but almost nothing on the really good parts. When we get a supposed leak what do we see? The best evidence yet for a 757. Then nothing. And still no names. So the question remains, WHAT ON EARTH ARE THEY HIDING UNDER THAT VEIL OF SECRECY? If only we could get a glimpse, even nameless and on the sly, and decide for ourselves... That's one possible interpretation anyway. They could also be faked by the gov and passed off as freelance to heighten the "realism" and believability, I suppose. [edit on 22-3-2007 by Caustic Logic] [edit on 22-3-2007 by Caustic Logic]

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by Caustic Logic Almost all of the famous photos of plane parts taken inside the Pentagon was released in a 2002 article by Sarah Roberts, a DoD journalist hoping to prove a 757. Looks fishy, eh? She collected snaps from rescue and cleanup workers, etc. Private sources. They handed them over anonymously. Why the suspicious secrecy? And why no official photos to confirm them? [edit on 22-3-2007 by Caustic Logic]
Check this out.

FBI agents also arrived soon after the blast and began combing the area for pieces of the plane’s wreckage. They commandeered photographers and equipment from Martinez’s unit, having photos taken of the entire area.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1 Check this out.

FBI agents also arrived soon after the blast and began combing the area for pieces of the plane’s wreckage. They commandeered photographers and equipment from Martinez’s unit, having photos taken of the entire area.
Well, all this proves is what everyone thinks, the FBI must have alot of pictures of the scene which they have not released. This just tells us alot of those pictures were taken by photographers from Martinez's graphics and publication unit who were some of the fisrt on the scene. I find this as bothersome as everyone else, but it doesn't lead me to believe the FBI is hiding a government plot. It leads me to beleive the FBI doesn't generally release evidence it has gathered during a criminal investigation. As I've said before. Both the CIA and FBI leak like rusty buckets to the NY Times anytime it can put the Bush Administation in a bad light. Someone at FBI would have leaked some compelling evidence of a conspiracy by now if there was anything to leak.


posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 09:21 PM
I guess going in circles is the name of the game here. Let say for the sake of example a 757 crashed there and in fact there were a lot of debris everywhere. Why to classify the photos? why to remove the videos? heck why to removeevidence of cameras? If there was nothing to hide, then why the secrecy and the mumbo jumbo....? maybe they get real entertained by some CTers here.....

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 09:32 PM

Originally posted by kix I guess going in circles is the name of the game here. Let say for the sake of example a 757 crashed there and in fact there were a lot of debris everywhere. Why to classify the photos? why to remove the videos? heck why to removeevidence of cameras? If there was nothing to hide, then why the secrecy and the mumbo jumbo....? maybe they get real entertained by some CTers here.....
I don't know of any classified photos, but there are ongoing investigations and trials so if there are some, it would be understandable. The deal with the footage is that there is nothing usable and it's not worth the money or the time of the FBI to take people off important stuff and appease consrpiacy theorists with footage that shows nothing and won't convince them of anything anyways. And while to a lot of people here it's an ongoing criminal investigation as to the cause of 9/11, to the people actually involved, the case was closed years ago. I honestly don't think its secrecy so much as it is just not really being concerned or bothered. The existing evidence is so overwhelming that videos of nothing aren't worth any effort.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 10:52 PM
It looks like it would take a week just to cover everything once, but I will see what it has to say. I will study it. Wow

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by snoopy I don't know of any classified photos, but there are ongoing investigations and trials so if there are some, it would be understandable.
Ongong investigatons,, its been 6 years they should have come up with the crime scence reports by now. It did not take that long for Flight 800 or any other crime scene, not even KAL Flight 007 that was shot down by the russians. What ongong trials ? We have only had 1 and thier is no evidence of thier being any more.

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 01:55 AM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1 Ongong investigatons,, its been 6 years they should have come up with the crime scence reports by now. It did not take that long for Flight 800 or any other crime scene, not even KAL Flight 007 that was shot down by the russians. What ongong trials ? We have only had 1 and thier is no evidence of thier being any more.
What do you mean there is no evidence of there being any more? Just a few days ago they had hearings on 12 more of the suspects. And flight 800 wasn't a criminal investigation. The investigation for flt 800 was to see what went wrong. With 9/11 there is no question of what happened. That part is over. The investigators aren't wondering what happened, that's already been determined a long time ago, with the exception maybe being WTC 7.


posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 02:07 PM
The question is not WHAT happened on 9/11-2001 BUT WHY AND HOW,,,there is where the loose ends are...

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by kix The question is not WHAT happened on 9/11-2001 BUT WHY AND HOW,,,there is where the loose ends are...
WHY: Because the masterminds at Al-Qiada thought they could get US policy makers to cut off support for Israel, and remove their forces from Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, with repeated or spectacular attacks that would turn public opinion against long standing US policies. To this end they are begining to succeed, not by the original attacks but the responses the attacks have elicited. This may have been the plan all along. HOW: Some say with tacit US approval, or simply by the US letting it happen without stopping it. This I find possible. What I do not find possible is the US govt actually perpetrating these events with planted bombs, missles, remotely piloted airplanes, light pole knock down crews, planted witnesses, faked airplane evidence etc. Pure rubbish...could never have been done without discovery.

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by snoopy And flight 800 wasn't a criminal investigation. The investigation for flt 800 was to see what went wrong. With 9/11 there is no question of what happened. That part is over. The investigators aren't wondering what happened, that's already been determined a long time ago, with the exception maybe being WTC 7.
Flight 800 was a criminal investigaton twice. The firsrt investigation was a crime scene because they originally believed a bomb brought the plane down. Then later on thier were witnesses who came forward reporting a missile so a second criminal investigation was done. Thier are no official crime scene reports on 911 so we do not know what actually happened.

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 03:14 PM
The FBI was involved with Flight 800 but it was NEVER officially declared a crime scene. If it had been then the FBI would have taken over the investigation, and they never did. That was done entirely by the NTSB with the FBI doing a coinvestigation until they determined that there was no foul play involved.

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by Zaphod58 The FBI was involved with Flight 800 but it was NEVER officially declared a crime scene. If it had been then the FBI would have taken over the investigation, and they never did. That was done entirely by the NTSB with the FBI doing a coinvestigation until they determined that there was no foul play involved.
You might want to do some more research.

On July 21, 1996, the report states, Assistant U.S. Attorney Valerie Caproni informed Norm Weimeyer, head of the Flight 800 probe’s operations group, "that no interviews were to be conducted by the NTSB." Safety board investigators could review FBI-supplied documents onthe witnesses, "provided no notes were taken and no copies were made." The FBI gathered and controlled those statements as part of its criminal investigation of the crash. Although it has designated the investigation as inactive, the FBI has yet to give the accident investigation team full access to the witness reports. Analyses of those reports played a role in the FBI's determination that Flight 800 was not brought down by a missile. As part of their criminal probe, FBI agents restricted access to some debris and seized other pieces for unspecified reasons for months at a time.

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 03:35 PM
YOU might want to do some research. The FBI marched in and declared it a crime scene and tried to take over the investigation, but the law explicitly states that ONLY the NTSB can declare it a crime scene and then THEY turn it over to the FBI. The FBI had NO RIGHT to declare it a crime scene at any time during the investigation.

From the beginning, Jean was troubled by the FBI’s “heavy handed grip on the investigation.” As Jean notes correctly, the FBI was a party to the investigation, just like any other party. This would change only if the NTSB declared the accident a crime scene, which it never did. As stated in the Code of Federal Regulations:

Sec.831.5 Priority of Board Investigations. Any investigation of an accident or incident conducted by the Safety Board directly or pursuant to the appendix to part 800 of this chapter (except major marine investigations conducted under49 U.S.C. 1131(a)(1)(E)) has priority over all other investigations of such accident or incident conducted by other Federal agencies. The Safety Board shall provide for the appropriate participation by other Federal agencies in any such investigation, except that such agencies may not participate in the Safety Board's determination of the probable cause of the accident or incident. Nothing in this section impairs the authority of other Federal agencies to conduct investigations of an accident or incident under applicable provisions of law or to obtain information directly from parties involved in, and witnesses to, the transportation accident or incident, provided they do so without interfering with the Safety Board's investigation. The Safety Board and other Federal agencies shall assure that appropriate information obtained or developed in the course of their investigations is exchanged in a timely manner.[2] The FBI can march in and scream about how it's a crime scene all they want, and they can have press conferences until they're blue in the face, but UNLESS AND UNTIL the NTSB, which is the agency in charge, declares it a crime scene IT IS AN ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION AND NOT A CRIME SCENE.

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by Zaphod58 The FBI can march in and scream about how it's a crime scene all they want, and they can have press conferences until they're blue in the face, but UNLESS AND UNTIL the NTSB, which is the agency in charge, declares it a crime scene IT IS AN ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION AND NOT A CRIME SCENE.
But it became a crime scene when the theory of a missile was brought up.

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1 Flight 800 was a criminal investigaton twice. The firsrt investigation was a crime scene because they originally believed a bomb brought the plane down. Then later on thier were witnesses who came forward reporting a missile so a second criminal investigation was done. Thier are no official crime scene reports on 911 so we do not know what actually happened.
Once again, it was unknown as to the cause of the crash so they were investigating the cause of the crash. On 9/11 there was no need to identify the cause of the crash, simply the criminals behind it. This is an FBI investigation. How many FBI investigations do you know of where they publicly display all the evidence for the rest of th world to work along side them? And again, we do know what happened on 9/11. That part is no longer an issue except among us conspiracy theorists. The next part will be putting the remaining living members of 9/11 on trial.

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 04:03 PM

Flight 800's midair disintegration left most specialists suspecting a bomb had brought down the 747. Senior NTSB officials didn't challenge the FBI's dominance of the investigation early on, largely because they, too, were convinced that the probe quickly would become a criminal matter.
[edit on 23-3-2007 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by snoopy And again, we do know what happened on 9/11. That part is no longer an issue except among us conspiracy theorists. The next part will be putting the remaining living members of 9/11 on trial.
Please show me the evidence and official reports that state what happned on 911. If you do not have the evidence or reports you do not know what happened you only have a theory. That includes the evidence and reports on the following. 1. Proper report on what casued WTC 7 to collapse. 2. Proper evidence and report if flight 93 was shot down or not. 3. Reports on flight 1989. 4. Reasons behind the NORAD excercises and why they pulled planes away from the normal patrol route to moniter an excercise.

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 04:25 PM
Flight 800 was NEVER officially declared a crime scene. The Senior NTSB officials might not have complained about the FBI investigating at first, but they were SPECULATING that it was a missile. They NEVER officially turned the investigation into a crime scene OR turned it over to the FBI which is what would have happened if it was a crime scene.

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by Zaphod58 Flight 800 was NEVER officially declared a crime scene. The Senior NTSB officials might not have complained about the FBI investigating at first, but they were SPECULATING that it was a missile. They NEVER officially turned the investigation into a crime scene OR turned it over to the FBI which is what would have happened if it was a crime scene.
But the FBI was lead invedtigating agency for a period of time. Thier is no debate that all the crash scenes on 911 were crime scenes.

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