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Town Vows to Defend Nativity “Until Hell Freezes Over”

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posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by Essan

I think people confuse "atheist" with really just being anti-christian, many believe that just because they dislike Christianity that they are atheists which is just not true.
So then you get the push to get Christmas labeled a celebration of a "pagan" holiday, as if it were somehow not a christian holiday it would be okay for the scene to be there, it could be any religion as long as it was not an abrahamic one. Then you also have the claim that the christmas tree is a secular symbol which is really just an excuse for atheists to celebrate a christian holiday and call it something else.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 03:51 PM
I'm one of those who really doesn't care either way. But the Satanist point raised a good a question. What if it wasn't to the extreme? It'd be an interesting experiment if someone put up a sign that said Happy Winter Solstice Satanists; or praise Zeus for another great year. Personally, if it was up to me I would actually do it just to test the waters. If a whole bunch of other religions complained I'd say you failed the test and you get no Nativity or whatever this year either. If they didn't then they can tell those complaining about the Nativity to shut up and let them be like they did for you. There has to be someone or some town willing to do it. It should be done in random places and let the results decide how the courts rule.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by GR1ill3d

Or perhaps let every religion put up a display..

I know the court house runs the symbol of atheism almost all year round...

Wouldn't you agree most of the year they have absolutely nothing on display.


And why is it always the atheists griping? I don't see the Jews complaining even though Jesus to them is a blasphemous abomination... I don't see Buddhists rising up and meditating on Christmas hate...

Would these atheists be so quick if it was a giant star of David?! Of course not.. they would be viewed as anti-Semites one of the worst labels a person can receive...

Why not do it the democratic way and take a vote? Majority rules.
edit on 9-12-2011 by DaMod because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 04:23 PM
Baby Jesus is intimidating people in town. is this town inhabited by vampires.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by AshleyD
What kind of spineless wimp feels 'intimidated' by a nativity scene? lol

Keep in mind, their argument is based on 'intimidation,' not legalities.

That's the thing which I just don't get. How can anybody be ''offended'' or ''intimidated'' by an inoffensive religious display ?

The impression I get is that these perpetually offended idiots are hiding behind the ''separation of church and state'' argument to give their bigoted, anti-Christian views some semblance of legitimacy.

While arguments supporting the separation of church of state are perfectly valid, if you scratch away at the surface of some of these ''arguments'' on incidents such as this one, then you'll see little more than simmering, hate-filled bile from most of those who kick up a fuss.

How can any non-Christian reasonably be offended or intimidated by a nativity scene ?

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes

Originally posted by AshleyD
What kind of spineless wimp feels 'intimidated' by a nativity scene? lol

Keep in mind, their argument is based on 'intimidation,' not legalities.

That's the thing which I just don't get. How can anybody be ''offended'' or ''intimidated'' by an inoffensive religious display ?

The impression I get is that these perpetually offended idiots are hiding behind the ''separation of church and state'' argument to give their bigoted, anti-Christian views some semblance of legitimacy.

While arguments supporting the separation of church of state are perfectly valid, if you scratch away at the surface of some of these ''arguments'' on incidents such as this one, then you'll see little more than simmering, hate-filled bile from most of those who kick up a fuss.

How can any non-Christian reasonably be offended or intimidated by a nativity scene ?

Some people view it as the local government endorsing the Christian faith. We have laws against putting up religious symbols at court houses and such for this reason. Also a courthouse isn't a church and a nativity scene seeing how it's a religious symbol belongs at a church. I wonder would they defend it if the scene was for Ramadan or Hanukkah?

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by buster2010
Some people view it as the local government endorsing the Christian faith.

Most normal people would view it as a decorative display during the ''holiday season''.

Even in the perpetually offended/I'm gonna sue ya ! USA, you must have some kind of celebratory decorations in public and government buildings. Don't you ?

Or do you guys walk around with a broomstick permanently inserted up your arses ?

Originally posted by buster2010
We have laws against putting up religious symbols at court houses and such for this reason.

Yeah, you have laws relating to that; I get it.

Regardless of the anti-Christian bigots who are complaining about this, the US Constitution clearly allows for religious displays such as this.

Originally posted by buster2010
Also a courthouse isn't a church and a nativity scene seeing how it's a religious symbol belongs at a church.

So, you're not going to take the 25th of December off, because it's a religious holiday ?

Please stick by your principles.

Originally posted by buster2010
I wonder would they defend it if the scene was for Ramadan or Hanukkah?

I would. But, then again, I'm not an American.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 07:19 PM
The Salvation Army, a Christian based charity, took in $2 billion of charitable donations in 2007, and they help over 30 million people a year in America alone. Despicable.

I've looked and looked, but I just can't find any charities that the Freedom From Religion Foundations helps, supports, or raises money for. But thank goodness we have them to watch out for stray nativity scenes!


posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 07:35 PM
First off Atheism is not a religion and therefore atheist’s have no say as to what any religion says or does.

The only reason why atheism was given credibility was because of a left wing politically correct
agenda driven judge.

Now, hypocrites in times past, were usually executed, today we call them politically correct.

In any small rural community the population is unlikely going to tolerate outside interference
in their religious beliefs. Any local Judge who sees fit to agree with big city idiots probably will not
be living in the community for long if you know what I mean.

The whole thought process has been changed by hypocrites, who have brainwashed around 50% of the population into believing we are living in a democracy.


If you have nothing nice to say just shut the F up.
Peace love 

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 07:51 PM
This was on our local news this morning. The nativity scene is donated so the county spent no money on it. No tax dollars spent. The only issue is it being at the courthouse. One person contacted the WI group. It is not even known for sure if that person is a community resident.

As far as has been reported, no one else has been denied the right to put up a display. Neither has anyone asked to put something up.

I agree with those asking about principles, will everyone who says this is wrong be working on Christmas Day?

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 08:07 PM
I don't want my tax money being used to create bombs that kill innocent people. If tax payers don't want their money funding certain government activities they should be allowed to select the projects it goes to. The government and the local governments will find the public schools overloaded with money and the military with none.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes

Originally posted by buster2010
Some people view it as the local government endorsing the Christian faith.

Most normal people would view it as a decorative display during the ''holiday season''.

Even in the perpetually offended/I'm gonna sue ya ! USA, you must have some kind of celebratory decorations in public and government buildings. Don't you ?

Or do you guys walk around with a broomstick permanently inserted up your arses ?

Originally posted by buster2010
We have laws against putting up religious symbols at court houses and such for this reason.

Yeah, you have laws relating to that; I get it.

Regardless of the anti-Christian bigots who are complaining about this, the US Constitution clearly allows for religious displays such as this.

Originally posted by buster2010
Also a courthouse isn't a church and a nativity scene seeing how it's a religious symbol belongs at a church.

So, you're not going to take the 25th of December off, because it's a religious holiday ?

Please stick by your principles.

Originally posted by buster2010
I wonder would they defend it if the scene was for Ramadan or Hanukkah?

I would. But, then again, I'm not an American.

Your English that explains the ignorance and the attitude. No I don't take take Christmas off I get paid double time for it. So do you usually get your panties in wad when someone point's out we have laws that go against the delusion you obviously follow?

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 08:41 PM
In mho if one religion should lose it's First Amendment Right's then all should...Shoot if it was left up to me all religion would be illegal period. It's just a tool for strife, and division...

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by GR1ill3d

But then atheists beliefs would be supported.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by Freakshow
First off Atheism is not a religion and therefore atheist’s have no say as to what any religion says or does.

The only reason why atheism was given credibility was because of a left wing politically correct
agenda driven judge.

Now, hypocrites in times past, were usually executed, today we call them politically correct.

In any small rural community the population is unlikely going to tolerate outside interference
in their religious beliefs. Any local Judge who sees fit to agree with big city idiots probably will not
be living in the community for long if you know what I mean.

The whole thought process has been changed by hypocrites, who have brainwashed around 50% of the population into believing we are living in a democracy.


If you have nothing nice to say just shut the F up.
Peace love 

The tyranny of the minority at the point of a government gun.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 08:56 PM

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by GR1ill3d

Remember who you sear to when testifying in court, joining the military, or when you become an elected official. It is the Holy Bible your hand is placed on... No, America was not founded on Christianity but it's values lay with it.
edit on 9-12-2011 by blangger because: shh

edit on 9-12-2011 by blangger because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 09:12 PM
Doesn't stop to amaze me one of the biggest reason our nation is going down the craper when people are more worry about a religious holiday display in front of a city hall rather than worrying about what in the hell is going inside our city halls with all the darn stupid laws been passed to take away powers from the people.

Don't worry about some display worry what your political whores in town are doing while you bicker with each other about having a holiday display or not display.

If everybody put the same passion about fighting for religion that they do about whores in political places passing unfair laws we as a nation would no be in the mess we are right now

Wake up people.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 09:16 PM
Don't take this the wrong way people, but I believe that the nativity scene shouldn't be displayed on the court-house lawn. It should be moved to the local churches lawn.
Religion has no place on a court-house lawn, as it shows people that the court is religious, which it shouldn't be.
If you want to display it, do it where it's proper to, on religious ground, not neutral ground.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by Believer101

It is religious tho. What do you think under oath means?

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