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Iraq War Veteran Injured at OWS Oakland Founder of

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posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by whyamIhere

To be honest, then he got what he deserved.

I wish him all the more health, but those that don't stand for the finest guard of the country and constitution, I cannot stand for, myself.
edit on 29-10-2011 by Gorman91 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by macman

Originally posted by YouSir

Originally posted by macman

Originally posted by Kali74
reply to post by macman

Yes the disperse order was given however, if you have seen any of the videos Olsen was down on the ground and when people rushed over to help him 1 or more officers tossed flash bangs at them, clearly deliberate.

When the order is given to disperse, you best be moving on.

To fight the cops, in the Riot Formation is asking for pain.

Right or wrong on that, kind of like sticking your arm in a bear trap, having it snap shut and being mad that it got you.

These protests are teetering on the brink.

Again, not stating right or wrong, just that common sense needs to be applied. your saying that when a marine is wounded on the field of battle........we should just leave him there?
I think by your avatar that your either a Vet or you play alot of first person shooters.......If your a vet or serving, I'm thankful to have never served with you.........cause when the opposers told you to move'd move................nuff said

YouSir.................are an

A different situation entirely there, Combat Carl.

The protest is not a combat situation. He could have remove himself before at any time.

I also never stated it was ok for the police to do any of this.

I also never stated I would not help him.

Please, keep kicking your can full of BS down to the next person. Maybe they will take it from you. how easy that is...calling names..........pathetic.
Another "I took the oath (but I had my fingers crossed so it really does'nt apply), poser guy"...huh?
Ever think that he was excercising his constitutional rights.....hmmm? know.....the bit about redress for grievances.....also, correct me if I'm wrong...where in the constitution does it state that you can only assemble to petition a redress for grievance....say between the hours of nine and five....or in a until the shield thumping morons fire a morter into your face?????.......cause my copy of the bill of rights and the constitution does'nt have those particular restrictions in it....Care me on that one, mr. first person shooter?
Just roll it on over when the old blue line starts thumping their riot shields.....You and yours are why we're in this mess........again.......pathetic

YouSir...............are an

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by YouSir

Originally posted by macman

Originally posted by YouSir

Originally posted by macman

Originally posted by Kali74
reply to post by macman

Yes the disperse order was given however, if you have seen any of the videos Olsen was down on the ground and when people rushed over to help him 1 or more officers tossed flash bangs at them, clearly deliberate.

When the order is given to disperse, you best be moving on.

To fight the cops, in the Riot Formation is asking for pain.

Right or wrong on that, kind of like sticking your arm in a bear trap, having it snap shut and being mad that it got you.

These protests are teetering on the brink.

Again, not stating right or wrong, just that common sense needs to be applied. your saying that when a marine is wounded on the field of battle........we should just leave him there?
I think by your avatar that your either a Vet or you play alot of first person shooters.......If your a vet or serving, I'm thankful to have never served with you.........cause when the opposers told you to move'd move................nuff said

YouSir.................are an

A different situation entirely there, Combat Carl.

The protest is not a combat situation. He could have remove himself before at any time.

I also never stated it was ok for the police to do any of this.

I also never stated I would not help him.

Please, keep kicking your can full of BS down to the next person. Maybe they will take it from you. how easy that is...calling names..........pathetic.
Another "I took the oath (but I had my fingers crossed so it really does'nt apply), poser guy"...huh?
Ever think that he was excercising his constitutional rights.....hmmm? know.....the bit about redress for grievances.....also, correct me if I'm wrong...where in the constitution does it state that you can only assemble to petition a redress for grievance....say between the hours of nine and five....or in a until the shield thumping morons fire a morter into your face?????.......cause my copy of the bill of rights and the constitution does'nt have those particular restrictions in it....Care me on that one, mr. first person shooter?
Just roll it on over when the old blue line starts thumping their riot shields.....You and yours are why we're in this mess........again.......pathetic

YouSir...............are an

Name calling, How about "He who contorts statements to make his own post look viable".

That about sums you up.

I never said it was wrong for him, or anyone to assemble.
In normal conversations, I would suggest you remove your fingers from your ears during the discussion.
But, since this is over the internet, I guess pull your head out.

Please, show me where I stated he was wrong to protest?
Please, show me where I stated he had no right to be there?

And yep, you found me out.
I am only tied to the Military via video games. Sure sure. Because you were with me during my service or broke into my house and reviewed my DD214 and other records.

What ever shall I do?
Maybe cry in the virtual corner?

The can is still full of your BS. Please keep kicking it down for the next person.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by Gorman91

Seriously, it's so obnoxious how people will just abandon the belief in someone's rights.

He WAS one of those guards. Plenty of Marines come back hating the military.
As I said before, it's pretty ridiculous that in order to be in your people's good graces he had to not only fight, kill, and survive for his country, but he had to love every second of it and come back and never speak his mind on it.

He bought a domain. The site isn't up. He has every right to complain about the marines, he served them. Not to mention none of you even know why or whom he bought that domain for.

American's today are a joke.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

You assume that because I say he got what he deserved that he has no rights.

Of course he has rights. But I am quick to see the justice in things. That is all. Of all the veterans out there, he got punted with a flash grenade. It's irony, that's all.

The military is a brotherhood. Nobody ever says you have to like it. But you do have to stay with it. Otherwise quit if you hate it so much. But I for one do not like, nor see any value, in those that hate the military. It's just that. That is my opinion, and my thought. I view the military as the first line of defense both at home and abroad. It's why I don't believe you ever could have a dictatorship in America using the US military. Their code prevents it.

It's that simple. I hate those who hate my nation and their fighting force. There are leaders to hate who take the horns of the nation and drag it in the wrong way. But I love my nation, and the military force that defends it.

Those that hate it, I have no respect for quite frankly, and you get what you deserve at the hands of the police you go up against without the support of the military. Either band with your brothers in blood and stand for righteousness and truth, or befell the life of the loner who turns his back on his brothers and those within.
edit on 29-10-2011 by Gorman91 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 04:36 PM
WTH happened to this web site it has tuned into a Right wing libertarian nest. I thought this web site was about discovering the truth and looking down upon ignorance. Not pushing you're views and ideologies on other people.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by dron020

If you cannot put up with where truth leads you, then cover yourself in ignorance and go with it no more.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 04:42 PM
There is no such thing as truth it only applies to you're personal perspective. No ideology or belief system contains the truth or is the perfect system. life is more than a vs b

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by macman

When have "they" bashed the armed services? Please cite your sources, and I don't mean Fox news.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by macman

Originally posted by YouSir

Originally posted by macman

Originally posted by YouSir

Originally posted by macman

Originally posted by Kali74
reply to post by macman

Yes the disperse order was given however, if you have seen any of the videos Olsen was down on the ground and when people rushed over to help him 1 or more officers tossed flash bangs at them, clearly deliberate.

When the order is given to disperse, you best be moving on.

To fight the cops, in the Riot Formation is asking for pain.

Right or wrong on that, kind of like sticking your arm in a bear trap, having it snap shut and being mad that it got you.

These protests are teetering on the brink.

Again, not stating right or wrong, just that common sense needs to be applied. your saying that when a marine is wounded on the field of battle........we should just leave him there?
I think by your avatar that your either a Vet or you play alot of first person shooters.......If your a vet or serving, I'm thankful to have never served with you.........cause when the opposers told you to move'd move................nuff said

YouSir.................are an

A different situation entirely there, Combat Carl.

The protest is not a combat situation. He could have remove himself before at any time.

I also never stated it was ok for the police to do any of this.

I also never stated I would not help him.

Please, keep kicking your can full of BS down to the next person. Maybe they will take it from you. how easy that is...calling names..........pathetic.
Another "I took the oath (but I had my fingers crossed so it really does'nt apply), poser guy"...huh?
Ever think that he was excercising his constitutional rights.....hmmm? know.....the bit about redress for grievances.....also, correct me if I'm wrong...where in the constitution does it state that you can only assemble to petition a redress for grievance....say between the hours of nine and five....or in a until the shield thumping morons fire a morter into your face?????.......cause my copy of the bill of rights and the constitution does'nt have those particular restrictions in it....Care me on that one, mr. first person shooter?
Just roll it on over when the old blue line starts thumping their riot shields.....You and yours are why we're in this mess........again.......pathetic

YouSir...............are an

Name calling, How about "He who contorts statements to make his own post look viable".

That about sums you up.

I never said it was wrong for him, or anyone to assemble.
In normal conversations, I would suggest you remove your fingers from your ears during the discussion.
But, since this is over the internet, I guess pull your head out.

Please, show me where I stated he was wrong to protest?
Please, show me where I stated he had no right to be there?

And yep, you found me out.
I am only tied to the Military via video games. Sure sure. Because you were with me during my service or broke into my house and reviewed my DD214 and other records.

What ever shall I do?
Maybe cry in the virtual corner?

The can is still full of your BS. Please keep kicking it down for the next person.

Ummm.........Go back through this thread and reread your responses to other stated that if the man says better move and that "common sense" would dictate that you better not stand there asking for redress....just ease on down the road.........face it...your disdain for the OWS movement...which I do NOT support BTW.....trumps your oath to the constitution where you swore to defend this nation against ALL enemies........foreign and DOMESTIC........let that one thought roll through your firmament.....THEREFORE, when a person is lawfully excercising his rights to petition a redress for grievances and a corporate enforcer shoots him in the face with a morter round......then I would certainly call that.....kinetic any battlefield scenario.....
If you cant see the lines being drawn, then I pity you.......especially when you swore to defend this country from that type of action.........yet all you can do is disparage a movement whose purpose and aim you dont have to agree with in order to defend their right to extra heavy duty pity for you.......cause thats pitiful

YouSir...................are an

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 06:04 PM
Ummm.......I apologize to the OP and to the participation in it was not an attempt to "derail" excuses
Only one small qualifier.......if i may.......I get a tad vociferous when I realize that all of this mess that our country is in lays on all of our shoulders.......we allowed it to happen.....we dreamed "the American dream", pacified by our gadgets and toys while Rome burned from within......Greed, corruption and an asleep populace.....mostly an addiction to power by TPTB....
I cant help coming to the conclusion that the fault is really ours alone.......This perhaps misguided young Marine's only sin in this drama was to open his eyes and mind.......not such a terrible thing.....yet a necessary thing for us all to do........he was wounded for his stand and I think that he's the accidental Hero......of course he'll be used.....that goes without saying......However...perhaps he could be used as a role model for us all.....a shining example, an illustration........a teaching...for those who have sat, far too long...that things must change...They will change....yet who will be the arbiter........will it be us...or will it be.....tptb...

Mostly........I apologize to have no more fault than I........only...just as much... you


posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by YouSir

You don't owe anybody an apology.

This is a difficult issue for us all.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by whaaa

Originally posted by Gseven

Originally posted by jerico65
What I find amusing is that in one context Marines are considered murderous brutes, but have one get out of the Corps, grow his hair out, and get involved with douchebag malcontents, suddenly he's a "war hero"?

My thoughts exactly!

Douchebag malcontents?

How about Taxpaying Americans addressing their grievances with their right of assembly and the 1st amendment.

Or do those rights only exist for those adhering to your ideology?

edit on 29-10-2011 by whaaa because: (no reason given)

Well, first, I wouldn't have used "douchebag malcontents", but I agree with the rest of post.

Second, I agree and fully support taxpaying Americans having the right to air their grievances with the right of assembly.

Third, I do not support violent gatherings or violent protesters. I do not support rioting, and there is a fine line between what constitutes a protest and a riot. Many a well-meaning crowd started off with peaceful protests, only to escalate into a full blown riot. This is why I also support our law enforcement officers and their authority to use non-lethal force to maintain peace and civility. Non-lethal is just's not designed to kill, but could injure those who refuse to follow direction. If I were a cop and someone started throwing bottles and paint at me, I would not feel bad lofting a few canisters of CS (tear) gas to disperse them.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 07:51 PM
This sounds highly suspicious. Of course the one guy who starts "" is the one who gets injured and causes a nationwide outpouring of support for OWS.

How convenient.

Sounds like a CointelPro operation.....
edit on 29-10-2011 by v1rtu0s0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 09:03 PM
Has anyone actually tried to check the site?

I have.... It doesn't Exist.

Check it yourself:

There is nothing there, there is nothing in Google Cache from the Website, It never Existed.

This story is a Hoax.

edit on 29-10-2011 by ErtaiNaGia because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-10-2011 by ErtaiNaGia because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 09:18 PM
I believe Camp Pendleton is in the 949 area code or very near.

This story is getting weirder by the minute. This whole thing is bizarre.

Someone else had mentioned that this would backfire on the OWS movement if he is a "plant" in a pyops game.

Or that maybe he was deliberately targeted because of the website.

Those are pretty interesting theories.

I'm blown away by the spin doctors on all sides in this story!!!
...Does Coke. Gets kicked out. Creates Smokes pot.

I'm hoping that this is a smear campaign and will be proven false. Only time will tell.

Not everyone enlists for the same reasons. I stood over a casket of 21 year old guy from Iraq. Hit by an IED. He wanted to be in the Army and serve his country since he was a little boy. As soon as he graduated high school -he enlisted. He enlisted because he truly felt it was the right thing to do.

As a vet, I can only hope that I enlisted for the right reasons as this 21 year old did.

So to say that all America's soldiers & sailors today are "professional soldiers" seeking benefits might be not the kindest thing to say because that's not always the case.

If you need benefits-you seek social security. You seek welfare. You seek medicare/medicaid. Enlisting seems a rather tough way to go about it. I know Social Security is hard to get - but it can't be that hard!

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 09:46 PM
Some of you people really disgust me. We are talking about a human being here. How many of you people hate your job? Rather he liked his job or not is none of your business....but he did protect his country. And see the way you guys bash him? Question; Who would like protecting a bunch of unappreciative buffoons that have no idea what it's like to put your life on the line for them? Answer; I wouldn't and I'm a veteran./ It surprises me how many people who are scared to fight for this country bash those who are, just because that soldier voices their opinion and they don't agree with your opinion. Well, regardless the masses prevail, because rather you like it or not....this is a democracy. The end.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by ErtaiNaGia
Has anyone actually tried to check the site?

I have.... It doesn't Exist.

Check it yourself:

There is nothing there, there is nothing in Google Cache from the Website, It never Existed.

This story is a Hoax.

No, it's not.

There are three instances where it was archived at the Wayback machine, which link I have already posted, several pages ago,

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

(Second Line)

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 06:45 AM
Originally posted by YouSir

Ummm.........Go back through this thread and reread your responses to other stated that if the man says better move and that "common sense" would dictate that you better not stand there asking for redress....just ease on down the road.........face it...your disdain for the OWS movement...which I do NOT support BTW.....trumps your oath to the constitution where you swore to defend this nation against ALL enemies........foreign and DOMESTIC........let that one thought roll through your firmament.....THEREFORE, when a person is lawfully excercising his rights to petition a redress for grievances and a corporate enforcer shoots him in the face with a morter round......then I would certainly call that.....kinetic any battlefield scenario.....
If you cant see the lines being drawn, then I pity you.......especially when you swore to defend this country from that type of action.........yet all you can do is disparage a movement whose purpose and aim you dont have to agree with in order to defend their right to extra heavy duty pity for you.......cause thats pitiful

YouSir...................are an

I think you need to go back and re-read my posts.
I never stated he had no right to protest.
I stated, that when you go to a protest, and an order to disperse is given, right or wrong, it is time to get moving, unless you want a physical confrontation with the police.
AGAIN, NOT SAYING RIGHT OR WRONG. Get that through your head.

When you tussle with the police, expect bad outcomes. Especially the riot cop. They are ready and willing for the tussle.

That is what I stated.
Take it however you want to twist it.

The fact that he is a Vet is a non issue.
The fact that he is a Vet with a less then honorable discharge is a non issue.
The fact that he is a Vet, with a less then honorable discharge and that he may be linked to a I hate the USMC site is a non issue.
The fact that OWS and the MSM is/was peddling him around, as a Vet that was picked on by the police at a protest is the issue.

Stick to the facts.

edit on 30-10-2011 by macman because: (no reason given)

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