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ANONYMOUS Identifies Cop Who Shot Marine Vet Scott Olsen

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posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

I still haven't seen one word on multiple Occupy sites, not even the video reposted. No news blurb, no post, nothing. All anyone seems to be talking about is what happened in Denver, the parade in NYC last night and the Strike in Oakland planned for tomorrow.

I'm failing also to see any talk of escalation...violent or otherwise. Do you have any links to the sites you're seeing this on because I'd like to know or you can do screen grabs of chats etc...just hit print screen then open paint and click paste. Thanks Wrabbit.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by CosmicEgg

Protect and Serve, not maim and kill.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 09:39 AM
I dont know man, I think that puts his wife and kids in danger too.
They should give out his precinct address instead.
edit on 1-11-2011 by Phenomium because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 09:47 AM
Did anyone notice that Anthony Bologna had a wiki page and now he doesnt.That page had his whole life story almost.Did anyone save it before they took it down?

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by camaro68ss
I live in the bay area, word moves fast here

You know what else moves fast? Crap down a toilet..Do we know this the right cop? The line has been drawn..and the trap has been set.

I hope nothing happens to this mans family because of this. You think its bad now wait and see what happens next. I am sure the ones "REALLY" behind the Occupies will be pleased.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by the4thhorseman

I hope nothing happens to this mans family because of this.

I do. If I saw a roach I'd crush it and it's babies too to prevent them from breeding more disgusting roaches.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 10:15 AM
Obviously it should be verified that this guy is responsible, but even if he is not directly responsible, he is associated with the responsible party. He has a sworn duty to the public, so if one of his fellow officers assaulted the public, it is still his duty to defend them accordingly, even against a fellow officer. Thus I think all Oakland police officers' information should be made public, not just this one officer. The families and neighbors of these officers are just as much part of the public as everyone else, so perhaps they should join the protest rather than huddling with the officers whom failed to perform their duty.

I think if someone in my family did something publicly shameful or outrageous, it is MY duty to put that family member in check. If my brother was a police officer who threw flashbangs and tear gas at peaceful protesters, I would take it as my responsibility to encourage him to face the music, not to try to hide with him and make myself his human shield.

It takes all of 18 seconds for a civilian criminal's information to be dispensed to the public when Johnny Law calls for a man hunt, but heaven forbid Johnny Law's information is dispensed to the public when he is a criminal. If this officer is caught, and he is innocent, I have a feeling he will be more than willing to drop dimes on whoever is really guilty. However I indict the entire police force that was present at the time for the above stated reasons.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 10:33 AM
If he is indeed the offending officer at the very least he should be fired and forced to pay for all of his victim's medical expenses, plus any income he lost as a result of being critically injured.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by Kali74
No, this isn't good at all and should be rejected en masse. We can't be fighting for american rights while stomping on others. Every citizen has the right to a trial and is innocent until proven guilty. Now that officer and any officer that is violated in this manor...their families are in danger and NO ONE has the right to do that. All they had to do was give the information to Mayor Quan, if it is even accurate information...where ever that is sourced from needs to be slammed with messages and emails of intolerance.

He does have a right to a trial and is innocent untill proven guilty.... in a court of law. We however are not in a court of law.I am sick of the idiology you are pushing here. Why should people let this guy skate long enough till noone even cares anymore. then when the case is finally heard and noone even remembers this guy anymore the judge will slap him on the wrist at best and he will be even more bitter at the public and still in the same position. this is the best case senario.

If someone slaps you in the face they deserve a punch in the nose. This guy deserves all of the negative attention he will get. As for his family, guilty by association i believe they call it. a lot of innocent people suffer because of a bad few. this is no different. Sadly, lessons are often times best learned the hard way. Scott Olsen risked his life and fought in wars for his country and had to learn that freedom wasn't free back here at home while expressing his constitutionally protected rights (agree with the cause or not, this is the fact of the matter). Now its this officers turn to learn.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 11:16 AM
I don't sit on one side or the other. Just for what is right. I don't jump on bandwagons either, I've believed our governments has plagued humanity even before this stupid movement. People are just taking advantage that's all. Fighting for what's right? You call protesting fighting? Gimme a break! protesting is annoyance at best. Good luck changing the world protesting, all you will end up doing is landing in jail or get your butt handed to you.

However, I know we reap what we sow and this is proof positive of that.

Remember that when you react to things. Try not to make a mistake. Or else your done for.

We humans expect perfection from others. When we make a mistake though we feel we should be forgiven. People are hypocrites, this OWS movement will implode on itself and restrict us further with new laws.

Thanks OWS! Thanks Anonymous! For a movement that was meant to make the world better, all you have done is make it less safe and more restricted.
Excellent job noobs! This is what happens when the lazy generation finds their voice. What did the 60's do for us? More restrictions....we have come full circle haven't we?

edit on 1-11-2011 by EspyderMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 11:21 AM
The title of the OP should be "....who shot guy who got thrown out of the Marines and is the owner of"

He's not a "vet" he's a disgraced loser.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by BadNinja68 the chief, has no clue who is responsible... and wants to bring other depts into the mix to take/share the blame?

Actually no, but way to misread the comment and add your spin to it. What the Chief said was Oakland PD does not use and has never used Rubber Bullets. Im not sure of your background, but when you have large scale events like this command of those situations falls to field supervisors utilizing department policy. The policies of the Oakland Police Department do not govern other agencies involved / mutual aided.

The Chief, since so many people missed it, address the specific incident and laebeled its investigation as a top priiority. If people read it you would see that to avoid any appearence of impropriety / favortism the investigation was turned over to the Prosecuting Attorneys office using their ivnetigators, and not police.

So no, he is not looking for anyone to blame. What he is doing is ensuring the investigation does not get sidelined by the continuing protests.

Originally posted by BadNinja68
The system has failed us time and time again. LEOs cannot, and will not police themselves.
They fight it tooth and nail.

Actually no we dont so you can drop the typical stereotyping and blanket comments. Ive pointed this out in other threads, and if people did some basic research you will see we dont have the same protections as civilians do.

If a civilian breaks the law an invetigation is conducted.
The civilian, if in custody and being asked guilt seeking questions, is mirandized before it. they can refuse to answer / cooperate per the 5th. Reports / evidence is submitted to the PA for charges / decline to charge.
This investigationr emains at the local level.
Thats it for civilian.

For Law Enforcement we have the following
The officer is investigated and if he is being asked guilt seeking question, 2 things occur.
* - The officer is mirandized
* - The officer is read his garrity rights

For Miranda we can chose to remain silent.
For Garrity, a superior officer can order the officer under investigation to answer the questions, even if they are guilt seeking questions. If the officer answers due to the order, that info cannot be used in criminal proceedings, but CAN be used against him in administrative hearings.

If the officer invokes the 5th and refuses to answer when given a direct order, his non cooperation can be used against him, and the refusal to answer under the order is viewed as withholding information and being dishonest.

In addition Law Enforcement is subject to -
City ordinance or state law
Federal 42 USC 1983 - Civil rights violation

Because of supreme Court rulings a review of an officers use of force can only be viewed as what the officer perceived at the exact moment force was used. Hindsight 20/20 is disallowed. Any time an officer uses force that is called into question, mechanisms in place kicks in.

IA of the officers department does an investigation
An Outside agency, usually state Police, is responsible for the complete investigation.
FBI does the investigation into potential civil rights violations.
The PA can also investigate once it receives submitted reports by the various groups.

Originally posted by BadNinja68
Unless we act, nothing will change.

I agree and encourage people to get involved.

Originally posted by BadNinja68
1.Time and time again we see abuse by LEO rewarded and not punished.
Suspension with pay for a crime that would see the average citizen in jail.

The bulk of this is from people being unfamiliar with the laws and how they work. I will concede though, since no one is perfect, mistakes are made.

Originally posted by BadNinja68
2. We never see a cop endure the same punishment as a citizen, they recieve special treatm,ent because they were hired by the police dept, when they SHOULD face more severe punishment for disgracing a position of honor.

Well for starters we retain the same civil rights as civilians do. For someone who wants things to be fair, I dont understand the hypocricy in treating a profession in a blanket manner because of lack of knowledge. Using the same methods you accuse the police of is pretty hypocritical and in the end only makes you as bad as the cops you disdain.

Originally posted by BadNinja68
3. If prosecutors and other cops actually DID THIER JOBS and arrested other corrupt cops and politicians we wouldn't have to address this publically now would we?

Again I refer you back to the law.
A sitting elected offical cannot be arrested. They must be voted out of office or removed by legislative action.
Plenty of cops are charged and arrested. However, again, what you personally think and what the law states are 2 different things. Based on your response thus far you seem to want to use what you feel is right while ignoring the rest / law.

certainly a valid position, but not practical.

Originally posted by BadNinja68
4. LEO depts fight furiously to remove video evidence, and here in CA they fight to keep cameras out of cruisers.. so there is no record of their crimes.

Actually we dont. We want more cameras with us specifically because of false allegations in addition to have an impartial witness, IE camera / audio recording, during dangerous encounters. California of all states is going fatrther with departments using body cameras, in addition to advanced Tasers with audio / video recording, and camera / audio being tested on officers duty weapons.

Originally posted by BadNinja68
5. When LEOs start acting like officers of the law instead ofan organized criminal element we can trust the systems.. until then, it's quite obvious why OWS wouldnt wait for the " Official Cover up.. err investigation.

again a valid opinion however just because you dont like a law doesnt mean its invalid.

As far as OWS goes, protesting is valid, rioting and destroying property is not. Not one person who has been arrested was arrested for protesting.

Originally posted by BadNinja68
How much more abuse do we take?
How much longer do we put faith in a system that has been altered to suit one group over the others?

The perception of abuse goes back to lack of knowledge of the law. Abuse does occur, but its not limited to just law enforcement. Exaplin to me why its wrong for cops to use pepper spray while its ok for "protestors" to throw rock, bottles, paint while destroying public and private property?

Originally posted by BadNinja68
How does if feel to know you will be held responsible for your violent acts, and canno longer hide behind a badge.?

Ive never held the opinion or belief that when I put the uniform on that im better than anyone else. To me it serves as a reminder that I answer to the people and the authority I have comes from the citizens.

How does it feel to make accusations you cant support in the manner you argued it?
How does it feel to not know the law while trying to claim bias / organized crime / preferential treatment?

If you noticed you would realize that to date the ones who ave been arrested were engaged in activities outside of protesting. The protests are still there, and the people who violated the law were charged, leaving the other protestors who are doing it correctly alone.

I dont mind be held accountible, and neither does the bulk of law enforcement. What we take exception to is when people who arent familiar with the laws and level of government who want to pass judgement based on their personal opinion and not the law.

If we used your logic, the police could lock anyone up since it would be based on their opinion and not law.
edit on 1-11-2011 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by TheInterceptor

Out of curiosity is there any reason you dont want to follow the law / constitution? In California if a person is killed and it is premeditated, then others involved, regardless if they pulled the trigger or someone else, can be charged the same.

If the cop is killed anonymous could be held liable for the death as well.

Also, they have absolutely no idea who shot the rubber bullet. The officer they highlighted is the one with the flash bangs.

There is a reason investigations occur - They are designed to rule out suspects while looking for the suspect. Anyonmous failed to do that, and did a 100 meter rush to judgement.

There is a reason investigations appear to be dragged out. Its to ensure all evidence supports the charges. By Anonymous doing this, they are making a leap of logic, which in the end will most likely blow up in their faces simply because the Flash Bang guy did not fire the rubber bullet.

Its difficult when a person is seriously injured / killed. Its worse though when the person accused of the injury / death is targeted only to find out after the fact they had nothing to do with the action.

As we all know, people who dont care for law enforcement dont really bother to read any corrections / follow ups in the paper (if the papers / media even report the correction).

1 death is bad enough
a second death based on misinformation and lack of understanding coupled with the rush to judgement makes the people who relased the info in the first place jsut as bad as the person they are accusing.
edit on 1-11-2011 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra

That is one of the best posts I've read here in a while, Xc. Nicely done. Logic, reason, law and reality. Well done sir.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by tangonine
reply to post by Xcathdra

That is one of the best posts I've read here in a while, Xc. Nicely done. Logic, reason, law and reality. Well done sir.

And probably completely wasted on the typical tin foil hat "I hate the police because they are TPTB's enforcers" ATSer.

Oh, and let's not forget the "I hate the police because they won't let me smoke pot where I want" ATSers.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 12:38 PM
I'm not sorry to say this, but any agents of the matrix are just a pawn and must deal with the backlash if they want to robotcially comply and support a corrupt system as pitbulls to protect the corporatocracy.

It's a wake up call for any agent of the matrix no matter who they are that they serve and protect their fellow human beings in peace not violence. If they can't do that then they must be responsible for their actions.


posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 12:52 PM
how do you prove that this information is accurate? it just shows a picture of what could be any cop, and it's not like the quality of the film is high enough to make out the individual faces behinds the masks well enough to figure out who it is. I mean even if you were there at that specific Occupy protest it would still be a very hard task to figure out exactly which cop did what, let alone weather or not he was purposfully aiming at his head. im not saying thats it's impossible for this information to be accurate im just saying i need to see exactly HOW it was determined that THIS guy was the one that shot scott olsen in the head/threw the flashbang into the crowd helping him. sort of playing devils advocate, but for a good reason; the tension in the atmosphere between the people and anyone else is very very high and there is a major risk of snapping. im all for doing whatever it takes for a revoloution if needed, but at the same time i dont want our side to basically get blamed for starting the "war"

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by free_spirit_earth
I'm not sorry to say this, but any agents of the matrix are just a pawn and must deal with the backlash if they want to robotcially comply and support a corrupt system as pitbulls to protect the corporatocracy.

It's a wake up call for any agent of the matrix no matter who they are that they serve and protect their fellow human beings in peace not violence. If they can't do that then they must be responsible for their actions.


the matrix? really? Look, dude, it's people like you.... awww nevermind. You're insane and I can't fix it with a post so:

fear the matrix. Buy a lot of tin foil, you'll apparently need it.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by Meekbot2000
and that is exactly what the govt/higher up want you to do, harass the officer and his family and become painted as trouble makers and a problem. then you will be suppressed using violence and force. hopefully the american protestors have someone to come in and help them defeat the facist regime.......... just like america helped libya

Americans don't need help lol....

that's why the second amendment is there.

Saying that our military were all on board with stopping the public, they still wouldn't have a chance in hell of stopping the american public in an all out war, our military is only 2 million strong at best and many of them are overseas and trust me, they would not ALL if even the majority did, join in against the american public.

We could have 50 million well armed americans fighting against a corrupt gov if it came to that and the military and leos would be fractured if it came to that.


posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by Kali74

The problem is this isn't going to trial. The police are going to dodge the truth on this one. It's easy to say it was an accident. I mean maybe it was really a horrible accident. The guy who did it should at least come forward and make a big public apology.

I mean him apologizing could cover his butt as well as Oakland PD...Nobody would likely accept his apology but if he went on national TV and cried his eyes out then I'd give him the benefit of the doubt.

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