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Proof OWS is NOT LEFT WING. Time for revolution.... NOW

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posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by sonnny1

My argument is dead on.
No it's not. You're talking about one person. The protesters themselves are not limited to one political party, they are Republicans and Democrats. So really, if your argument was "a guy who coined the term OWS wants to start a political party", it would be "dead on", but making the blanket statement that every single person involved in this movement isn't apolitical is far from reality.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by thejlxc
reply to post by 547000

I understand why you feel that way. Considering the state of things, give people options that can bring about a change, other than a universal "NO MORE!"? Please. We can't vote, we can't live without paying someone (property tax, something), we can't do anything. People are waking up to that.

I fear nothing more than the coming horror of a police state, and I know this only helps those plans, but somebody has to voice the Truth.

"We're Screwed"

Then what you want to do is ban lobbying and have LESS government.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 10:04 AM
Of course OWS is left wing - which is why the media are treating it so sympatheticaly, despite the horrible conduct of it's participants - contrast this with the way they relentlessly demonised the Tea Party with false accusations!

Anything that is getting sympathetic media treatment .......... is part of a NWO agenda!

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by TupacShakur
reply to post by radosta

Learn your history. You are making the same argument that "the 99%" made in 1913 when they supported the creation of the Federal Reserve. The expansion of federal powers has only buttressed the apparatus of control for the banking/finance industry and created the infrastructure for the web of corporate power. All institutions based on central management feed and help each other. If you want to strike a blow against the banks (and corrupt politicians), support the shrinking of federal power.
You're talking about the Fed, I'm not talking about that. I'm simply talking about a loosening of regulations that began when Reagan was in office. The lack of regulations allowed risky, reckless business practices that clearly would fail in the long run and screw over millions. There is no conceivable way that regulating the big banks even less would have even remotely helped to prevent the financial collapse, in fact it would have done the exact opposite.

Bankers used their money to get into positions of government. The puppet politicians appointed them to positions of power such as Secretary of Treasury, and from there they helped to craft the legislation that allowed them to legally do those irresponsible business practices. They rigged the system from within so that the government would loosen their grip, and they could make incredible amounts of profit through shady business practices. An even further lack of regulations would allow them to do what they want to to a higher degree. That is retarded.
edit on 16-11-2011 by TupacShakur because: (no reason given)

Other than calling me retarded, I understand your argument. Mine is that without a large federal government, there would be no need for the regulations in the first place. The banks and international corporations cannot operate without large centralized governmental levers that inherently take power away from the people. Without a huge and intrusive central government, the banks would be far less powerful to begin with. They have always manipulated the levers of a centralized government and if there is more regulation, it WILL disapear, or be abused down the line to gain power for the select few. It is the way the system works. The government, banks, corps are all the same system. They do not operate against each other as is popularly believed according to deliberately controlled ideologies.

But if you insist on a huge, controlling government and the lack of freedom that comes with it, then yes, regulations may solve a problem for about 10-15 yrs at the max before the systemic fault reveals itself once again.

It's applying a band-aid to a gushing wound.
edit on 16-11-2011 by radosta because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by Snoopy1978
I have been to the ows and have seen, first hand, the variety of people from all walks of life that yearn for true change. I dont need an ats propagandist to see the truth. It's not about left or right, it's about going forward! Revolution is an excellent way to put this. Thank you, OP.

While that may be true, the liberal agenda component seems to get the most play on MSM.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by radosta

I don't know where you're getting the misconception that stricter regulations on behemoth banking industries correlates with a removal of American liberties. I just want stricter regulations on big banks, not an overall bigger, more controlling government in all sectors. I'm talking about this one sector, because a lack of regulations in this specific area causes big problems.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 07:09 PM
preview reply to post by CREAM

The book is 29.00 at Lulu...........10.00 on amazon kindle BUT you can read it on line for free here: _shelf/center/1#
Under the book is a blue preview button. Press it and you can read what OWS is all about. It's 173 short pages and explains the problems with our current financial and political oversight as well as solutions.

I'm still reading, on page 45 "What Are The Demands of The Occupy Wall Street Protestors".

Yes, something has to change.

The book is broken into three sections:

1) The Occupy Wall Street Phenomenon deals with the occupy Wall Street movement in detail and in particular.

2) How We Got Here and What to Do deals with the fiscal and monetary policies that brought American society to this tipping point, then proposes the solutions that return the US to an equitable society.

3) Action Steps gives detailed instructions about what common people, private citizens like you and me, can do right now, today to effect a massive change that restores powerr to the regular citizens, wrestling it from the banks and corporations that have grown up around them.

The Chapters are:

Section 1: Occupy Wall Street Phenomenon

Chapter 1: Occupy Wall Street Protests: A Movement?
Chapter 2: What are the Causes and Demands of Occupy Wall Street Protest?
Chapter 3: Occupy Wall Street - Demands of Proletariat

Section 2: How We Got Here and What to Do

Chapter 4: The US 2011 "Great Debt Ceiling Debate"
Chapter 5: US Debt Crisis: How Can "Private Citizens" Solve the Problem?
Chapter 6: Election 2012: The Republican Presidential Primary & National Debt
Chapter 7: Will a President Rick Perry End the US National Debt?
Chapter 8: Only Two Votes Short: The Balanced Budget Amendment
Chapter 9: How Did We Get to a $14 Trillion National Debt?
Part 1 - Keynesian Economics
Chapter 10:How Did We Get to a $14 Trillion National Debt?
Part 2 - Constitutional Amendments
Chapter 11:How Did We Get to a $14 Trillion National Debt?
Part 3 - Gold and The Fed
Chapter 12:The Constitutional Solution to the US Dollar Crisis and the US National Debt
Chapter 13: Comprehensive Package of Amendments to the US Constitution for Immediate Ratification.
Chapter 14: Write Your State Governor Today (Book includes form letters etc)
Chapter 15: Amplify Your Voice Electronically
Chapter 16: Amplify Your Voice Locally
Chapter 17: More Action Steps
Chapter 18: Call To Action and Conclusion.

Book is by Herman Smith and again you can read the entire thing on line free (cannot save it I tried) at the link I provided at Lulu

The book goes into detail about economics, inflation and government policies through various administrations.

Now.............anyone out there poo pooing OWS

1) Did you attend? I did
2) Have you or are you actively researching, studying about this movement?

If you answered no than you really need to possibly consider at least educating yourself on what this movement is about.

There were two types of people during the American Revolution. Those that actively participated and those that didn't.

We are in the mess we are in because we have been over worked, distracted, lied to and fed false information.

We have also, for the most part not been paying attention to the shell game being played on us.

I hope this information proves helpful.

Good night, I'm going back and finishing this book on line.

Have a pleasant evening.

edit on 16-11-2011 by ofhumandescent because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by CREAM

The only thing OWS is doing is provoking the enemy to be more brutal. One shouldn't be surprised that linking hands together is no match for the violent police forces.

It's time to fix bayonet and charge.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 12:30 AM

Originally posted by TupacShakur
reply to post by radosta

I don't know where you're getting the misconception that stricter regulations on behemoth banking industries correlates with a removal of American liberties. I just want stricter regulations on big banks, not an overall bigger, more controlling government in all sectors. I'm talking about this one sector, because a lack of regulations in this specific area causes big problems.

It's not that I don't respect your opinion. It's just that I fully enjoy people who have Ron Paul in their avatar who betray everything he stands for. Yeah. RP is against everything you promote. It's fine. Just please be respectful of Mr. Paul in the future. Thanks. You are a socialist according to your views. He is not.


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