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NOAA Warns of a Solar Storm Region Facing Earth for Next Two Weeks, Carrington-like Event!

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posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by TrueBrit
reply to post by Eurisko2012

I think its important to understand two things about this suggestion.

First of all , the scale of the area a hypothetical augmentation to the magnetic shielding of the Earth would have to cover. You are talking about covering a spheroid area much larger than our planet. The power requirements of such a system would be outrageous, and I doubt that lofting enough of ANY fuel to run such a device, into any manner of orbit, would be viable in terms of cost and our current understanding of physics. That comes before even thinking about the size of whatever device would be running this effect, and the weight of any mechanism by which it might be achieved.

Second, you have to consider the forces that would be arrayed against such a shield. The fact is that the most powerful shield we could deploy at this stage of our scientific evolution, is going to be many times weaker than the natural resource of the magnetosphere. If the activity of the Sun becomes extreme enough to overload the pre existing shield that we have now, then our capability to deflect it using our engineering skills will be overwhelmed before we even had to switch the device on.

Its true that for some time, space exploration organisations, and physicists have been looking into the idea of shielding ships and satellites with systems which mimic the action of the magnetosphere. However, this technology is in its infancy , and has not even been tested in space yet. When it IS tested in space, it will likely be placed on a vehicle specifically launched for the purpose of testing it, since it may have unpredictable effects on any systems or experiments which might also be placed upon the vehicle.

Currently we do not possess the technology to perform a shielding action of this magnitude.

The power requirements of such a system would be enormous???

What if the power supplies where electrostatic power supplies? - neon sign type -
-Very high voltages but very low current-

I was thinking that shielding the Earth from just normal solar wind could be advantageous.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by intergalactic fire
reply to post by diamondsmith

The solarsoft website is down(forbidden) for 2 weeks now.
I have no missing data.

you can always peel back the URL, and get to a safe point that is active, and click on the links will being you to the new freshed version of the page.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 11:18 AM
From :

Sunspot 1339 is in a state of slow decay, but it still poses a threat for Earth-directed M-flares. Credit: SDO/HMI

Doesent look like there will be any X-class flares (for now).

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 11:18 AM
I am curious as to how much solar energy is necessary to penetrate our natural earth shields and cause a timely noticeable effect?

And asides from electromagnetic disruptions, what other 'situations' might we find?

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by Eurisko2012

We are already shielded from the solar wind. That is what the magnetosphere actually does. It performs this task extremely well considering the size of the task, and at present requires no augmentation in order to perform its function. If it did not, then rather than the slow onset of melanoma for those to stupid to use sunblock, they would merely cook in their skins on their sun loungers.

The only solar activity that poses a danger to Earth, or more specifically its inhabitants, and their devices, are incidents which fall WELL outside the normal range of the solar winds assault on our planets defences. X-class flares being an example.
Protection from these will be more of a case of re-engineering our power infrastructure to be proof against outside forces, to make all electrical grids isolated from the outside world and capable of shrugging off the imbalances caused by a solar storm interacting with our magnetosphere, wether that system be in a computer or a major transformer or substation. This will take a root and branch replacement of pretty much all the cable , wire, conduit, and pretty much all power transfer infrastructure globally. As daft as that might sound, and costly, it is in my opinion the only remotely achievable method of dealing with the danger that solar storms pose.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by TrueBrit
reply to post by Eurisko2012

We are already shielded from the solar wind. That is what the magnetosphere actually does. It performs this task extremely well considering the size of the task, and at present requires no augmentation in order to perform its function. If it did not, then rather than the slow onset of melanoma for those to stupid to use sunblock, they would merely cook in their skins on their sun loungers.

The only solar activity that poses a danger to Earth, or more specifically its inhabitants, and their devices, are incidents which fall WELL outside the normal range of the solar winds assault on our planets defences. X-class flares being an example.
Protection from these will be more of a case of re-engineering our power infrastructure to be proof against outside forces, to make all electrical grids isolated from the outside world and capable of shrugging off the imbalances caused by a solar storm interacting with our magnetosphere, wether that system be in a computer or a major transformer or substation. This will take a root and branch replacement of pretty much all the cable , wire, conduit, and pretty much all power transfer infrastructure globally. As daft as that might sound, and costly, it is in my opinion the only remotely achievable method of dealing with the danger that solar storms pose.

Well, they need to do something. The high voltage power lines are a sitting duck.
I still prefer my Carrington Space Station. A team of 12 scientists should do the trick.
They would have the passion to do the job right.

I think i'll put Phage out there. He could give us updates and he would have a great time
doing it.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by ThatGuy45
I am curious as to how much solar energy is necessary to penetrate our natural earth shields and cause a timely noticeable effect?

And asides from electromagnetic disruptions, what other 'situations' might we find?

You should go to Wikipedia and read up on the Carrington Event that took place
in September 1859.

The telegraph lines fried.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 11:43 AM
What would be worse, getting hit by a combo of lower class flares or one X class?

I would think neither would be very good. Although it would be horrible for satellites and communications, on the bright side, nobody would be able to spy on us anymore or fire off any nukes.
Always look on the bright side!

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by nopeitwasntme

Thanks for that.
Just tried again and the site seems to work for now.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 12:27 PM
"Don't quit your day job... yet" hmm somebody's not sharing with the rest of the class...

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by Eurisko2012

You mention that our power grids are at risk, and you are of course correct. However, the solution to that ought to be to shield those systems by either a complete rebuild , or some form of electromagnetic shield around those systems that already exist.

Putting up a secondary system around the whole planet would be like solving a blood infection by treating the surface of the skin with a topical cream. If aircraft, mobile computers and mobile phones can be idependantly shielded also, then the approach of sheilding infrastructure and mobile electrical systems with some form of electromagnetic shielding, that would be far less costly and cumbersome a solution than throwing up a sub standard net round the planet as a whole.

Also , this segmented approach would mean built in redundancy , since if an individual system failed for some reason, it would pose no risk to other machines and electrical grids, since they would be shielded themselves. If you throw up the world encompassing barrier you mentioned, and that were to fail, the entire weight of the solar particulates that HAD been held back by your device, would hit the planet all at once and this , in a significant event , would be even more catastrophic than simply doing NOTHING !

If we are to solve the weaknesses of our electrical systems here on Earth, I believe that we should apply ourselves to solutions which are specific to each individual piece of infrastructure and equipment, rather than throw all our eggs into an unstable basket.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by argentus

You dont get it, we wouldn't recover...what happens to nuclear facilities when they dont have power to operate? They go on meltdown and there are alot in the world...we would all die from the fallout.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 02:35 PM
Stock up on candles and batteries now b/c we are heading back to the early 19th century when one of these sun storms really hits and that is no joke. It will definitely happen sooner or later. My guess is we will see a major sun storm in the next 2-3 years and then people will finally realize the danger but like always not be prepared for it!

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by intergalactic fire

no worries. i just re-read my post and noticed i totally butchered my spelling...

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 04:32 PM
Original news article in OP is By Associated Press, Published: November 3.

Sunspot 1339 is already past earth facing. We are long in the clear.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by Cyprex
Original news article in OP is By Associated Press, Published: November 3.

Sunspot 1339 is already past earth facing. We are long in the clear.

1341, 1342 and 1343 are coming into position over the next few days;
not sure they are as significant as 1339 was.

edit : ok doesn't look like direct image linking works;
edit on 9-11-2011 by digitalf because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 05:15 PM
Hope We get some heat from the flare

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by camaro68ss

Whew, after no asteroid collision and no martial law declared during todays emergency broadcast, I was worried I wouldn't have anything to worry about. I feel better now.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by mikey2012
you know i read alot on here about what people perceive;or think is going to happen as far as the end of the world;new world order;etc,etc;however my opinion on these topics is that none of these things will happen until God is ready for them to happen on his time table;not ours;just thought that I would post that just to give you guys something to think about

well we'll find out Friday when the Palestinians get there state hood..

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 05:31 PM
OP, well said and presented. I remember watching Dr. Kaku's analysis of this on a FOX news clip some months ago, and of course the moron in the studio only laughed it off and expressed joking concern over his Blackberry not working.

I've heard talk of NASA doing something with the satellites in order to avoid a total blackout, but who knows WHAT to believe anymore... especially concerning "official" government reports.

Anyhow, I appreciate the coverage, and the concise nature of it. Personally, I welcome this change. I have the belief that it will take something of this magnitude to return us to a manageable existence on this planet.

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