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Town Vows to Defend Nativity “Until Hell Freezes Over”

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posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 03:41 AM
i always wonder how christians can spend a dime on anything outside of quelling the massive amount of suffering that goes on in this world.

like lenny bruce said, if you have two shirts while somebody has no shirt then you aren't a christian.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 03:41 AM
reply to post by Algernonsmouse

I doubt it because on my planet you already said this and I already responded to it in my last post.

Again... Never said i was christian and i am not running from anything. Just admit you made it all up in an attempt to not look stupid which backfired.

"more than likely" and "probably" are words used by people that have no #ing clue. Don't give me that probably crap. Yes someone has to pay to put it up. Someone pays to maintain it. Baby jesus gets a little ragedy after years of weather, abuse, and theft. This stuff does not appear and put itself up by magic.

I was sayin probably and more than likley because those were the exact words that were right, i was not saying that it was "fact" i was saying "probably" and "more than likely". But since you want to get on the topic of who does not know jack and bad logic lets examine.
So you think the city paid for this nativity scene? Then it does not matter, that money is spent. If it is displayed or thrown out will not make that money reappear.
The city maintains it? So you are willing to believe that it is an old nativity scene but at the same time discount me saying it is probably an old nativity scene? Make up your mind.
But you don't know if the city bought it or maintains it now do you?

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 03:41 AM
reply to post by GR1ill3d

They're hypocrites unaware of their own hypocrisy.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 03:43 AM
reply to post by godWhisperer

Yeah, I guess all the Catholic schools, hospitals, and orphanages really show their unrighteousness.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 03:46 AM

Originally posted by Algernonsmouse

This is not a democracy so what is your point?

By definition, it is. I don't think we need to now veer off on some conspiracy tangent regarding the "true nature" of government. The point is that, in reality, not all minority views or sensitivities can be accommodated. Just because one person...or small number of people...object to something, does not mean that something can't be done. That is illogical.

You do not understand the "respecting any religion part" then? That is too bad because it is exactly why you are wrong.

With respect, I believe it is you who misunderstand the actual reasoning behind, and the meaning of the founding fathers' thinking, as it relates to the need for a separation of church and state.

I love Christmas.
I do not love how Christians hijacked it and now want to cry if they do not get to use government funds and public space to rub it in my face.

You love it...but you don't want it rubbed in your face? Interesting...methinks there is some kind of other agenda creeping in here.
edit on 9-12-2011 by mobiusmale because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 03:49 AM
What's the worst thing that could happen here?

Nativity Scenes run rampant throughout the land?

People talking about God?

Personally, I think the athiest folks have a little too much time on their hands.
Maybe they should join a club.
Or go to church.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 03:51 AM
Well I guess they do not intend to defend it for very long, considering Hell freezes over each winter.

City of Hell - Pure Michigan Travel

Hell, Michigan - Hell Destination Areas - Pure Michigan Travel
Our unique town with so many things to experience enables you to enjoy some of our great events, such as our Buzzard Festival or our Halloween festivities. Shop at our general store and get that special gift or have a letter mailed from "Hell" at our post office.
Plan your Visit to Hell, Michigan

As a Michigander the temptation was too much to resist, clearly my statement on their resolved is not matter of fact, and I am just being sarcastic and joshing around.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 03:52 AM

Originally posted by mobiusmale

Atheists do not have a "right to not have a nativity scene". Their right to religious freedom does not include a right to infringe on other people's freedom of religion, or freedom of expression.

But Christians have the right to infringe on atheists freedom of choice? This is what it looks like you are saying.

Nor can they suddenly declare that a symbol associated with a National Holiday that has been celebrated since the nation's founding can no longer be used.

America was NOT founded as a Christian nation.

So long as their beliefs do not try to take the fun and tradition out of Christmas.

Thankyou for confirming. As long as they don't conflict with the Christian view of Christmas, then they are free to do as they please.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 03:55 AM
reply to post by GR1ill3d

We have done horrible things....

As christians, and as israeli's...

Yet, God forgives us, as he does those, who turn to his name...

However, those who continue turn away from him, will receive, what they deserve...

Each one according to his deeds....

For they have refused his mercy, through his son, who died for all mankind.....

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 04:30 AM

Originally posted by freetree64
reply to post by GR1ill3d

We have done horrible things....

As christians, and as israeli's...

Yet, God forgives us, as he does those, who turn to his name...

However, those who continue turn away from him, will receive, what they deserve...

Each one according to his deeds....

For they have refused his mercy, through his son, who died for all mankind.....

Yah... about that. Your God isn't real, no god is. SO isn't what you just said crazy mombo jombo in light of this new information?

And, on a side note, how do you sleep at night when your always up on that perch looking down on us? It gets pretty cold when your up that high.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 06:31 AM

Originally posted by Kryties

But Christians have the right to infringe on atheists freedom of choice? This is what it looks like you are saying.

Not exactly.

Atheists are free to believe in nothing, and not celebrate Christmas...or later change their mind and believe in something...whatever. But they are not free to enforce their worldview on the majority in this Texas town who happen to believe in Christ.

Is the absence of faith somehow morally superior to having faith? I don't think so. So long as one lives a moral life, I would say it is equivalent.

America was NOT founded as a Christian nation.

Granted. But from its inception, it has celebrated this festival, which so happens to have a Christian tradition...and America has declared Christmas to be a National Holiday.

Thank you for confirming. As long as they don't conflict with the Christian view of Christmas, then they are free to do as they please.

You seem to have this twisted around somehow. The Christians in this Texas town are not insisting that the atheists in Wisconsin celebrate is the atheists in Wisconsin who are insisting that Texans can't celebrate the holiday in a manner that they choose to. is an American (and Canadian, and Australian, and European, etc.) tradition. Period.

I have spent a fair bit of time in China over the past few years. They have a lot of their own festivals and celebrations...Chinese New Years, Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, etc.. Each of these occasions is celebrated in a certain special traditional way.

Do you think I (or anyone else) is getting up on a high horse and saying that we don't believe in the legend behind the Dragon Boat they need to stop doing the things they do at that time of year, because it makes me feel uncomfortable or disenfranchised in some way?

No...we get into it. We have fun. We drink beer. We enjoy time with friends. We enjoy the ambiance.

Christmas is Christmas. Atheists, or anyone else, need to just get over it.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 08:49 AM
The town has a right to do whatever it wants. If the taxpayers don't like it ... vote against it or move out.

I'm seeing HYPOCRISY ... I'm betting that those on the far left who whine about a town deciding to put up a nativity aren't complaining that San Francisco is breaking the law and inviting ILLEGALS to their town and calling it a safe haven for illegals. If San Francisco can force tax payers to shoulder the burden of creating a safe haven for criminals, then there is nothing wrong with a little town in Texas voting to put a nativity up.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by GR1ill3d
reply to by mobiusmale

The good folks of Henderson County, Texas have decided to draw a line in the sand...and stand and fight for their right to continue to erect a nativity scene on the lawn of their courthouse - as they have done for 35 years.

If it were on privately owned land(s) this would be a non-issue. But since it's on a land paid for by the taxpayers (which includes Theists and Atheists), it has become such.

Seperation of Church and State...

You are very correct here, GR1ill3d. The Christian Right has been pushing this agenda of "bringing America back to Jesus" for a long time now, in direct opposition to the Constitution. The Christian Right also supports the lie that our Founding Fathers were all Christian, and that America was based on Christian Principles.

In truth, America is a mirror of the World of Islam.
The Religious people want to meld religion and state to make a State Religion.
I say force the issue here. State Department? Department of Justice? Your move.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 10:48 AM
I can understand the argument about separation of church and state, but is this nativity scene costing the tax-payer any more than similar secular decorations during the holiday season ?

I mean, really, who cares if they have a nativity scene on display, unless it's costing any more money than a secular alternative ?

I agree with the idea of a separation between church and state, but I believe that the outcry about this is more down to bigots who don't respect the views or beliefs of others.

If you're not a Christian, then how could you possibly be offended by an inoffensive display of a story that you don't even believe in ?

edit on 9-12-2011 by Sherlock Holmes because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 11:24 AM
I REALLY don't want to get into another nativity scene debate (which happens EVERY year lol) so this is all I will say. From the article:

It sends a message of intimidation and exclusion to non-Christians and non-believers this time of year”

What kind of spineless wimp feels 'intimidated' by a nativity scene? lol

Keep in mind, their argument is based on 'intimidation,' not legalities.

Sheesh. Maybe they sleep with the lights on at night, too. Plastic baby Jesus dolls are some scary stuff, I guess.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by AshleyD
What kind of spineless wimp feels 'intimidated' by a nativity scene? lol

Keep in mind, their argument is based on 'intimidation,' not legalities.

Sheesh. Maybe they sleep with the lights on at night, too. Plastic baby Jesus dolls are some scary stuff, I guess.

Who are you to diminiish someone else's feelings?

Or should we have said the same thing about those christians crying "intimidation" about a mosque 5 blocks away from ground zero?
edit on 9-12-2011 by HandyDandy because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by HandyDandy

Who are you to diminiish someone else's feelings?

A person on a message board who is fully entitled to my opinion and the expression thereof.

I feel no shame calling a spade, a spade on this one. People who are 'intimidated' by harmless decorations must hide under their beds during a lightning storm.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by AshleyD

All we know about him is that he is atheist and is easily frightened by plastic babies.

I fail to understand how the removal of the nativity would ease his worried little head. Its is not like the removal of the nativity scene would suddenly make the people inside any more or any less christian.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 12:13 PM
I really hate religion, but I see no problem whatsoever in a courthouse setting up a nativity scene. People always play the double standard card. I guess nobody has ever heard the expression 'live and let live'. Jesus Christ get over it, it's just a goddamned birth scene. I swear we need to change our country's name to the United States of the Offended.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 12:20 PM
I don't really agree with public support of any religion by the government, but I do agree with the OP. People need to calm down. I'm not Christian, so I keep their dude away from my tree. Just do what you want, and don't get hung up on what your neighbor is up to. If it's not your belief, than it's a silly model on a normal day. Don't get offended. We all have silly rituals, whether religious or familial. It's fun, and makes us feel close and that's a good enough reason to hold onto them.

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