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ATS: We Have Failed!

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posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by SevenThunders
reply to post by sheepslayer247

Sorry I'm not buying it. OWS was a planned operation by the elite from the beginning. Do you deny that Kalle Lasn and his George Soros funded adbusters provided the initial and ongoing organizational impetus? Do you know what these people stand for? Lasn is a communist. He wants a car in a America to cost $200K and is against individual freedoms.

Moreover Glenn Beck predicted this operation based on his investigation of the SEIU union. Their goal is the overthrow of the government. What do you think will replace it? They want international socialism. These people have been brainwashed into thinking a one world government run by a bunch of corrupt UN bureaucrats would be a good thing.

They hate what America stands for. Any real American would be fighting these 'useful idiots' with every fiber of their being.

Oh please. An american hating on america? WTF is wrong with you? We are not Al-Awlaki for the CORPORATE GOVERNMENT to drop bombs from heaven whenever they feel like it.

And the UN is not a socialist or communist best friend. Most of the representatives are not from cuba, north korea or venezuela. WTO(World Trade Organisation) was based on global capitalism and todays europeans are just as much capitalists as america. That much I can assure you.

As for mainstream religion I want as little as possible to do with it, especially roman catholicism. I want no part in child molesting priests and a right wing pope advocating his hypocritical nonsense. You should do some research in south american dictatorships to see who put those madmen in power from day one, as well as the cia black-ops.

You live a very naiveful existance, but I respect your opinion(s) just the same.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by Molimo

With the brains of humainty.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by bo12au

I just happened to come back to this thread and your post sparked a thought. This is what did it:

Because I know the the American people, all of us, want the same thing. WE want a clean environment, WE want our kids to live healthy lifes with great jobs. WE should not allow our Government to run freely anymore, WE take the power from them and give it back to WE the people.

I agree with the thrust of your ideas.

What I haven't come up with is an answer, to satisfy me, to the questions: "What form of government do we want?" And "How do we get there?"

I know an answer can be developed, I don't know, pick any combination. Maybe "We want anarcho-socialism achieved by electing third party candidates." Or "We want to establish feudalism by violent revolution." What I'm trying to find are answers that can get any kind of support from the people at large, they matter to me.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 07:38 PM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
The people are finally waking up
From the representative sample I've met, there are a lot of people who enjoy sleeping. I wonder if they can actually think for themselves. I start to think they are genetically drones. Our species may have these divisions. I see people who are aggressively controlling these drones for fun and profit. The odd thing is, both groups seem to possess about the same low level of intelligence. The only difference I've noticed, besides their desires, is the level of anger. The people who desire to control seem neurotically angry.

There are also those of us who sit outside and laugh. I'm learning that our general consensus is that we should not participate in Follow the Leader. I'm curious to see if our laughter can hold us together as a community.

I'm always learning. I get the idea that a lot of people think they have it all figured out. I think they forget that they are not eternal, and that life is linear.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by charles1952
reply to post by bo12au

I just happened to come back to this thread and your post sparked a thought. This is what did it:

Because I know the the American people, all of us, want the same thing. WE want a clean environment, WE want our kids to live healthy lifes with great jobs. WE should not allow our Government to run freely anymore, WE take the power from them and give it back to WE the people.

I agree with the thrust of your ideas.

What I haven't come up with is an answer, to satisfy me, to the questions: "What form of government do we want?" And "How do we get there?"

Lets get real. They have established order in the form of a militia, police,. This militia uses weapons in the form of Automatic weapons, tazers, and no less shields and batons. They have sprayed GAS and OC SPRAY in our faces, chemical warfare violations that were not permitted when WE fought in IRAQ , but that's for a later time..This militia physicaly came into a park in New York City and Pphsically removing WE THE PEOPLE! I think WE use a Peaceful approach such as million man march approach of the civil rightts movement stlye. BUT if anyone is seriously considering an armed revolution..send me a message and we can dicuss this further that way,.And know that they have commited crimes against its own people , US

I know an answer can be developed, I don't know, pick any combination. Maybe "We want anarcho-socialism achieved by electing third party candidates." Or "We want to establish feudalism by violent revolution." What I'm trying to find are answers that can get any kind of support from the people at large, they matter to me.

edit on 18-11-2011 by bo12au because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-11-2011 by bo12au because: I messed up ^ ha

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 07:55 PM
Get a grip man.....(shoulder grab)....we have not failed! It is all moving along as it should be. If you think we have lost the battle...which I do not...we will win the War! I am 100% certain of that! And, I do not say that lightly.

Hang in there...and also, just because some of us are not down in the trenches, does not mean that we are not doing our part. I hope all will acknowledge that some are truly scared, some don't have the means (or think they don't) and others are helping behind the scenes. In any case, do not fault your brother...they will come around when they know there will be more fear to stay where they are then move into the new reality.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by sheepslayer247

I don't know about OWS failing but ATS has indeed failed OWS as far as a think tank goes and civility despite the favorable polls

You should remain optimistic, this is the precursor to what will come next... oh expect the ptb to exhaust all means of trying to shut us up. I do see a "end the fed" movement in the near future. Plans are on the table but we need everyone's help. Just because the police farce flushed out some pockets of OWS across the country does not mean we are done. Irony is it is backfiring on the police farce and the owners creating more momentum and people to join the cause. OWS is kind of like that old movie "The Blob" the more you try to damage it the bigger it grows. In fact they cant arrest the majority of us. They said this before, we are done, there will be harsh times and obstacles for this movement. We will assemble again and again as long as we have "free will" we can and we will. We plan for more protests soon, very soon as well as more operations joint OWS and Anon.

For the OWS naysayers

I knew OWS will not change anything in the grand scheme of things however it will unify and group the masses together for our next step. I have been saying lets move to the federal reserve but the haters "who want to end they say the fed ironically" were too busy throwing eggs and tomatoes instead of going to OWS and educating people. They are so immersed in the partisan "us vs them attitude" brain washing that they enable the real enemy. Ignorance is bliss

ATS would seem like the last bastion on the internet for like minds when it comes to this sort of thing, i mean all these people do is complain about the ptb but when boots are on the ground and potential is displayed they are at each others throats especially the most courageous ones. I have been appalled by the slander and mind numbing ignorance, propaganda, stereo types, labels and name calling. This is what happened to the tea party, i never played in to the media propaganda. However these so called tea party supporters here "most of them" from my observation resort to the same propaganda when the shoe is on the other foot. The word "socialist" has been so misused and abused and taken out of context used as a label for just about everything non tea party it has lost it's meaning.

If you hate OWS then you hate your neighbor, the youth, the old, the poor, the working class, even some of the wealthy. Because that is who is there at OWS not the caricature or what is painted as modern day woodstock by the naysayers. We want change, not the change we were promised 3 years ago we know what happened there. WE want the human right to thrive and live without financial chains and shackles. This is humanity reacting to mere slavery.

I keep hearing the excuse "but the fed is the enemy not the banks" WRONG! They are all in cahoots together, the Rockerfellers, Morgans and Rothchilds. The politicians, the corporations who fund them the whole nine. So wanting OWS to fail will do what for you? It will in turn end the fed? NO it is counter productive. Like the Op said, you are doing it wrong! OWS is about you having a voice and everyone voice matters. Becazuse the modus operandi "thats not how i would do it" does not fit your criteria for revolution you must then demonize OWS? People you can sit in your arm chair and slander masses of protesters until blue in the face in turn complain about the FED... or do something productive, even start your own OccupyTheFederalReserve. Because talking about it , the time for that has passed. It's crunch time. The choice is yours! You could have directed OWS to end the fed or take action and occupy the fed as I am working on now and have been. Maybe you can in the future. It is going to take all of us together to end this tyranny, but we have to do the work together OR WE WILL FAIL!

Time is running short...tick tock, the bell tolls for us all


edit on 18-11-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by Unknown Soldier

Well said Chap.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 08:16 PM
OWS was just a bump in the political landscape. But a new consciousness was raised among the youth and that is what the conservative right wing is really afraid of; That people will actually become aware and not buy into the status quo BS that the right embraces. We're not going back to the 1950s with the idealized America that never existed.

All the namecalling of "dirty hippies" and "socialist" actually showed how afraid the right is of a different style of thinking. I also think the tactics of the OWS were shabby and in many cases pointless but all movements start with very small steps just like the TPM that eventually walked into a cul de sac.

The energy I felt at the ows gatherings was raw and vibrant and needs to be tempered with knowledge but I expect to see a whole new crop of young people getting involved in the coming elections.

However this new paradigm is in its infancy and has a lot of growing up to do. The social networking internet will play a huge part in 2012 and it will be far different than 08.

edit on 18-11-2011 by whaaa because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by whaaa
OWS was

OWS can't be a failure because it was never designed to actually achieve anything good.

It isn't what OWS "was" that matters nearly as much as what OWS could have been.

What it is, and will be gets even more confusing.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 08:37 PM
What could we do? THEY have taken away Choice. It's either death or "living to fight another day." All the leaders that sprout up now are from the same bulls8*t system. As George Carlin said, "Garbage in. Garbage out!"

We literally need a miracle, because THEY are not stupid. WE are trapped. You can't fight a virus with its own method of infection. (Violence)

If Love is the answer to everything, why did they enslave us to love us? Figure that one out, and the world is in your hands.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 08:46 PM
>>These people didn't want to enact a liberal socialist regime that took away capitalism and individual freedoms!

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by Fractured.Facade

Originally posted by whaaa
OWS was

OWS can't be a failure because it was never designed to actually achieve anything good.

It isn't what OWS "was" that matters nearly as much as what OWS could have been.

What it is, and will be gets even more confusing.

Never mind a quarter, If you give you a dollar will you go back under you bridge

What have you accomplished for change Troll

Riddle me this?

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by bo12au and everybody else

This confuses me more than anything I can recall, except maybe Latin and calculus. There's nothing for me to grab on to. I wish someone would send me a certificate saying that I am excused from participating in OWS because I'm not bright enough to understand it. Please. I'll print it out and everything. I'll even carry it in my wallet.

bo12au, this is not a criticism of you, just using you as an example. I asked you what kind of government was the goal, and how will OWS get there. You didn't give an answer on the goal, and said, basically, million man march or armed revolution, all good. Later on in the thread someone talks about bringing a new generation to the polls. I've heard talk about waging economic warfare. I don't think any avenue hasn't been mentioned.

Then there's talk about defeating the right-wing conservatives. What right-wing conservatives? The entire government was owned by liberals for two years, now the House has a Republican majority, but the Senate and the White House certainly aren't conservative by any stretch. New York's mayor isn't conservative, nor is Oakland's. This is all to shut down Newt Gingrich?

Concerning the behavior issues, I've heard it's not OWS, it's undercover agents of the police, faked videos, unrelated citizens, homeless addicts with no desire to support the movement, a few individuals, a congresswoman said "That's life, it happens," the righteous wrath of an attacked people, missteps of a young movement that needs to mature, and I can't recall the other explanations.

I don't know if the problem is the government, business, banks, rich people who are none of those, people who are sheep, people who are being terrified by their bosses, or the media. (I think that covers everybody who isn't protesting)

Please believe me, I am not attacking OWS. I have not taken a position on the subject. It may be absolutely wonderful, I don't know, but I want to know.

BUT NOBODY IS TELLING ME ANYTHING. So far I don't have anything to think about other than people are mad and they're protesting some of the people that make them mad.

Help me out, or send me my certificate of being excused from participating for lack of intelligence.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 08:59 PM
A graph is worth a thousand words.
Wonder were the anger comes from?
Here you go........
edit on 18-11-2011 by kdog1982 because: (no reason given)

Graph showing changes in real US incomes in top 1%, middle 60%, and bottom 20% from 1979 through 2007 for use in Occupy Wall Street, Occupy movement, and related articles. Caption originally included: "Note: Inflation-adjusted posttransfer-posttax incomes. The data are averages within each group. Incomes in 1979 and 2007: $15,500 and $17,500 for the bottom 20%; $44,000 and $57,000 for the middle 60%; $350,000 and $1,300,000 for the top 1%. The years listed on the horizontal axis are business-cycle peaks."

It wouldn't be so bad if the 80% graph line followed the 1% graph line,but it doesn't.
The 1% stole that from them.
edit on 18-11-2011 by kdog1982 because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-11-2011 by kdog1982 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by Unknown Soldier

Having an opinion, and the way in which I express it makes me no more or less a troll than everyone in entire Occupy movement.

At least I am not trying to force you to accept my point of view.

edit on 18-11-2011 by Fractured.Facade because: troll edit

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by JibbyJedi
Intelligent people know better than to waste their time sitting around parks waiting for some miracle to occur.

Nothing will come of this event except 1000s of people with brand new arrest records. Wall Street remains unaffected. The banks remain unaffected.... besides BoA's withdrawn fees. That might have been the biggest accomplishment of this whole movement.... saving $5 per transaction. A victory, but not nearly the victory that they aimed for.

Oh shut up... just because you don't study the movement and its actions doesn't mean people are just standing around. A lot is getting done. EDUCATE YOURSELF OR REMAIN SILENT.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by NoHierarchy
Oh shut up... just because you don't study the movement and its actions doesn't mean people are just standing around. A lot is getting done. EDUCATE YOURSELF OR REMAIN SILENT.

Yes yes yes...

Squatting in the parks demanding Manna from Obama in Washington DC to provide the Gimmie Gimmie crowd a bigger Teet for free.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by sheepslayer247
So "Occupy" was our only hope?

Get real.

Occupy was a construct, an idea created by Van Jones, adbusters, unions. . . .it was a "gimmick".

After 10 weeks, you're ready to give it an eulogy.

If a cause is great, if a cause is just, then opponents means nothing. That's what we Tea Party folks say. We've been labeled by progressives, by dems, by idiots for years!

Hasn't stopped us.

But OWS gets poo-poo'd and it's time to throw in the towel? If that's the case, then maybe myself and others who didn't throw in with this movement were right.

How many times do I have to tell you, Slayer, neo96, and projectvxn to stop trolling EVERY SINGLE FREAKING OWS THREAD and posting your crazy, asinine, unscientific, uneducated, illogical, brainwashed, and obnoxious propaganda on the front pages??

Seriously... do you have a life other than sitting here responding to EVERY SINGLE ONE with your bizarre propaganda?? I honestly have to wonder if you're being paid to spread ignorance and counter-revolutionary nonsense.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

Originally posted by NoHierarchy
Oh shut up... just because you don't study the movement and its actions doesn't mean people are just standing around. A lot is getting done. EDUCATE YOURSELF OR REMAIN SILENT.

Yes yes yes...

Squatting in the parks demanding Manna from Obama in Washington DC to provide the Gimmie Gimmie crowd a bigger Teet for free.

Yep... keep parroting the ridiculous right-wing talking points and responses. YOU'RE STILL A FOOL NO MATTER HOW CONFIDENT YOU ARE (OR PRETEND TO BE) IN YOUR LIES.

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