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Why would you oppose a one world governement?

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posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 01:22 AM
reply to post by muse7

Global Community, NOT Global Government.

Everyone can be free to do what they want so long as they don't infringe on anyone else's right to do the same.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 01:30 AM
Nations are a must for us and its only natural to seperate ourselves so we can ''bring ourselves to our true potential'' because lets face it,we aren't all one and only destruction and confusion would come if we all ''became one''.

As a species,we have no true potential and can you imagine what the world would be like if all borders were gone? having third world folk in our lands turning them into ghettos?(thats alread happening sadly).Its best to leave those who can progress to themselves and those who can't to themselves.
I've also had enough of this divide and conquer agenda they have for the western world and on top of that,the ethnic cleansing of westerners.(yes its an admitted agenda)

Welcome to reality.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 01:48 AM
I don't oppose a peaceful, fair, free, compassionate one world government. I do however oppose a one world government that simply serves to consolidate the power and control of the existing elite, which is what we seem to be headed toward right now.

If a global governance structure could emerge that wasn't in the hands of the same people who have the most power and wealth today, I would support it. I hate the invisible lines that we allow to divide us. But just because a government is global does not automatically free it of corruption.

Just my two cents. Peace.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 02:01 AM
Well, the files from 1956 states that the NWO will take over after the EU,has been on the "market" a while.

Eu :195720102014

Nwo :20102014 +

The Nwo is Basically the same as the EU,just with future set goals.

It also says that the reason for one world government is due the joining of an galactic federation,hence the making of the Us Space command wich has been active since 1976,and sent out to find similar planets like our own.

We have the option to travel among stars.

In 1984 it found 3 planets,the closest one and the most similar to our own were Gliese 581g, they decided to inform the public media in 2010. The 2 others are to far away.

With the help of lockheed martin,the ship contains the ability to force out gravitational pull.

Wich also a former friend confirms,boyd bushman,in lockheed martin.

Thats all i can find. Our goal is one world govermentunion =HUMAN.

edit on 1-11-2011 by Archirvion because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 03:02 AM
I support a global law and order, whereby we can control and maintain civil disorder, such as the somali pirates and robert mugabe, we need to take charge of these people before they can get out of hand such as it has, its like letting a gang roam free In new york in modern times. And letting it grow to such a size that war is inevitable....

But then again some people would call it suppression if the somali pirates were taken down as they started


Truth is the world has too many opinions to make any solution work. ONE MIND is the only solution.

But I have my own opinion and ill fight till the death for what I believe and so will everyone else.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 03:17 AM

Originally posted by daskakik

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
The Constitution our Founding Fathers made up was the best there is. You won't find a better one. I am tired of people whining about our Constitution and how bad it is. People just make a pitch for socialism and direct democracy. It's just getting so old listening to Utopians beg for their happy world where no one has to work.

That's your opinion. I disagree. I think the Swiss have a better constitution so I already found one.

How is direct democracy within a constitutional republic worse than representative government within a constitutional republic? One of the biggest gripes all around is that DC doesn't do the will of the people. What better way than having the people speak for themselves?

Who said anything about Utopia and not having to work?

edit on 31-10-2011 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

The swizz constitution doesn't have to deal with 400 million people.

Its incomparable.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 03:30 AM
The OP is right. There should be just one big world . . . with me in charge of everything!!!!!

Hope y'all like choklit ice-cream.

In a sense we do have a one world government already. The governing principle of this one world government that we live under is the psychopathology of paranoid self interest.

That is the unifying principle that maintains the world in the situation that currently persists.

Paranoid self interest has been the dominant modality throughout the history of life on the planet.

There is no confidence in the notion that paranoid self interest should be discarded as the governing principle of human behavior.

The best that those who have championed the development of a new governing principle have been able to come up with as an alternative to paranoid self interest is paranoid mutual interest.

This is a giant step for mankind, but coming as it did after billions of years of paranoid self interest, it should only be considered, tested and experimented upon with extreme caution.

Nature's way is paranoid self interest with radical decentralization of planning. Time tested and true.

Man, of course is an exceptional case in Nature. He is the teenager who has been given the keys to the car of evolution. Based on performance to date, can man be trusted to act in the best interests of the species as a whole? Or should planning remain decentralized, as in nature, with numerous jurisdictions and regimes?

This program will now pause for a commercial break on behalf of Ipsechoklit Ice Cream, the flavor we all like.
edit on 1-11-2011 by ipsedixit because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 04:17 AM

Originally posted by daskakik
I'm all for it. I hope it happens in my lifetime because I want to see if all the blowhards are really going to fight it with every last drop of blood in their veins.

Concentration of power in a few hands? How about placing the power in the hands of the people at a local level, in representatives at the national level and one world coordination at the world level. An expanded Swiss model should work.

It will happen in your lifetime, and it will end your life. The Media has already begun its complaints against the growth in population and the 'ageing' population which will be a burden in the future. In 20 years, all they need to show to the new, violent, uncaring Generation Z are pictures of our Generation X, drinking, smoking, taking drugs, having tattoos, eating junk food, polluting the planet, making wars, etc., and that will be enough for that Generation to agree for us to die early - enforced Euthanasia. Say bye bye to your family, take the Demise pill and be happy that you're doing the "right thing" for society....

And who do we complain to if there's a One World Government??? The World says so - so it must be right.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 04:56 AM
All the attempts to centralize power and planning in the world have led to the creation of privileged elites and mass slaughter. And none of these regimes have lasted. The longest lasting ones have been the oldest ones. With the development of more powerful technologies we have seen the rapid rise of totalitarian mass movements around the world and their almost instantaneous, in historical terms, eradication and removal from the planetary scene.

Currently the ruling oligarchy in the United States is in the process of self destructing, illustrating the beauty of the dynamics of paranoid self interest as a governing principle for mankind. The rotten, bloated fruit eventually drop off the tree, leaving space for others to ripen.
edit on 1-11-2011 by ipsedixit because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 05:11 AM
reply to post by 547000

No, it's very simple.
People will have to change, ARE changing of their own accord.
We have learned to communicate at a level & speed that was never before possible, and guess what? we have discovered that we ALL want peace, we ALL have the same morals, we ALL have learned to respect each other as fellow humans. Yes, you may argue, but nobody wants to kill anybody anymore.

What must happen next is the removal of the hate-spreading propaganda & use of religion/politics in that respect.
What you term 'the spock people' are merely people who have cast their emotions & prejudice to one side, and looked at the problem, like this:

Problem; Earth's population at 7B and climbing.

Solution 1; Kill most of the people.

Solution 2; Reorganise the whole global structure from the bottom, there ARE enough resources to feed, house, & clothe 7 Billion people

One word: Zeitgeist.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 05:15 AM
When we colonize the moon and mars and the average joe can book a holiday to another planet, earth will seem very small and the concept of lines on a map dividing us almost silly, globalization and the technological changes that are coming our way will naturally result in humans creating one world form of governance...but this is centuries away and as i said will happen naturally. Trying to do anything of the sort now will only result in a very destructive end for all those involved.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 05:20 AM
reply to post by Solomons

I agree with you, but we don't have the luxury of time.
They have pushed the agenda forward (to coincide with the 2012 propaganda) and therefore, so must we.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 05:20 AM

Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux

Originally posted by muse7
I actually wouldn't mind a one world government

We would have to create special rehabilitation camps to make people realize that a world that is united is better, religion and values would also be taken care of at those camps
edit on 10/30/2011 by muse7 because: (no reason given)

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! "We"? Ohhhhhhh! So you and others would be in charge of this borderless one world government? Whew! All righty then, count me in. Do I kneel and swear fealty now, or do I have to take some kind of test first?

I'm right there with you, Jean Paul!

Didn't the Germans have camps like that in WWII? That worked out pretty well, didn't it? And the Soviets had those nice Gulag resorts, just like the described camps...

Here's an idea: the OP can convince FEMA to run the camps for this NWO government, and we'll all be one big happy Kumbaya singin' family! Won't that be fun?

I've always wanted to live in a Concentration Camp, and can't seem to convince this backwards government we have now to set any of them up. Now the OP has the answer for us!

Get outta my way folks! Where do I sign the dotted line?

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 05:34 AM
Any kind of mass movement to reorganize the world as a unit, is made to order for a totalitarian coup.

The danger is that as technologies become more powerful, a mass movement of "useful idiots" can become the tool of those who are motivated, as most people have been throughout most of man's history, by paranoid self interest.

Trends being what they are, the regime that emerged, would undoubtedly produce the greatest mass slaughter in the history of humanity.

I'm very mistrustful of mass movements, no matter how well intentioned. By the end of the "hippie" sixties of the last century, the art of the "rip off" had been perfected, the musicians were all "takin' care of business", and the seeds for the international drug cartels and everything they stand for had been planted.

History is history though. We live in interesting times. They are a prelude to events that I am very apprehensive about. Keeping my fingers crossed.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 05:34 AM
reply to post by playswithmachines

People are not changing of their own accord. Research into the Frankfurt Institute and Fabianism. I can guarantee the future will be bloody. It will result in anarchy or just another form of marxism. Or maybe Islam will take over.

Either way you will be brainwashed or destroyed. The spock people and the people who believe in individual dignity will always fight. Until a tyrant comes or a religion is formed that all accept (or probably both at the same time), we cannot unite. Until God Himself comes there will not be lasting peace.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 05:39 AM
reply to post by muse7

Scottish or York? My granddad was a 33 degree freemason ... whoopie doo, who cares? Who appointed your high degree?

One world government ... NO NO NO! The U.N. seems to have taken that job, U.N. and the pop want a one world economic system ... next there will be a one-world government ... this is kingdom of antichrist. Am I for this? NO

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 06:32 AM
I love the amount of people in this thread who laugh at the OP's question and mock it but avoid actually giving a reason as to why they believe it's a bad thing and just wait for someone else to give a reason. You can see the question ticking over in their head as they type "errrr, why do i believe it a bad thing? I dont know... oh wait, ATS told me it is".

A lot of people need to start thinking for themselves and not just being spoon-fed by this website.

On to the actual subject at hand and you do have to ask "why would it actually be such a bad thing?" I mean the World is hardly a wonderful place at the minute and you all sit on ATS criticising every government under the sun and nearly every decision they make. It's not as if this planet can get much worse..

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 07:10 AM
reply to post by 547000

Sorry, but i'm not going to wait for God to come along & solve all our problems

I think we are in this on our own.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 07:21 AM
reply to post by Liamoville

I don't take anything on ATS as gospel, no.
But i HAVE read the ORIGINAL CFR report from 1972 where it states clearly what the agenda is.
How many people here have read it??
Everything on a global scale that has happened since then has been planned.
It is NOT hearsay, it is straight from the source.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 07:36 AM
In response to the OP's question...

I would not have objection to a One World Government, as long as it has been established by a benevolent entity who is not going to die and leave the governmant in the hands of some despot. I prefer my despots to be limited to well defined national bounderies.

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