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ANONYMOUS Identifies Cop Who Shot Marine Vet Scott Olsen

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posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by Djarums

When said governement that ignores our rights gives preferential treatment to LEOs AND doesn't prosecute them, AND trains them to act in this way, AND doesn't properly vet them psychologically, it begs the question, how much can we put up with before enough is enough?????


posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 01:01 PM
I expected this to happen and it won't be the last time either. The cops are risking a lot when they act out of line

Good luck to the pig's family.

The police need to behave themselves unless they want to ignite a powder keg.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by Xcathdra

Originally posted by BadNinja68 the chief, has no clue who is responsible... and wants to bring other depts into the mix to take/share the blame?

Actually no, but way to misread the comment and add your spin to it. What the Chief said was Oakland PD does not use and has never used Rubber Bullets. Im not sure of your background, but when you have large scale events like this command of those situations falls to field supervisors utilizing department policy. The policies of the Oakland Police Department do not govern other agencies involved / mutual aided.

Who was in charge? Who's jurisdiction was this in?
Who is accepting responsibility for being in charge? Let's see who this gets passed to.

My background is not relevant, but suffice it to say I have worked with MULTIPLE LEO depts on local state and Ferderal levels, instructing safety and breaching techniques, as well as proprietary tool uses.
i sold equipment to LEOs and taught them how to properly use it to enter structures.
I worked for a very large company.
I used to think being a LEO was the unlimate honor, however I have never worn a badge or been a LEO.
I quit because I was disgusted at the truth.
Honor abandoned the badge many years ago.
It's now a racket to build budgets and fatten retirement benefits.

The Chief, since so many people missed it, address the specific incident and laebeled its investigation as a top priiority. If people read it you would see that to avoid any appearence of impropriety / favortism the investigation was turned over to the Prosecuting Attorneys office using their ivnetigators, and not police.

So no, he is not looking for anyone to blame. What he is doing is ensuring the investigation does not get sidelined by the continuing protests.

It took OWS a couple of days to identify the officer. So how long will this investigation take? long enough for it to be out of the public's mind?
Because we have seen time and time again exactly how LEO polices itself.

With great power comes greater responsibility.

Originally posted by BadNinja68
The system has failed us time and time again. LEOs cannot, and will not police themselves.
They fight it tooth and nail.

Actually no we dont so you can drop the typical stereotyping and blanket comments. Ive pointed this out in other threads, and if people did some basic research you will see we dont have the same protections as civilians do.
Nice LA Times article on ( the lack of) cameras in the LAPD cars.

So when a cop faces an investigation, do they have to hire an attorney or suffer with a public pretender(defender) like a citizen?
Or do they get special representation?


The bulk of this is from people being unfamiliar with the laws and how they work. I will concede though, since no one is perfect, mistakes are made.

But civilians get to pay a little more.
If I made a fatal mistake on the job I doubt Id get a month off with pay while my boss asseses damage.

Well for starters we retain the same civil rights as civilians do. For someone who wants things to be fair, I dont understand the hypocricy in treating a profession in a blanket manner because of lack of knowledge. Using the same methods you accuse the police of is pretty hypocritical and in the end only makes you as bad as the cops you disdain.

Okay, next time I get in trouble I'll ask a PBA paid union lawyer to come in place of the public defender.
I'll ask my own companty to investigate, and i'll ask for my paycheck to be sent to my house while it's all being worked out.
I'll ask for it all to be done in private, and my companies affiliates will decide the outcome.

Politicians can't be arrested?..since when?
yeah we are all equal.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 01:10 PM
Really simple: You do NOT have the right to "occupy"


"occupy" carries with it an overt aggressive connotation. not part of our constitution. Compare/Contrast the Tea Party rallies, where the Tea Party said what they came to say, cleaned up after themselves, were respectful, non-violoent.

The same can't be said about these idiots at Occupy Stupid.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by Domo1
I just want to say one more thing really quick before everyone hop on the 'it keeps cops honest' bandwagon. Let's say you got into a fight with someone. Let's say you punched a guy for some reason. All of a sudden your family was being threatened for YOUR actions. Is that really fair? Post his name, sure. Just don't post his address and phone numbers, or the names of his family. Even if it is public information posting encourages violence. If you advocate non violence against protesters then advocate violence towards cops you are no better than the cops you profess to hate.

Well, yes and no, he is clearly a coward and now he has to plan on how to protect his family for his "mistake". It would it be different if instead of ANONYMOUS looking for him, he would it come out and face the music like a real man.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by CosmicEgg
They are here to PROTECT and SERVE. If they cannot do that without causing grievous harm, humiliation, and damage to those they are charged with said protection and service, then perhaps some consequences are in order. Same for anyone in a position of authority. They need to be the example of, not the exception to.

PROTECT and SERVE their corporate masters, you mean. That is their job now.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by AwakeinNM

Originally posted by CosmicEgg
They are here to PROTECT and SERVE. If they cannot do that without causing grievous harm, humiliation, and damage to those they are charged with said protection and service, then perhaps some consequences are in order. Same for anyone in a position of authority. They need to be the example of, not the exception to.

PROTECT and SERVE their corporate masters, you mean. That is their job now.

I have several friends that are peace officers. A deputy sheriff in Oregon, San Antonio PD, a NYC detective... they're just people. Just like you and I. This sort of bull# rhetoric is off-base, ignorant.

Stop it, and quit being stupid.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by Q:1984A:1776

Originally posted by Kali74
No, this isn't good at all and should be rejected en masse. We can't be fighting for american rights while stomping on others. Every citizen has the right to a trial and is innocent until proven guilty. Now that officer and any officer that is violated in this manor...their families are in danger and NO ONE has the right to do that. All they had to do was give the information to Mayor Quan, if it is even accurate information...where ever that is sourced from needs to be slammed with messages and emails of intolerance.

Trial? Hahahahaha! You've got to be kidding me. When the kid in my town with a cognitive deficiency was beaten to death by 6 cops, not one of them actually even went in front of a judge. They got a few months PAID suspension. There aren't any courts for men like him.

Gonna have to agree here. While it's nice to think in terms of warm, fuzzy hypotheticals, reality is much different. The corruption is rampant and thorough. This cop will NOT be held accountable by his own department or the mayor's office.

Slammed with emails, what a laff. I bet that marine is wishing he got slammed in the head by emails rather than a rubber slug from a cop's shotgun.

The day is nigh when these cops are going to go too far with too many people, and they are going to quickly realize that the badge does not make them invincible.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by AwakeinNM

Originally posted by Q:1984A:1776

Originally posted by Kali74
No, this isn't good at all and should be rejected en masse. We can't be fighting for american rights while stomping on others. Every citizen has the right to a trial and is innocent until proven guilty. Now that officer and any officer that is violated in this manor...their families are in danger and NO ONE has the right to do that. All they had to do was give the information to Mayor Quan, if it is even accurate information...where ever that is sourced from needs to be slammed with messages and emails of intolerance.

Trial? Hahahahaha! You've got to be kidding me. When the kid in my town with a cognitive deficiency was beaten to death by 6 cops, not one of them actually even went in front of a judge. They got a few months PAID suspension. There aren't any courts for men like him.

Gonna have to agree here. While it's nice to think in terms of warm, fuzzy hypotheticals, reality is much different. The corruption is rampant and thorough. This cop will NOT be held accountable by his own department or the mayor's office.

Slammed with emails, what a laff. I bet that marine is wishing he got slammed in the head by emails rather than a rubber slug from a cop's shotgun.

The day is nigh when these cops are going to go too far with too many people, and they are going to quickly realize that the badge does not make them invincible.

Let me guess: you got arrested at some point in your life and now you just hate the police?

Or, you're so ignorant that you fail to understand that these men and women deal with the dregs of society on a daily basis? You want a thankless job? Be a sheriff's deputy.

You have no idea of which you speak.

Your Indian name is: Ignorant

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by tangonine

Originally posted by AwakeinNM

Originally posted by CosmicEgg
They are here to PROTECT and SERVE. If they cannot do that without causing grievous harm, humiliation, and damage to those they are charged with said protection and service, then perhaps some consequences are in order. Same for anyone in a position of authority. They need to be the example of, not the exception to.

PROTECT and SERVE their corporate masters, you mean. That is their job now.

I have several friends that are peace officers. A deputy sheriff in Oregon, San Antonio PD, a NYC detective... they're just people. Just like you and I. This sort of bull# rhetoric is off-base, ignorant.

Stop it, and quit being stupid.

Quit being naive. Why do you think police departments look and act like military these days? Has the public become that much harder to protect? Against whom are these military-style police departments protecting us from? I haven't seen any threats out there that warrant a military presence.

Of course they are people, but they are the kinds of people who follow orders and enjoy being a unit in a heirarchal organization with a chain of command. They are capable (even more so than others) of being brainwashed. I'm sure some cops are aware of what is going on, but a lot are not. The ones who shoot protesters int he head with rubber slugs, for example.

So how about you stop being ignorant and cease the name-calling and cursing, since that seems to be your only way of arguing a point.

By the way, I know LE as well, so let's not get all high and mighty because you know some cops. I had a cousin who was a detective with Miami Dade Vice and Homicide departments.

edit on 1-11-2011 by AwakeinNM because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by Kali74

In a corrupt system, vigilante justice becomes the only justice....

The problem is keeping vigilante justice, JUST....


posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by tangonine

Really?>???? ASK your friends how many times they have seen fellow officers not follow constitutional principles? ask them if they've even read the consitution or if they just follow orders and the procedures that they are taught?? Ask them if they have ever searched someones car or forced them to give id when they didn't want to.

The police who disregard our liberty bring this type of retaliation on themselves, the police who put their club membership ahead of their sworn duty bring this on themselves. You can't carte blanche go after every police man but you can require that the individual LEOs that perpetrate acts such as these be held accountable...


posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by tangonine
The title of the OP should be "....who shot guy who got thrown out of the Marines and is the owner of"

He's not a "vet" he's a disgraced loser.

Since many of the Homeless in the USA are Veterans, are we to imply that they are disgraced losers as well?

You dont think for a second that this mans protest is legitimate?

When all 6 of the marines I know personally are severely wounded physically, emotionally and psychologically, medicated and haunted for the rest of their lives?

The very concept of war is a disgrace, the idea that we must kill humans and enjoy the process of killing is a disgrace.

I've never met a proud marine. War has changed.

This man had courage to say the beast was ugly, Wake up Marines.

To see our kings become a pawn is a tragedy to behold,

edit on 1-11-2011 by Gradius Maximus because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by AwakeinNM

Originally posted by tangonine

Originally posted by AwakeinNM

Originally posted by CosmicEgg
They are here to PROTECT and SERVE. If they cannot do that without causing grievous harm, humiliation, and damage to those they are charged with said protection and service, then perhaps some consequences are in order. Same for anyone in a position of authority. They need to be the example of, not the exception to.

PROTECT and SERVE their corporate masters, you mean. That is their job now.

I have several friends that are peace officers. A deputy sheriff in Oregon, San Antonio PD, a NYC detective... they're just people. Just like you and I. This sort of bull# rhetoric is off-base, ignorant.

Stop it, and quit being stupid.

Quit being naive. Why do you think police departments look and act like military these days? Has the public become that much harder to protect? Against whom are these military-style police departments protecting us from? Of course they are people, but they are the kinds of people who follow orders and enjoy being a unit in a heirarchal organization with a chain of command. They are capable (even more so than others) of being brainwashed. I'm sure some cops are aware of what is going on, but a lot are not. The ones who shoot protesters int he head with rubber slugs, for example.

So how about you stop being ignorant and cease the name-calling and cursing, since that seems to be your only way of arguing a point.

I'm not naive. In any sense. Police departments adapt to the threats we face. And it's apparent you don't actually know any peace officers, or you wouldn't be vomiting on your keyboard.

How about you stop being ignorant of the people that have sworn an oath to protect you?

I enjoy being in a cohesive unit of people I respect with a lawful (constitution) job... you apparently got your lunch money stolen as a child and now you lash out at authority via your keyboard.

Those men and women wearing state and county uniforms deserve your respect. They deal with what you (specifically: YOU) couldn't. They go home to their families at night. They get no respect.

You. are vile.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by tangonine

I don't agree with the OWS principles and I think they are protesting the wrong people, they should be in washington protesting their beloved leaders, however, it is everyone's right to peacably assemble and I stand behind that right even if the goal is one of ignorance.

LEOs and gov are getting out of control and it is the right and the necessity of the people to take control back.


posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 01:43 PM
Anyone that would kill this cop would be unjustly so
in doing. The cop did not kill anyone.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by Masterjaden
reply to post by tangonine

I don't agree with the OWS principles and I think they are protesting the wrong people, they should be in washington protesting their beloved leaders, however, it is everyone's right to peacably assemble and I stand behind that right even if the goal is one of ignorance.

LEOs and gov are getting out of control and it is the right and the necessity of the people to take control back.


I think we can agree to disagree? "Occupy" isn't in the constitution.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 01:49 PM
You guys need to think about why this cop would shoot someone on purpose. A veteran even.

Either it was done by accident or it was done on purpose for a very specific reason. If he is the one that did the two actions, both the shooting and the tossing, he is in charge and not out of control.

He's interested in starting a riot in order for them to stop all this protesting once and for all. Having a riot will allow them to bring out the big guns....

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by tangonine
I'm not naive. In any sense. Police departments adapt to the threats we face. And it's apparent you don't actually know any peace officers, or you wouldn't be vomiting on your keyboard.

How about you stop being ignorant of the people that have sworn an oath to protect you?

I enjoy being in a cohesive unit of people I respect with a lawful (constitution) job... you apparently got your lunch money stolen as a child and now you lash out at authority via your keyboard.

Those men and women wearing state and county uniforms deserve your respect. They deal with what you (specifically: YOU) couldn't. They go home to their families at night. They get no respect.

You. are vile.

Wow. Just wow. Talk about showing your hand.

I am guessing you are one of those cops or cop wannabes (I am guessing prison guard) who thinks that you DESERVE people's respect simply because you wear a uniform, right? Respect is earned, chief, not demanded. When one of yours shoots an unarmed civilian in the head, guess, what? He's not getting a lot of respect from the public.

You need to grow up and learn to respect people yourself, jack. Nice guy with the name-calling. I bet you get a lot of respect doing that around the house.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by tangonine

You can call this movement whatever name your creative mind comes up with and it will make it no less real. These people are here to stay and your snide remarks and the deplorable actions of this "peace officer" will only strengthen its resolve. You can hang up trying to discourage this bunch and start considering instead how to factor them into your world.

You have good cop friends congratulations. Well maybe your good cop friends would like to pay this officer a visit as well as the many good cops out there and remind this thug - this is not how we conduct business. This event in Oakland is especially egregious but its not some isolated incident. There are a catalog of lesser, similar and worse cases of police brutality to be found at ones fingertips and this trend is causing a deep rift between the good cops out there and the people they swore to protect, the jackbooted thugs could care less they live for this crap but the good cops are getting caught up in the middle of this and they need to act now.

Complacency is complicity. When the smoke finally settles a lot of hard questions are going to be asked and a lot of people are going to be held to account for what was done and what was not done to avert it.

How far are you willing to take this thing? I suggest we concentrate our efforts far less on being Law Enforcement Officers and put a great deal more into being Peace Officers.

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