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Originally posted by SLAYER69
reply to post by kdog1982
All of which are legitimate and I agree the situation needs to be addressed. I for one would liketo hear some real world solutions to those you've outlined.
The Banking Act of 1933, Pub.L. 73-66, 48 Stat. 162, enacted June 16, 1933, was a law that established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) in the United States and introduced banking reforms, some of which were designed to control speculation.[1] It is most commonly known as the Glass–Steagall Act, after its legislative sponsors, Senator Carter Glass (D–Va.) and Congressman Henry B. Steagall (D–Ala.-3). Some provisions of the Act, such as Regulation Q, which allowed the Federal Reserve to regulate interest rates in savings accounts, were repealed by the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980. Provisions that prohibit a bank holding company from owning other financial companies were repealed on November 12, 1999, by the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act, named after its co-sponsors Phil Gramm (R, Texas), Rep. Jim Leach (R, Iowa), and Rep. Thomas J. Bliley, Jr. (R, Virginia).[2][3] The repeal of provisions of the Glass–Steagall Act by the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act in 1999 effectively removed the separation that previously existed between investment banking which issued securities and commercial banks which accepted deposits. The deregulation also removed conflict of interest prohibitions between investment bankers serving as officers of commercial banks. This repeal may have contributed to the severity of the financial crisis of 2007–2011 by allowing banks to become so large, complex, and intertwined that both they and their regulators failed to see the systemic risk that a failure in one part of one bank could lead to cascading failures across the global financial system.[4][5][6][7][8][9]
While the Glass Steagall Law reenactment is absolutely urgent, we urge all patriots to recognize that as long as Barack Obama is in the White House, Glass Steagall will not happen. Glass Steagall is anathema to everything Obama represents as a puppet of Wall Street and London. His immediate removal, and the subsequent enactment of emergency measures, Glass Steagall being primary, is the only option for rescuing this nation and returning it to the long tradition of the United States leading the world through its emphasis on the development of the creative powers of each individual human being. Leadership in this context is not merely supporting the right policy, but picking the right fight and following it through. LaRouchePAC organizing across the country has revealed the cowardice of those who are comfortable with advocating the right policy solution (ala. Glass Steagall Law), but who are unwilling to pick a fight with that giant road block to actually accomplishing that end. Lyndon LaRouche's recent policy paper statement Principle or Party? is a very good conceptual tool for helping understand why this is the only option. And the latest statement LaRouche: To Stop World War III, Obama Must be Removed from Office Now can be a powerful organizing tool, distributed via email or leaflet.
Originally posted by SLAYER69
Originally posted by NoHierarchy
Oh shut up... just because you don't study the movement and its actions doesn't mean people are just standing around. A lot is getting done. EDUCATE YOURSELF OR REMAIN SILENT.
Yes yes yes...
Squatting in the parks demanding Manna from Obama in Washington DC to provide the Gimmie Gimmie crowd a bigger Teet for free.
Originally posted by Unknown Soldier
OWS is not about hand outs it is about BAIL OUTS
Just saying
Originally posted by SLAYER69
reply to post by kdog1982
I hope that wasnt directed at me?
I was actually reading through your links and formulating a decent reply that your post deserved. I'm still considering how to properly respond
*We DECLINE to take the fall for corporate greed. As the imminent failure of a system is clearly upon us WE THE PEOPLE will not continue to suffer as corporations and institutions enjoy epic gains of profit, federal forgiveness and support that this country in turn denies to the very citizens who make it great. This includes industries of FINANCE, HEALTH CARE, EDUCATION/HIGHER EDUCATION, GOVERNMENT, HOUSING, SOCIAL WORK and LOBBYISTS.
*We DEMAND that the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT take an ACTIVE role in disassociating itself from the interests of private Wall Street and honor its position as an agent of the PEOPLE. WE THE PEOPLE DEMAND BOLD ACTION FROM OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS TO STOP THE CIPHONING OF MONEY INTO THE TOP 5%. We understand this will impact their personal portfolios and invite them to realign their values with those of the American people. (Community, strength, innovation, grit, vision…)
*We OCCUPY WALL STREET and challenge the largest powers of this nation: our military and police forces, the judicial system, corporate/federal employees on every level and academic institutions to IMMEDIATELY STOP practices across-the-board that employ prejudice against people’s racial/ethnic, social and sexual identity. Unlearning the values that oppress one another is the ONLY way to HEAL this ailing nation. How sick are the hearts of the people who can look down with champagne and laugh as we ask to be given a chance to thrive?
*We OCCUPY WALL STREET as people who are challenging our state of suffering. We DEMAND that all citizens aligning themselves with our mission realize this is greater than returning this country to a nostalgic place of ‘betterness’. THIS IS ABOUT REPAIRING, RENEWING AND REVIVING THIS NATION. It is hard work and it is overdue.
Wall Street: WE KEEP YOU ALIVE! Who built you brick by brick? Who writes the news that protects your assets? Who cleans your toilets? Who follows your orders? Who fills your (mounting) prescriptions? Who babysits for you? Who cooks for you? Who greets you in the morning? Who checks you in? Who cuts your hair? Who tailors your suits? Who serves your champagne? Who designs your web sites? Who writes the books you read on vacation? Who delivers them to your house? Who sells you your homes? Who shines your shoes? Who counts your money? Who paints your house? Who pours your coffee in the morning? WE THE PEOPLE.
Originally posted by SevenThunders
You should join the Tea party if you want something closer to a grass roots movement that is effecting change, not the Union/Soros/bankster funded and operated OWS. It is not possible to ignore the statements of the founders of OWS. It would be foolish to do so. Should we have ignored the anti-semitic ranting of the Nazi party when they first sought power?
The intellectuals behind the movement, their belief systems, the money that drives it, the prior planning and what they stand for are all critical aspects of evaluating OWS. No amount of good intentions on the part of a small segment of well meaning OWS protestors will effect what Soros and company have planned for the movement. That's always been the case with the secretive puppet masters.
If you want to understand the Nazis, you have to understand the secretive occult Thule society that was behind it. If you want to understand the Russian revolution you need to understand the teachings of Lenin and the occultist devil worshipping Karl Marx. If you want to understand OWS you need to understand George Soros, Kalle Lasn, and the cabal of Luciferian international banksters behind them. A leopard does not change it's spots.
Originally posted by sheepslayer247
reply to post by LightAssassin
Maybe it should have been an "end the Fed" movement along with banks and government corruption, but did you go to your local Occupy and tell them that? Did you take the chance to have your input?edit on 17-11-2011 by sheepslayer247 because: (no reason given)