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Originally posted by Sphoenix
The masses are not willing to put in the few hours/days of effort to seek the revolution they would benefit from. We are dividing ourselves (like so many people here have already said) into the 99% and haves / have nots.
I can understand your frustration OP, maybe not to your extent. But every single one of us, in my opinion, carries the greatest level of change which no-one could possibly predict. Until we as connected individuals understand the magnitude of true free will that exists within us - the powers that be will be running the show - simply because we are letting them.
Stuff is happening quickly, and its about to go nuts around the world, everywhere.
We are all going to be affected, and all the OWS's in the world aren't going to be able to do a darned thing about it.
We are spiraling down the rabbit hole way to fast to reverse it. We are screwed..blued...and tattooed.
Most of the participants are broke..jobless...and many other things.
Originally posted by Open_Minded Skeptic
reply to post by TheWalkingFox
VERY well said, Good on you!
I've observed this behavior as well, and find it both amusing and disgusting. It is an indication of just how much TPTB feared, and still fears the hippy philosophy... put a few skinny kids with scraggly beards on a protest line, and all of a sudden it's THE HIPPIES!!! Run for the hills, the hippies are going to get you!
S&F... a thousand if I could...
Maybe they do get up at 5 am. Maybe they are providing for themselves at a useless job. Maybe they think this is a ridiculous way to live. They are up against people who have bought into the system to various degrees and in various roles. That's a lot of people to be up against. They're up against the slaves and the masters. They're up against their own government. They're up against apathy. I often mention Occupy to people and am met with "What are you talking about?" Many people are only interested in the news of births and deaths. They're zoo animals. I read Henry Rollins thinks Occupy is working becasue the MSM pundits are theatrically slamming it. It's their job to preach to the choir. They are just capitalizing on those traditionally and vehemently defending the status quo. The audience is defending their own fleecing. Taking advantage of you fellow human is the American way. It is to be defended to the belligerent death.
Originally posted by theRhenn
Oh I very much agree that there are many socialists that want wealth in the US to be distributed to the lazy assed poor who dont get up at 5am
Originally posted by The Old American
The problem I personally have with the OWS movement is that most of the protestors are complaining that the fire burned them, not that they put their own hand in it. They blame capitalism, or banks, or investment houses, or rich people, or corporations, or...anything but but the people that gave power to those entities: Congress. There are those few that are part of the movement trying to bring this to light, but they are far and few between.
They are attacking the rich because the rich have the money to be taken. It's like a person that slips in a store on a just-mopped floor. They don't go after the person that mopped the floor (the one responsible for making it slippery); they go after the store (the one with the money). Greed, anyone?
I supported the TEA Party before it become a political tool of the ultra-right, when it was a true grass-roots movement by citizens tired of being game pieces on the political chessboard. OWS has the capability to be the same thing the TEA Party was, but now it, too, is being hijacked. Democrats, faux humanitarians like Michael Moore, unions, the Communist Party, the Socialist Party have all joined in because for some reason they believe the OWS represents their ideals. And, just like the new TEA Party, with racists and corporate interests, OWS hasn't banded together and kicked them out.
Also just like the TEA Party, the company you keep says everything I need to know about you.
And i see you often griping about crime, but I'll bet you've never arrested anyone. You point out bad legislation, but aren't running for office, are you? Maybe your shoes pinch your feet, I don't see you opening a shoe company. And the reason is simple - it's not your job, is it? The police are there to handle crime when we call on it. The politicians are there to follow our voices when we see a problem. The company is there to provide the best quality for its consumers (ideally, in all three cases - reality is, of course, rather different.)
The trouble you might be having is that while none of these solutions are actually "Vote Democrat," none of them are "vote republican," either.
Originally posted by gentledissident
Occupy are asking the people who make and defend the rules to change them. This is why I think Occupy should walk away. They should leave the system in droves and start self sufficient communes. They will be out of the oppressive neurotic system that aggressively resists change. They will have each other for comfort and enjoyment. They can attract others who are down and out, or who are looking to get out. They would definitely be talked about in the area as a novelty. In surrounding towns, people will say, "If it all goes to Hell, I can always move out to that commune." They will, too. If enough people leave the system, it won't be able to sustain itself.edit on 5-11-2011 by gentledissident because: the letter "a"
Originally posted by Frater210
If I am a leftist, anarchist, socialist; what are you then that stands in opposition to these things?
Voting? Who is there to vote for? Do you think if 1 lone honest person somehow got past the country club, that the person would be allowed to make a difference? As you say, it does seem a little far-fetched.
Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
Now, while it would be just great if we could assemble a complete team of 500 incorruptable, pure, America-minded legislators to put into office, get them all elected, and have everything turn out great, it does seem a little far-fetched. Besides, there is already a mechanic in place to deal with bad legislators - voting.
Originally posted by Frater210
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus
Noam Chomsky is a leftist anarchist socialist, so you just outed yourself as one. Thanks
Yeah, well, it is too bad for you then that virtually all of what is considered to be perennial wisdom ends up sounding, to people like you, like something based on a 'leftist', 'anarchist' or 'socialist' ideology.
You should consider an overhaul of your lexicon.
But I am interested , you have my attention now.
If I am a leftist, anarchist, socialist; what are you then that stands in opposition to these things?
Thanks in advance.
“This deification of Reagan is extremely interesting,” Chomsky said. “I mean it’s scandalous, but it tells a lot about the country. When Reagan left office, he was the most unpopular living president apart from Nixon, even below Carter. If you look at his years in office, he was not particularly popular. He was more or less average. He severely harmed the American economy. When he came into office the United States was the world’s leading creditor. By the time he left, it was the world’s leading debtor. He was fiscally totally irresponsible.”
“This deification of Reagan is extremely interesting,” Chomsky said. “I mean it’s scandalous, but it tells a lot about the country. When Reagan left office, he was the most unpopular living president apart from Nixon, even below Carter. If you look at his years in office, he was not particularly popular. He was more or less average. He severely harmed the American economy. When he came into office the United States was the world’s leading creditor. By the time he left, it was the world’s leading debtor. He was fiscally totally irresponsible.”
It appears that liberals in America, particularly those that are employed as journalists and academic professionals, believe former President Ronald Reagan did more harm than good during his eight years in the Oval Office.
And as usual when these individuals are actually pressed as to why they have come to the conclusion that Reagan’s legacy was a “nightmare” (see Ed Bradley) little evidence is ever provided outside of the quintessential talking points handed out by the DNC.
Ironically it only takes about five minutes on Google to figure out that Democrats love invoking the legacies of FDR and John Fitzgerald Kennedy when making their point that only government entitlements will save America.
So in other words when conservatives compare themselves to Mr. Reagan they are despicably tarnishing the image of the former president while holding little knowledge about what his administration actually did. Because we all know that championing state’s rights, strengthening America’s economy, ending the Cold-War and reducing the size of government are outrageous ideas that should be shoved under a door mat for eternity.
However when liberals align themselves to someone like FDR who imprisoned Japanese minorities, raised taxes on just about everyone, expanded the size of government to unprecedented levels, and prolonged the Great Depression, they believe they have reached political nirvana.
Originally posted by Rockpuck
wtf are you even talking about? What logical fallacy is this? Are you insinuating that it's not OWS job to offer solutions to issues they raise?
I'm an advocate of 3rd parties personally, thanks for asking. OWS is a Democratic front, if we went down there and polled the protesters the vast majority would admit to voting for Democrats and plans to do so in the future. People like you would like to say that this is not a partisan protest/movement but IT IS .. sadly.
You are an awesome spokesperson for the movement though .. your zealous fervor for OWS, and knowing that you are one of the most Progressive Liberals on ATS I think that pretty much sums up the movement, doesn't it?
So excuse me for not aligning with your politics
God forbid I think for myself and ask critical questions about a movement before I throw my name in as a supporter.
Sheeple indeed
Well then, they'll get to play their silly little game together until there are no more. What difference would it make to us who are part of a new world?
Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
That's not true. if enough people "drop out" of the system, then all that happens is that the operation of the system is determined by the people who don't ditch.
I'm pretty sure you understand this isn't the dropping out I'm talking about. You're pretty quick to pull out that "dirty hippie" weapon yourself.
Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
running out to the woods to make flower garlands and eat cake frosting
No, "dropping out" in the 60's didn't give us anything but regime change. Welcome your new ex-hippie masters. Then again, we're not talking about the same thing. Perhaps later we can talk about aquaponics and fuel cells.
Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
Did "dropping out" accomplish anything back in Ye Olden Hippie Days"?