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Was The Titanic Destroyed By A German Submarine?

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posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by buddhasystem

Originally posted by blocula
reply to post by SuperTripps
The purposeful destruction of the Titanic was,among other reasons,designed and performed to set the stages of war,to initiate a war and death mentality,to impress war and death emotions into the hearts and minds of people everywhere,who only two years later,would be plunged into the abyss of World War One,leaving twenty five million of them dead and many millions more crippled,blinded,shell shocked and homeless,lost within their illumanti induced desolation...
edit on 24-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

Blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah, Meh! Blah, meh, blah blah.

It's just amazing that you have no respect for the quality of ATS and materials presented here, by confidently stating as fact, what is essentially pure fantasy, and not too impressive at that.

Sure, I can post clips from "Sky Captain and the world of tomorrow", and say this is a documentary.

Oh well. You are just one of many polluters here on ATS. Be well, and Merry Christmas.

if you don't believe the DD..there you will find what a moron your statements here regarding my comments were

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 10:26 PM
Can anyone prove the titanic was sunk by a german submarine launched torpedo?...No

Can anyone prove the titanic was not sunk by a german submarine launched torpedo?...No

Maybe if the investigators were looking for german submarine related evidence back in 1912 or 1913 they might have been able to...

But after laying at the bottom of a salt water ocean for 100 years,whatever evidence that may have led people this way or that way,is most likely hopelessly lost,eroded and altered...

But,there is still the issue of a 12ft square original hole,the original damage sustained by the titanic,through which water began pouring into the ship...a hole impossible to have been caused by an iceberg...

A "side" scraped and "side" swiped iceberg is not going to be able to punch itself inwards and then pull itself outwards really fast against "a moving ship",which is exactly what the iceberg would have had to have done,in order for it to have created a 12ft square hole,the size of a refrigerator...

But a torpedo could have caused a hole that size...

This 20th century titanic conspiracy is right up there with the kennedy asassination and the roswell crash...imo.
edit on 27-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by blocula
Can anyone prove the titanic was not sunk by a german submarine launched torpedo?...No

Yes, yes they can. As demonstrated by the many, many posts illustrating such a thing since you started, but you simply ignore them, possibly due to an undiagnosed brain injury. Might want to get that checked out, by the way.

Originally posted by blocula
This 20th century titanic conspiracy is right up there with the kennedy asassination and the roswell crash...imo

Perhaps in regards to the amount of bogus, BS theories that get trotted out by unqualified, but imaginative, laymen who think they have some sort of special insight when they don't.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 12:29 AM

I think the ship was torpedoed and THEN side-swiped the iceberg.

I think The Californian had Jesuit agents aboard, and acted as the homing device and supply ship for the U17.

It may have even towed the U17 part way.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 04:31 AM

Originally posted by blocula
Can anyone prove the titanic was sunk by a german submarine launched torpedo?...No

Can anyone prove the titanic was not sunk by a german submarine launched torpedo?...No

Maybe if the investigators were looking for german submarine related evidence back in 1912 or 1913 they might have been able to...

But after laying at the bottom of a salt water ocean for 100 years,whatever evidence that may have led people this way or that way,is most likely hopelessly lost,eroded and altered...

But,there is still the issue of a 12ft square original hole,the original damage sustained by the titanic,through which water began pouring into the ship...a hole impossible to have been caused by an iceberg...

A "side" scraped and "side" swiped iceberg is not going to be able to punch itself inwards and then pull itself outwards really fast against "a moving ship",which is exactly what the iceberg would have had to have done,in order for it to have created a 12ft square hole,the size of a refrigerator...

But a torpedo could have caused a hole that size...

This 20th century titanic conspiracy is right up there with the kennedy asassination and the roswell crash...imo.
edit on 27-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

You continue to ignore all the evidence that contradicts your utterly unsustainable theory. Let me restate a few things. The hole that doomed the Titanic did NOT impact just one or even two compartments of the ship (which a torpedo would have) but 6. If a torpedo had caused a hole that big (ie: all 6 compartments) then Titanic would have sunk far faster. Instead the damage to the ship was consistent to the grazing impact with an iceberg as recorded by the witnesses. Here's an excellent link that explains it all quite clearly:
People saw the iceberg. They felt the iceberg. They saw the ice on the deck afterwards. Ergo, an iceberg was there and sank the Titanic. QED.
There is no evidence that the U-17 was commissioned early. There is no evidence that she was manned early. There is no evidence that she, or any other U-boat, sortied in time to meet Titanic in the middle of the Atlantic at a location that could not be guessed at due to the Titanic's swing south to avoid the reported ice fields. U-boats were still extremely primitive at that time.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 04:35 AM

Originally posted by xuenchen

I think the ship was torpedoed and THEN side-swiped the iceberg.

I think The Californian had Jesuit agents aboard, and acted as the homing device and supply ship for the U17.

It may have even towed the U17 part way.

Why would such an elaborate chain of circumstances occur? Why would someone send a torpedo into a liner just as it approached an iceberg that it was going to hit anyway? Isn't it just as likely (in fact even more likely) that it simply hit the iceberg?
There is no evidence whatsoever that the Californian was owned or operated by the Kriegsmarine. Neither was the Kaiser sitting in a secret room by the bridge giving Captain Stanley Lord instructions via morse code. Californian was owned by Leyland Line. There is no German connection at all.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 05:14 AM
reply to post by AngryCymraeg

Why would such an elaborate chain of circumstances occur? Why would someone send a torpedo into a liner just as it approached an iceberg that it was going to hit anyway? Isn't it just as likely (in fact even more likely) that it simply hit the iceberg?
... How did they know it was going to hit an iceberg ?

There is no evidence whatsoever that the Californian was owned or operated by the Kriegsmarine.
... Never said it was

Neither was the Kaiser sitting in a secret room by the bridge giving Captain Stanley Lord instructions via morse code. Californian was owned by Leyland Line.
... I never thought of THAT !

There is no German connection at all.
... only the U17 ...

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 05:23 AM

Originally posted by xuenchen
reply to post by AngryCymraeg

Why would such an elaborate chain of circumstances occur? Why would someone send a torpedo into a liner just as it approached an iceberg that it was going to hit anyway? Isn't it just as likely (in fact even more likely) that it simply hit the iceberg?
... How did they know it was going to hit an iceberg ?

There is no evidence whatsoever that the Californian was owned or operated by the Kriegsmarine.
... Never said it was

Neither was the Kaiser sitting in a secret room by the bridge giving Captain Stanley Lord instructions via morse code. Californian was owned by Leyland Line.
... I never thought of THAT !

There is no German connection at all.
... only the U17 ...

Poor choice of words by me - the Titanic was heading towards an iceberg. The odds of it being torpedoed just before it struck the 'berg are pretty tiny.
As for the Californian, why would it be acting as a mother ship for a German ship of war (let alone towing it) if it wasn't connected to the German Navy? There is 0% evidence of any such thing happening.
And as for the U-17, please see multiple posts above that show that she was still being fitted out and commissioned in April 1912.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 05:39 AM
reply to post by AngryCymraeg

That's why this is a conspiracy forum !

I have read the entire thread.

If international forces were at work for financial gains,

It wouldn't matter who owns a ship or who's country it was under.

The Jesuits have no borders.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 05:43 AM
reply to post by blocula

yeah dawgs - are we still at this ?

ok - your hole , and torpedo damage

the hole you keep citing is 12 " square feet " , not 12 foot square - an important semantic distinction

unfortunatly - the actual diminsions of 12 square feet are not cite - it could be anything from 4 foot * 3 foot - to 6" wide and 24 feet long

next - this hole is not a unique point of damage - all the damage survey reports cite multiple holes - how does 1 fish create multiple hull penetrations ??? or are you now going to shift the goal posts and claim a spread of torpedoes was fired ?

lastly torpedo damage - at the risak of stating the obvious - torpedoes have a very large hi-explosive warhead

you claim that no one on board would recognise a torpedo attack - this is superficially true but there were hundreds on board that would recongise the detonation of 100s of bounds of high explosives , and conversly more who would know that the event was not a collision with an inaminmate object

you fixate on the 12 square foot hole as evidence of torpedo strike

now lets look at some real athtermath pictures of torpedo attacks

video footage of a modern sinkex -

WWII damage to a battleship link a hole 27 feet by 43 - from one torpedo thats 1100 square feet of damage

image link another battleship

lastly - as you frequently cite the lusitania - try reading the damage reports and eye-witness testimonies of the attack

your torpedo fantasy is just that - a fantasy

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 06:00 AM
reply to post by xuenchen

The Jesuits have no borders.

They are not above the law. They ARE the law.

The Titanic official story has more holes in it than swiss cheese.

The U-17 being there is a strong possibility. Nowadays, aren't there any witnesses that see the TR3B flying around? How long will it be before they make it "official"? Why would it have been any different for the U-17?

What was the mysterious vessel seen in the night between the Californian and the Titanic? Witness testimony exists. Even the Captain from the Californian saw it. The mysterious vessel that didn't help...

The U-17 surfacing? Why not? To witness the Unsinkable sink? Why not? Eyewitnessing for themselves that the Titanic was - without a doubt - doomed. Mission accomplished.

And the biggest heist in World History was about to begin...

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by blocula
Can anyone prove the titanic was sunk by a german submarine launched torpedo?...No

Can anyone prove the titanic was not sunk by a german submarine launched torpedo?...No

Can anyone prove that Hindenburg was not downed by a prototype Tesla weapon? No. But the event happened exactly around the time when Tesla was trying to promote this technology, and a nice demo wouldn't hurt. Which still doesn't mean anything.

You see, this forum once was a place where people tried to analyze shreds of evidence instead of throwing around pure conjectures. Now, of course, ATS has been overrun by people who have no interest in substantial dialogue. Elvis was an alien. Can you prove he was not? Of course you can't. And so... Idiocy spirals out of control.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 06:20 AM

Originally posted by BobLoblaw84
reply to post by blocula

Wouldn't survivors accounts of the event have listed some sort of explosion if this had been the case?

Never mind that, how many actual eye witnesses mention an iceberg?
If you google 'Titanic timeline' its quite interesting given certain things that were done and said oh and were not?

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 06:24 AM
reply to post by ignorant_ape

I think they used a small torpedo.

WW2 had bigger and badder ones.

A floating mine is also possible, as earlier discussed.

edit on Dec-28-2011 by xuenchen because:

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 06:29 AM
reply to post by buddhasystem

Can anyone prove that Hindenburg was not downed by a prototype Tesla weapon? No. But the event happened exactly around the time when Tesla was trying to promote this technology, and a nice demo wouldn't hurt. Which still doesn't mean anything.

I never thought of that !

Sounds like a good conspiracy topic.

A pre-HAARP !!!

Hey wait a minute ..... the Hindenburg was German .. right?

Who died on that blimp?

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 06:40 AM

Originally posted by Lee78

Originally posted by BobLoblaw84
reply to post by blocula

Wouldn't survivors accounts of the event have listed some sort of explosion if this had been the case?

Never mind that, how many actual eye witnesses mention an iceberg?
If you google 'Titanic timeline' its quite interesting given certain things that were done and said oh and were not?

I can add the link to Titanic Timeline BUT BUT BUT you should read it in full. I dont know if i can quote the entire page but to me.......something doesnt seem right, at all.
Titanic Timeline

7:15 PM: First Officer Murdoch orders forward forecastle hatch closed to stop the glow from inside interfering with crow's nest watch above.
Look at the location of this?

10:00 PM: Lightoller relieved on bridge by First Officer Murdoch. Lookouts in crow's nest relieved. Warning to watch for icebergs passed between the watches. Temperature is 32º F, sky cloudless, air clear.

10:55 PM: Some 10 to 19 miles north of Titanic, the Californian is stopped in ice field, and sends out warnings to all ships in area. When the Californian's wireless operator calls up Titanic, his ice warning is interrupted by a blunt "Keep out! Shut up! You're jamming my signal. I'm working Cape Race." The Californian's sole operator listens in to Titanic's wireless traffic and then at 11:30 turns off his set and retires for the night, as is the custom.
Cape race? Location is a pretty stones throw away?

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 06:46 AM
One more thing that may need to be looked into further so all avenues are covered. Would the lifting of a ship from the water have caused it to break. Totally ridiculous i know but what other experiments were carried out?

Sorry might help if i showed you what i was getting at. Even though it was a few years later, i know but where at the time would experiments like thePhiladelphia Experiment have been?

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 06:52 AM

Originally posted by SonoftheSun
reply to post by xuenchen

The Jesuits have no borders.

They are not above the law. They ARE the law.

The Titanic official story has more holes in it than swiss cheese.

The U-17 being there is a strong possibility. Nowadays, aren't there any witnesses that see the TR3B flying around? How long will it be before they make it "official"? Why would it have been any different for the U-17?

What was the mysterious vessel seen in the night between the Californian and the Titanic? Witness testimony exists. Even the Captain from the Californian saw it. The mysterious vessel that didn't help...

The U-17 surfacing? Why not? To witness the Unsinkable sink? Why not? Eyewitnessing for themselves that the Titanic was - without a doubt - doomed. Mission accomplished.

And the biggest heist in World History was about to begin...

I've read up on the Californian incident pretty thoroughly. There was no vessel between the Titanic and the Californian. They were looking at each other, not at the mythical third vessel. Titanic launched 8 distress rockets over a long period of time. The Californian saw 8 rockets from the mysterious ship to the south. Ergo, they were the same. I recommend a book called The Ship That Stood Still, which demolishes Lord's story.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 06:54 AM

Originally posted by Lee78
One more thing that may need to be looked into further so all avenues are covered. Would the lifting of a ship from the water have caused it to break. Totally ridiculous i know but what other experiments were carried out?

Sorry might help if i showed you what i was getting at. Even though it was a few years later, i know but where at the time would experiments like thePhiladelphia Experiment have been?

Titanic's hull was never designed to take the stresses that it was forced to endure. The wreck shows the breaking point quite clearly - she's lying on the seabed in two pieces, with a large chunk of wreckage from 'midships in between.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 06:56 AM

Originally posted by xuenchen
reply to post by ignorant_ape

I think they used a small torpedo.

WW2 had bigger and badder ones.

A floating mine is also possible, as earlier discussed.

edit on Dec-28-2011 by xuenchen because:

A small torpedo that left a 300-foot non-continuous gash without exploding? Really?

edit on 28-12-2011 by AngryCymraeg because: Left a zero out of the size of the gash

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