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Proof OWS is NOT LEFT WING. Time for revolution.... NOW

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posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by sonnny1

The Socialist Party, the Communist Party, and the Green Party are already all listed as legit political parties at the DMV. What new party could possibly represent them that isn't already in existence?

If they want a Canadian Adbusters anti-Capitalist Party, that's fine, and they can just go back to Canada and please take all the commies with them.
edit on 16-11-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 02:08 AM
reply to post by thejlxc

Because for years, the people who kept blathering about how there needs to be a revolution were apathetic, useless slobs on the right, who imagined it'd be them getting to gun down liberals.

i'm going to argue with hte OP - yes, OWS is left wing. Especially when youconsider that politics in our nation is currently right-wing only. The OP is just another person who's been trained by this system to fear the label of "leftist" or "liberal," to apologize for it and act like it's a bad thing.

It's not. We the people want our money back. And it's pretty evident the team that's been at bat for thirty years with hteir reaganomics, Free Trade agreements, and globalization zones... aren't going to win this one for us.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 02:10 AM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

Just for the record, there are no national communist or socialist parties. The DMV operates at a state level - your state might have one such party. it may have several. But there are no national parties of either stripe.

And the greens are funded by the republicans as a "splitter" option.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 02:12 AM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by sonnny1

The Socialist Party, the Communist Party, and the Green Party are already all listed as legit political parties at the DMV. What new party could possibly represent them that isn't already in existence?

If they want a Canadian Adbusters anti-Capitalist Party, that's fine, and they can just go back to Canada and please take all the commies with them.
edit on 16-11-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

When you throw these facts at OWS supporters,they go into "yeah but..." mode.

Hell,even Occupy Cincinnati is calling for a political party.

Remember when it wasnt ANYTHING like that?

Remember when it was just a movement?

I gave facts,but they dont want them.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 02:12 AM
The lack of knowledge of the world from many of the posters in this thread shows me why we lost.

Some people think they're communists for asking for change.
Some people think they're all college age kids.
Some people think it's the Revolution.
Some people think it's good.
Some people think it's bad.
Some people just don't care at all.

We're finished as a society. America is a land of fools and greedy little dream humpers. So is everywhere under the bankers iron rule. Good job. Hey, call the only people trying to help you commies and go vote for something! You might as well do useless things, as it fits your character.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 02:22 AM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

Just for the record, there are no national communist or socialist parties. The DMV operates at a state level - your state might have one such party. it may have several. But there are no national parties of either stripe.

And the greens are funded by the republicans as a "splitter" option.

Here's a list of political parties. It certainly looks similar to the list at the DMV I go to.

Any questions?

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 02:24 AM
Dont worry Folks. At the rate this country is going,we will ALL be billionaires,loading our money into wheelbarrows,and burning it for warmth.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 02:32 AM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox

i'm going to argue with hte OP - yes, OWS is left wing. Especially when youconsider that politics in our nation is currently right-wing only. The OP is just another person who's been trained by this system to fear the label of "leftist" or "liberal," to apologize for it and act like it's a bad thing.

So I take it,its coincidental that a Liberal,Left Wing President,who is in control,Has an Occupy Wall Street moment on his watch.............

Lets really look at it for what it is Fox.

2 Parties that dont give a $h!t about anyone.

We need 20 million to March on Washington,and DEMAND Change.

Not Hope.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 03:00 AM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

Yeah, one actually.

Did you happen to not click on any of those links? Because... well... none of those are nationally supported. Which was my point. A few of them are outright defunct, even.

if you're going to use Wikipedia as your personal jesus, at least read some of it, kay?

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 03:14 AM

Originally posted by sonnny1
So I take it,its coincidental that a Liberal,Left Wing President,who is in control,Has an Occupy Wall Street moment on his watch.

Sonny... Look chief, I know you're deeply invested in this line of BS, but, well... it's BS. The Democrats are not leftists by any stretch. Most of them aren't very liberal, even. Obama himself is certainly neither. he has not given this nation ANY taste of leftism. His time in office has been mostly spent nuzzling between Boehner's legs, in fact, trying to "make nice" and "reach across the aisle," all while never once stepping up to the plate for any liberal policy or legislation. He buys into the same neoliberal free market garbage a every president since Nixon, and is as much a corporate-pandering globalist as Bush ever was.

The mistake you have made, is assuming that someone moderately to the left of Ronald Reagan is a screaming Che Guevara-style communist revolutionary.

If he were a "liberal leftist," OWS would probably not be necessary - a liberal or leftist president would have been spending his time telling the Republicans - and Joe Goddamn Lieberman - to suck his chocolate salties and pushing for actual liberal or - dare I dream - leftist policies. At the very least, he would have gone to bat for universal health care, rather than selling out to the insurance companies on day one, don't you think? (Rhetorical question). He would have taken one look at iraq and Afghanistan and gone "Well, that was dumb" and brought our guys home within four months - and made damn sure to hold good on the things we promise to our veterans, instead of talking about slashing them. He would be there, every day, haranguing the legislature about the need to get American people fed and sheltered. He would be voicing support for the workers of this nation, rather than giving money to the people who fired them all.

So no. No, Obama is not a liberal. he is not a leftist. He's just not as ball-bitingly insane as, say, Michelle Bachman. So, stop looking like a doofus and knock that crap out.

Lets really look at it for what it is Fox.

2 Parties that dont give a $h!t about anyone.

We need 20 million to March on Washington,and DEMAND Change.

Not Hope.

While I don't disagree with your point here, I will tell you more groundwork needs to be done before a mass march on Washington. I know, you're used to instant gratification, living in a TV world of ten-second soundbytes, but this thing is going to take a while. You want to see change, you want to see results? Well, it's not going to happen in just a month and a half. My advice would be to stop hooting and flinging poop about Democrats and liberals, and get your ass on the street and try to help out. Hand out blankets and wonderbread if nothing else.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 03:38 AM
reply to post by sonnny1

Yeah.. it is completely coincidental. Unless you think he flew to Kuala Lampur and started the movement in hopes it would spread to the U.S.
edit on 16-11-2011 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 03:44 AM
reply to post by CREAM

Screw YOUR FEAR CONSPIRACY NONSENSE, thats all it is FEAR. And guess what? We are just people, and we want different people running our country. Thats all!

You already have that power and no protesting is needed. It is your legal right to go and VOTE! I exercise my vote all the time, do you?
I find it funny you needed to start a topic of OWS is not left wing

IMO, I think they even further left than people like Pelosi.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 04:06 AM
If you follow the money trail back you will find George Soros and Michael Moore helping to fund the Occupy Movement and both are tried and true Extreme Leftist Liberal Progressives.The main issue is that this Movement and any radicalism associated with it by the protestors just falls right into the hands of those who want to impose Agenda 21 and Rex84 across our entire nation.

Wake up America wake up to the things coming your way right before your eyes.

reply to post by CREAM

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 04:19 AM
reply to post by poundpuppy

Prove it.
Show me that money trail. Since you have obviously traced it.
Stop spreading B.S.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 04:57 AM

Originally posted by CREAM

Originally posted by sonnny1

Screw YOUR FEAR CONSPIRACY NONSENSE, thats all it is FEAR. And guess what? We are just people, and we want different people running our country. Thats all!

[inappropriate video removed]
edit on Tue Nov 15 2011 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

Ah why even argue will be assimilated or be destroyed. The OWS, just like any other party wants their day in the sun. The day they make a run on the treasury. The day the decide what is and what is not acceptable. All while performing under the the auspicious notion of the consensus.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 05:19 AM
reply to post by mugger

..Yeah a lot of good voting does when entertainment channels parading around as legit media pick a candidate their corporate owners like and shove him down America's throats saying "this is your guy! this is who you like."

It's B.S. and that is why Occupy is in the streets.
You can keep thinking you are doing something with your vote. I'll be heard for real in the street.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by thejlxc

I think they are useful idiots for communists. They may not even be aware of it, but any research into how communism rose in the years of the cold war will tell you this.
edit on 16-11-2011 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox

If he were a "liberal leftist," OWS would probably not be necessary - a liberal or leftist president would have been spending his time telling the Republicans - and Joe Goddamn Lieberman - to suck his chocolate salties and pushing for actual liberal or - dare I dream - leftist policies.

Sorry,but I think the Left is in denial,since they voted him in. Coincidentally, Its the Left,as you have pointed out in another post,who are down at OWS. Holding hands,and wanting a "Left run" world isnt going to happen. Lets start speaking reality now . I could only hope for compromise,but after ObamaCare,I dont see that happening. Obama has failed,and the Left are starting to take notice.

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
While I don't disagree with your point here, I will tell you more groundwork needs to be done before a mass march on Washington. I know, you're used to instant gratification, living in a TV world of ten-second soundbytes, but this thing is going to take a while. You want to see change, you want to see results? Well, it's not going to happen in just a month and a half. My advice would be to stop hooting and flinging poop about Democrats and liberals, and get your ass on the street and try to help out.

Ground Work? Ironic coming from an OWS supporter. There was no groundwork with OWS. Simple hashtag,and poof ! Its more like OWS and its supporters need to realize America isnt on board with "handing out blankets" OWS style. I do my share of help for my community,unfortunately I cant help OWS,because I actually have seen what they are about. I didnt need the ten second sound bytes. I took my A$$ down to see it for myself!

If you believe in OWS,and its "so called" spontaneous left leaning koolaid-fest,then you should easily dream in 25 Million ,dare I say Left/Right Americans,marching on DC.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by 547000

I understand why you feel that way. Considering the state of things, give people options that can bring about a change, other than a universal "NO MORE!"? Please. We can't vote, we can't live without paying someone (property tax, something), we can't do anything. People are waking up to that.

I fear nothing more than the coming horror of a police state, and I know this only helps those plans, but somebody has to voice the Truth.

"We're Screwed"

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by radosta

Learn your history. You are making the same argument that "the 99%" made in 1913 when they supported the creation of the Federal Reserve. The expansion of federal powers has only buttressed the apparatus of control for the banking/finance industry and created the infrastructure for the web of corporate power. All institutions based on central management feed and help each other. If you want to strike a blow against the banks (and corrupt politicians), support the shrinking of federal power.
You're talking about the Fed, I'm not talking about that. I'm simply talking about a loosening of regulations that began when Reagan was in office. The lack of regulations allowed risky, reckless business practices that clearly would fail in the long run and screw over millions. There is no conceivable way that regulating the big banks even less would have even remotely helped to prevent the financial collapse, in fact it would have done the exact opposite.

Bankers used their money to get into positions of government. The puppet politicians appointed them to positions of power such as Secretary of Treasury, and from there they helped to craft the legislation that allowed them to legally do those irresponsible business practices. They rigged the system from within so that the government would loosen their grip, and they could make incredible amounts of profit through shady business practices. An even further lack of regulations would allow them to do what they want to to a higher degree. That is retarded.
edit on 16-11-2011 by TupacShakur because: (no reason given)

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