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Photos of whatever it is over Louisville Ky

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posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 04:31 AM
Giving the configuration of the lights I strongly believe its a blimp. The only thing that gets me is the lack of sound.

In each of the pictures the lights are always in the same position.

The red lights would appear to rotate around the white lights when the blimp is turning.

As to why it is not lit up in some manner, well maybe it is the Homeland Security Blimp, if thats not a joke.

This is how I see it, it's just a quick mock up as I don't have access to a decent photo manipulation package on this machine.

The white lights would probably be the cockpit, if thats what they call it on blimp, in fact I guess the correct term is an Airship. The red lights would be on the fins, and the orangey red light on the front is normally where the Airship would be tethered from.

[edit on 10-9-2004 by Koka]

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 04:54 AM

I am a photoshop expert for the entertainment industry. I say this photo is 100 % real. Unfortunatly it is of 2 cars in a parking lot. The flash from the camera is reflecting off tail lights and center licence plate of each car. The yellow street light is shining on a small structure behind it. I have my footage of area 51 that was shown on unsolved mysteries if anyone would like to see it.

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 05:04 AM

Originally posted by Jarhead

I am a photoshop expert for the entertainment industry. I say this photo is 100 % real. Unfortunatly it is of 2 cars in a parking lot. The flash from the camera is reflecting off tail lights and center licence plate of each car. The yellow street light is shining on a small structure behind it. I have my footage of area 51 that was shown on unsolved mysteries if anyone would like to see it.

Would love to see the footage.

Being a self proclaimed Photoshop expert, means that you are good at Photoshop. You say it's 100% real, how did the cars get into the air? How do you explain the tree/bush?

The logical answer, to me, is the one I posted above.

I don't believe LadyV to be a liar, she is not claiming it's extraterestrial life, just a UFO. Most UFOs have a logical explaination.

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 05:25 AM
I do not feel anyone is lying. Just some basic observations. The shrub is lit up because of the flash. It is not an oak tree. Its a shrub. some one is pointing the camera across the street, not up at the sky. If someone was pointing at the sky, this is the tallest shrub known to man. If you look closly at the three pics, the angle changes as the person moves to the right. So far to the right that another street light comes into frame. Look closly at the car on the right. you can see the right mirror reflection on the door. The cars are not in motion. The lights are not on. Only the reflective plastic is lighting up. I would love to see more photos. I'll try to get area 51 up tomorrow.

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 05:33 AM
If the red ones are supposedly tail lights, I assume the white ones are meant to be headlights.

I have some experience of night photgraphy, and if it picked up the tail lights, then the headlights would be a great deal brighter than what you are proposing, and it would still make LadyV a liar.

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 06:28 AM

Originally posted by Krpano

Originally posted by sublime4372
looks like the tail lights on 2 cars. 2 red brake lights and a license plate bulb.

Hello all, my 1st post..

I agree with u, for sure those lights come from 2 cars....
They r going in oposite directions, thats why one has 2 red lights with a white bulb.......and the other has 2 white lights with white plates bulb.
The Single red light in the upper left side surely is some kind of street sinalization.
The pic is so blurry because the cam got focused in the bush at the left side and the pic is so dark because the flash....
Im not a professional photographer but i know when u use flash to take a pic, the obejcts out of the flash range will get darker than normal...
Totally waste of time to use flash with distant objects.

SO your calling me a lier!? Why..what would I gain by such a thing? I was pointing angled up in the sky...I can't believe someone is actually calling me a lier!!!!!!

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 06:34 AM
I'll tell you guys one thing! From now on when I hear someone debunk a photo on here and I think "could be" I'll think twice about it! I have NO reason to generate a lie, it gains nothing what-so-ever, I have nothing to gain from it....I will take some picks of the shrub when I get in from work so you guys can see it though...and then all you "experts" can figure out that yes.....I was pointing to the west sky.

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 06:42 AM
I have to say I agree with the observation of this actually resembling two parked cars. The shape and the angle of the bushes and the lights supports this theory, IMO. The two red lights actually looks like rear lights from a mercedes.

I would however hesitate calling LadyV a liar as I seriously doubt she would knowingly try to fool people. If this theory is correct though, then maybe she merely wasn't sure where she was pointing the camera
. LadyV, no offence intended.

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 06:47 AM
Sorry, LadyV. Didn't see your posts before I posted mine. Like I said; I'm not calling you a liar. I just thought this really looked like two cars. But if you indeed were pointing the camera towards the sky, then obviously it must be something else.

[edit on 10-9-2004 by Durden]

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 06:50 AM
LadyV, could you post a photo of the same area during the day please?

If you can get as close to the same angle as possible. This will allow us to see what the local landscape is like. It will make it easier to access whether the lights are in the sky or nt. Please include the shrub/bush in the photo.

I look forward to seeing the daylight picture.


posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 06:53 AM
I don't know what to believe either way. But here is what I did to the images in photoshop. The same pic, but did two slightly differnt things to each of them.

EDIT: I also want to add that I understand and can see how they could be cars, but I also don't want to jump to conclusions so quickly. LadyV, do you think you could try taking a photo durring the day and try to frame it as close as you can to these night shots? That way one can see where the horizon is and how much sky is in the pic and all that stuff?

Also, what kind of camera do you have? Do you also have a tripod? Perhaps turning off the flash and having the camera do a long of an exposure as possible would also help the next time you get a chance to take a pic of these UFOs.

[edit on 10-9-2004 by jra]

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 06:55 AM
I am greatly offended here. While I am a UFO buff...what would I gain? It's not like these are "marketable", I wouldn't even know how to do that. I saw something several nights and took photos...I wasn't even going to post them but did at someone else's urging here on this board....then this person said that someone would accuse me of photoshopping will be the last time that I personally post such a photo here....period, if I ever have the opportunity to take photos of something else I am not sure of, they will be posted elsewhere! I am not accustom to being called a liar....people that know me, know I wouldn't "hoax" something, and I find it most insulting.

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by LadyV
I am greatly offended here. While I am a UFO buff...what would I gain? It's not like these are "marketable", I wouldn't even know how to do that. I saw something several nights and took photos...I wasn't even going to post them but did at someone else's urging here on this board....then this person said that someone would accuse me of photoshopping will be the last time that I personally post such a photo here....period, if I ever have the opportunity to take photos of something else I am not sure of, they will be posted elsewhere! I am not accustom to being called a liar....people that know me, know I wouldn't "hoax" something, and I find it most insulting.

Don't you dare not post anymore, there are only some individuals who have accused you of deceiving, and I would guess that they really haven't bothered checking your other posts, and we don't want them to spoil it for the rest of us.


posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by LadyV
I am greatly offended here. While I am a UFO buff...what would I gain? It's not like these are "marketable", I wouldn't even know how to do that. I saw something several nights and took photos...I wasn't even going to post them but did at someone else's urging here on this board....then this person said that someone would accuse me of photoshopping will be the last time that I personally post such a photo here....period, if I ever have the opportunity to take photos of something else I am not sure of, they will be posted elsewhere! I am not accustom to being called a liar....people that know me, know I wouldn't "hoax" something, and I find it most insulting.

Then simply do what the above poster asked, take a picture of the exact same location/angle during the day so we can see that it's not a parking lot. Don't take offence, take action. Prove anyway you can that it's not a hoax, taking a pic of the same angle during daylight will put one of the three situations to rest.

To me, It looks to be two cars and a street light then a blimp, so if its not a parking lot (proven by a day time pic) then I'll go with it's a triangle UFO.

[edit on 10-9-2004 by d1k]

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 07:22 AM
LadyV - no disrespect intended but I have to go with the parking lot theory on this one.

I am new to this forum (just joined last night) and I'm pleased with what I have seen so far. What have I seen...lots of people not so eager to jump on the bandwagon and blindly except everything posted. Let me also state that I firmly believe in aliens and UFOs even though I have never personally seen one.

If you could post a daytime pic at the same angle as others have suggested, I think it would go a long way in helping us discern what is actually in the first set of photos.


posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 07:24 AM
Like I said in my previous post. I really didn't think you were lying, LadyV. I merely suggested you may have been mistaken in the angle of the camera. Depending on the topography of the area, this could be a possible mistake. I absolutly didn't mean to offend you.

[edit on 10-9-2004 by Durden]

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 07:32 AM

Originally posted by Enlil
LadyV - no disrespect intended but I have to go with the parking lot theory on this one.

I am new to this forum (just joined last night) and I'm pleased with what I have seen so far. What have I seen...lots of people not so eager to jump on the bandwagon and blindly except everything posted. Let me also state that I firmly believe in aliens and UFOs even though I have never personally seen one.

If you could post a daytime pic at the same angle as others have suggested, I think it would go a long way in helping us discern what is actually in the first set of photos.


Being newbie, I would advise checking peoples previous posts before accusing them of hoaxing, you'll get a better idea of their integrity.

Atleast until you get a better idea of the individual.

I certainly have no reason to question LadyV's integrity.

As for debunking, well thats the first thing, most members try to do, not all follow blindly.

LadyV, I think a day time shot is a good idea, you should get quite a few apologies then.

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 07:37 AM
I, for one, am giving Lady V the benefit of the doubt. Yeah, after it was suggested, I could make out the back end of a car using one set of lights but people, stare at a cloud long enough and you'll likely see whatever your imagination lets you. If this phenom is occuring several times per week, we'll get footage of it and some more pics to compare it too. Look, it might be a blimp but thats really reaching because they are so expensive to operate and they're props are loud, very loud. She said there was no sound and she also said they were very high up. I highly doubt she would snap a picture of a couple cars and try to pass them off as UFOs.

For one thing, there have been several reports of UFOs over Louisville in the past few decades as well as Maysville, which is right on down the river a bit. I went to Maysville last week for a couple days but didn't get to see anything. I looked but saw nothing. Before you all shoot this down, please realize that you're speculating. We're all speculating at this point.

PS, I'm another KYian on the board. I used to live in Richmond as well until last fall when I moved back to East KY. I lived in the Kirksville area. I had a great view of the sky from Posey ridge and my back deck faced North toward Lexington. I was an avid sky watcher but saw very little out of the ordinary unless you count blackhawk choppers as out odd. They patrolled bluegrass station. I was like 8 miles away from the base.

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 07:38 AM
JRA, the first shot you adjusted in photoshop seems to show stars, please confirm if this is what you believe them to be. As I said previously, I have experience of taking night shots, and have adjusted levels before that reveal a vst amount more than what can be seen with the naked eye. However, sometimes these are just artefacts and noise. Looking at these I would say stars.

But that sort of blows the Blimp/Airship theory out the window as the stars appear where the main body of the Airship should be.

The plot thickens.

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 07:48 AM

Originally posted by LadyV
I've never seen one here....why would it be here only at night in the same spot....I'm not saying it isn't, I'm not saing it's UFO....I have no idea what it is...that's why I posted the pics.....trying to get answers.

It is a UFO… Unidentified Flying Object.. If it are those triangles its terrestrial(earth made). If you want to se extraterrestrial crafts you need a camera that can see in the upper spectrum of light.(pure energy)
Interesting thoe soon they are going to reveal the crafts? like with the SR-71 F-117 etc...

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