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Why would you oppose a one world governement?

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posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 10:28 PM

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 12:44 AM
you all stupid for thinking it will be okay to abide by a one world government. not my opinion - damn straight fact!

Ill tell you why:

If the entire world choses to re-instate itself as a one world government, yes there would either be a world religion or no religion at all but do you think the entire world would change their religions and ways of living for a change?? all the religious people?? from all religions??

So you want to go to the entirety of asia and tell them to drop their religions (buddism, muslim, christian etc...)
you want to tell the entirety of europe to drop its religions (christianity, muslim, hindu , etc....) and all the other countries??

basically tell the entire world to drop it all, its all fine and dandy the governments agreeing, but can you honestly tell me that every single person/community is going to agree????

No they wont, and how do you stop a revolt against a worldly revolution???

You put a bullet in the head of anyone that stands with the opposition and call them terrorists!!

So your telling me you are willing to support a movement that puts a bullet in anyones head (or kills anyone, for arguments sake) if they disagree???

If so then please refer to the top of my post.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by mockrock

Sure it would, and don't think you'd be voting...on anything, you would be told; plain and simple

The world would have one leader, and one religion....if the idea of NO religion is the goal then in reality, the Government becomes God

Anyone refusing to comply would just be branded heretic or terrorist...racist...take your pick...but whatever the label attached, you can bet it would be punishable by death or imprisonment w/confiscation of goods (sorry you wont be giving your stuff to your kids if you go to be re educated)

Oh sure..that would be GRAND
edit on 11/2/11 by Cinaed because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 01:22 AM
I am 100% confident that in the future, most of the world (at least the western world, usa, europe etc.) will be under one government.

One government does not mean ONE religion, however i also think that in the future we will get rid of religion..i really, really hope. (Note AGAIN: Getting rid of religion does not mean getting rid of values like humanity, spiritualism...GOOD fact, i think getting rid of religion will benefit those real values)

Anyway...however, the gvts. of the world will not easily give up power, borders, local governments, because ONE world government will mean that PEOPLE IN POWER will lose their power!

People in power (leaders, dictators, presidents, whatever) hate nothing more than losing guys should know that.

Otherwise, having one world government would in fact solve many problems, if you look around many wars etc. are fought because of IDIOLOGY - people hate each other simply because they have a different idiology/beliefs etc...

I do not say that differences in religion, race etc. will be solved (by far not!!) - but getting rid of country borders would be at least one first step.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 01:26 AM
It's odd how some think the type or lack of religion would be mandated. What would cause this? Are they relating this to how some countries' peoples refer to their county as being of a particular religion?

I get the feeling people don't trust a big government because they don't trust a small government. So, is the general consensus that people don't trust any government? What then would be the ideal living situation?
edit on 2-11-2011 by gentledissident because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 01:37 AM

Originally posted by flexy123
Getting rid of religion does not mean getting rid of values like humanity, spiritualism...GOOD fact, i think getting rid of religion will benefit those real values)

People have a fear that if we base our government on the rational, the religious will be persecuted. This is not without precedent. There's no need to make a rule that no matter how bad things get, it will be illegal to persecute the religious. We will never get to a rational society as long as there are the religious and the people who control them. We just have to wait for religion to go the way of the dinosaur. In the mean time, we honest atheists can separate from the rest of society. However, even if those who manipulate the believers lose their minions, they will still attack us for their own gain. Greed and pride seem to be eternal. Maybe when we get rid of all the stupid controlling money making laws, we'll have room to add greed and pride as offenses

edit on 2-11-2011 by gentledissident because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by flexy123

Some in power will lose it for sure, but others..............will get promotions! I am sure Obama wouldn't mind having his title changed to Governor of North America or whatever they call this place when it happens.

For some the only things that will change much for them is they wont ever have to get *elected* again. Do as they are told and it's all good; for them.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 01:43 AM

Originally posted by Cinaed
they wont ever have to get *elected* again.

I think you're saying that one world will have no elections and only appointments. If this is what you're saying, why is it you think this?
edit on 2-11-2011 by gentledissident because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 01:43 AM

Originally posted by evilaton
Wait a second . There WAS a time in human history where there was no countries and no borders.
And look how well that worked out.
People need to conquer and wars are part of our nature.
Even here in the US , where we are 'One nation under God' , there are states that want to break away.
For example, Vermont wants to be part of Canada.
So , the point I am making is , even if we were one world government,it wouldn't take long for some
(ex) country to 'join' or 'unite' with another or to become its own state once again.
Basically it would go back to the way it is in no time.
edit on 30-10-2011 by evilaton because: (no reason given)

I'd welcome Vermont with open arms. The grass really is greener up here.

I'd love a world without borders, but only if a variety of conditions were met 100% without compromise:

1. No banks ,no realtors, no royal families, no elite, and all bloodlines would be disallowed to hold any responsible positions period. Every.

2. Councils of citizens and all the technology released and everyone upgraded to the highest possible levels with wonderful health, dental, services world wide for everyone, including homes, land and gardens and top notch higher learning eductations.

3. A system of abundance not scarsity, with volunteering taught to all from an early age.

4. All laws overturned and only basic common law and a system of virtues, not a rule of law.

5. All religions turned into spiritual and interfaith meditational tools with all regressive/fundamentalist/violent/negative wording and dictates cast into the region of history and relegated to museums. This is a private affair, and meetups would not be entrenched in religions.

6. Meditation and advanced psi taught children from early age especially telepathy.

7. Freedom and equality, healing centers, not prisons, peace and abundance. No leaders and no pyramid systems.

8. Very fast ability for people to group up and fire anyone in supposed leadership positions. Those are only shared in large numbers, no winner take all and no one person at the top of anything.

These are just for starters.

Oh and most of the management would still be at regional levels. World level councils of citizens would only be concerned with ensuring 100% continuance of services to the people and safety for all. Relocation of people into ample homes and ensurances that no one can hijack any area, with team rescues for any groups in need.

So the pyramid would be turned upside down.
edit on 2-11-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 01:59 AM
Perhaps we could reach a consensus for a workable government using the USA as a testing ground. Perhaps if states had free rein, groups of like minded people would find the state that best expresses their idea of government. Some states would look to other states for solutions to their unforeseen problems and they would homogenize and again relocate. Perhaps there would evolve three distinct territories. Each would be "enter at your own risk". It would be a painful experiment. I think there would be little need for a federal government other than protection. If we were then one world. There would be no need for central protection as we would all be on each others' side, as long as we didn't overstay our welcome. The central government may be needed to ensure communication and coordinate distribution. It could be known as Dispatch.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:04 AM
reply to post by Unity_99
I like everything you mentioned but 5 & 6. Those are private matters and have nothing to do with government. I would also drop "virtue" as it is synonymous with "moral" and is subjective. "Ethic" is objective.
edit on 2-11-2011 by gentledissident because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:33 AM
yet again i stand by what i said,

Different countries have different religions, some countries base their living standards on their religion.

Example - Muslims.

a muslim lifestyle is much different to a western one, muslims live stricter lives, they are not allowed to go drinking, they have to pray 5 times a day, they have to fast for 1 month a year, they are not allowed to have/go to parties, they cannot dress in whatever they want, swearing is near to forbidden, they are not allowed to go to clubs, if they are seen in a club they can be arrested.

So now its either going to be you telling a country to drop all their history, faith, and merge with a new foundation.

or are your going to change to suit their way of living?? No your not

would you be happy living like that ?? for majority of westerners, no you would not.

STEP OUT OF YOUR SHOES AND LOOK AT THE BIGGER PICTURE, and all the disgusting events and wars, death, suffering that would occur leading to world peace.

But would you call three quarters the earth dead, WORLD peace


PS: if you do, you really are a twisted human being, who needs to seriously seek help! and needs to find help through some form of deity, to teach you the true value of human life! because clearly it wasent working without it, i can recommend Christ but thats just me!
edit on 2-11-2011 by ShadowZion because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:41 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

Hello my friend,

you have not studied religion enough to know that it already does number 5.

and number 6 as of yet does not exist, if it does show me one credible piece of evidence that can be backed up thoroughly to prove this

Peace and May God Bless

*all religions do number 5.

edit on 2-11-2011 by ShadowZion because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:53 AM
One world government is enevitable.For good or bad

What you have to worry about is whos going to sit atop the freakshow.

Im betting its not going to be pretty.Humanity works off a reward system instead

of a sharing and caring one and untill its ready to work out its needs with its neighbor

a dark day it will be anytime soon that a one world government exists.

Anyway were as close to nwo as possible.Do research on naval maritime law see where it leads you.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 03:01 AM
what about the poorer countries who would not be able to cope with the change in lifestyle and who would hold the development of the NWO back??

would you lend your money to them??, you dont do it now, why would you do it then???
Would they be seen as a potential threat??? to the leaders of a NWO

people seem to forget that this isn't a cancellation of governments and the way we live today, but a merge of them all, under one ruler, ruler of the earth!!!!

And different governments follow different protocols derived from through religion, you are going to have to

Government corruption will remain the same, it is the corruption that is leading us down this shallow path towards a NWO, where individual privileges and rights are being stripped away, can't you see??

the Holy book's give warning of this.

edit on 2-11-2011 by ShadowZion because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 03:10 AM
reply to post by ShadowZion

Religions are all control elements, with astrology, numerology and cycle information embedded. Also some positive elements with a lot of smiting, wars and dark side terminology. all of that must be put in a museum as crimes against humanity.

Only the light path, one of kindness and unconditional love and serving others, equality and caring for all people. Encouragements to meditate and connect within to your Source. The intercessor the Christ is the indwelling Spirit and the pineal is the springs of everlasting crystal water. The Teachers we've had need to be pulled clear of the lies and boxes they've tried to enslave people in.

The religous leaders, and all the elite need to be put in jail.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 04:33 AM

Originally posted by 547000

Originally posted by playswithmachines
reply to post by 547000

Sorry, but i'm not going to wait for God to come along & solve all our problems

I think we are in this on our own.

Then a tyrant must rise and blood must be shed. People who disagree with the state must be silenced or killed. Or brainwashed from a young age. That's the only way unity will come by secular means.
edit on 1-11-2011 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

So this is your idea of utopia

Why "must" a tyrant rise?
People have had enough bloodshed, they will not be a part of it.
Who is going to do the silencing, killing & brainwashing?
Give me their names & i will go & shoot them, that way we will all be spared this tyranny.
Don't all thank me at once

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 04:34 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

control elements...... well that depends if you are in christianity, if your a catholic then yes the church is a form of control, however if you are protestant not so as the protestant way of Christianity is based upon something called Sola Fide!

Sola Fide means "through/by faith alone" that is why the protestant church is only white and has no fancy colour and says that to find God you need only but yourself and the Bible.

Do not perceive religion only just by what you have been shown it to be, to understand it the right way you must indulge yourself in the faith, as i have and as many others have all of which have a different perception of religion and its true purpose than you do.

its like me doubting your ability to do something without even witnessing your first attempt.

plus any catholic here, who believes that to vanquish your sins you should pay the church a fee, is being manipulated, man created money not God!

I personally dont care much for religious leaders, let them be, let me be.

as for the elite - well thats a whole different ball game.

some people take sola fide a bit too far and say that even if you commit hellacious crimes against others however still hold sola fide you will be saved. Do these people honestly think that to be true!

I don't !!!!!!

Peace and (yes) God Bless
edit on 2-11-2011 by ShadowZion because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-11-2011 by ShadowZion because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-11-2011 by ShadowZion because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 04:39 AM
reply to post by playswithmachines

the elite control everything, you must think you are the smartest person in the world, we know the names of the people who condone the brainwashing etc.... do you not think that if it was as easy as get a name and go kill, it would have been done?

I do.

sorry was a bit rude...


posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 05:02 AM
reply to post by ShadowZion

No problem, i was being facetious

I still think people have changed enough to be able to look after themselves without some dictator in charge.
We need a one world government, but it must not be controlled from the inside like it is now.

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