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Town Vows to Defend Nativity “Until Hell Freezes Over”

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posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 08:27 AM
Those people are just being trolls. Sheesh not even a big issue.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 09:21 AM
When I read the county commissioner's statement, I erupted in laughter. He got straight to the point, no politically correct about it, lol. I have to agree with him as well. I have mentioned in numerous threads how I believe America has turned into what I call a nanny-state, or sissy-state.

Too many people are WAY to easily offended, and WAY to quick to complain about the STUPIDest things. I mean get over it. If you don't like it then don't look at it. I wish we could see TRUE democracy in action here, were the majority rules.

I am sick and tired of hearing about 1 person ruining things for so many other people. All because they couldn't keep their mouths shut, and were probably attention-seeking. I mean really, who would be "offended?"

If you get "offended" by anything, short of someone insulting you, or really hardcore things, then you need to grow up. Just move on with your life, as you are just making headaches for everyone else.. Jeez. Although I am not really religious, I don't have a problem with this, as I am a grown up. They could put a Muslim or Jewish "shrine" or "statue" out there, and I wouldn't give two craps.

As a man once said one time some time about right now, "If the majority of the people want something, they can sometimes make concessions to accommodate the few, but they should never have to refrain completely from what they want. The majority of people are moral and have common-sense, and this would serve as a functional checks-and-balances system. Does a sasquatch poop in the woods? Yes, it does. Point made."

--------------------- JiggyPotamus

I didn't mean to sound like I was preaching or anything, and I know I came off a bit harsh, and if I "offended" you, that was pretty much my intention. Hopefully you will comment about it so that I can start making a list of members to avoid, lol. Na, but seriously, everyone should just "get over it," if it is a trivial matter, and it usually always is.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by Algernonsmouse
Please tell me what you think the "Respecting any religion" part means. Obviously you got it wrong so we need to start over with you. Where did you get it wrong?
No actually, with all due respect, it is you who have it wrong.
Your quote is inaccurate. The correct phrasing is "respecting an establishment of religion".
Displaying a Nativity scene is not the establishment of Christianity. That happened two-thousand years ago.

edit on 10-12-2011 by GuyverUnit I because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by Algernonsmouse
What do you think a Christian Courthouse lawn is?
Christian Courthouse? Really? Did they pass a law declaring the courthouse to be a Christian establishment? Can you site that law? Because that would be against the Constitution.

How is the courthouse not promoting Christianity?
They are not promoting Christianity by not sending government employees door to door seeking the public's conversion to Christianity.

Allowing a Nativity scene is allowing the free exercise of religion and promoting the freedom of speech of the Christians who wish to display the scene.

James Madison said he apprehended the meaning of the words to be, that "Congress should not establish a religion, and enforce the legal observation of it by law."
This means Congress shall not establish, say, the Church of American Congressionism and make non compliance with the morals and dogma ascribed therein punishable by, say, public stoning.

edit on 10-12-2011 by GuyverUnit I because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by GR1ill3d
reply to by mobiusmale

The good folks of Henderson County, Texas have decided to draw a line in the sand...and stand and fight for their right to continue to erect a nativity scene on the lawn of their courthouse - as they have done for 35 years.

If it were on privately owned land(s) this would be a non-issue. But since it's on a land paid for by the taxpayers (which includes Theists and Atheists), it has become such.

Seperation of Church and State...

One atheist made a complaint. You wouldnt need two hands to count the # of atheists in Athens, Texas. If that woman doesnt like it, she should move. Chances are the fine folks of Athens would prefer she didnt live there.

Dam* woman needs to mind her own business. Santa wont be visiting her this year.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by Kryties
reply to post by mobiusmale

The same could be said when Christians want to put bans on various things like computer games and movies that they deem to be wrong for whatever reason, or various other instances where Christians want to get rid of activities/things that others enjoy.

You made the assumption that 'all Christians' want to ban everything.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by Kryties

Oh so you are offended if someone claims a right to do something that others don't have a right to. And then you go and say the most offensive insulting things about people with faith and their beliefs, calling religious faith "mumbo jumbo" and referring to believers as "nut jobs". What happened to your live and let live attitude? Does it only apply to atheists then? Only Atheists have the right to be considered sane? Only Atheists have the right to impose their nihilism on everyone else?

And why does everyone assume all Christians are uniformly against all other forms of religious expression? As a Christian with friends of all faiths I am happy to see signs of celebration whatever the origins. Samhain, Hanukkah, Ramadan, it's all good. I can't see being offended by any celebration even if it conflicts with my own spiritual path, as long as it does not involve cruelty or violent crime...I mean I do have to draw the line at human sacrifice,

I don't know how we got to the point in our society where ANYthing that does not fit a very generic level of generality and all inclusiveness has to be seen as threatening and intimidating and offensive. As a mixed race female of predominantly Asian ancestry making my way through an either white or black dominated culture in my youth in MD I was taught it was up to the individual to find it within themselves to adapt themselves to their community and accept and appreciate and celebrate the differences that make us all unique and special. NOT stamp out all the differences to make us publicly homogenous. It is ironic that the movement to celebrate diversity got turned into constant efforts to stamp out our differences rather than share and celebrate them. Somehow we have turned into a generation of whiney entitled selfish people who pitch a fit if we can't remake everything to suit us personally. I see this in all facets of human interaction and conflict, not just about religion. It says more about us as the entitlement generation than about our religious views.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by mobiusmale

How incredibly stupid. It is time we stop roping religion into government. The sooner that christian's get over this, the better.

So you want a nativity scene? Put it infront of your church!

Of course any other time the government makes accommodations (as holiday decorations are an accommodation.) the right will cry of progressives taking over.But when they want the government to support their religion? Suddenly it's the righteous thing to do. How pathetic.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 12:04 PM
This is just some more PC $h!t. If you don’t like it, than ignore it. People just love to complain about everything. There’s always one in the crowd who has to make things difficult for the rest. And for those who think this is wrong. Go out and get a life! There are other things in life worth complaining about other than something as insignificant as a nativity scene at the court house. Will these people ever stop? How about you go out and do something useful. I volunteer at a homeless shelter. Makes me realize how fortunate I have it in life. They have been doing this for 35 years? The people complaining about it were probably not even born when they started the tradition. Wha Wha Wha! What a bunch of crybabies

edit on 10-12-2011 by Propulsion because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 12:11 PM
We have a nice Christmas Village here in Philadelphia. It was renamed to "Holiday Village" for a brief amount of time because one person complained about it saying he/she was 'offended' by the name. Who in the world gets offended by a word on a sign? These people aren't actually 'offended' they are just being whiny losers who are looking to spread their ridiculous BS to bother everyone else. And i'm tired of idiots on this message board labeling all Christians as fundamentalist nut cases. The entire media conglomerate advertises sex, drugs, and whatever else on a daily basis - and quite frankly I think it's disgusting. How can everyone be fine with that - yet still cry when a sign says Christmas? No no no, i'm tired of the state keeling over for a bunch of pompous sissy ass-hats with nothing better to do than whine about Christmas Decorations (seriously, grow a pair people.) Anyways, finally Mayor Nutter's balls dropped and he changed the scene's name back to "Christmas Village."

Whoever I saw earlier that used the term "sissy state." You are quite right.
edit on 10-12-2011 by LiberLegit because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by Miraj
reply to post by mobiusmale

How incredibly stupid. It is time we stop roping religion into government. The sooner that christian's get over this, the better.

So you want a nativity scene? Put it infront of your church!

Of course any other time the government makes accommodations (as holiday decorations are an accommodation.) the right will cry of progressives taking over.But when they want the government to support their religion? Suddenly it's the righteous thing to do. How pathetic.

You got it all wrong.

It's the leftist progressives that scream, cry, riot and/or destroy anything and everything they dont agree with.

The right has "rights" to regardless of what the left thinks.

If the lefties would mind their own business, there would be far less hate in this world.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by Henley


because this years war on Christmas is about to prove you wrong.

It happens on both sides. Clearly. However the right elects a false representation of majority to support them. However, I am asking if these people love their nativity scene so much, why is the job of the government to maintain and show it? Surely they could find a private entity such as a church to put up a very nice nativity scene where it belongs in.

If they let the nativity scene stand, will they allow Jews to put up decorations. How about Pagans? After all, most of the holiday traditions you know today came from paganism, (Hell, they are directly banned in the bible. But Christian's still practice them.)

So why should the government put this scene up. Why not a Church?

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by LiberLegit
We have a nice Christmas Village here in Philadelphia. It was renamed to "Holiday Village" for a brief amount of time because one person complained about it saying he/she was 'offended' by the name. Who in the world gets offended by a word on a sign? These people aren't actually 'offended' they are just being whiny losers who are looking to spread their ridiculous BS to bother everyone else. And i'm tired of idiots on this message board labeling all Christians as fundamentalist nut cases. The entire media conglomerate advertises sex, drugs, and whatever else on a daily basis - and quite frankly I think it's disgusting. How can everyone be fine with that - yet still cry when a sign says Christmas? No no no, i'm tired of the state keeling over for a bunch of pompous sissy ass-hats with nothing better to do than whine about Christmas Decorations (seriously, grow a pair people.) Anyways, finally Mayor Nutter's balls dropped and he changed the scene's name back to "Christmas Village."

Whoever I saw earlier that used the term "sissy state." You are quite right.
edit on 10-12-2011 by LiberLegit because: (no reason given)

I couldn't agree with you more. These people really need to get a life. I'm so tired of the pc $h!t, that I could just throw up! In all respect to the atheists, I don't run around with a tea shirt that says..."All Atheist Are Going to Burn in Hell". It’s called mutual respect. Nothing in life is perfect. You can’t always get your way.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by PrimalRed
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Christmas is a christianized pagan holiday that has to do with the death and rebirth of the sun on the winter solstice, which is what the burning of the yule log symbolizes. Christmas is a Roman holiday from their pagan days. If Christians want to partake in holidays they should be celebrating the jewish feastdays as christianity was born from the Essenes (jewish sect of judaism) ideology who prophesied the Messiah 250+ years before his birth.

Christmas never has had anything to do with Yeshua the Christ (Jesus). Yeshua was not born anywhere near december, he was born in the spring.

I have heard this stupid argument too many times to count. The holiday is Christian they are celebrating the birth of Christ, that is all there is to it. Sure some pagan religions celebrated their holidays on and around the same time but Christmas is christian. Its an idea, they are setting that day aside to celebrate the birth of Christ, it would not matter when it was celebrated they would still be celebrating the birth of Christ and it would STILL fall on or around some "pagan" festival.
Just like Halloween, sure there are some pagan ties to Halloween but are people celebrating some stupid pagan crap? No, girls dress up in slutty costumes and everyone gets drunk. It has nothing to do with being pagan.
edit on 9-12-2011 by PrimalRed because: (no reason given)

Ignorance will be no excuse when you stand before God. He is not going to listen to you bellyache and whine about not knowing you were eating food dedicated to idols and demons. or gloryfying anything other than him. He will tell you to go into the fire and into it you will go and that as they say, will be that.

A pagan holiday is a pagan holiday as is a pagan holiday.

"A rose with any other name would still smell just as sweet"-William Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet"

In other words you can call it whatever you want and it remains a pagan holiday, changing the name does not change a thing. You can call a turd a cheeseburger but it still smells like a turd and looks like a turd.

You lie to your kids about Santa Claus? Guess what? A lie is a sin, no matter why you did it. Who is the Father of Lies? Satan. Christians if they want to celebrate holidays should celebrate the holidays our Lord and his Apostles celebrated and held true, with Pentecost and the day of Christ's resurrection at the top of the list. Yeshua was concieved around the end of Chanakuh (english pronounced Hanakuh). Adding 9 months to Kislev, and you get Tishrei , Succot occurs in the Hebrew month of Tishrei. The english translation is off. He wasnt born in December 25th he was concieved around that time.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 12:40 PM
They have been doing this for 35 years? Most of the people complaining about it were probably not even born when they started the tradition. Grow up! There are other things in life far more important. If I don’t like something, I just ignore it. If Satan worshipers want to go out and throw a big statue of Satan out there somewhere, than have at it! That’s your deal. Not mine! I’m not going to cry about it! They do this for one month out of the year. Get over yourselves! Life doesn’t revolve around you…!

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 01:03 PM
You can't avoid these people anywhere. They go out of their way to make life a living hell for everyone who doesn't agree with them.

Have any of you seen this story about Muslims wanting to have a prayer room without a crucifix at a private Catholic university? First of all, why would Muslims want to enroll in a Catholic University? And what about PRIVATE do these people not know about? This is another story about out of control PC crap. Makes me sick…!

Catholic University's Muslim Students Should Have Prayer Rooms Without Crucifix, Complaint States

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by Miraj

And that's exactly what it is:


And why? Celebrating Christmas does no harm to anyone.

Dont you think we have enough "WARS" going on in this world that actually do cause harm to others?

Maybe time would be better spent trying to discourage the "WARS" that hurt rather than try to start a "WAR" with people that simply want to celebrate a day with family and friends that brings them joy.

Those that have a problem with that, have more than a problem.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 01:34 PM
1. The atheists or non-christians are right. USA is a secular nation. It must maintain its secularity within public space, or there will only be public disorder.

TRUE faith lays within one's heart. It does not seek to impose upon another, no matter how joyous and touched we are having found comfort and solace with the numerous gifts of life our common Creator had generously bestowed upon us. It is NEVER, NEVER, the outward performace of piety and absolute terror we inflict upon others when we THOUGHT no one can see, not even our Creator.

But truth is, our Creator knows all and sees all.

It is from our hearts that we show our appreciation for the gifts He had given us, and never any outward display except for how we treat His other creations - our fellow human brothers and sisters, that is which He cares for. And it is ONLY from such displays that we can help bring and share others, whom are equally gifted, to Him, if it is His will, not by any other way.

Atheists too, are our fellow human brothers and sisters, NO MATTER what they had done this life, and can only be reconciled with Him, on His will and time, not at any other mortals.

Thus, it doesnt matter about what the courthouse do, as long as it does what it is more critically supposed to do - to bring justice to all humanity that enters there.

2. However, every human must understand the demographics of the land and respect for the community's leader.

Majority are Christians in that State. If the leader of the community decides to put up festive cheer, which is what that diorama is all about and is nothing to do with idol worshipping which is against our Creator's laws, nor is such an attempt to convert anyone, but only a reminder of a great man whom had guided civilisation in his time, then it is only his own responsibility and free will as a member of the majority, which no one else needs to follow, or follow suit when they become the leader of the community, whatever religion he hails from.

We can all co-exist, for we are all one - children of our common Creator, known by many names across geological barriers, time and space.
edit on 10-12-2011 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by Henley

It's fake.

The War on Christmas is a small collection of extreme stories that Fox News uses to buy ratings by offering the perception of persecution.

You know what? I live in a liberal area. People still say Merry Christmas. I still see Christmas Decorations. I still hear the music. Nothing has changed. But a collection of poorly educated people with the perception that the world is against them will buy anything their spoon fed.

Lastly, change starts with you. If you want to say merry Christmas, just say it. If someone doesn't want to say it? It's not your right to tell them their wrong. Don't rant about how the liberals are taking away Christmas and giving "Happy magical winter time".

The war on Christmas has and always will be fake. Deal with it.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by Propulsion

It's not the nativity scene itself that people have the problem with. It's the fact that it's on government, neutral ground that people have the problem with. If they want to display it, fine, but do it on religious ground. Religion has no place on a court-house lawn, no matter how you spin it.

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