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Was The Titanic Destroyed By A German Submarine?

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posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by AngryCymraeg
The titanic didnt "collide" with an "scraped" against it sideways...

And so we should'nt ignore the issue of the 12ft square original hole,the original damage sustained by the titanic,through which water began pouring into the ship...a hole impossible to have been caused by an iceberg...

A "side" scraped and "side" swiped iceberg is not going to be able to punch itself inwards and then pull itself outwards really fast against "a moving ship",which is exactly what the iceberg would have had to have done,in order for it to have created a 12ft square hole,the size of a refrigerator...

But a torpedo could have caused a hole that size...

edit on 28-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 07:05 AM

Originally posted by Lee78

Originally posted by BobLoblaw84
reply to post by blocula

Wouldn't survivors accounts of the event have listed some sort of explosion if this had been the case?

Never mind that, how many actual eye witnesses mention an iceberg?
If you google 'Titanic timeline' its quite interesting given certain things that were done and said oh and were not?

I mentioned three on a previous reply, all of whom survived the sinking - Fleet, Rowe and Hitchens. I can also add the other lookout, Lee, and passenger Hugh Woolner.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by blocula
reply to post by AngryCymraeg
The titanic didnt "collide" with an iceberg,it "scraped" against it sideways and a "side" scraped and "side" swiped iceberg is not going to be able to punch itself inwards and then pull itself outwards really fast against "a moving ship",which is exactly what the iceberg would have had to have done,in order for it to have created a 12ft square hole,the size of a refrigerator...

edit on 28-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

You continue to misunderstand what happened. Please go away and read up on it. I am starting to suspect that you are now wilfully misstating what happened.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by ignorant_ape
Yes there were hundreds and actually a couple thousand people on board who would have been sleeping, not walking around on the outside deck in the cold,20 minutes before midnight...

The larger and longer fractures and rips in the hull of the titanic were caused "after" the initial 12ft square hole, which is when and where the ship started taking on water,the longer wounds in the hull were caused by the ship buckling and splitting and fracturing as it raised up out of the water...

And the survivors who were on board the titanic said they heard an explosion that must have been a boiler,how would they even know it was a massive boiler rupturing and exploding? They heard what a massive boiler rupturing sounds like before?...I seriously doubt it...They were probably still sleeping,or half awake when the explosion occurred...

If it was a torpedo that made the explosion sound and i think it was,well those survivors wouldnt have even known what a torpedo exploding into metal underwater sounded like anyways,they would have had to have heard what torpedos exploding into metal under water sounds like before and i seriously doubt any of them ever did.So when they heard the explosion they wouldnt have ever guessed it was a torpedo.Its not like they heard the explosion and then ran around yelling "it was a torpedo" they would not have known it was a torpedo,or what a torpedo exploding into metal under water sounds like and they probably didnt even know what a torpedo was, especially in 1912...

And some survivors said they "heard" the ship scraping an iceberg.How would they even know what giant sheets of moving steel scraping against a gigantic floating iceberg sounds like? they heard those sounds before? no way,they just guessed it was an iceberg,or said it because it was the "rumor" that was flying around the ship,a rumor that was probably ignited by an implanted german agent who had orders to get everyone thinking it was an iceberg and an exploding boiler,anything but what it really was,a submarine launched torpedo...

People in a frenzied panic will believe just about anything and what they said they heard,"from inside the ship" was what someone else told them they heard,because i can guarantee 99.9999999% that those survivors that said they heard the ship scraping against an iceberg and heard a boiler explode,never ever heard those sounds before and did not know what they sounded like either..

edit on 28-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by AngryCymraeg

The U-boats at the time were not extremely primitive when the titanic sank,by 1912 submarines had already been around for about 50 years,advancing steadily in technology through the years like anything else does...

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 07:36 AM

Originally posted by blocula
reply to post by ignorant_ape
yes there were hundreds and actually a couple thousand people on board who would have been sleeping, not walking around on the outside deck in the cold,20 minutes before midnight...

The larger and longer fractures and rips in the hull of the titanic were caused "after" the initial 12ft square hole, which is when and where the ship started taking on water,the longer wounds in the hull were caused by the ship buckling and splitting as it raised up out of the water...

And the survivors who were on board the titanic said they heard an explosion that must have been a boiler,how would they even know it was a massive boiler rupturing and exploding? They heard what a massive boiler rupturing sounds like before?...I seriously doubt it...They were probably still sleeping,or half awake when the explosion occurred...

If it was a torpedo that made the explosion sound and i think it was,well those survivors wouldnt have even known what a torpedo exploding into metal underwater sounded like anyways,they would have had to have heard what torpedos exploding into metal under water sounds like before and i seriously doubt any of them ever did.So when they heard the explosion they wouldnt have ever guessed it was a torpedo.Its not like they heard the explosion and then ran around yelling "it was a torpedo" they would not have known it was a torpedo,or what a torpedo exploding into metal under water sounds like and they probably didnt even know what a torpedo was, especially in 1912...

And some survivors said they "heard" the ship scraping an iceberg.How would they even know what giant sheets of moving steel scraping against a gigantic floating iceberg sounds like? they heard those sounds before? no way,they just guessed it was an iceberg,or said it because it was the "rumor" that was flying around the ship,a rumor that was probably ignited by an implanted german agent who had orders to get everyone thinking it was an iceberg and an exploding boiler,anything but what it really was,a submarine launched torpedo...

People in a frenzied panic will believe just about anything and what they said they heard,"from inside the ship" was what someone else told them they heard,because i can guarantee 99.9999999% that those survivors that said they heard the ship scraping against an iceberg and heard a boiler explode,never ever heard those sounds before and did not know what they sounded like either..

edit on 28-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

You keep restating the same things again and again, obviously in the belief that people will believe you. The impact of a torpedo is sudden and violent - it's a concussive impact that would have woken everyone on the ship by the sheer violence of the explosion. High explosive is distinctive. It would also have caused a huge waterspout-effect from the water expelled from the sea by the explosion. Please use Youtube for a demonstration of the sight of a torpedo impact.
Instead you have a side-swipe impact as the side of the iceberg met the side of the ship - the third class passengers were seen playing football with chunks of ice after the impact. Steward James Johnson felt a shudder - he thought that the ship had dropped a propellor blade. Fireman John Thompson said that he heard a "harsh grinding sound". Chief night baker Walter Belford felt a shudder. Seaman Edward Buley said that he felt a shudder, as if something was rubbing along the side of the ship. Major Peuchen thought that a heavy wave had struck the ship. Mrs E.D. Appleton felt a ripping sound, as if someone was tearing a long strip of cloth.
Taken as a whole all of these statements prove one thing - it was NOT a torpedo.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 07:37 AM
reply to post by ignorant_ape
The germans could and would have very easily adjusted the torpedos warhead,or used a different type of torpedo to get a different type of explosive force,not all torpedos are the same...and the still smoking the 12ft square hole explained under "collision/damage" in this link > > "The gash that the iceberg cut into the hull of the Titanic was between 220 to 245 feet long. The total length of the ship was approximately 882 feet.

Though the damage in the hull was 220 to 245 feet long, the most recent evidence shows that there was only a 12 square foot opening (the size of a refrigerator) in the hull allowing water inside the ship"

And as i said,the larger and longer fractures and rips in the hull of the titanic were caused "after" the initial 12ft square hole, which is when and where the ship started taking on water,the longer wounds in the hull were caused by the ship buckling and splitting and fracturing as it raised up out of the water,not from a side scraped iceberg...
edit on 28-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by AngryCymraeg
The U-17 was not being fitted out and comissioned in april 1912...

Name: U-17
Ordered: 6 May 1910
Builder: Kaiserliche Werft, Danzig
Yard number: 11
Laid down: 1 October 1910
Launched: 16 April 1912

Notice the "launch date" only 2 weeks after the titanic sank...How long was the american b-2 bomber flying around before the public was openly told about it?...Quite awhile and the at the time top secret U-17 would have been no different...

edit on 28-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 07:49 AM

Originally posted by blocula
reply to post by AngryCymraeg

The U-boats at the time were not extremely primitive when the titanic sank,by 1912 submarines had already been around for about 50 years,advancing steadily in technology through the years like anything else does...

The first German submarine was indeed launched in 1850. Unfortunately it sank straight to the bottom of Kiel harbour in 1851 and the crew had to abandon ship. The first real German U-boats were the Karp-class, which had a kerosene engine and a range of just 1,250 miles. The first diesel-engine U-boat was the U-19 class, which had a range of 5,300 miles. Unfortunately U-19 herself wasn't launched until October 1912. And, once again, U-17 was still being commissioned in April 1912.
I have a lot of facts. What have you got, besides a silly theory that has 0% proof behind it?

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by blocula
reply to post by AngryCymraeg
The U-17 was not being fitted out and comissioned in 1912...

Name: U-17
Ordered: 6 May 1910
Builder: Kaiserliche Werft, Danzig
Yard number: 11
Laid down: 1 October 1910
Launched: 16 April 1912

Notice the "launch date" only 2 weeks after the titanic sank...How long was the american b-2 bomber flying around before the public was openly told about it?...Quite awhile and the at the time top secret U-17 would have been no different...

edit on 28-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

There is a difference between a launch date and commissioning date. The hull gets launched. The majority of equipment gets added afterwards. Then the crew is also added and the ship is tested and certified for seaworthiness. You can skip this of course, but you might as well wave goodbye to the vessel. So - launch date does NOT equal when the vessel is ready for sea.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by blocula
reply to post by ignorant_ape
The germans could and would have very easily adjusted the torpedos warhead,or used a different type of torpedo to get a different type of explosive force,not all torpedos are the same...and the still smoking the 12ft square hole explained under "collision/damage" in this link > > "The gash that the iceberg cut into the hull of the Titanic was between 220 to 245 feet long. The total length of the ship was approximately 882 feet.

Though the damage in the hull was 220 to 245 feet long, the most recent evidence shows that there was only a 12 square foot opening (the size of a refrigerator) in the hull allowing water inside the ship"

edit on 28-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

Now you're just being ridiculous. Desperate even. There is no smoking gun and you still have not refuted any of my facts. You keep repeating your fallacies. Do you have any idea how large a 12-square foot area is? Really?

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 07:55 AM
reply to post by SonoftheSun
Yes,i have thought of that myself,the mystery ship,that was not the californian,was probably the U-17 surfacing...and the U-17's range was around 7,000 miles! most of which,if it chose to do so,could have been spent traveling upon the surface,only diving under and resurfacing when it needed to...

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 07:59 AM
reply to post by AngryCymraeg
Once again...the american B-2 bomber was flying around long before the public was told about it,as one example of many and the b-2 bomber was a "military top secret" and even after it was flying around it was still a secret and in 1912 the german military's U-17 would have been treated no differently,it was a state of the art secret...

edit on 28-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by blocula
reply to post by SonoftheSun
Yes,i have thought of that myself,the mystery ship,that was not the californian,was probably the U-17 surfacing...and the U-17's range was around 7,000 miles! most of which,if it chose to do so,could have been spent traveling upon the surface,only diving under and resurfacing when it needed to...

Erm, all of the descriptions of BOTH ships show that they were a) equipped with port and starboard sidelights (your sooper sekrit U-boat would surely not have been advertising its presence) and b) quite substantial. Californian's 3rd officer Charles Groves said that the ship that he saw was ablaze with lights from bow to stern and was obviously a liner. Boxhall, the fourth officer on the Titanic, said that the mystery ship was a steamship on the horizon and that over the time that he saw it was swinging in the current. And now you come to the rockets. The mystery ship that Californian saw fired 8 white rockets. The Titanic fired 8 white rockets. I invite you draw the correct conclusion to this.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 08:06 AM
reply to post by AngryCymraeg
No...the torpedo did not cause a 300ft gash,the torpedo caused a 12ft square hole,which is where and when the titanic started taking in water...

The larger and longer fractures and rips in the hull of the titanic were caused "after" the initial 12ft square hole, those longer wounds in the hull were caused by the ship buckling and splitting and fracturing as it raised up out of the water and broke apart,not from a torpedo or a side swiped iceberg...

edit on 28-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by blocula
reply to post by AngryCymraeg
Once again...the american B-2 bomber was flying around long before the public was told about it,as one example of many and the b-2 bomber was a "military top secret" and even after it was flying around it was still a secret and in 1912 the german military's U-17 would have been treated no differently,it was a state of the art secret...

edit on 28-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

No, it wasn't a state of the art secret weapon. The Royal Navy launched the D-class submarines from 1908-1910. These were diesel powered. The Kriegsmarine didn't launch anything similar until 1912. And your B-2 reference is pointless. We're talking about the pre-WWI period.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 08:11 AM

Originally posted by blocula
reply to post by AngryCymraeg
No...the torpedo did not cause a 300ft gash,the torpedo caused a 12ft square hole,which is where and when the titanic started taking in water...

The larger and longer fractures and rips in the hull of the titanic were caused "after" the initial 12ft square hole, those longer wounds in the hull were caused by the ship buckling and splitting and fracturing as it raised up out of the water and broke apart,not from a torpedo or a side swiped iceberg...

edit on 28-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

Right. Are you saying that the Titanic was sunk by a single 12-foot square hole in one concentrated location?

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by AngryCymraeg
The horrible hell unleashed upon humanity known as world war one didnt happen as long ago as some people would like to think it did,relatively speaking,it happened only yesterday and the technology that was invented and used back then was not as primitive as some people would like to think it was...

edit on 28-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 10:25 PM
I was doing some research for personal reasons and experiences on Aldebaran, and of course the Germans came up and Vrill. They had the advanced technology, and other countries found out how and had their own retrievals and caught up. To me thats entrapment but thats part of my own experiences that things are not what they think, that the technology isn't just for their use, there is a consequence to it. But they Germans were working under someone else's strings, partners under the radar.
edit on 28-12-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by AngryCymraeg
The "icebeg theory" is no more provable either and lets not sail away and forget all about the wealthy industrialists who opposed the implementation of the federal reserve system and who were eliminated when the titanic went down into the abyss,taking away with it forever,1,503 lives...

The 100th anniversary of the titanics sinking is only a few months away...What a time to remove the purposefully installed blinders that were placed in front of our eyes and open our minds enough to try and reveal the Truth about what really happened to this doomed ship and all those innocent people...
edit on 28-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

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