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Why would you oppose a one world governement?

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posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by Astyanax

People who behave obnoxiously abdicate the right to demand courtesy of others.

Good, because I am in no mood to extend you any courtesy. Your off topic nonsense is way past obnoxious it is just plain babble.

Let’s not pretend anything. Let’s look at the facts instead. I already asked you to post examples of an international border created by ideology.

Oh for crying out loud! David stole Jerusalem to build a nation state for Jews. The entire Middle East is a hot bed of borders created by ideological disputes. Both Arabs and Jews claim lineage to Abraham, but the splitting of the tribes has created much of the borders that exist in the Middle East.

Israel is all about ideological disputes! Did you really need this explained to you?

I am unclear what you attempted to do, but it appears you were actually yourself trying to show how borders are created by ideological differences with your last little rant. If this is not the case you should clarify that. Most assuredly the border between the Korea's is an ideological difference as it is in Vietnam. The borders between China and Russia, at least today and certainly during the time of Chairman Mao, as in the Sino-Soviet borders was all about ideology, and remarkably a dispute between two communist nations.

Are you confused and think that it is now you arguing that borders are a product of ideological differences? Because your response earlier claimed that "ideological differences follow much later". The modern State of Israel alone, roundly refutes your silly argument, but now you seem to want to frame it as if you hadn't made such a silly game. Of course, I don't blame you for wanting to disassociate yourself from your nonsensical claims, but even so, some honesty from you would be refreshing, and I don't mean expressing your emotions honestly, obviously you are quite capable of this, but how about some rational honesty? Would you like to have a go at that?

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 05:37 PM
One world government, one world currency, one world religion, those who don't comply should be eliminated, a world in peace finally, etc.

It sounds really nice, but it doesn't sound any new to me. This very story is still in Revelation 13. The merge of one world political power and one world religious power (Catholic church).

Maybe all of that old school religious "bull#" is starting to come true for some.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by kev_i_f_ont
reply to post by muse7

You are right that a one-world government CAN be a good thing... the problem with the PEOPLE who are running it. The Elitists who are pushing for World government today are not fit to run a freakin' McDonald's. They are psychopathic, genocidal maniacs. Do you want them running a World Government. I sure as hell wouldn't.

Hmmm so I am seeing many saying the NWO would be good if it wasn't for people...

So then we need to eliminate people from the equation...

Ermmm wait a sec... isn't that just what CTers are saying is the plan of the NWO?

Well it is certainly in the UN Agenda 21 documentation. It is not a theory, it is a plan of action by the UN and the Club of Rome. After that, the people who are left will be easier to manage, and TPTB already have the money and the gold and supplies. They will just whip the leftover slaves into compliance and force them to raise crops for them.
edit on 31-10-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
[So you want to amend the US Constitution to work in tandem with a Swiss model of a Not yet written Earth Constitution? What pie in the sky are you in? Dare I ask what amendments you would like to see? Probably a re write of the ERA I'm guessing. We already have equal rights, you just want more equal rights for special interests.
Didn't you know that the Earth Constitution has already been written though? It's called the Georgia Guidestones and inspired by UN Agenda 21 and the Earth Summit.

There isn't a OWG so why would there be a constitution written for it? Did the colonies have a constitution before 1776? They just made one up. Why can't people in this day and age do the same?

I have no idea what amendments would be needed. One thing I do know is that you would oppose them no matter what they were. So why bother.

The Georgia Guidestones are not the constitution that I stand behind.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 05:41 PM
Yes i would be opposed to it.

The idea of getting rid of borders, and boundaries is a good one. But it simply will never work.

The way our society is built up, things will never really change. We have leaders for everything, if not there will be a group which has the majority of the voice (as in what rules are set out). without a leader, people will become their own leaders... for instance a group of people who oppose the system put into place. Simply because they do not agree with it... No single human being thinks alike, we all have our own preferences, we can accept some things even if not preffered, but at the end of the day there will always be one thing which is simply WRONG.

I think if a "one government" system were to come into place... it would be exactly the same. There will always be one authority who uses the rest of mankind for their own gain. Whether it be bankers or war criminals... people will still suffer because of the rules and regulations put into place by the "supreme masters".

I honestly think the way things are now are OK compared to how they could be with one world power.

We need multiple powers. I don't agree with the current system in place... but there really is nothing that can be changed about world powers. There will always be more than one.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by daskakik

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
[So you want to amend the US Constitution to work in tandem with a Swiss model of a Not yet written Earth Constitution? What pie in the sky are you in? Dare I ask what amendments you would like to see? Probably a re write of the ERA I'm guessing. We already have equal rights, you just want more equal rights for special interests.
Didn't you know that the Earth Constitution has already been written though? It's called the Georgia Guidestones and inspired by UN Agenda 21 and the Earth Summit.

There isn't a OWG so why would there be a constitution written for it? Did the colonies have a constitution before 1776? They just made one up. Why can't people in this day and age do the same?

I have no idea what amendments would be needed. One thing I do know is that you would oppose them no matter what they were. So why bother.

The Georgia Guidestones are not the constitution that I stand behind.

TPTB have been organizing and planning their OWG for a century. They have built the infrastructure they need for it, although a few components are still necessary, like the transcorridor highway running from Mexico to canada. But the UN, the World Bank and the IMF are already major components in place. The International Criminal Court has been in the making. Hillary is already writing parts of the new document with her Rights of The Child etc.

So you are still behind the US Constitution but you want some kind of amendment? What would be the point of it?
edit on 31-10-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
TPTB have been organizing and planning their OWG for a century.

Not the one I would like to see come true.

So you are still behind the US Constitution but you want some kind of amendment? What would be the point of it?[

Don't really understand your question? I guess your saying that you would still follow the US constitution when in the US. Correct and in different countries you would follow their laws. Some things would be world laws and no country would be able to make laws that go against the Earth Constitution. Just like state laws cant be unconstituional.

So when someone claims something is unconstitutional they would be talking world wide and not just their country. Countries are free to make whatever laws they need to function as long as they are not unconstituional.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by muse7

I oppose a one world country because I have nothing in common with the third world, and do not intend to lower my standard of living to theirs.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by muse7

reply to OP....

My feeling, as yours, as that it would be amazing!

I personally think that a good portion of people in our world are concrete thinkers who need labels and life-or-death competition such as in Capitalism. I think eventually a One World Government can be a reality but a major precursor is that we be able to TRUST our leadership... obviously we aren't even close. I believe also that it will take a major paradigm shift to kick us up a notch, such as proven, obvious extra-terrestrial contact, or on a darker note, World War III (hopefully not).

As a further sidenote, I think we're becoming more "Universal" all the time concerning money and trade and eventually it may become status quo that the idea of borders makes no sense.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 06:16 PM
I think it is possible, but I also think it would take a terrible event such as a world war or an alien invasion for such a thing to happen. And I don't know that it would develop into a system that many would be happy with.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by muse7

Well, because I've been brainwashed to be a nationalistic patriot by my leaders. They forced me to believe its better for the country to suffer and its citizens even die as long as native sons (WHATEVER THAT IS IN TODAY'S DAY & AGE), i.e. "they", rule it. It's kind of like the logic behind Saddam's Scorched Earth policy; only, its them so its ok.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 06:31 PM

Would they be any worse than politicians?
reply to post by daskakik

Because THEY would not be inclined to take your interests to heart. Sum up the votes of the entire world, and see how Americans would come out in the vote. In case you don't already know this, the balance of the world HATES YOUR GUTS! Other than our current allies, would anyone in the world treat you as you are now treated? The world will send you to the back of the bus given the chance.
People would be fools to place the control of their societies in the hands of others.
Also, where could you go to "vote with your feet" in a homoginized world? You'd have to conform.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by reject

Well, because I've been brainwashed to be a nationalistic patriot by my leaders.

Do some checking around. There are some real hell-holes about the world that actually do make your leaders look pretty good, unless you happen to be living in one of those hell-holes right now. Would you like anyone in Somalia, Lybia, China, Cambodia, South Africa, Bolivia, Peru, etc to decide on your fate or any matters pertaining to your way of life? Do you think there would be enough votes within the US to overcome the fate that the rest of the world would bestow upon it? With the notable exception of the Obama Administration, any of our own politicians would treat us better than any one else in the world.

Do you think different? Have you been reading a different set of current events than I?

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by allenidaho

You just had to dig at Christians didn't you? Couldn't make a sensible statement without your inflammatory personal hatred of another person's religion. You just answered the question as to why it would not work. Guys like you are the ones that would not let it work. Actually the idea is not new in any sense of the word and has been tried by the first black man in history to ever be a king. His name was Nimrod and it did not work in that day for the very same reason it would not work today. The religion of men is a powerful tool that can not be bred out of civilization. Never has and never will.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 07:12 PM
Unity is not the enemy.

Centralised control/Statism is the enemy.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by Seede

You trying to say I'm wrong with that assumption, sensitive suzie?
I don't give a shizzle about your religion. Obviously you do.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by daskakik

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
[So you want to amend the US Constitution to work in tandem with a Swiss model of a Not yet written Earth Constitution? What pie in the sky are you in? Dare I ask what amendments you would like to see? Probably a re write of the ERA I'm guessing. We already have equal rights, you just want more equal rights for special interests.
Didn't you know that the Earth Constitution has already been written though? It's called the Georgia Guidestones and inspired by UN Agenda 21 and the Earth Summit.

There isn't a OWG so why would there be a constitution written for it? Did the colonies have a constitution before 1776? They just made one up. Why can't people in this day and age do the same?

I have no idea what amendments would be needed. One thing I do know is that you would oppose them no matter what they were. So why bother.

The Georgia Guidestones are not the constitution that I stand behind.

The Constitution our Founding Fathers made up was the best there is. You won't find a better one. I am tired of people whining about our Constitution and how bad it is. People just make a pitch for socialism and direct democracy. It's just getting so old listening to Utopians beg for their happy world where no one has to work.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 07:42 PM
Why would i oppose a one world government?

Because i am smart!

Alright so there are around 196 countries on this planet most if not all are already in the united nations as speaking for myself i do not want some person who has never lived in my country running the show.

Here's another answer if people have ever listened to what Ron Paul says why would we punish 195 countries to reward 1 country because let's get real here the person's home country will always reap the most reward.

Not a fan of this at all there are over 7 billon people living on the planet with it increasing at least 80 million per year and then make no mistake here come those social programs and yadda yadda blah blah stuff.

To get the picture here the United States of America is made up of 50 so called independent "countries" with a master tell those slaves what to do what to think and taxing the hell out of them and running it into the ground.

So why would you wish that destruction on the entire world?

No i want no part of a 1 word government it would be nothing but tyrannical in nature just like home sweet home is.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by LifeIsPeculiar
reply to post by reject

Well, because I've been brainwashed to be a nationalistic patriot by my leaders.

unless you happen to be living in one of those hell-holes right now.

I was just vocalizing what I have observed in this part of the world.

As long as its benevolent, I'm all for a one world gov't even if its ET

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by LifeIsPeculiar
Because THEY would not be inclined to take your interests to heart. Sum up the votes of the entire world, and see how Americans would come out in the vote. In case you don't already know this, the balance of the world HATES YOUR GUTS! Other than our current allies, would anyone in the world treat you as you are now treated? The world will send you to the back of the bus given the chance.
People would be fools to place the control of their societies in the hands of others.
Also, where could you go to "vote with your feet" in a homoginized world? You'd have to conform.

They don't have to have your best interest at heart because there would be a constitution. Plus they would not be voting on things like who gets food and who doesn't.

No one said a homogenized world. The US is under one government and the states are each very different. Countries would each have their own culture.
edit on 31-10-2011 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

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