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Tree of knowledge of good & evil, And the Tree of Life

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posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by InnerstellarOne
reply to post by Jdawg9909

I think in all rights and respect highly atheists and agnostics.

Though they believe in nothing, they still exist, and how can the co-existing of a reality balance on the plane of non co-hesion ideology of being from nothing, though created evidence speaks otherwise?.

I enjoy a challenge, but not one that leaves another lost or without, its a matter of being a torch bearer, and a beacon of light unto the truth of existence to all mankind, This can take you down all aspects of knowledge, research and seeking to find the right answers to all the questions.

The main challeged question of all religions, and science ,is to find out, who am i, where do i go when i die.

The bible is a lamp unto thine feet, and a light unto thy path.

While I don't consider myself an "atheist" as they are sure there is nothing beyond our own senses and beyond physical death, that frankly is unscientific on the face of it. But those I do know many who claim to be atheists often believe in treating others with respect and doing the right thing. Not because "God" or who ever will smite them etc, but because it's the right thing to do. No excuse that God, the gods, etc, said so, but because in a society you have to treat people with decency. Thats good enough for me.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by InnerstellarOne

Lucifer was Satan before he was smote out of Heaven. He was the best Angel. You can look at the bible in almost infinite allegorical ways. Same goes for the tree of life. Ever heard of the Kabbalah?

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by InnerstellarOne

According to the information produced in the more 'interesting' tomes of the jewish texts, Eve had to be convinced...three times by the so called master liar. Even more funny, when she came to Adam with the fruit, and he knew what it looked like, by the way, she told him to eat, and without a question he did. So, she had to be convinced by an angel, and he just does what he's told to.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by Kriltosthe2nd

What's more interesting and boggling for me is that Angels were created without free spirit, yet humans were. Some argue Satan turned against God, but I don't think this is true.

If you read carefully you realize we are the only beings with free spirit to do what we will. For Satan to do what he did on his on accord would mean he had free spirit as well. However the angels were commanded by God. The angels were cast down by God as well. God has full control over these Angels.

It's safe to say their part of his plan. He knew we would fall only to rise again back to prominence, but in order to be more like God we needed to be tempted towards evil to learn it's ways in order to see fullfillment in our lives.

Understanding good and evil brings us closer to God. Good is revered, Evil is horrible. We try to rid ourselves of one and full ourselves with the other. However, knowing God, is knowing Good and Evil and living a life of Love.

Most people despise Satan, I feel he should be celebrated for taking on one of the worst roles in our existance, to be punished and hated by all in order to see our fullfillment.
I won't worship him for it mind you, but to me his role is clear and he has done a wonderful job working that role.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by volafox
reply to post by InnerstellarOne

According to the information produced in the more 'interesting' tomes of the jewish texts, Eve had to be convinced...three times by the so called master liar. Even more funny, when she came to Adam with the fruit, and he knew what it looked like, by the way, she told him to eat, and without a question he did. So, she had to be convinced by an angel, and he just does what he's told to.

Couples tend to trust each others judgement. Does that make one stupid, or does that mean they have great faith in each other?
edit on 13-11-2011 by EspyderMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by Jdawg9909
I find all the egomaniacal atheists and agnostics who post on these type threads to be quite intriguing.

The fact that they don't believe in God and believe that they are just an animal or God themselves(because there is no God) basically makes the Luciferian in belief.

Satan's oldest trick is to make you think that he doesn't exists. There is a war between heaven and hell going on everyday if you are able to see the residuals of it. You can never see the battle directly but you can see the bloodshed it creates.

The same ego that blinds you is the same ego that cast Lucifer out of heaven.

How can you lump Angostics and Atheists together like that? They don't even believe the same things. Atheist believe in evolution, no god or heaven. Agnostics believe in something greater but it is unknowable.

I am agnostic, I believe in God and I believe Jesus lived. I am not Roman Catholic, Mormon, or Pentacostal. Nor am I a Jehovah Witness. I have studied the bible and believe in morals, right and wrong.

I am agnostic, I realize it's impossible to know God truly, except through what we read and experience daily. Some agnostics are different, but we are far from Atheist.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by InnerstellarOne

Wrong, he was cast down to earth because he wouldn't accept MAN as equal to the angels/immortals or whatever you wanna call them, he got jealous and tried to take the throne and I'm just going by what was wrote. And his ass got owned

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by autowrench

You take scripture into your own context to show what you deem necessary.

God cannot lie, He cannot be unfaithful, Because if He was a liar, His word would not be true, and we would cease to exist right now because we would not be made.

Man did die, it took 900 years though, but surely man did die in that day, A spiritual death.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by EspyderMan

No Angels have free will, they are spirit beings too...

They chose to follow satan and rebel against God, Satan served God and worshipped him, But when pride was found in his heart, and when he lifted himself up, he had a plan to place himself above the throne of God.

In the bible it warns us of angels, because they can decieve us, and not to be friends with them, or to worship them or glorify them....

Good and Evil are knowledge from what is right, and what is wrong, end of story. Only God knew what was good and bad, because He made all things.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by Balkan

Well i dont believe God made man to be punished, He had a free will, and He chose to fail God, man failed not God, So therefore God was such in love and felt for His most loved creation so much that in the Genesis 3:15, The Spirit Of God, prophesied Jesus bruising the head of satan, Putting Him under his feet along will all things, being exalted above every name, and power and authority.

Angels have always existed, along with God in heaven, because the Hosts of heaven have worshipped The Lord GOD since before the universe was, But man was created a Spirit being on earth, because of all the galaxies, planets, star systems or solar binary systems there was NO other possible play to support human life, that God had so delicately and intricately placed and designed the Universe perfect fine tuning just to support Man, and how awesome of a creator is that.

I consider myself a word warrior
, not ignorant, But basing everything on a scriptural stand point, because for my benefit and for its unfailing undoubted truth.
If i could understand Latin, or greek, I would never read a NJKV again, But its the closest to the original word 99% accurate, unlike many versions *cough* COUGH* NIV, hahaha

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by volafox

Its funny how thats human nature today

Picture the whole conversation, WIFE " Honey i really need you to do this for me sweety, please for me will you do it, *Winks her eye lashes, and flaunts her body*
HUSBAND " Hubba hubba !!!!!, Ok honey just for you sweety i will, because i wuv you sooo much

Im sure once eve ate that fruit she knew she was naked, and could have used that manipulation to adam
THE POWERS OF A WOMEN! ALAS HAHA!. But seriously think about women now, and the characteristic of the first lady.
edit on 21/02/2011 by InnerstellarOne because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 09:20 PM
the two trees are one now.cannabis,indica and sativa.the flaming sword is smoking it.paranoia burns in all directions.god screwed his children.i have studied all the major all the holy books.buddism is the true lawz in saudi arabia is the real mountain moses went up to.the jews are chosen for death.they are the bastard children.they worship baal through the kabala.satan is our friend.he tried to show us the light.why would any father allow his children to die?he is not worthy of my worship.i shall worship myself for i have power over my life.i am a god.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by InnerstellarOne
Well im not God, But i believe he was cast down to the earth, before man was created, therefore he was in the garden when adam and eve were there.

Dang, couldn't He have cast him to Mars or something? I'm not trying to be funny, I'm serious. Think about it... Adam and Eve had no knowledge of good and evil at first, so how would they know it was wrong to listen to Satan? They were like innocent children... trusting... in this garden God gave them. They had free choice, and loved God. I kind of think they wouldn't have eaten the apple if Satan hadn't tricked them.

Please forgive me, God, for my questions. I mean you know disrespect. I just want to understand. (You gave me this brain and I hope you don't mind if I use it here!)

Why did you put a known villain, who tried to overthrow you, on your beautiful new creation called Earth? You did not want this evil being in Heaven anymore... why did you want him on Earth? You knew the risk, you knew he hated your precious children. Why endanger your precious children in the garden??? He turned 1/3 of your own Angels against you. They could not resist his influence. Did you think that your innocent Adam and Eve, who had no knowledge of good and evil, could? Or maybe if you'd at least warned them about the liar lurking in the garden! And one more thing I've been wondering lately, Heavenly Father... If one man (Adam) damned all of humankind by his sin, then how come one man can't accept Jesus Christ for all of humankind to be saved?

Please don't be angry-- I just want to know. It's this brain you gave me. I think a lot. And I appreciate you allowing me to be born, and all of the blessings. I do wish Satan lived elsewhere. The world would surely be a better place. (Ok, if you do decide to relocate him, there are lots of humans who should pack up and go with him. I'm sure you know who they are. You are Omniscient, after all!!!) Love, your daughter.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by new_here

I believe he was banised to earth, but he was a spirit being, and angel, and He did and could travel through the heavenly realm which is space, Not through Heaven Gods Spiritual Planet and our destination of home.

I think its possible to explain or think that, Satan could not be destroyed right because hes an angel, But we know that he will be chained up and locked in the abyss for all eternity with those angels that disobeyed with satan.

So why did satan have access to mankind, the earth and to cause man to sin?.
I believe he was sent from heaven to the heavens and he made his kingdom in the air, between the earth and Heaven. and he travelled to earth and waiting for his right time observing the creation of the garden and man.

Free will, God couldnt stop satan from free choice, and his consequences was banishment from heaven, separation from God, and to be cursed for ever.
How ever i do believe that God the Father, could not deal with satan then and there in the garden because i dont think hell had existed for satan and that time,

The complexity of this can really only be understood by what the scriptures tell us, and what the Father directly reveals to us through His Spirit about this, Because i sure am alot more interested now where this is going.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by InnerstellarOne

Satan was envious, He hates mankind so much.........Its unreal how much.

you are confused. Satan does not hate man.
Satan IS man.

the animal body.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by prevenge

Satan is not man.

Satan is Satan. God is God, Jesus is God, The Holy Spirit is God.

Man is Man.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 12:09 AM
Ok...I have a few questions? If Jesus came and died for all our sins and to fix where Adam failed. Why then are we still being born into sin, and have to be saved?
Would not things be back to the way they were before Satan enticed Eve to eat of the tree of knowledge? Also why is the God of the Old testament so different from the God of the New testament, if God is never changing?

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 12:10 AM

My two cents . . .
Adam and Eve took the bait, hence (ate).
Satan was commanded to worship man, in order
for man to obey God, not Satan.

- Satan refused thus was thrown out.
- Not only did man fail to worship God by
being superior over Satan, but also enabled Satan;
thus man was thrown out.

Moral of the story . . .
There will be no peace unless Satan submits to man.
And there will be no peace until man obeys the creator.

Originally posted by InnerstellarOne
God is God, Jesus is God, The Holy Spirit is God.

As mentioned in Genesis, there will be no peace
until man obeys the creator. 'trinity' didn't work.

edit on 14/11/11 by ToneDeaf because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by maryjo44

Yes there is now a power of Grace at work after the cross where man has been forgiven of sins, But only if He acknowledges God through Jesus, and repents, asks Jesus to come into His life, to change Him, to be the Lord, and saviour and that you will follow Him and Serve Jesus, Then again do those people truly become saved, and forgiven. But its a free will choice again, you can choose not to serve God, you can choose to serve man, money or false Gods, God wont stop you, He cant interfere with your free Will, But He Loves you regardless and that will never change, Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ.
Only those can enter the City whose names are written in the lambs book of life.
Man still lives in Sin, Because he still sins, Unless he is born of God, and His spirit is in Him, He no longer wants to Sin, But Christ became the Last adam, the one to overcome the price of sin, But it dosent mean it abolished it from the earth, It just abolishes it from mans hearts if they ask for forgivness and repent sincerely to God of thier sins, Under the OT the old law, high priests had to make sacrifices unto God for the remissions of sins, Jesus is our NEW HIGH priest who put an end to the law, fulfilling the law with Love, because He himself became the sacrifice, The lamb of God, which takes away the sins of the world.
Romans 8:38-39

For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by InnerstellarOne

So you can see what an Awesome and loving wise, smart, Holy and Truthful faithful God we serve
I don't "serve" anyone. I'm not a damn slave! I do not seek to be ruled by any other being, regardless of what they may try to offer me in return.

i believe he was cast down to the earth, before man was created, therefore he was in the garden when adam and eve were there.
Why the hell was he allowed into the garden of Eden in the first place huh? God cast Humans out in the blink of an eye!

God cannot lie, He cannot be unfaithful, Because if He was a liar, His word would not be true, and we would cease to exist right now because we would not be made.
Does this ring any bells: in the day that you eat from it you shall surely die.

LIE. God clearly lied. Satan told the truth. The tree of knowledge would bring us insight and understanding. It gave us self-awareness. We gained to ability to look back upon our own image and see that we were naked. Were it not for Satan we would still be mindless slaves to God running around naked in some garden. But of course this is all just an elaborate fairy tale, based perhaps on slight fragments of truth.

reply to post by EspyderMan

I am agnostic, I believe in God and I believe Jesus lived.
You are not agnostic. You can't 'believe' in something, yet at the same time claim it's 'unknowable'. Understand?

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