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Luciferians control our Reality Matrix by presiding over Scientific Orthodoxy

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posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by Getsmart

I don't mean to bash anyone or anything. I just have...

Honest Questions:

How do you know all this, other than by hearsay, books, vids, photgraphs, or any other external medium? In other words: Have you ever participated in Freemasonry rituals, on any or all of the 33-and-then-some-degrees? Which Lodge? Where? What Rite? What was your personal experience of these events?

Also, please elaborate on your meeting(s) with Lucifer himself. I am genuinely interested in how you invoked him and what that experience was like for you.

I know, I know, it's a shocker, yes, it is Luciferian and all that. But doesn't the same thing go for deities like, well, God, for example? Everyone dresses up nice to go to church on Sunday and goes through the 'GOD WORSHIP' in the 'CULT OF GOD', complete with rituals (songs, kneeling, crossing themselves, praying, kissing the cross, listening to sermons by a guy in robes, burning candles, drinking wine, and all the rest of it),
Speaking of invoking a Deity!

In all honesty, GS, please inform yourself further by actual participation and with personal experience of what you claim is true, and then blow the whistle, if you still want to.

All in all, a good thread
Looooong way to go!

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by LajanAytik
But doesn't the same thing go for deities like, well, God, for example? Everyone dresses up nice to go to church on Sunday and goes through the 'GOD WORSHIP' in the 'CULT OF GOD', complete with rituals (songs, kneeling, crossing themselves, praying, kissing the cross, listening to sermons by a guy in robes, burning candles, drinking wine, and all the rest of it),
Speaking of invoking a Deity!

It is completely different to worship or invoke Creator God versus some demonic entity. Creator God is *creative.* Lucifer is destructive. It is the difference between invoking something positive vs. something negative & evil.

The wine is a symbol for blood. It is a bit of the Luciferian blood sacrifice BS that, unfortunately, got into religious rituals.

You're assuming GS doesn't know what he's talking about. He does.

To the shills on this thread: People who are wise to your ways will spend more time and energy researching something that looks like it is being targeted by shills.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by Getsmart

What we are doing is not bashing. If you want to see the dirt slingers please stand before a mirror and take a good look at the words you have pasted before you judge.

Add what you wish. We are obedient to those who choose to follow and our association is not secret. We have proven all of this time and time again. We have also shown the folly of labeling us Satanist or Luciferian, or anything sinister. Logically speaking we have walked circles around you and yet you continue with illogical, irrational, and fanciful accusations.

You call us "at the bottom" to be ignorant of what is going on at the "higher levels" and yet you think you yourself somehow clever or intelligent enough to figure out what all of us at the "bottom" could not. It really is illogical and the height of arrogance...hubris.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by someotherguy
You're assuming GS doesn't know what he's talking about. He does.

You also assume he knows what he is talking about, but yet time and time again he has been seen as false.

Originally posted by someotherguy
To the shills on this thread: People who are wise to your ways will spend more time and energy researching something that looks like it is being targeted by shills.

Who would be the shills?

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by someotherguy

Again, no bashing or name-calling or jumping to conclusion. No accusations, finger-pointing and crying Wolf. Or even doubting that everyone knows exactly what he/she is talking about, from his/her point of view, looking at the same thing.

Just so we're on the same page...

To Invoke: Vocare: to call / 1. to call on (God, the Muses, etc..) for blessing, help, etc.) 2. to resort to (a law, ruling, etc.) as pertinent. 3. to conjure. 4. to beg for; implore.

You are absolutely right about there being a difference between invoking positive or negative energies/entities. However, isn't it so, that Invoking is Invoking, and it all depends on what Intention you put into it? Although, I think I'm saying the same thing as you are.

Should there be 'a bit' of the Luciferian BS that 'unfortunately' got into religious rituals... it would be interesting to know what other 'unfortunate BS' has crept into it, and how this was and is done. It's worth the effort, with an open mind. Who knows what you may find.

I can only speak for myself. In no sense do I 'assume' anything. GS, who I see is very well capable to fend for himself, made a good case and his (ongoing?) research is well done. Now the gaps need to be filled in and the dots connected. Go for it! We indeed assume too much and get lost in our assumptions! It's how wars get started and Threads get nasty.

Over a long life-time of having Consciously and Unconsciously Participated, Studied, and Experienced both sides of the proverbial coin, I have found that there are no Two Sides, just different Perceptions and Interpretations of the same thing. Am I wrong? Maybe. But I'll find out and go to the max of my ability to personally Experience and correct it as needed.

Which is why my Honest Questions remain.

If I have offended anyone, my apologies in advance.
While it might be interesting to find out... Why am I offending others?

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by someotherguy
It is completely different to worship or invoke Creator God versus some demonic entity. Creator God is *creative.* Lucifer is destructive. It is the difference between invoking something positive vs. something negative & evil.

Considering that I belive in God the Creator (and did prior to becoming a Mason) and do not believe in Lucifer/Satan (and did not prior to becoming a Mason) how do you resolve this in your comments?

The only person here who seems to have a strong faith in Satan's existence is the Original Poster.

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by Getsmart

From the bashing this thread is getting from Self Confessed FREEMASONS it makes me wish I had added their Obedience (that means they obey someone) and Secret Society (this means they associate in secret) more directly to the LUCIFERIANS. It should be known that only the higher level Freemasons are aware that LUCIFER is their DEITY and those underneath them nearer the bottom of the heap of that pedestrian organization know nothing of what they've gotten into, other than a bunch of Mumbo Jumbo, costume parties and playing house together imbued with a sense of self-importance.


who are they? Where are they? Where do they meet?
How do you know about them, yet no mason alive I have asked knows them? What qualifications do you have that should make anyone believe you over a member of the fraternity?

Is there any chance in your mind that you may be wrong?

Please answer these questions as if you didn't have a huge chip on your shoulder and like a complete stranger asked you. I am trying to get to the truth and I do not fear where it may lead. If you truly know the things you claim, then at some point, you should be able to point to some sort of proof. I eagerly await your response.
(and just to be clear, this is very much on topic of your thread title.)

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 06:31 PM
A lot of the information they spoon feed us on the evening news are pre-arranged agenda lies,

A lot of what we read in the news papers are pre-arranged agenda lies,

A lot of the things we are told and taught to learn in school are pre-arranged agenda lies,

A lot of what scientists and physicists tell us are facts are pre-arranged agenda lies,

A lot of what historians tell us happened in the past are pre-arranged agenda lies,

A lot of what the government tells us to do and believe are pre-arranged agenda lies,

A lot of what organized religions tell us to have faith in are pre-arranged agenda lies...

Truth is stranger than fiction...And the Truth is something "they" dont want "us" to know...

I guess the brutal truth is too horrible for most people to face,as usual,so its easier for them to hide from reality within their boxed in little worlds of illusions that they orbit around each other upon. Humanity as a whole always seems to have to find out things the hard way,dont we?...

edit on 16-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 06:41 PM
The countless flocks of blind faith sheeple in their hundreds of millions are all brainwashed followers.Lonely people with lonely souls afraid of the dark.Who are so easily misled and have been taken far astray from reality by evil and sinister powers,whom they unknowingly worship whenever they bow down and pray to this malevolent invisible being they call their god...

Who i believe is actually satan in disguise,or the evil being that we have named satan and i believe that this evil unseen entity has hijacked the human race and feeds off of and grows stronger from the psychic energies that are produced within focal points whenever billions of people gather inside their churches,mosques and temples...

I cant think of anything more sinister and horrible than that and its all the more terrible when i look around at the sorry state of this fallen world and then unfortunately realize that this is most likely the sad and dark truth,whats really going on...

And as the evil deceiver of our world,this invisible beast grows more and more powerful,accumulates more and more psychic energy,the faster and faster we spin out of control as a society and race towards our doom...

Walking hand in hand with this demonic monster who drags us all down,blissfully unaware,we approach our final destination,the bottomless abyss of fear and hate..

Blinded by greed,we hurt and we lie so easily.Living in denial,we sing and we dance so happily.But we dont want to know,we dont want to see,that we have been led so very far astray from reality and we are all standing at the opening gates of hell...Imo...
edit on 16-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by blocula
A lot of the information they spoon feed us on the evening news are pre-arranged agenda lies,

A lot of what we read in the news papers are pre-arranged agenda lies,

A lot of the things we are told and taught to learn in school are pre-arranged agenda lies,

A lot of what scientists and physicists tell us are facts are pre-arranged agenda lies,

A lot of what historians tell us happened in the past are pre-arranged agenda lies,

A lot of what the government tells us to do and believe are pre-arranged agenda lies,

A lot of what organized religions tell us to have faith in are pre-arranged agenda lies...

Truth is stranger than fiction...And the Truth is something "they" dont want "us" to know...

I guess the brutal truth is too horrible for most people to face,as usual,so its easier for them to hide from reality within their boxed in little worlds of illusions that they orbit around each other upon. Humanity as a whole always seems to have to find out things the hard way,dont we?...

edit on 16-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)
Well, you're not entirely wrong, but that can really be simplified.

The media is telling us pre-arranged agenda lies. The media happens to include the evening news, the newspapers, how the public gets information from scientists, historians, the government, etc.

So really, it boils down to a bottleneck in the information flow.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 06:19 PM
by not precisely naming the deity or deities worshipped and using the generic god (means luck in hebrew) you and lol sometimes them are not sure exactly what or who is worshipped. Plausible deniabilty lol they (masons) also use the term "supreme being" without giving up a name for? research you may do into names like jaobulon, IAOM, lucifer etc. will just bring on rails of denial even though there is masonic material from pike and hall and mackey etc. that uses these terms. personally i see it as masonry's attempt to match the vatican's ecumenical movement by using generic terms to bring all under the rule of one. if you say you worship a god or a deity...which god do you worship? what is its name? why hide behind a generic? why the need for mass acceptance?

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by partycrasher could look up names like Jahova, Allah, Jesus Christ, OR.......(cue very scary music)....God.

Far be it from me to point out the incredibly painfully obvious.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by partycrasher
if you say you worship a god or a deity...which god do you worship? what is its name?

God the Creator of the Universe. How many omnisciencent, omnipotent beings can there be?

edit on 23-1-2012 by AugustusMasonicus because: networkdude has no beer.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 07:04 PM
Like it or not,admit it or not,a lot of the babies and children,men and women that go missing every day of the week all over the world and who are never seen again,are actually being captured and then ritualistically sacrificed to demonic beings and malevolent powers by the royal bloodline elites of this fallen world,who are then rewarded with wealth,fame,pleasure and high-tech and the vast majority of people dont realize whats going on,or would rather not know and instead they live in blissful ignorance and blind denial,because they dont want the brutal and horrible truth getting in the way of their busy little greed driven lives ...Imo
edit on 23-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by blocula

what children? where? What are their names? Where did they go missing?

Either you know and can answer, or you are speculating wildly.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by partycrasher

The fraternity itself does not define who God is because it is up to each individual Brother to do that. We are not trying to match anything the Vatican is doing. Frankly, Freemasonry is not concerned with salvation, that is for their religion to take care of.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by network dude
Here are some facts from the U.S. released in October 2002....

1 million children are reported missing in the US and the UK every year. If less than 200 of these are murdered, where do all the rest go? This would be like loosing the population of a city such as Amsterdam every year.

It would seem that 800,000 go missing but a further 500,000 can be added if you include the numbers that don't get reported...

Missing people world wide >

edit on 23-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by blocula

do the math...

800,00 under 18 a years of age
2,000 a day
58,000 abducted by non family members
115 victims to stereotypical kidnappings that result in ransom demands and death or the kidnapper indents to keep the child.

800,000 minus 58,000 abducted by NON-family members leaves 742,000 which ARE abducted by family members.

It isn't 800,000 unsolved cases. It's 742,000 cases of custody disputes.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by JoshNorton
Any way we,as they use to say,"shake a stick at it" theres no denying that a large amount of people go missing everyday of the week the world over and lots of them are never seen again...

And of course its never in the news and every so often the media will highlight a missing child and show the whole town out looking for him or her,just to keep everyone "thinking" that somethings being done about it...

An agonizing riddle >

edit on 23-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 07:15 AM

Originally posted by blocula
reply to post by JoshNorton
Any way we,as they use to say,"shake a stick at it" theres no denying that a large amount of people go missing everyday of the week the world over and lots of them are never seen again...
Sure there's denying it when I, using your very own source, was able to cut your "large amount of people" by 92%.

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