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ANONYMOUS Identifies Cop Who Shot Marine Vet Scott Olsen

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posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 06:21 AM
reply to post by IDisagree

I'm pretty sure if they'd named the wrong guy then he would be damn quick to say so and prove his innocence..

The fact that this cop has remained silent is almost proof enough..

I seriously don't think they should have revealed his address though..

Just his name and station would have been enough IMO..

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 06:25 AM
For me, the "transmission" looks nothing like anonymous did before, so who knows...
Is it conformed that this is from anon?

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 06:58 AM

Originally posted by facelift
How many here are 100% sure that the guy Anon has singled out is the guilty Cop? should be confirmed before beating his ass.

this. is. what. lynch. mob. looks. like.


this. is. what. lynch. mob. looks. like.

(jazz hands)

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 07:00 AM

Originally posted by AnimositisominA
it would be catastrophic for the OWS movement if the officer became a martyr.

lol. just lol.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by verschickter

yeah i guess you are right maybe it is not anon doing maybe it is someones else doing

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 07:09 AM
After reading the many responses to this thread I can see that many are divided on whats right and whats needed.

The officer that shot the Marine in the head from about 10 feet and then threw a stun grenade knew what he was doing. His actions are acceptable to his employer and therein lies the problem in America.

Corruption, complete unaccountability for their actions and a complicity to cover up for each other shows us all that while this officer may be mentally challenged, numbed down, low IQ, policeman, his actions are criminal.

Since we know no one in authority will do anything but commend this officer for his actions or state that his actions were warranted, we should begin to see that it is not just this one officer that is part of Americas problem.

It is the whole system of criminal corruption and complicity in law enforcement all around the nations that mirrors the unaccountability of our Justice Dept.

Eric Holder the supposed Attorney General for the nation is a criminal himself with what I know about the gun running issue, but the point I wanted to make is that no amount of shame or Internet harassment will change the officer or the system that has allowed him to be where he is today.

This problem of systemic criminal corruption and complicity has also infected our justice system and the judges that sit in the courts.

When we read of police and Judges arresting and sentencing our youth and people for crimes they didn't commit in order to keep the prison industry doing is just another example of corruption, greed and complicity throughout the entire system, not just some Hog Boss law enforcement type that likes to hurt people because he knows he can get away with no one saying anything but keep up the good work.

Police, FBI, DEA, Justice Dept. and many more areas of our nation are all plagued with the same internal and ingrained system of corruption and criminal behavior.

It has become all about money and power. As long as police chiefs and law enforcement officers can be bribed into a systemic organized criminal structure of behavior, nothing will ever change, not even the officer that shot the Marine in the face from 10 feet away and then added insult to injury with a stun grenade.

This should tell and show those that aren't brain dead that while death did not occur to the Marine victim, I have no doubt that it would not have bothered this criminal cop one second to kill someone, because he knew that that thin blue line of criminal corruption that he has worked in for so long will do nothing to him.

This is our problem and not some riot officer just shooting someone in the face with a tear gas grenade and then throwing a stun grenade at them for added fun.

Corruption, greed and criminal complicity have undermined and destroyed all vestiges of real crime enforcement in America and it shows more than most are willing to talk about.

Today only the citizens get arrested. The elite, the judges, the banker, those in law enforcement in DEA, Customs, FBI, and others are all exempt from accountability. They are as departments a joke these days. They couldn't investigate anything these days that really matters to America without some political guidance and instructions from the puppet masters. In fact, they obstruct more justice than they investigate by just looking at the FBI and 911.

It is time to focus on cops like the one in question, but is more than time to see that the whole system is no longer anything that protects the people. Its all about protecting the corporations, politicians and anything that would impact their money making system. Sometimes this involves outright murder of those that threaten their system of criminal corruption.

Thanks for the thread, but I doubt anyone will do anything to this guy's family. Most will understand that family have nothing to do with the actions of their father and husband, so I dont expect anything to happen to the family, but something should happen to the officer. If nothing happens, then it is business as usual and that means exactly what it means.

It means that no real crime will ever be pursued against those that follow the orders of those above, even if those orders are as dumb as dirt and even if they harm or kill someone. This is why the entire nations systems of government clearly show no ability to function as intended within the law and is beyond being fixed by good leadership. The system must get rid of the criminals no matter who they are.

The criminals within the system are the ones that need to be in jails. With so much corruption and real crime on the streets, a department could do well for a long time by just doing its job in a moral and true fashion.

Oh well. just remember, its the system that is corrupt and it is why it is protected at all costs by officers that follow orders and even enjoy bashing heads or killing those that were clearly unarmed and posed no real danger to anyone's life.

Thanks again.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by Djarums

You are either FOR equality, fairness, justice, and rights for all, or you're AGAINST it. You can not cry for rights for some and ignore rights for others or you are no better than those you protest against.

I can see your point however

OWS has always been about the misuse of authority and power. Few of the accused get to go into a trial with their anonymity intact or without facing the repercussion of being accused. There has been time for the "proper" authority figures to take some action on this and there has been none. OWS is not about protecting the rights of others to perpetrate violent acts in the name of the 1%. Often examples are made of citizens who commit a crime in order to discourage others from doing the same, this is a common and accepted tactic of our law enforcement system. If the officer in question here had been arrested it would not be left to the 99% of the population that feel they have no recourse within your touted system to take action.

Lastly I would ask you what of the rights of the wounded veteran? Who protects him?

edit on 11/1/2011 by iforget because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 07:31 AM

Originally posted by psyop911

this. is. what. lynch. mob. looks. like.

(jazz hands)

that is why Gadhafi's lynching was beamed around te world.

it was to show people what to do.

this is going to be one ugly planet in a few months.

this was supposed to be be peaceful protesting.

peaceful protests will lead to

and then when the blood is flowing make sure you BUY BUY BUY !!!!!

Baron Rothschild, an 18th century British nobleman and member of the Rothschild banking family, is credited with saying that "The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets."

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by Domo1
reply to post by GodefroydeBouillon

I hope he is (assuming this is the correct officer of course) suspended for a month or two without pay and retrained on the force continuum. I think it's possible that he just made a mistake, but more probable that the head shot was intentional.

Suspended my but. How about fired? How about charged criminally? How about fired then charged?

How about they won't do a damn thing so therefore we have to take the law into our own hands by placing his name on the net and feeding him to the wolves.

What a sad way to seek justice. Sad that our system works against us. Sad that the very people we put into power betrays us. Sad that so many of the very people we trust that have sworn to protect us have turned against us.


posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 08:14 AM
"A mob is nothing more than a group of people who impose their will on others. "

By that logic:
A) Law enforcement is a mob
B) Government is a mob
C) Small clubs (Lions club, Masons) are mobs
D) Companies are mobs
E) Schools are mobs
F) Religions are mobs
G) ATS is a mob
H) People who love Apple products are a mob

I could go through the entire alphabet twice and still not be done...

Cops are not above the law they supposedly "enforce"... Accountability should be top priority in such an open an violent field (just as it should be in war and economics).

I know there are many many many good men and women keeping crime down and helping those in need, but this goes beyond the "Call of Duty" and steps into brutality and senselessness..

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 08:40 AM
I did not realize it was the same guy that shot at head level and tossed the grenade into the crowd of people responding to Scott. Cyber justice in the 21st century, and the 'you can't hide' applies not just to the people, but officials too.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 08:48 AM

Originally posted by Kali74
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Odd. I'm sorry you're feeling the way you are and that it's distressing you. Since I heard the news of the officers details being released, I went to as well as OWS main forums chat and stream and spent quite a while on all, I didn't read one word about the "Anon" release.

I wish I'd been able to record the streams out of that, though I've yet to figure out how LiveStream can be recorded in a clean and usable way. Perhaps .. oh it's probably not worth the effort anymore.

Kali... You represent the part of the movement that I was proud to be a part of..and still would be, if it represented the majority. It simply doesn't appear to any longer....I wish you and the rest with decent hearts in all this, the very best. I hope no one that means well gets hurt in what is coming and how some of these locations will inevtiably push to a final conclusion to their little party. Oh well.... I'm just depressed....

Someday maybe i'll write a book about my own experiences and what I was directly a part of, saw, and helped 'handle' in the camp I was at....not to mention the LiveStream activity I've been watching every night I haven't been in-camp for nearly 4 weeks straight now. ugh.. I need a vacation is what I need.

Anyone know of a place to vacation where liberals and radical lefties just don't wanna go?? I need about 10 days in such a place to just get back in touch with the real world...where cops are NOT targets for blind hate, and the government is something to CHANGE...not violently destroy.

edit on 1-11-2011 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 08:50 AM
Let us not forget Who is suppose to be running this Nation.

For those of you who are unaware as to WHO is suppose to be in charge allow me to remind each of us.

We the People.

Anonymous, is a group of citizens who release information the establishment desires to hide from the Boss, US. Seems they are doing the Boss a real service.

Our Police Officers are NOT above the Law. No matter what they believe, and We the People need to know and identify each of the Police Officers who think that they are.

Too long have our Police Officers hidden behind a veil of anonymity. Allowing them to commit crimes against the very people they should protect. The Oakland officer is a prime example of that mind set. If he “knew” that he would be identified as the brutal bully that he is, he would have thought better than to injure a peaceful human being. Now all his neighbors know who he really is, each time he goes to the supermarket everyone will recognize him for what he is.

This is a GOOD thing. It should occur with each and everyone of these bullies.

And, Yes is family will also have to wear the Shame is has brought home.

This is also GOOD .

This incident goes to the ROOT of the real problem in this Nation, the lack of Good Moral Character.

Good Moral Character is doing the right thing even when no one is watching.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 08:54 AM
He was ready to dish it out. He can take it now. Perhaps it'll teach other officers not to do the same and hurt their fellow man.

Bad decisions can have bad consequences. Nobody has immunity.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by Domo1

not really sure how Anonymous pulled this one out of their buts being Oakland PD doesnt use rubber bullets. The officer on video is tossing 2 flashbangs. The chief stated other law enforcement agencies were present, and some of them use rubber bullets.

Is there any particular reason Anonymous couldnt wait for the independant investigation to run its course?
Or does anonymous think a persons civil rights are only valid when they say?

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 09:06 AM
I assume no further information has come to light about the methods by which Anonymous managed to identify the officer responsible for the tear gas, flashbang combo.

If I may, I would like to point out one glaringly obvious thing about Anonymous that most of us appear to have completely ignored thus far within the confines of this thread. Anonymous is a community of HACKERS and script kiddies. They no more require to pore over photos and video of the event to determine the identity of a certain individual, than you or I need to do a course in physics and engineering before figuring out the complicated workings of our shoelaces.

As far as I am aware , when an officer has been at a protest or at any incident, they are required to fill out reports about what they did, where they were, and what happened while they were there. These reports do not just sit in filing cabinets. Im sure some forces carry that data in computer files , or that copies are kept in computerised formats in case of fire and so on.

All it would have taken , for Anon to get at those bits of information, would be a well placed hack and a few hours sorting through after action reports, to figure out who was responsible. If only four or five officers at that part of the protest were even carrying tear gas launchers, then the chances are that it was one of them. If a few never fired thier weapon, then chances are it wasnt them (unless other reports invalidate that claim) but one of the other officers who have admitted to firing a round. At that point you could examine the information at squad level so to speak, to find out which officers were in what precise location. At that point you only have to know which officer was pointed in the correct direction, at the right time of day , to have fired the shot. Its not just guess work at that point.

It would stand in a court of law pretty well as supporting evidence, and if forensics had been done at the time , there would be a hell of a lot less question as to what happened. Of course the forensics guys are employed by PD so... yeah.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 09:08 AM
I applaud the fact that Anonymous found the officer who did this
I don't agree with them publishing his name/address/phone

I think it would have simply been more appropriate to announce something like "We've identified the offender in question and are withholding his personal information pending a formal investigation into his actions of that day"

This Marine IS pressing charges is he not?

Somebody, somewhere IS calling for an investigation into this, correct?

If this gets ignored or swept aside after attempts to handle this using due-process, THEN and only THEN would I support Anonymous releasing this information into the public.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by Domo1

I'm with you in staving off the lynch mob mentality, and unless we are aware of Anon's methods in identifying this officer how can we really know - that whole "deny ignorance" creed of this website. We need to do the traces ourselves, or at least take the word of a trusted ATS member. Granted most of us, I believe, are not as talented network hackers as some anonymous members, but again put all the cards on the table so the collective can make judgment as to whether this officer is guilty.

If so, if guilt is there, then it's best that his superiors handle him. Best case scenario, is Anonymous passes all its research to official channels and he loses his job and does time in prison - if he purposefully shot that Marine and he purposefully fired that flash-bang into those rendering aid. Because if all that is true, then he's nothing more than a thug and the police don't want him in their ranks either.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by Xcathdra
reply to post by Domo1

not really sure how Anonymous pulled this one out of their buts being Oakland PD doesnt use rubber bullets. The officer on video is tossing 2 flashbangs. The chief stated other law enforcement agencies were present, and some of them use rubber bullets. the chief, has no clue who is responsible... and wants to bring other depts into the mix to take/share the blame?

Is there any particular reason Anonymous couldnt wait for the independant investigation to run its course?
Or does anonymous think a persons civil rights are only valid when they say?

The system has failed us time and time again. LEOs cannot, and will not police themselves.
They fight it tooth and nail.

Unless we act, nothing will change.

1.Time and time again we see abuse by LEO rewarded and not punished.
Suspension with pay for a crime that would see the average citizen in jail.

2. We never see a cop endure the same punishment as a citizen, they recieve special treatm,ent because they were hired by the police dept, when they SHOULD face more severe punishment for disgracing a position of honor.

3. If prosecutors and other cops actually DID THIER JOBS and arrested other corrupt cops and politicians we wouldn't have to address this publically now would we?

4. LEO depts fight furiously to remove video evidence, and here in CA they fight to keep cameras out of cruisers.. so there is no record of their crimes.

5. When LEOs start acting like officers of the law instead ofan organized criminal element we can trust the systems.. until then, it's quite obvious why OWS wouldnt wait for the " Official Cover up.. err investigation.

How much more abuse do we take?
How much longer do we put faith in a system that has been altered to suit one group over the others?

How does if feel to know you will be held responsible for your violent acts, and canno longer hide behind a badge.?

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 09:32 AM
How many police officers are there in th United States?

Of course there are police who have issue and are unfit to perform their duties in a responsible way.

Of course they are dangerous to the public.

Of course they should be held accountable.

The issue here is that the Oakland Police Department did not immediately reprimand, suspend the officer, and make a public statement letting the public know this was unacceptable and dealt with. By failing to do so they have put this officer and his family at risk, but more importantly broken the public trust.

This officer needs to be held legally and publicly accountable for his actions, but no man or his family deserve the mob that now comes his way, because just as there are unstable and unfit Police officers amongst a majority of well meaning police officers...there are unstable members of the mob amongst the majority that simply want to be heard. This man and his family are now in harms way.

The Oakland Police department should have been ahead of this IMO. They should have understood the consequences of inaction and been very public and aggressive with their internal investigation, let the public know the actions were unacceptable and the officer would face the consequences. Justice should stand between the mob and the accused and the Oakland PD failed to this quickly.

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