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Proof OWS is NOT LEFT WING. Time for revolution.... NOW

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posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 01:52 PM
its "ORGANIZED" by leftist and anarchists pretending to be anarchist who are just communists and socialists and they are being protected by the very people who have called them out to change what the system is using them to change it with - - -

it all under control and part af USA business plan - i have interacted with these people many years ago and they are change agents most high but still as dumb as a monkey in the end - its like monkeys leading dogs to slaughter

= anyone that bites the hand that feeds will lick the boot that kicks!
go lay down

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by CREAM

"Actual court? People don't respect whatever court your referring to anymore.THE PEOPLE ARE THE GOVERNMENT.

For every person they arrest, 100 more come out."

The Mob you mean. Not a fan of the banks, but I'll take them over the mob any day of the week. Do people really believe that mob rule is freedom? Wow. If that is what OWS is, we need to wipe that idiotic movement out as soon as possible. Don't people study history anymore? This is nothing new and if it leads to anything it will be tyranny and violence. Probably just even more control by the same elites using these naive folks. The angry and the bored are very easy to manipulate to your whims.

But- Really it's unneccessary to be concerned at this point. Willing to bet well over 50% of Americans neither know nor care about the clearing of Zuccotti Park. Most of America has already moved on. OWS had its few weeks of spotlight. Constant media barrage may quicken communications but it also ensures very short attention spans. Plus we're into the meat of football season.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 02:25 PM
You want proof that OWS is left wing then count up how many supporters and defenders scream "revolution".

They have their little "manifesto" and justify using violence to take whoever gets in their way out.

The time for using your brains is now just like it has been.

Beat down your neighbor is the war cry of OWS sorry but that is pathetic.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by SurrealisticPillow
Anyone who casually discounts the OWS movement is seriously out of touch. Revolutions don't happen overnight. The actions of a tyrannical government actually plant the seeds of revolution. The more tyrannical, the more seeds are planted.
It takes time for these seeds to germinate. History teaches us that, if we study history.
Americans are not exempt from violence in the streets. It was protest that got us out of Vietnam. The difference today, is we have NO media other than the internet on our side. And isn't it funny that cynical internet "warriors" will discount REAL action, and remain on the sidelines unimpressed.
There will be setbacks, propaganda, and more criminal behavior by our government. Your choice is to fight for what is right, or continue to stay on the sidelines and let others fight your battles. It is far easier I suppose to say it is not YOUR battle. That is your ticket to economic slavery you are cashing in.

Actually a genuine study of history shows that "people's" movements have ALWAYS, EVERY TIME been co-opted by elite forces and/or special interests. "The people" always support their own enslavement. And OWS is very left wing oriented, even if every 300th protester is a Ron Paul supporter (any educated RP supporter would stay far away from this collectivist trap).

Protests against Vietnam started in 1965. The last American helicopters were out in 1975. Nixon's diplomatic acknowledgement of Communist China, combined with detente against the Russians, and several years of negotiations with the North Vietnamese got the US out of Vietnam. And the fact that the mainstream, non protesting majority of Middle Class Americans were tiring of it. Protesters were laughed at and ineffectual then, just as they are now.

Not supporting OWS does not mean you are asking for slavery. For many, it means being wise to foolish whims, directed by emotions, and easily manipulated and controlled by special interests. Change will come one way or another. I'd prefer change to come with the rational constructs the Founding Fathers left us with in the Constitution.

And any movement that forces conscription ("YOU ARE THE 99%") is inherently a tyrannical one. I am not a part of your movement. You can't force me to be. That is what freedom entails.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 02:37 PM
Does anyone know how many people have participated in the various OWS protests? I tried to search around to find out, but couldn't find any hard numbers. There are 307 million people living in the US, 1% of that would be roughly 3 million. But I think you'd be hard pressed to find 3000 (1/1,000 of 1%, or .00001% of the population!!!) people actively involved in OWS across the whole country. I've said it since the beginning, but I am offended that this small but vocal minority of the population dare to say that they represent me, they do not. I am not part of their 99% and certainly I'm not part of the 1% that they are supposedly protesting about. I'm in favor of peaceful protest, but I strongly object to their implication that 99% of the population supports them or their ambiguous platform.

edit on 15-11-2011 by SavedOne because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by CREAM

Originally posted by sonnny1

Screw YOUR FEAR CONSPIRACY NONSENSE, thats all it is FEAR. And guess what? We are just people, and we want different people running our country. Thats all!

[inappropriate video removed]
edit on Tue Nov 15 2011 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

Amen brother, Amen....

Nicely said, I don't get into the fear, only the love, and I would LOVE some change

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 02:57 PM


posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 03:26 PM
Glenn Beck may have taken their minds.
Glenn Beck is also pushing the socialist communist obama-voters George Soros theory. I bet none of them will touch a livestream link.
edit on 15/11/11 by blarged because: video link wrong

edit on 15/11/11 by blarged because: quote remove

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by blarged

Good call!

no 2nd line needed....

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by sonnny1

OWS is NOT Apolitical...........
I've met Ron Paul supporters and Obama supporters at occupy kc. Your argument is false.

edit on 15-11-2011 by TupacShakur because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by neo96

Not really. They have a declaration that the NY people came up with, but it doesn't get much support outside of that protest. The people that had a motive for the protest lost control. It is a legit movement now.. I know you aren't capable of supporting it, but its the real deal. Hopefully one day your eyes will open. Maybe if you peeled off that storm trooper mask.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 06:36 PM
OWS is so left wing it makes Mao look like Reagan. Screw OWS. These idiots think MORE government is the answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 07:40 PM
the whole thing is racist. rampant racism. more racism. and after that, further racism.
it's disgusting.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 08:23 PM
OWS may have started out grass roots with a message that everyone agrees upon, however TPB that want the U.S. dismantled have wormed thier way in. The money is flowing, and every effort is being made to channel the power through this "movement" to destroy what this country is based on. They don't want "free speech" , unless you agree with them. The pursuit of life, liberty and happiness is only if someone else has the same drive( or with OWS lack thereof) as you. The idea of making decisions and accepting the consequences of those decisions is alien to these protesters, as they would like the gov't to do it for them. They justify this by pointing out bad decisions of others as well as down right crimes, in order to shield themselves and placate their own egos. And for those claiming that I am 'flaming" OWS or I have some "agenda", you need to look under the dirty bed sheets that the movement is laying on. Useful idiots.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by ghost33

You realize that a lack of regulations allowed the business practices that caused the financial collapse to occur, right?

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by TupacShakur
reply to post by ghost33

You realize that a lack of regulations allowed the business practices that caused the financial collapse to occur, right?

Learn your history. You are making the same argument that "the 99%" made in 1913 when they supported the creation of the Federal Reserve. The expansion of federal powers has only buttressed the apparatus of control for the banking/finance industry and created the infrastructure for the web of corporate power. All institutions based on central management feed and help each other. If you want to strike a blow against the banks (and corrupt politicians), support the shrinking of federal power.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by radosta

but make sure you follow the principles you know to be right, and that is, skin color has not one thing to do with the problems we're facing, it's only been used like a worn out dish rag to get people elected on the pretext that the whole thing is about skin color. the hell it is.........

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by TupacShakur
reply to post by sonnny1

OWS is NOT Apolitical...........
I've met Ron Paul supporters and Obama supporters at occupy kc. Your argument is false.

edit on 15-11-2011 by TupacShakur because: (no reason given)

My argument is dead on. The man who even coined the phrase,"Occupy Wall Street", wants to start a political party out of this. Just do your own fact check on it.

From his Vancouver office, Kalle Lasn, who many consider to be the de-facto founder of the Occupy Wall Street movement, recounted the true origin of the group and what he believes it should and will become.

But Lasn does realize that the group will have to shake its scatterbrain image. “Down the road this movement will have to get some real concrete goals,” Lasn said. “But the real goal is when next spring we form a new political party. I don’t know, maybe it will be called the True Cost Party of America.” Currently, the staff of 10 at the Adbusters office is working on these future goals, including the activist dream of a third American political party.

Occupy Wall Street founder hopes to form new political party

Then you have those in the "movement" who believe this...................

Like other protesters from various Occupy Wall Street organizing groups, Bray did not rule out political possibilities for the future. Protesters from the Occupy Cincinnati group have announced a platform for a new political party - the Occupation Party. The protests are far from apolitical. It's difficult to walk even a few feet in Zuccotti Park, the New York protest's base in Manhattan's financial district, without hearing political issues being debated and finding groups weighing in on a wide range of subjects such as health care, education, national debt and defense spending.

Though most activists at Occupy Wall Street claim to be dissatisfied with the state of American government and politics, their views come in many flavors. Some are leftists of the 1960s generation, and others are curious newcomers to political activism. Still others are Ron Paul supporters, anarchists or soured Obama campaign volunteers.

Occupy movement won't back a political party - for now

This movement claimed Apolitical,Leaderless,communal. Now its going to be a new political party.

Not one peep out of Supporters who swore up and down that wasnt the case.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by phishyblankwaters

Excellent Post!

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 02:00 AM
reply to post by sonnny1

Did POTUS already forget he demonized the Tea Party with Pelosi at his side????? Now he's saying OWS and TP are similar...lolol

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