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Was The Titanic Destroyed By A German Submarine?

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posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by blocula
survivors who were on board the titanic said they heard an explosion that must have been a boiler,how would they even know it was a massive boiler rupturing and exploding? They heard what a massive boiler rupturing sounds like before?... i seriously doubt it...

If it was a torpedo that made the explosion sound and i think it was,well those survivors wouldnt have even known what a torpedo exploding into metal underwater sounded like anyways,they would have had to have heard what torpedos exploding into metal under water sounds like before and i seriously doubt any of them ever did.So when they heard the explosion they wouldnt have ever guessed it was a torpedo.Its not like they heard the explosion and then ran around yelling "it was a torpedo" they would not have known it was a torpedo,or what a torpedo exploding into metal under water sounds like and they probably didnt even know what a torpedo was, especially in 1912...

And some survivors said they "heard" the ship scraping an iceberg.How would they even know what giant sheets of moving steel scraping against a gigantic floating iceberg sounds like? they heard those sounds before? no way,they just guessed it was an iceberg,or said it because it was the "rumor" that was flying around the ship,a rumor that was probably ignited by an implanted german agent who had orders to get everyone thinking it was an iceberg and an exploding boiler,anything but what it really was,a submarine launched torpedo...

People in a frenzied panic will believe just about anything and what they said they heard,"from inside the ship" was what someone else told them they heard,because i can guarantee 99.9999999% that those survivors that said they heard the ship scraping against an iceberg and heard a boiler explode,never ever heard those sounds before and did not know what they sounded like either...

If i never heard a wolfs howl and no one ever told me what a wolfs howl sounds like,then i would be totally clueless and have no idea what it sounds like and then if there was a wolf howling outside my house,i could never say "that howls from a wolf" because i never heard it before,so i could never accurately say thats what it was that made the howl...only if someone else was with me at the time and they told me it was a wolfs howl,thats the only way i would know and i still wouldnt "really" know,that person who told me could have been lying to me,because i didnt see what made the howl...

Just like those survivors who were "inside the ship",who said they "heard" the ship hitting an iceberg and that they "heard" a boiler explode,they did not know what those things sound like,they never heard them before,so they could not have known thats what they heard,they were told thats what they heard and in their panicked state,thats what they believed...
edit on 10-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

Ok... first, go away and read up on what the survivors were talking about, because you are twisting and misrepresenting it all. No-one talked about an explosion when the iceberg - the very well attested, described by passengers iceberg - scraped along the side of the ship. All your talk about the twisting of the metal comes from that point - the ice ripped a jagged intermittent gash in the side of the ship, under the waterline, along the first six compartments of the ship. A torpedo would not have inflicted that breadth of damage. It also seems to have buckled some of the plates - hence the amount of flooding.
Your comments about the survivors comments about the 'explosions' seem to be twisted from the descriptions of the final moments of the ship, when it split in half close to the surface.
As for your incoherent statements thereafter, about German agents being on the ship... yeah, right. You're making this up as you go along aren't you?

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by blocula
reply to post by Pauligirl
Prove to me there was'nt a secret german agent infiltrated amongst the passengers onboard the titanic,to spread rumors of icebergs and exploding boilers right after the german launched torpedo,or water mine struck, yeah,the U-17 had water mine laying capabilities...

You cant prove those things didnt happen...

Just like i cant prove they did,but,the Titanic was ripped open and is laying at the bottom of the ocean,so the odds are in my theories favor...

edit on 12-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

WOW! The Germans had a time machine as well! U-17 was actually launched on April 17th, 1912. She was commissioned on November 3rd that year. Oh and no, she didn't have any mine-laying capabilities. So... yes. We can prove that these things didn't happen. And your theories are worthless.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by AngryCymraeg
The Krab was a Submarine built for the Imperial Russian Navy.She was designed by Mikhail Petrovich Nalyotov as "the world's first submarine minelayer" launched in 1912,although due to construction delays "the German UC submarines entered service earlier". The mines were stowed in two horizontal galleries exiting through the stern

I think it was a torpedo that sank the titanic,but none the less,submarine launched naval mines were in their infancy in 1912,but they were a reality back then just the same...
edit on 12-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 08:04 PM
* The main features of proper submarine engineering were established by 1905, though anachronisms would persist for a few decades. By 1905, a competently designed submarine featured the following elements:

A fishlike shape, fitted with horizontal and vertical control planes, with the preferred configuration eventually proving to be fore and aft horizontal planes and a rudder. A conning tower allowed observation and exit and entrance with protection from rough seas.

A system of ballast tanks, including main and auxiliary ballast tanks and fore and aft trim tanks. The submarine maintained neutral buoyancy and submerged or surfaced by changing the angle of its diving planes. The ballast tanks could be purged with compressed air for an emergency ascent.

A double-hulled design, with the cylindrical inner hull providing accommodation for crew, machinery, and stores, and the free-flooding ship-like external hull providing stability for surface cruising. The space between the hulls also accommodated ballast tanks and other structures.

A hybrid propulsion system consisting of internal combustion engines, powered by gasoline for the moment, and battery powered electric motors. The electric motors were used for undersea propulsion, while the internal combustion engines were used for surface propulsion. While on the surface, the internal combustion engine recharged the batteries by running the electric motors in reverse as dynamos.

Torpedoes for armament, fired through internal fore and, often, aft torpedo tubes by compressed air. Free-flooding deck guns were also often mounted for surface combat.

A periscope for underwater navigation. Since magnetic compasses did not work well inside of the metal hull of the submarine, eventually gyrocompasses became standard equipment < Quotes from link >

The above was all available in 1905 for submarines,the titanic went down 7 years later and could have very easily been sunk by a german submarine in 1912...

edit on 12-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by blocula
reply to post by Pauligirl
Prove to me there was'nt a secret german agent infiltrated amongst the passengers onboard the titanic,to spread rumors of icebergs and exploding boilers right after the german launched torpedo,or water mine struck, yeah,the U-17 had water mine laying capabilities...

You cant prove those things didnt happen...

Just like i cant prove they did,but,the Titanic was ripped open and is laying at the bottom of the ocean,so the odds are in my theories favor...

edit on 12-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

'fraid the odds are in the iceberg's favor. You got no Uboat.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by blocula
reply to post by Pauligirl
Prove to me there was'nt a secret german agent infiltrated amongst the passengers onboard the titanic

Prove to me that Titanic wasn't destroyed by a psychic strike coming from Supreme Being Zmorrg, who rules the Universe from the center of a neutron star.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by buddhasystem
Rumors of war were in the air all across Europe in 1910,1911,1912 and beyond and Germany,soon after the Titanic went down,was at war with the very same countries that designed,built and sailed that ship...

During World War I,1914-1918,Ireland was part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland,which entered the war in August 1914 as one of the Entente Powers,along with France and Russia,when it declared war to halt the military expansion of the Central Powers,consisting of the German Empire,the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Bulgaria...

So after the above facts are known,properly realized and understood within their correct time frame,Germany, sinking the Titanic,doesnt seem like such a far fetched idea after all...

Especially when knowing that the passenger liner Lusitania,which entered service in 1907 and had a length of 787 feet,was sunk by a single torpedo launched from a German U-boat on May 7th 1915 with a loss of 1,198 lives...

Then everything starts to make a lot more sense,the German motives for attacking the Titanic are war motivations and the sinking was a terrorist attack against a civilian target,aimed at the passenger liner Titanic to provoke a war mentality amongst Germanys soon to be enemies and that ship was sent to its watery grave on April-14th 1912,with a loss of 1,503 lives,by a German Submarine launched torpedo...IMO.
edit on 12-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 03:56 AM
reply to post by blocula

You have proved nothing - all you are doing are throwing out unsourced claims that have fuzzy dates attached to them. You're also continuing to ignore the iceberg, which hit the ship. Go away, do some research and then come back and admit defeat. You're being laughed at.

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 04:20 AM
reply to post by blocula

oh dear - you REALLY need to study history if you are going to cite it as evidence of your fantasies

in the spring of 1912 [ march ] , germany was attempting to negotiate a treaty ensuring british neutrality in the even of any upcoming ` continental war `

why would germany risk these negotiation by attacking a british flagged vessel - a blatant act of war

in essence - germany wanted brittain to repudiate the ` triple entente ` as they [ the germans ] saw the situation in serbia and bosnia as the slipery slope to war with russia , and wanted at least britain out of the equation

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
reply to post by blocula

oh dear - you REALLY need to study history if you are going to cite it as evidence of your fantasies

in the spring of 1912 [ march ] , germany was attempting to negotiate a treaty ensuring british neutrality in the even of any upcoming ` continental war `

why would germany risk these negotiation by attacking a british flagged vessel - a blatant act of war

in essence - germany wanted brittain to repudiate the ` triple entente ` as they [ the germans ] saw the situation in serbia and bosnia as the slipery slope to war with russia , and wanted at least britain out of the equation

Hello IA,

sadly, this thread became a troll-feeding fest. Blocula easily makes stuff up as he goes, examples are many. He declared, with much certitude, that it was the mighty Japanese submarine fleet that destroyed the Russian flotilla in 1905. This is 100% false. And then, of course "you can't prove to me that there were no German agents onboard Titanic". No I can't. In a different thread, blocula declares that people are fed to nasty extraterrestrials in a nightmarish government plot where flesh is traded for technology.

The reptilians and insectoids working in unison may have had to take a stand together against an invading alien species from outer space,or another dimension.

Whatever. I'm done here.

edit on 13-12-2011 by buddhasystem because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by buddhasystem
A lot of what they spoon feed you on the evening news is "stuff made up" and a lot of what you read in the news papers is "stuff made up" and a lot of what you were taught in school was "stuff made up" and a lot of what scientists and physicists tell you is "stuff made up" and a lot of what historians tell you is "stuff made up" and a lot of what the government tells you to believe is "stuff made up" and a lot of what organized religions tell you to have faith in is "stuff made up"...

I have'nt "tried" to make anything up,so please dont say i have,i'm not perfect,but,i and others have shown clearly throughout this thread that it "was possible" for a german submarine launched torpedo to have sank the titanic in 1912...

As far as the russian japanese war 1904-1905,the first great war of the 20th century >

edit on 13-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by blocula
reply to post by buddhasystem
A lot of what they spoon feed you on the evening news is "stuff made up" and a lot of what you read in the news papers is "stuff made up" and a lot of what you were taught in school was "stuff made up" and a lot of what scientists and physicists tell you is "stuff made up" and a lot of what historians tell you is "stuff made up" and a lot of what the government tells you to believe is "stuff made up" and a lot of what organized religions tell you to have faith in is "stuff made up"...

I have'nt "tried" to make anything up,so please dont say i have,i'm not perfect,but,i and others have shown clearly throughout this thread that it "was possible" for a german submarine launched torpedo to have sank the titanic in 1912...

As far as the russian japanese war 1904-1905,the first great war of the 20th century >

edit on 13-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

Of course it was possible! Silly me! It was perfectly possible - via a TIME MACHINE! This is getting silly, as you're not answering any questions, you're still bleating out the same drivel.

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 10:45 AM
The Russo-Japanese War..."First use of torpedos in battle"... was the first test of the new concepts...

The war was a stunning victory for Japan,opening with the blockade and gradual immobilization of the Russian Pacific Fleet at Port Arthur and culminating in the destruction of the Russian Baltic Fleet at the Battle of Tsushima in 1905...In the war between Russia and Japan the torpedo was first used with

edit on 13-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 10:57 AM
I really hope this thread dies soon. Started out interesting, and went down from their.

This turned into nothing more than someone questioning a theory and telling everyone else that they were wrong.

Disappointment. Got in way too late for a real discussion about submarines and submarining.

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 11:09 AM
blocula :

please do us the honour of actually reading your own citations - as per usual , they do not actually say what you pretend they do

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by blocula
The Russo-Japanese War..."First use of torpedos in battle"... was the first test of the new concepts...

The war was a stunning victory for Japan,opening with the blockade and gradual immobilization of the Russian Pacific Fleet at Port Arthur and culminating in the destruction of the Russian Baltic Fleet at the Battle of Tsushima in 1905...In the war between Russia and Japan the torpedo was first used with

edit on 13-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

And your point is what exactly?

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 03:03 PM

a lot of what scientists and physicists tell you is "stuff made up" and a lot of what historians tell you is "stuff made up"
reply to post by blocula

So your saying your source is made up but yet you quote from historians. And following that train of thought, where do you get your argument from?

Is the OP the only true source of information of the past? And if so, whom instilled this knowledge to you since everything readable, searchable, and taught, is " made up " ?

edit on 13-12-2011 by dcmb1409 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by AngryCymraeg
My point exactly,as far as the russian-japanese war of 1904 -1905,is that Torpedos were available in 1904 and 1905...7 years before the Titanic went down...

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by foxhoundone
A rare picture of the alleged iceberg that shattered the Titanic's rivets (from Scottish ore mines).
Not that big to pose a worry..

Has anyone seriously looked at the size of the iceberg in the above photo? an obviously small iceberg,that supposedly,but "cannot be proven to have" been able to rip through thick steel in the shape and size of a 12ft square hole,through which the water began pouring into the ship and then been able to "supposedly" and "rumored to have" sank the titanic?...Hmmmm?...No Way...

A 12ft hole was the initial damage sustained by the Titanic and no "side" scraped and "side" swiped iceberg is going to be able to punch itself inwards and then pull itself outwards really fast against "a moving ship",which is exactly what the iceberg would have had to have done,in order for it to have created a 12ft hole...

Collision/damage link > > "Though the damage in the hull was 220 to 245 feet long, the most recent evidence shows that there was only a 12 square foot opening (the size of a refrigerator) in the hull allowing water inside the ship"

That 12ft hole is why the titanic sank,that hole was relatively small,which is why it took nearly 3hrs for the ship to sink and as it took on more and more water,through that 12ft hole,the ship started to rise up out of the water and thats when it started to buckle,rip and split,creating the around 200ft long gash that everyone talks about and that initial 12ft hole was caused by a German Submarine launched Torpedo...IMO...
edit on 14-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 11:58 PM
Oh good grief.

Is this arrant nonsense still ongoing?

Why, dear god, why?

Some one call Darwin, the family tree needs pruning.

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