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Luciferians control our Reality Matrix by presiding over Scientific Orthodoxy

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posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 02:02 AM
reply to post by King Seesar

According to who is it a known fact that Freemasonry "infiltrated" (to enter or join by mercenary, subversive, or clandestine means) then can you cite who says this and/or the members of the Illuminati who joined through infiltration?

Robison, among a few others, made this assertion, but never gave any credible evidence.

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by someotherguy
Just b/c someone was a Freemason did not mean they were Illuminati.

Also, no one can possibly think that the Illuminati first cropped up in 1776 in Bavaria, can they? Those people have been around since at least the times of ancient Egypt.
When discussing actual history and not conspiracy theorist make believe, no. The Bavarian Illuminati was founded on May 1st, 1776 and disbanded on March 2, 1785. There may have been other "powers that be" organizations before and after those dates, but you can't actually call those groups "Illuminati", because they never called themselves that, and there really is no relation.

Conspiracy theorists want to think that there's an unbroken chain going back 2000 years, yet there's absolutely no evidence that such a chain exists. Washington was clearly asked about Weishaupt's group, and thus the answer he returned can only refer to Weishaupt's group. The mistaken idea of calling EVERYTHING Illuminati is really only about 50 years old. Less really, if you consider that it was the fiction writers Robert Shea & Robert Anton Wilson who brought the ideas to the mainstream with their 1975 Illuminatus! Trilogy. But their's was a farce that nobody should have tried to take seriously.
edit on 2012.1.10 by JoshNorton because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 11:15 AM
@JoshNorton: I highly doubt you are a legit researcher on this thread, so I won't bother responding to you further.

@Getsmart: Perhaps you are correct that Voltaire was Illuminati, but then I would be inclined to count him amongst the white hats. Perhaps he was trying to do good, but got caught up w/ some bad elements? I could see this being the case w/ Mozart. Illuminati = roach motel

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by someotherguy
@JoshNorton: I highly doubt you are a legit researcher on this thread, so I won't bother responding to you further.
What, you mean someone who's actually read books instead of just posting YouTube videos? I've cited my source on Voltaire as Terry Melanson's book. You'd be hard-pressed to find a more researched author on the subject. He went so far as to translate original 18th century German letters and documents that have never been seen in english before.

As to the rest of my research, I've been doing this for more than 25 years. I've got a 1921 printing of Nesta Webster's World Revolution and a 1934 printing of Edith Starr Miller's Occult Theocracy on the shelf right behind me. I met and talked with Robert Anton Wilson back in 1989 about the historical Illuminati and read Holy Blood, Holy Grail more than 15 years before The DaVinci Code was ever published.

Dismiss me if you'd like, but if you've done half the research I have, you can't help but come to the same conclusion.

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by someotherguy
Just b/c someone was a Freemason did not mean they were Illuminati.
Right. Like I said. Voltaire was not a member of the Illuminati, though he had some friends or acquaintances who were.

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by KSigMason
reply to post by King Seesar

According to who is it a known fact that Freemasonry "infiltrated" (to enter or join by mercenary, subversive, or clandestine means) then can you cite who says this and/or the members of the Illuminati who joined through infiltration?

Robison, among a few others, made this assertion, but never gave any credible evidence.

You said it yourself with the above quote it depends on how one defines "infiltrated", the point i was trying to make was members of the Bavarian Illuminati did join the ranks of the lodges of Bavarian Masonry and brought there "speculative theology" with them, how that affected the ideals of Bavarian Masonry i don't know maybe it did maybe it didn't, and did the theology passed on by Bavarian Illuminati Freemason members spread across other lodges in other regions??? again who knows but it could of.

As far as cointelpro gos it dosen't take a rocket scientist to know that a "SECRET" society through out the country that big would be looked into and investigated and have tabs kept on them, my two cents anyway.

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by someotherguy
@JoshNorton: I highly doubt you are a legit researcher on this thread, so I won't bother responding to you further.

Why because he won't tow the line of your theories? You nor GS have provided any evidence to support your claims and historically speaking most anti-Masons have lied or fabricated information to push their theory. Even after their theories have been proven false and they admitted to it (Leo Taxil) your ilk still uses it as fact.

reply to post by King Seesar

At least in America, the people who had the biggest effect on our rituals was William Preston and Thomas Smith Webb.

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 06:51 PM
Hi Someotherguy,

Regarding VOLTAIRE we must remember that the Illuminati is an order which goes underground and emerges in regular frequency and that if we assume that the Illuminati only started on the day of their official RE-EMERGENCE in public view on May 1st,1776 then we can say Voltaire had little time to be one before his death only two years later. Let us consider the first sentence of his Wikipedia entry:

"François-Marie Arouet (21 November 1694 – 30 May 1778), better known by the pen name Voltaire was a French Enlightenment writer..."

Voltaire in Wikipedia

Let us not forget that the ENLIGHTENED are called the ILLUMINATED ONES AKA THE ILLUMINATI. The Century of Enlightenment is CODE for the Century of the Light Bearer, LUCIFER WHO ILLUMINATES AND ENLIGHTENS MEN, TURNING THEM INTO THE ILLUMINATI !

Voltaire's influence was such that he is widely tributed for almost single-handedly, with the exception of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, influencing the minds of his contemporaries to bring forth the Century of Enlightenment called in French the "Siecle des Lumieres" which has ever since become a nickname for the Eighteenth Century.

We can also take into account that preceding his Venture to change the Social Paradigm from that of the Church and Monarchy to muster in the rule of the "ever so clever" Lucifer - the Light Bearer whose Light Enlightens the Illuminati prior to turning the 18th Century into "The Century of Lights" we can note that Voltaire first did a methodical study of the prior century and its programmed acquisition of secular, financial, cultural and military power by Louis XIV. Voltaire's own work in the following century extended this method putting it in the service of another Agenda, that of The Great Architect venerated by Freemasons = Lucifer.

"...In a letter to Jean-Baptiste Rousseau (not to be confused with Jean-Jacques Rousseau) in March 1719, Voltaire concludes by asking that if Rousseau wishes to send him a return letter, he do so by addressing it to Monsieur de Voltaire... Indeed, Voltaire is additionally known to have used at least 178 separate pen names during his lifetime."

Voltaire in Wikipedia

Monsieur de Voltaire means something further than is told.

VOL means THEFT and TAIRE means to hold one's tongue, as in OMERTA. Given the Illuminati thirst for Secrecy, we can assume that TAIRE could be related to having to keep silent about this allegiance, and to hold one's tongue like a Mafioso or a Mason. What is the object of the THEFT can be left to speculation, but if we learn anything from Voltaire's accomplishments, it is that he laid the groundwork for the Theft of the State from Nobility and the Theft of Governance from the People, policy and the governance of society being since his time decided by the SHADOW GOVERNMENT OF THE ILLUMINATI.

He truly did deserve his Illuminati name of "Theft-Omerta" or VOLTAIRE given he was the Illuminati's IDEOLOGUE.

That he used 178 different pen names sounds very similar to what modern Counter Intelligence Programs use for the routine dissimulation of their operatives involved in Propaganda Operations. If we take the stand that he was not a "card carrying member" of the Weishaupt offshoot of the original Illuminati, thus Voltaire was not an Illuminati, this is very similar to saying that since former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brezinski - who hand picked Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama for the Oval Office - was not a central member of the Executive Branch of the United States Government that he was not an Illuminati, when he is widely construed as being the key Geostrategist and IDEOLOGUE of the US Branch of the Illuminati.

As a scholar he has developed his thoughts over the years, fashioning fundamental theories on international relations and geostrategy. During the 1950s he worked on the theory of totalitarianism.

"The technetronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities." – Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era, 1970

Zbigniew Brezinski in Wikipedia

When you are above them all and at the source of the movement... who needs to ask for a membership card?


edit on 10-1-2012 by Getsmart because: the ILLUMINATI are CLOSET LUCIFERIANS explaining their presence ATOP FREEMASONRY

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 07:28 PM

While I can understand that you feel obligated by oath and allegiance to defend your Master and Creed, please be so kind as to stick with the topic herein. This thread is about;


If you persist in discussing your MASONIC Affiliation then we must assume that it is because you are defending the Great Architect who you admit implicitly is LUCIFER.


posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by Getsmart
While I can understand that you feel obligated by oath and allegiance to defend your Master and Creed, please be so kind as to stick with the topic herein.

How is Lucifer/Satan my master when I do not even believe in the being that you claim gives you personal visits?

If you persist in discussing your MASONIC Affiliation then we must assume that it is because you are defending the Great Architect who you admit implicitly is LUCIFER.

You need to address the point on why you think other people are 'Luciferian' when you are the one who speaks intimately with Satan. You strike me as the most 'Luciferian' of any poster on this thread for this very reason.

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by Getsmart

Regarding VOLTAIRE we must remember that the Illuminati is an order which goes underground and emerges in regular frequency and that if we assume that the Illuminati only started on the day of their official RE-EMERGENCE in public view on May 1st,1776 then we can say Voltaire had little time to be one before his death only two years later.

My information is that they go back to the Temple of Solomon...

I just realized why (probably) Hitler (Hitler's double) & Osama were killed (Osama for the 9th time?) on May 1st. There is also a scene in "The Shining" that makes May 1st important... You probably know what I'm talking about. I think it had to do w/ the contract.

We can also take into account that preceding his Venture to change the Social Paradigm from that of the Church and Monarchy to muster in the rule of the "ever so clever" Lucifer - the Light Bearer whose Light Enlightens the Illuminati prior to turning the 18th Century into "The Century of Lights" we can note that Voltaire first did a methodical study of the prior century and its programmed acquisition of secular, financial, cultural and military power by Louis XIV. Voltaire's own work in the following century extended this method putting it in the service of another Agenda, that of The Great Architect venerated by Freemasons = Lucifer.

How apropos that the century of Lucifer ended in ghastly bloodshed! Right there in the City of Isis, no less.

VOL means THEFT and TAIRE means to hold one's tongue, as in OMERTA. Given the Illuminati thirst for Secrecy, we can assume that TAIRE could be related to having to keep silent about this allegiance, and to hold one's tongue like a Mafioso or a Mason.

This reminds me of the Rosicrucian rose-in-the-mouth symbol - we see Faul w/ a rose stuck in his mouth a lot indicating that he is keeping silent about what they think is a secret (I think the cat is out of the bag on that one).

What is the object of the THEFT can be left to speculation

Well, if we go back to the Prometheus symbol, it could be the theft of knowledge, right?

Anyway, thank you for your very thorough answer to my question.

edit on 10-1-2012 by someotherguy because: ?porque no?

posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 01:03 AM

Originally posted by AugustusMasonicus

How is Lucifer/Satan my master when I do not even believe in the being that you claim gives you personal visits?

If you persist in discussing your MASONIC Affiliation then we must assume that it is because you are defending the Great Architect who you admit implicitly is LUCIFER.

You need to address the point on why you think other people are 'Luciferian' when you are the one who speaks intimately with Satan. You strike me as the most 'Luciferian' of any poster on this thread for this very reason.

Not nearly so August a Mason,

You cannot know who your Master really is since you must obey your hierarchy yet you have no idea of their actual identity. So it matters little if you know your Master if you are so foolhardy as to accept "HIM", that awe inspiring Great Architect who is building your beloved New World Order.

Anyone reading the title of this thread will note that I can hardly be Luciferian since I am denouncing Luciferians. Next you will say from your TEMPLE dedicated to the Dark Prince that those who seek to burn it down are its main practitioners?!? I was raised among Luciferians and therefore know our enemy altogether too well. And no, I do not get what you call "personal visits" from he whom I call Satan. If you are attempting to thus discredit me you're barking up the wrong tree: this is ATS and not one of those Masonic mumbo jumbo sessions with like-minded doldrums trying to bring significance to empty lives and barren souls.

Originally posted by someotherguy

My information is that they go back to the Temple of Solomon...

I just realized why (probably) Hitler (Hitler's double) & Osama were killed (Osama for the 9th time?) on May 1st. There is also a scene in "The Shining" that makes May 1st important... You probably know what I'm talking about. I think it had to do w/ the contract.

How apropos that the century of Lucifer ended in ghastly bloodshed! Right there in the City of Isis, no less.

This reminds me of the Rosicrucian rose-in-the-mouth symbol - we see Faul w/ a rose stuck in his mouth a lot indicating that he is keeping silent about what they think is a secret (I think the cat is out of the bag on that one).

Well, if we go back to the Prometheus symbol, it could be the theft of knowledge, right?

It is likely that it dates back to the Temple of Solomon given that the Rothschild have allegedly tunneled to underneath the Temple of Solomon to perform Luciferian Masonic Rituals underneath it... with the tunnel leading from their custom designed mystico-cryptic Israel Supreme Court building with countless Illuminati symbols, definitely a Luciferian undertaking with a fascination with Solomon. The following is an excerpt of The Illuminati and the House of Rotshchild:

"Adam Weishaupt was born February 6, 1748 at Ingoldstadt, Bavaria. Weishaupt, born a Jew, was educated by the Jesuits who converted him to Catholicism. He purportedly developed an intense hatred for the Jesuits. Although he became a Catholic priest, his faith had been shaken by the Jesuits and he became an atheist. Weishaupt was an ardent student of French philosopher Voltaire (1694-1778)."

"Voltaire, a revolutionary who held liberal religious views, had written in a letter to King Frederick II, ("the Great"): "Lastly, when the whole body of the Church should be sufficiently weakened and infidelity strong enough, the final blow (is) to be dealt by the sword of open, relentless persecution. A reign of terror (is) to be spread over the whole earth, and...continue while any Christian should be found obstinate enough to adhere to Christianity."

"It is believed that, as a result of Voltaire's writings, Weishaupt formulated his ideas concerning the destruction of the Church. In 1775, when summoned by the House of Rothschild, he immediately defected and, at the behest of Meyer, began to organize the Illuminati. The 1st chapter of the order started in his home town of Ingolstadt."

"As the name implies, those individuals who are members of the Illuminati possess the 'Light of Lucifer'. As far as they are concerned, only members of the human race who possess the 'Light of Lucifer' are truly enlightened and capable of governing. Denouncing God, Weishaupt and his followers considered themselves to be the cream of the intelligentsia - the only people with the mental capacity, the knowledge, the insight and understanding necessary to govern the world and bring it peace. Their avowed purpose and goal was the establishment of a "Novus Ordo Seclorum" - a New World Order, or One World Government."

The Illuminati and the House of Rotshchild

And yes, the Ritual Sacrifice of French Nobility did take place towards the end of the Century of Lights, those of Lucifer. Even Robespierre sought to stop the other members of the Revolutionary government of the Convention, saying there were excessive unwarranted executions and that he would put an end to it. Those who knew they were targeted being the culprits reacted by preventing him from ever again speaking out and accused Robespierre of having committed their own crimes. He is to this day widely believed to be the author of the Red Terror which he tried to stop, and the Luciferians probably derive great pleasure not only in the cleverness of their treachery, placing the burden of their own guilt on the shoulders of the innocent, but also mocking his nickname "The Uncorruptable" - a pointedly Luciferian achievement.

You are also correct that it was the City of Isis, archeological digs unearthed statues of Isis were discovered in various locations in Paris including under the Abbey of Saint Germain des Pres smack in the middle of the Latin Quarter. The name of Paris stems from Par (towards or through) Isis of which the last syllable was dropped. So there are definite mystical origins to this cult and it is no surprise that the Louvre was highlighted in The Da Vinci Code as having occult significance.

The Rose in the mouth is indeed the signal that one should be silent. The Rose was the trademark of former French President Francois Mitterrand, and was brandished every occasion he could.

Mitterrand unofficially renamed the Socialist Party the Rose Party

He was Freemason at the Grand Priory of the Gauls. Of confessed Christian faith, we can legitimately doubt this given what we can read on their website the following statement by their Grand Master.

"Nous sommes une obédience maçonnique chrétienne et chevaleresque en communion avec toutes les institutions maçonniques qui cherchent la lumière." Roughly translated this means:

"We are a Christian and knightly Masonic obedience in communion with all the masonic institutions which seek Red."

SOURCE of quote
Webpage in English

Anyone who knows what THE LIGHT means understands this is a Luciferian order. Francois Mitterand is also said to have studied in the same class at the Sorbonne as the person who launched GLOBAL ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALISM and who replaced the Shah of Iran as Head of State, Ayatollah Khomeini. Another of their Classmates, again by coincidence, was former Chinese Chairman Deng Xiaoping!

Let us remember that the Sorbonne received as a gift of the Rothschild their castle of Ferrieres. The Sorbonne also houses a covert group of Illuminati who qualify themselves as being far more to the right than the political far right - folks here at ATS know what that means.

Chateau de Ferrieres

The Sorbonne will rent you their Castle of Ferrieres HERE

Coincidentally despite his very rare surname, his homonym Jacques Mitterrand was Grand Master of Great Orient Freemasonry, the main competing branch of Freemasonry which also communes in THE LIGHT with Scottish Rite Freemasons.

Mainstream Magazine Cover - Mitterand's ties to Freemasonry

Mitterrand is known for building the Pyramid at the center of the Louvre, directly under which a certain Ms. Cecile SION (I kid you not) manages the ticketing and admissions department for the museum. This glass pyramid is said to harbor a very Luciferian number of 666 triangular panes of glass to symbolize The Beast, their affectionate nickname for Lucifer.

The Louvre Illuminati Pyramid

Through connections I happen to know that the family of President Mitterand's personal advisor who had his offices in the small Presidential Palace of the Elysee, is convinced he was assassinated on Mitterrand's orders. Mitterand's Prime Minister in exercise, Pierre Beregovoy also died of a suspicious death with his bodyguards pistol, allegedly left in the car while he committed suicide with his bodyguards patiently awaiting near him in the woods to do so with their service weapon. His family is also rather upset with this and there are more than suspicions as to what he knew and why he died in suspicious circumstances.

Pierre Beregovoy in Wikipedia

According to war journalist Jean Paul Bourre, author of The Luciferian Sects of Today (Les sectes Luciferiennes aujourd'hui), Francois de Groussouvre was the Grand Master of the Priory of Sion, although his official cover job was as organizer of the Presidential Hunting Parties alleged to be far more intimate gatherings in private retreats. He was discovered dead in his office.

Francois de Grossouvre in Wikipedia

Mitterrand also had built the Francois Mitterrand Library with 4 Masonic Conerstone Buildings housing the books while visitors have to go UNDERGROUND to consult them. There is a difficult access to the collections with no open shelves and long waits to read one book at a time. This is very symbolic of the Luciferian CULT OF DISSIMULATION of the Truth.

We can also wonder why he was known to dress very similarly to the Proverbial "Men in Black", especially when going about carrying his ROSE. Could there be some connection?

A Typical Mitterand Silhouette at his Library's Metro Station

Francois Mitterand was not the first of the French Luciferian "Rothschild Presidents" since he was preceded by a Rothschild employee, George Pompidou who is today best known for the Museum bearing his name, which coincidentally also houses a Library.

"Following in the footsteps of his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, Guy de Rothschild served as a director of the Banque de France. On his father's death, he also inherited part of Château Lafite-Rothschild but did not run it. Georges Pompidou, who would later become President and Prime Minister of France, was recruited by Guy de Rothschild from a job as a teacher, and worked for him from 1953 to 1962, during which time he became the general manager of the Rothschild bank. The bank diversified, from investment management under De Rothschild Frères to the deposit-taking Banque de Rothschild, with branches throughout France. Guy was its president from 1968 to 1978. In 1968 Guy de Rothschild became a partner at N M Rothschild & Sons, London, while cousin Sir Evelyn de Rothschild was appointed a director of Banque Rothschild, Paris."

Guy de Rothschild Wikipedia entry

It will come as no surprise to you that Guy de Rothschild was head of the French Central bank, so we can guess who is today running the European Central Bank - a number of conspiracy theorists have said that he was the man at the top of the Illuminati and that he went about in their secret Satanic circles by the Illuminati name of PINDAR. It is thus maybe not without cause that most researchers into The Illuminati Bloodlines state that France befalls to the Rothschild family as their "Private Garden" off-limits to competing Illuminati families.

That the Illuminati use Freemasonry as a conveyor belt of power is quite well known to most independent researchers, and is of course totally unknown to Freemasons who are given the illusion that they are Free Men who decide everything they do by themselves. It is ultimate Luciferian Manipulation.

Masonic Ritual: Pawns on the Illuminati black & white checkerboard


edit on 12-1-2012 by Getsmart because: the Luciferians are Presiding over many Nations as well as Science

posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 03:06 AM

Discussion of the Illuminati starts at 7 in the video below. At about 8:50, he reads from the 1913 Encyclopedia Britannica, which says the Illuminati/Rosicrucians claimed to have originated in 1422.

The Finest Lecture on the Illuminati Part 6 of 15

I don't know if there is a connection, but Henry V of England, conqueror of France, died in 1422 & was succeeded by his crazy son, Henry VI. They were House of Lancaster, symbolized by a red rose, so is there a Rosicrucian connection?

edit on 12-1-2012 by someotherguy because: b/c

posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 07:32 AM

Originally posted by Getsmart
You cannot know who your Master really is since you must obey your hierarchy yet you have no idea of their actual identity. So it matters little if you know your Master if you are so foolhardy as to accept "HIM", that awe inspiring Great Architect who is building your beloved New World Order.

Riiiiight. So I am unwittingly worshiping something I do not even believe in? Do you know how little sense you actually make? Try adhereing to your screen name.

Anyone reading the title of this thread will note that I can hardly be Luciferian since I am denouncing Luciferians.

I think they may since you claim to get personal visits from the Prince of Darkness, share very little details of these visits and since I do not believe in said Prince, who visits you with some frequency, it is quite obvious who is Luciferian among the two of us. This is the very defintion of 'Luciferian', you hold counsul with Satan, hide your plans and accuse others of doing this very thing. Oh, the Satanic Irony.

I was raised among Luciferians...

Thanks Captain Obvious, we never would have guessed by the company you claim to keep.

And no, I do not get what you call "personal visits" from he whom I call Satan.

Really? Must have been another person who claims to have been visited by Satan. Do you really need me to post your own words here? Oh, what the hell:

Originally posted by Getsmart
Lucifer is Lucifer, Satan by any other name. I have seen him and know him to be real.

Is that me claiming to have seen Satan or you? Right. I do not need to discredit discredit you.

posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by someotherguy

I like reading papers on or by Rosicrucian or Martinist orders. Some great information and thought.

posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 08:37 PM
Luciferians date back to Garden of Eden (at 9):

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by someotherguy

That's weird since Lucifer was only a King in Babylon.

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 06:26 AM
reply to post by someotherguy

If that is the kind of material you base your beliefs on, then you deserve everything you get. Lucifer is behind every corner. Everything is the devil. Foosball is the devil.

Just wow. I hear Bill Schenobelen has some amazing videos and books as well.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 05:19 PM
From the bashing this thread is getting from Self Confessed FREEMASONS it makes me wish I had added their Obedience (that means they obey someone) and Secret Society (this means they associate in secret) more directly to the LUCIFERIANS. It should be known that only the higher level Freemasons are aware that LUCIFER is their DEITY and those underneath them nearer the bottom of the heap of that pedestrian organization know nothing of what they've gotten into, other than a bunch of Mumbo Jumbo, costume parties and playing house together imbued with a sense of self-importance.

Only those at the top are fully active in the CULT OF LUCIFER and the Magick which goes into their rituals. It is a form of DEMON WORSHIP similar to the Babylon Mystery Religions. These Demons once invoked give them secular power, at the cost of their souls. That's their wonderful deal, which few of them retain enough empathy or humanity to ever regret, and those who do are usually too late.

If Freemasons were NOT themselves directly involved in what is discussed here, LUCIFER WORSHIP and its associated conjuring of Demons, and if Freemasons were not also directly involved in Manipulating SCIENCE and the mainstream Academic DOGMA, then they would surely not be here in such a persistent presence.


posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by AugustusMasonicus

Getsmart my friend, you are a genius.
edit on 15-1-2012 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

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