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Tree of knowledge of good & evil, And the Tree of Life

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posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by InnerstellarOne
Only in that time did they know what was good and was was evil, because they hid behind fig trees, knowing they were naked, and when God asked where there were because he couldn't find them because of SIN, and they were hiding from him.

So God can't find people because they are sinners?
He found Cain without any problems, didn't he? The fact is, no matter what angle you take on the biblical creation story, it has about as many holes in it as a pound of swiss cheese.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by korath
How is Eve accountable for disobeying God if she didn't know good from evil until after she ate the fruit?

This is a very good point! I've argued this one myself, with Biblical Literalists.....If Sin did not exist until one had the knowledge of Good and Evil from eating from the tree of the same name...then God Punished mankind for doing something in innocence. Man could not possibly have known that disobeying God was wrong, since he had no knowledge of Good and Evil until after the deed was done!

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 11:00 AM
There is no such thing as good or evil. This is the delusion you are in now.

The Lie is that good and evil exists. The belief that it does exist is what you see manifest around you thus becomes the reality.

When will you all finally see that God is either everything or he is nothing...

this fairy tale that satan is an equal to God, an arch enemy that almost has the same powers of God, that can almost defeat God unless you have the special mark(jesus) to save you...this line of belief will eventually destroy your civilizations.

Anything based in fear and control no matter how you dress it (obedience, honor, justice etc) is not of God

World inhalation will result
God didnt do it
Jesus didnt do it
Satan didnt do it

You did.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by St Udio

Well knowledge today is science. Who are we, where are we, can we disprove God, can man really live forever, is there a heaven, is there a hell, ect....

The truth is that The Tree of knowledge of good and evil, was the ability to know the mysteries of what is, and how you can change that, and that its end was Sin, because disobedience was the result because of the breaking of the commandment that God gave,

Look at the wisdom of man, throughout ages, throughout time, has progressed into where im convinced man has the ability to teleport, transport matter, splice genes between man and beast, recreate human life, In other words play with the very essence of life, and man is coming to the point now, where technology is so wicked, its about to boom forth and create unparalleled doors into the frontier that will forever change mankind.

This is why i believe all the prophecies are happening now, because mankind has never been at a point like this, and technology has never been so advanced.

I often wonder what would have happened if man never sinned, Adam overcame if he was tempted, and we would reign in eternal life here on earth without Sin, and how technology and existance would be, how perfect, unbelievable! and futuristic and pure knowledge and science would be, it would be a God science. Think about what God had intended and sin destroyed....Think about it

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by Balkan

Well of course God knows all things, But its the Sin that snapped and broke that tie with man and God, Sure cain was seen by God, But he wasnt hiding, Adam and eve did.

Sinners first instinct is to hide, and cover yourself away from the creator, from the one who judges all things good and righteously. God didnt act or speak out of ignorance, He spoke out of genuine love as a caring Father and parent, to find out what had happened and who told them they were naked.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by superluminal11

If you honestly believe that, then i cant change what you believe, Only the Word of the Living God.

Nothing else will ever do, because nothing or no one else can other than Jesus.

He is the author and finisher of Faith, Once you experience of His Kingdom and Glory, you are changed because you know the truth and its the truth that shall set you free?/

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by InnerstellarOne

I think you know less about this aspect thant you are willing to admit. So sure you have read pretty much everything and know the ultimate truths of this and of that and thusly have set youself up without wisdom. You dont mention much about the Goddess nor can you explain yourself without referencing bible quotes or bible like solutions.

I recommend you take time out for few years to study the left hand path wisdom, this way you can write with a balanced perspective otherwise you are just another biased human whose well has run empty.


Have you made studies to the root words of pretty much every word in the many languages of this world because just relying on the english alone will lead you into error. And applying your logic as it is in these mordern times to these old old writings will guarantee yourself a big fail.

The Tree is not a 'tree'. Of The Fall you have no clear grasp of despite your claims. Good and Evil cannot be measured by what most assume is to be good or evil, bad things happening, suffering etc is not 'evil'. I can make the claim to be Evil because I can draw down powers of the Dark Goddess (the Universe) and create my own Will and Reality as I see fit.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by Tindalos2013

I am a Word Warrior.

I base my self on the Word of God, Because its true. Sufficient in its self, I'm a living testimony of the power of God, and so is my family. End of point.

I believe that God is, and always was and always will, There is no goddess, there is no self will creating destiny, im not deceived because i cant be. Because the greater one abides in me,

1 Corinthians 3:16
"And do you not know that you are the Temple of God, And that the Spirit of God dwells in you?.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by InnerstellarOne
I base my self on the Word of God, Because its true.

A List of Biblical Contradictions

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 11:25 AM
Knowledge is something we all should seek, it's not good or evil unto itself. What we do with what we learn is a whole other matter.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by Balkan

The Bible has been so watered down, a parakeet could understand.

If you take from ancient latin, greek and hebrew text you would know that its changed and been altered drastically, But the Rhema is unfailing, and Logos is eternal. because The spoken Word of God today is not just through the bible, But through the mouth of a willing servant and vessel of God, Through the Spirit, infact the Word of God is The voice of the Holy Spirit, saying whatever the Father Himself directly says..Whether through the heart, into the spirit, though vision, revelation, dreams, of both old and new. We are the mouthpiece He is the one speaking, This is the Word of God, The spoken and written word of god, documented, proven and everlasting.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 11:45 AM
I find all the egomaniacal atheists and agnostics who post on these type threads to be quite intriguing.

The fact that they don't believe in God and believe that they are just an animal or God themselves(because there is no God) basically makes the Luciferian in belief.

Satan's oldest trick is to make you think that he doesn't exists. There is a war between heaven and hell going on everyday if you are able to see the residuals of it. You can never see the battle directly but you can see the bloodshed it creates.

The same ego that blinds you is the same ego that cast Lucifer out of heaven.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by Jdawg9909

I think in all rights and respect highly atheists and agnostics.

Though they believe in nothing, they still exist, and how can the co-existing of a reality balance on the plane of non co-hesion ideology of being from nothing, though created evidence speaks otherwise?.

I enjoy a challenge, but not one that leaves another lost or without, its a matter of being a torch bearer, and a beacon of light unto the truth of existence to all mankind, This can take you down all aspects of knowledge, research and seeking to find the right answers to all the questions.

The main challeged question of all religions, and science ,is to find out, who am i, where do i go when i die.

The bible is a lamp unto thine feet, and a light unto thy path.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 12:31 PM
The tree of life:

Literally, a now extinct banana tree that the early hominids fed off of. It had a nutrient balance that could sustain human life indefinitely.

Metaphorically, Accepting what is given, being content with whatever comes, accepting the grace of God.

Esoterically, Women.

The tree of knowledge:

Literally, a now extinct banana tree that the early hominids fed off that had the same hallucinogenic principle that is found in Ayahuasca. The usual effect of eating it was death by being eaten by a lion or similar large predator. Small amounts of it however, improved sense perception allowing the early hominids to become a predatory species.

Metaphorically, Denying grace to know a higher truth that isn't necessary nor beneficial to know. For example our foreknowledge of death and denying that it is an absolutely essential part of physical existence is the root cause of all forms of evil. The hight of this insanity is the creation of a nuclear bomb to promote world peace.

Esoterically, Man

Eating the forbidden fruit in the biblical sense is becoming a sentient species that became predatory in nature that would all but guarantee our own self destruction as a species. The forbidden fruit was a lot like taking the Red Pill in the matrix rather then a real life curse. God just told them the truth that in their physical form they will one day die and other facts of life. Ironically the same materials in the forbidden fruit will teach you that though your body dies the awareness, witness, consciousness never dies.

The serpent tempting eve to eat the fruit: One of the effects of the materials in the fruit is an ability to expand or project consciousness, the fruit gave women that ate of it an ability to subconsciously influence men. One of the possible reasons for this is to be able to attract a mate so the fruit gave them an advantage in this regard. At some point we asked the question that caused the fall from grace. It was "Why do I exist; who am I?" At that moment we became like gods- self aware, yet also limited to our mind and imagination in which to create like a god. Our mind is beyond time, projecting in the future, and bound to the past. If you can still the mind to be here now in the present moment during that time the innocence of the original state is again achieved. But no one can still the mind save for the grace of God.

The test is simple: Accept Grace and you live for love and become aware you never die; Deny Grace and you live in fear, forever bound to fear death and die. To undo the effects of the fall is to accept the grace of God, be here now, and above all else love one another.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by InnerstellarOne

1 John 4:8
"For he who knoweth not love, knoweth not God, for God is love".

The human animal is a selfish beast, because he knows nothing about love except the love for its own awareness.
How can a human animal know of love when they have no knowledge about the moral code. Love is a moral code, love is a moral standard.

God did not create the garden of Eden to be a petting zoo for the human animal. God created the garden of Eden to host all living things.

We tell ourselves that God said: Man shall have dominion over all living things. And what do the human animal do?

The human animal in-slaves all living things. The human animal even in-slaved themselves.

Was this what God meant for Man to do?

This is not love, this is selfishness. The human awareness thinks God created everything for It. We treat earth as if it was our playground. And all livings things must sacrifice so that we my enjoy the comfort of our own awareness.

Even in the Garden of Eden did Adam and Eve have to eat. God created the flesh to be a consumer. The flesh is a burden to our awareness, because we must satisfy the flesh many times a day and each day. Not many human animals think about that. All living things must consume to stay alive in this garden. Adam and Eve were no exception.
edit on 27.06.08 by spy66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by spy66

Adam was put as the keeper for all living things, On Gods behalf.

Adam's memory and intellect was that of an untampered unpolluted nature and he was a perfect being before sin.
He named, and took care of EVERYTHING in the garden, he cultivated, cared, grew, cleaned, fixed, fed and manicured that eden, But the one thing that ruined it all is sin, it was all sin.

Then all all nature and creation fell, not just man, but the whole of the universe became under sin nature and law, and thats where you have every problem that is opposite to God and contrary on this earth.

The reason why abel was killed was because He gave up his first born as a blood sacrifice unto God, resembling what Christ would do on the Cross as the lamb who was slaughtered on our behalf, God required after the garden a pact, a sacrifice of blood and offering for the remorsing of sins, Because sin brought forth death and suffering.

I honestly do believe it was all nutrition provided for from nature before sin, and that no animal was against itself, but everything was in harmony and peace with each other, there was no death, because death had not become a part of the result of sin.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 01:21 PM
dear OP,

this is not the "Sunday school" forum. please read the forum description at the top of this thread page. it says that we, as ATSers, ought to be arguing AGAINST this sort of literal and dogmatic information.

as such, I will state that the only value the Biblical creation myth has on ATS (and in general) is in its incredibly profound metaphor, or as the deepest myth of existence.

so, here on ATS, your meanderings are purposeless.

however, as this is a fascinating subject and one of my favorites, I will throw you a bone: Topography of Eden... (a brief article written by myself, a non-christian non-bible-believer.)

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by InnerstellarOne

God did not task us with this goal in mind. Not if God is love.

Adam was put as the keeper for all living things, On Gods behalf.

Yes, like the Pope proclaims he is Gods voice to all the people on earth. What crock of baloney.

There is truth in what God said; Man shall have dominion over all living things with the ability of its awareness. O'boy have we ever lived up to that ability.

But our sin is that we have used our awareness to misuse our abilities. We used our abilities to in-slave all living things. That is our greatest sin.

We are not living according to our tasks, Because we have no idea what our tasks are. The human animal is the only animal on this planet who is not living according to its tasks. The human animal is no longer tending to the garden, but destroying it, and all the life within it. Its that what we can call a good keeper of all life??

Cain killed Able because, We treat humans like we treat the animals. We sacrifice animals and humans alike to satisfy our awareness.
edit on 27.06.08 by spy66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by InnerstellarOne

God only had two commandments in the Garden for man, Do not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, Be fruitful and multiply. (be gracious and abounding) We know satan is a lier and the father of them, since he was a lier and a murderer from the beginning.

Think about this from a logical point of view. God told Adam and Eve if they ate from the Tree of Knowledge that would die. Satan supposedly told them if they ate they would not die. We know they ate, did they die? Who is the real liar here? Let's look at a few more lies told by the god of the OT:

" Ah, Lord GOD! surely thou hast greatly deceived this people."
(Jeremiah 4:10)

"O Lord, thou hast deceived me, and I was deceived." (To deceive means to lie)
(Jeremiah 20:7)

"And if a prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the Lord have deceived that prophet."
(Ezekiel 14:9)

" For this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie."
(2 Thessalonians 2:11)

Guess God taught his people to lie too....
13 Lies by People Who Lied in the Bible

So you can see what an Awesome and loving wise, smart, Holy and Truthful faithful God we serve

Really? Would a loving god force a woman to marry her rapist?
(Deut. 22:28:29)

Would a wise and loving God support cannibalism?
(Lev. 26: 29, Jer. 19:9)

Would a good God teach his people war?
(Psalm 144:1)

Would a loving God Kill who refused to impregnate his widowed sister-in-law?
(Gen. 38:9-10)

Would a loving God order people to steal?
(Ezek. 39:10, Ex. 3:22)

This is not a good and loving god to me.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by Jdawg9909
Then the solution is clear. Don't give your creations freewill if you're going to punish them for exercising it.

OP, you are a word warrior, that I cannot deny.
Sorry if I went offttopic.

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