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One Mega Watt E-Cat Cold Fusion Device Test Successful!

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posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by WatchRider
Preventing his work from being stolen more like...
How does that prevent his work from being stolen?

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by WatchRider

i have already partially addressed this in an earlier post , but :

how can his " partner " research and work on a project he doesnt know the facts of ???

what sort of scientist would state that he " doesnt want to know " the identity of the alledged secret ingredient

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by ignorant_ape

One who stands to gain something if the scam is maintained?


posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by yampa

Accotding to the system shown in your post
the steam out from the heat exchanger should depict a steam trap
so that all the latent heat of steam is utikised and all the steam is condensed
into water.

Nonetheless the report is seriously lacking and the figures may indeed be questionable.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 01:51 AM
article from physorg, i remain hopeful yet skeptical

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 09:34 AM
steven krivit has nailed it "there was not enough steam output to verify amount of water supposedly vaporized"
this has NEVER been verified in any test including the supposed OCT 28 validation!
I do not understand how a person calling himself a "SCIENTIST" could rationally declare HIGH ENERGY OUTPUTS
without explaining how they could come to such conclusions!
only steven krivit LIFTED the hose out of the drain pipe to reveal such a dismal low amount of steam!
why did the so called "SCIENTISTS" just buy into the theory of "all the water is converted to steam"?
when the amount of steam per unit of time was so lacking?
i cant give you all the links you have got to get them yourselves

however it is all on you tube videos and steven krivits site newenergytimes is one source
remember all the evidence for excess energy RELIES on ALL the water being converted to steam!
its just simple either ALL the water was converted to steam OR just SOME of the water!

what is the problem here?

either it is ALL converted to steam or is NOT

reduced to a simple and FUNDAMENTAL question

i do not know why "reputable scientists validate ecat"

without answering this FUNDAMENTABLE question

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by jetmech
steven krivit has nailed it "there was not enough steam output to verify amount of water supposedly vaporized"
this has NEVER been verified in any test including the supposed OCT 28 validation!

I think you can firmly put Steven Krivit in the 'haters gonna hate' box. Right or wrong, his conduct is not that of someone trying to establish the truth, his conduct is of someone who wants to throw up flak and engage in ad hominem attacks.

The argument about the steam is also not great. The crucial figure here is the change in temperature across the recondenser/external cooler. It doesn't matter if the energy got there as water or steam in reality. The steam is going back to water after it recondenses anyway. What matters is the energy emission density difference.

A thermocouple is a calibrated measure of this emission density - you cannot have a higher energy reading without a higher local energy density.

675.6 litres of water per hour went from being ~30c to being 100c + (the temperatures actually got up to around 120c at one point). According to the report only 5 litres of water did not make it into steam.

Are you saying they faked boiling, evaporating and recondensing 675 litres of water an hour or what? Do you have any idea how they might have faked it?

For perspective - a 600 litre tank:

edit on 3-11-2011 by yampa because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by yampa

actually the temperature is irrelevant , what matters is heat , please read this

in short , it takes very little heat to traise the temperature of a very small object , like say - a thermocouple - to an incredible temperature

but increasing the temperature of a great mass , just 1 degree centigrade requires a great deal of heat

the problem is that one one but rossi knows the contents or configuration of his " magic box " - thus fakery is disrestingly simple

a circuit conected direct to the thermoucouplle - and insulated - could raise the temp of the thermocuople alone to 100 degrees with < 1 wat

likewise the " steam output " is pathetic for the alledged wattage of the " majic box " - for ecidence of this - fill your kettle - and once it boils - hold down the on / off stitch - taking care it does not boil dry

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by ignorant_ape

appologies for replying to my own post - but to clarify ,

people who are reading the last post thinking " what ? "

i should have added a refference to specefic heat capacity

as you can see - all materials have a different specific heat capacity / gram of matter

and again - as the actual construction of the " magic box " is known only to rossi - temperature at a measuring probe - and the unquantified emmision of " steam " from a rubber pipe are utterly baseless " measurements

give us the heat
its all that matters

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by yampa

675.6 litres of water per hour went from being ~30c to being 100c + (the temperatures actually got up to around 120c at one point). According to the report only 5 litres of water did not make it into steam.

Why mess about with the steam ambiguity.
So what was the time required for 675.6 Lit of water to raise its temp from 30 to 50 deg C in the extermal heat exchanger?

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 01:24 AM

If you check out the link above it gives details on customers that would like to order the 1Mw eCat.

He has sold one, the second is under construction and will be finished in three months. He hopes to build 100 in the next year.

The article CLEARLY states the customer is in complete control of testing the product any way they see fit before payment is required.

So in my honest opinion, give Rossi a break. He doesn't need to prove anything to any of us. Only his customers. Thats legit. He has been soo secretive because he doesn't have a US patent yet because the US is

Wired magazine, msnbc...both say he is legit, they say they don't understand it but thats just how its gonna be.

He is doing this his way. How can any of us hate on him for that. He has spent all his own money on this. Turning down all investors and such.

Turns out it was our own military that most likely bought the first eCat on the 28th of Oct. They tested it, they were happy, and cut him a 2 million dollar check. BALLIN!!!

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 01:30 AM

um, this pretty much explains everything that is available in terms of information on his eCat technology.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by MedicWithUber

um, this pretty much explains everything that is available in terms of information on his eCat technology.

Thanks for the link, read the article but, Lol I can safely say, sterling allan is no engineer or
scientist and I'm not yet convinced by this gobbledygooky demo as proof of concept.
Wonder who the customers were if indeed they bought it.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
reply to post by yampa

actually the temperature is irrelevant , what matters is heat , please read this

in short , it takes very little heat to traise the temperature of a very small object , like say - a thermocouple - to an incredible temperature

but increasing the temperature of a great mass , just 1 degree centigrade requires a great deal of heat

the problem is that one one but rossi knows the contents or configuration of his " magic box " - thus fakery is disrestingly simple

a circuit conected direct to the thermoucouplle - and insulated - could raise the temp of the thermocuople alone to 100 degrees with < 1 wat

likewise the " steam output " is pathetic for the alledged wattage of the " majic box " - for ecidence of this - fill your kettle - and once it boils - hold down the on / off stitch - taking care it does not boil dry

But they aren't raising the temperature sensors to an 'incredible temperature', the sensors are at ~100c, very close to the boiling point of water. And they are producing this reading at the end of a long steam pipe with no apparent mechanism for cross contamination. How does one produce an amplified excess amount of heat on a large brass nut using only steam as the mediator?

You are right that it is possible to overload a thermosensor - essentially give it a false reading - by having a very high rate of infrared photon (heat) emission coming from a very small area. This could indeed mean you have a high very high local temperature, but a low overall amount of heat in the system. My question is, how do you do that using only steam and a brass nut and some insulating tape? That would be quite a trick.

What you are suggesting is that, if you put a basic metal heat sink on a computer chip, you could measure a higher temperature than the cpu is generating. That is patently false. No conductor can emit more heat than it is receiving. Are suggesting that there is some point in my house (away from the core of the boiler) where my central heating will read orders of magnitude greater than the real water temperature? A $10 IR temperature sensor of any normal type will prove that to be incorrect.

The one scientific paper I read which focused on this issue was essentially romancing the technicalities of calorimetry. That's fine if you are looking to track a very accurate reading over a small volume of matter. But what we are talking about here is a 70c difference transmitted using 675 litres of steam an hour. You would have to be using some spectacularly fubar instruments to misrepresent that difference.

I will quote from the same source you supplied on heat:

When the sample of water and copper are both heated by 1°C, the addition to the kinetic energy is the same, since that is what temperature measures. But to achieve this increase for water, a much larger proportional energy must be added to the potential energy portion of the internal energy. So the total energy required to increase the temperature of the water is much larger, i.e., its specific heat is much larger.

^ that is why placing Rossi's reactor in a water steam air system is a good proof of a heat engine. If you use large volumes of water, you are using an essentially unfakeable 'thermodynamic work' communication to transfer and monitor the generation of heat from the reactor.

A possibility here is the Rossi has some very large conventional electrical resistors in each boiler, and is simply using an external source to power these. Or you could just argue the water flow and temp readings are outright faked. But this whole 'not the right kind of boiling water' argument is silly.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 11:50 AM
oops, ignore above chart as it obviously does not include the 30c temp of the input water.

1.5 gigajoules are needed to vapourise 675L of water starting from 30c, 0.2120 gigajoules are needed to simply boil the water starting from 25c. So my assertion above that it doesn't matter whether it's water or steam is incorrect. But then, we supposedly only have 5L of unvapourised water here.

The output from each reactor is advertised as regulated at 1 bar on the diagram from the previous tests.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by wmd_2008

The generator was kept running as both a fail-safe (the resistors' heat is able to help control the reaction) and as another source of power for the auxiliary power requirements: Between the fans, pumps, and RF emitters, the were drawing about 66kwh of electricity while it was producing 470kwh of heat. Their building was only rated for 10kwh from the power company, so they needed the generator, if only to run the fans and pumps. Regardless of whether or not it really works, they were dealing with enormous amounts of energy. You can't just pull 60+ kilowatts from the wall..

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 03:17 AM
The simple fact is that the 479 kilowatts of constant output during self sustain mode (with no input power) is a huge amount of energy, in and of itself. A full megawatt of more would have been spectacular, but what was produced was a tremendous success!

This means that cold fusion is no longer a theory that can be irrationally dismissed by skeptical naysayers, but a real world technology that in short order will spark a new industrial and technological revolution!

A New Cold Fusion Era
The E-Cat Era has begun, due to the successful test and sale of the one megawatt plant. Already, Rossi has declared he has found a customer for the second one megawatt plant that will be ready in three months. This customer is said to be located in the USA, and will not be as secretive as the first customer.

Rossi will be traveling back to the USA in the near future to setup manufacturing of additional units. He expects to be able to produce between 30 and 100, one megawatt plants the first year. At first the price will be $2,000 per kilowatt of capacity, but with mass production and economy of scale kicking in, the price will eventually go down to as low as $100 per kilowatt installed.

I would suggest that any company that is interested in purchasing a plant contact Rossi as soon as possible. It seems the line at the checkout register is forming. What will be interesting is to see how long the mainstream media and mainstream scientific community will be able to ignore the growing number of satisfied customers.

They need to accept the truth -- cold fusion is here, and its name is the E-Cat!

Build ships and go to the stars!

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 03:27 AM

Originally posted by Arken
The simple fact is that the 479 kilowatts of constant output during self sustain mode (with no input power)

Except for the attached generator, but you ignore that!

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 04:21 AM

Originally posted by spoor

Originally posted by Arken
The simple fact is that the 479 kilowatts of constant output during self sustain mode (with no input power)

Except for the attached generator, but you ignore that!

Your opinion is clear, [snip]. In your opinion how is the power of an attached generator to sustain a ONE MEGAWATT generator? If this is fake, than you need all the electricity of a town!

But YOU ignore that the device run only to stabilize the reactor, and after it works in auto-sustained mode.
Do you read this?
Excell data:

Say "hello" to the other in your office.

edit on 5-11-2011 by Arken because: (no reason given)

edit on 5/11/11 by masqua because: Removed personal attack

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 04:27 AM

Originally posted by Arken

What will be interesting is to see how long the mainstream media and mainstream scientific community will be able to ignore the growing number of satisfied customers. !
Right now, since nobody knows who this one, secret customer is, it's pretty easy to ignore.

I'm still waiting to see who his first customer is, that I can verify.

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