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Why can't Americans be as great as Europeans????

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posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 12:02 AM
I would just like to say that I recently exited the U.S. Army and have done two combat tours, and traveling all over Europe (Yes, a pawn for the government). As a Soldier, I was highly encouraged to travel around Europe and make up my own mind about other countries to see how good America was compared to others. America has corrupt leaders just like EVERY other country but minus them and you get a great country.

I'm sorry but that guy "TheProgressive" is on track.. most of his comments are a little sarcastic, and demeaning BUT America really is the best country on Earth. We lack some things, but no country is perfect. I believe European countries are truly jealous. When ever someone brings up this OPINION someone from Europe gets all butt hurt and starts slamming back at the U.S... sorry but if you're so much better you have nothing to prove am I right?

If we did not publicize our internal problems to the world, all other countries would make stuff up anyway.. it doesn't matter. I do not hate other countries, I have a lot of friends from all over the world. I just believe that if America's and all other countries problems were a physical objects, put them on a scale and every other place would out weigh the US.
edit on 24-10-2011 by 31Bravo because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 12:43 AM
I'm not sure it's a European trait. In Rugby, all over the world, many fans celebrate and clap good play from opposition teams.

You have to also remember an NFL game and the glitz and glamour is out of this world. It's more like a WWE ppv for the people there than an actual sporting contest

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 12:45 AM

Originally posted by tHEpROGRESSIVE
After all, if Europe was so great why did so many of them move over to America in the last few hundred years. You dont see tons of Americans hopping ships and planes to move to Europe.

Really? The Americans I know must be figments of my imagination then

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 12:50 AM

Originally posted by tHEpROGRESSIVE

Originally posted by Trolloks
reply to post by tHEpROGRESSIVE

Trololol, yea ok, sure. Im goin to stick to my European beer and rugby, and my Sterling currency.

You should do that. When an American NFL team goes to Europe it sells out a stadium. If a European rugby team came to America there would be a few hundred spectators at best. That says a lot. Of course, if I were a European I would drink a lot of beer to so I could drown out the misery of always being second best.

You realise the annual Sevens World Series gets about 30k fans in America?

Considering Rugby comps are established in America and there is no cultural imperialism from Europe, that's quite startling.

There is 1 professional game of American football played in the UK each year, with untold money pumped into promoting it. The sporting landscapes are entirely different too. Rugby is an international game with professional competitions dotted around the world. There is no 1 stand out competition. If there was, and Rugby didn't exist in America, then it would easily sell out an 80k stadium once a year.

If you want to be serious for a second why not look at participation numbers? America has millions of rugby players, Britain has about 1,000 football players

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 12:52 AM

Originally posted by 31Bravo
I would just like to say that I recently exited the U.S. Army and have done two combat tours, and traveling all over Europe (Yes, a pawn for the government). As a Soldier, I was highly encouraged to travel around Europe and make up my own mind about other countries to see how good America was compared to others. America has corrupt leaders just like EVERY other country but minus them and you get a great country.

I'm sorry but that guy "TheProgressive" is on track.. most of his comments are a little sarcastic, and demeaning BUT America really is the best country on Earth. We lack some things, but no country is perfect. I believe European countries are truly jealous. When ever someone brings up this OPINION someone from Europe gets all butt hurt and starts slamming back at the U.S... sorry but if you're so much better you have nothing to prove am I right?

If we did not publicize our internal problems to the world, all other countries would make stuff up anyway.. it doesn't matter. I do not hate other countries, I have a lot of friends from all over the world. I just believe that if America's and all other countries problems were a physical objects, put them on a scale and every other place would out weigh the US.
edit on 24-10-2011 by 31Bravo because: (no reason given)

You've been to every country on earth?

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
reply to post by steveknows

I can read just fine which is why I apparently have a better understanding of our founding history than you do.

Before the Boston Tea Party (1773) there was the Proclamation of 1763. Following that Proclamation, there was Sugar Act (1764), following that there was the Currency Act (1764), and following that was the Committees of Correspondence (1764). In 1765 the colonists saw the Quartering Act, the Stamp Act, Stamp Act Congress, and the Sons and Daughters of Liberty. By 1767 the Townshend Acts had passed. In 1770 there was the Boston Massacre. 1773 brought the Tea Act, which directly led to the Boston Tea Party.

Following the Boston Tea Party, there was the Intolerable Acts (1774). That same year the First Continental Congress was established. In 1775 there was the conflict of Lexington and Concorde. That year the Second Continental Congress was formed, and finally it was Bunker Hill that directly led to led George III to proclaim the colonies were in rebellion.

But hey, that is just history, why let mere facts get in the way of good propaganda, right?

Yes and that's called a protest. Which didn't receive satisfaction which in turn lead to conflict

. So what's your point?

You've denied it started as a protest, had a go at people for saying that it started as a protest, and then went on to present the evidence that it started as a protest.

Perhaps you don't know what protest means. A protest doesn't mean unwashed unemployed hippies complaining about something. And I think that when people said that it started as a protest you've projected what your mindset of what a protester is and then ignorantly assumed that people were having a go at the rebellion.

As I said before. Read a post before you go all yankee on people.
edit on 24-10-2011 by steveknows because: Typo

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 01:07 AM

Originally posted by steveknows

Originally posted by 31Bravo
I would just like to say that I recently exited the U.S. Army and have done two combat tours, and traveling all over Europe (Yes, a pawn for the government). As a Soldier, I was highly encouraged to travel around Europe and make up my own mind about other countries to see how good America was compared to others. America has corrupt leaders just like EVERY other country but minus them and you get a great country.

I'm sorry but that guy "TheProgressive" is on track.. most of his comments are a little sarcastic, and demeaning BUT America really is the best country on Earth. We lack some things, but no country is perfect. I believe European countries are truly jealous. When ever someone brings up this OPINION someone from Europe gets all butt hurt and starts slamming back at the U.S... sorry but if you're so much better you have nothing to prove am I right?

If we did not publicize our internal problems to the world, all other countries would make stuff up anyway.. it doesn't matter. I do not hate other countries, I have a lot of friends from all over the world. I just believe that if America's and all other countries problems were a physical objects, put them on a scale and every other place would out weigh the US.
edit on 24-10-2011 by 31Bravo because: (no reason given)

You've been to every country on earth?

Even if he has it's irrelevant. Asking a US soldier their opinion on these things is a waste of time, you might as well ask the president of the United States. Because US soldiers are the worst, derpiest breed of patriotic imbeciles.

In terms of soldiers America is the North Korea of the West. Utterly brainwashed.

The fact that the overwhelming majority of Europeans who leave their respective countries do not emigrate to America is telling. According to GI Joe above you'd think all these jealous Europeans would set-up-shop in America... the vast majority do not. How jealous can people be of America that they'd rather move to Canada or Australia?

edit on 24-10-2011 by NadaCambia because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by NadaCambia

Originally posted by steveknows

Originally posted by 31Bravo
I would just like to say that I recently exited the U.S. Army and have done two combat tours, and traveling all over Europe (Yes, a pawn for the government). As a Soldier, I was highly encouraged to travel around Europe and make up my own mind about other countries to see how good America was compared to others. America has corrupt leaders just like EVERY other country but minus them and you get a great country.

I'm sorry but that guy "TheProgressive" is on track.. most of his comments are a little sarcastic, and demeaning BUT America really is the best country on Earth. We lack some things, but no country is perfect. I believe European countries are truly jealous. When ever someone brings up this OPINION someone from Europe gets all butt hurt and starts slamming back at the U.S... sorry but if you're so much better you have nothing to prove am I right?

If we did not publicize our internal problems to the world, all other countries would make stuff up anyway.. it doesn't matter. I do not hate other countries, I have a lot of friends from all over the world. I just believe that if America's and all other countries problems were a physical objects, put them on a scale and every other place would out weigh the US.
edit on 24-10-2011 by 31Bravo because: (no reason given)

You've been to every country on earth?

Even if he has it's irrelevant. Asking a US soldier their opinion on these things is a waste of time, you might as well ask the president of the United States. Because US soldiers are the worst, derpiest breed of patriotic imbeciles.

In terms of soldiers America is the North Korea of the West. Utterly brainwashed.

LOL if we are the North Korea of the West then we are the North Korea with the most capable military on earth. The real North Koreans cannot even get their little bomb to work very well. Our soldiers are not brain washed just the best trained, best equipped, best supported in the world. We ran through Iraq like a knife through hot butter... TWICE!

Beyond that, if our military was not around to keep you safe for the last 50 years you would have been speaking Russian a long time ago. If we did not have the manufacturing capability to turn out planes and ships left and right you would be speaking German,

Whenever you see American military personell you should thank them for your freedom.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 01:14 AM

Originally posted by AP-Chris

(whatever a stupid litre is)

You need the "stupid" metric system to split an atom. That's how stupid it is

What the real question should be is.. Why is a proud republic who freed itself from an empire still using the "imperial system" when the rest of the world has moved on, updated, advanced?

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by NadaCambia

Originally posted by steveknows

Originally posted by 31Bravo
I would just like to say that I recently exited the U.S. Army and have done two combat tours, and traveling all over Europe (Yes, a pawn for the government). As a Soldier, I was highly encouraged to travel around Europe and make up my own mind about other countries to see how good America was compared to others. America has corrupt leaders just like EVERY other country but minus them and you get a great country.

I'm sorry but that guy "TheProgressive" is on track.. most of his comments are a little sarcastic, and demeaning BUT America really is the best country on Earth. We lack some things, but no country is perfect. I believe European countries are truly jealous. When ever someone brings up this OPINION someone from Europe gets all butt hurt and starts slamming back at the U.S... sorry but if you're so much better you have nothing to prove am I right?

If we did not publicize our internal problems to the world, all other countries would make stuff up anyway.. it doesn't matter. I do not hate other countries, I have a lot of friends from all over the world. I just believe that if America's and all other countries problems were a physical objects, put them on a scale and every other place would out weigh the US.
edit on 24-10-2011 by 31Bravo because: (no reason given)

You've been to every country on earth?

Even if he has it's irrelevant. Asking a US soldier their opinion on these things is a waste of time, you might as well ask the president of the United States. Because US soldiers are the worst, derpiest breed of patriotic imbeciles.

In terms of soldiers America is the North Korea of the West. Utterly brainwashed.

The fact that the overwhelming majority of Europeans who leave their respective countries do not emigrate to America is telling. According to GI Joe above you'd think all these jealous Europeans would set-up-shop in America... the vast majority do not. How jealous can people be of America that they'd rather move to Canada or Australia?

edit on 24-10-2011 by NadaCambia because: (no reason given)

I undertand your point of view but the truth is a soldier actually needs to be able to organise and be capable of Independent thought. The mindless drone soldier is a myth.

I'd say if anything he doesn't realise that a short stay in a developed country is no measure to go by. The vast majority of Americans who are single and indipendant who spend 6 months or more in Australia will apply for permanent residency within 6 months of returning home to the U.S. However the vast majority single indipendant Aussies who spends 6 months or more in the U.S will return home and have no wish to relocate to the U.S

Relationships is the No1 cause of all Aussies to return to the U.S after a long stay. A better life style is the No1 cause of all Americans to relocate to Australia after a long stay the No 2 cause is relationships.

But you're right The choice place to live is not the U.S and anyone who's travelled throughout the world knows this.
edit on 24-10-2011 by steveknows because: Typo

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 01:30 AM

Originally posted by vintagelace
Well, this thread did what was intended. Promoted an Us vs Them mentality which is ironic, no? Considering the thread topic was supposed to be about solidarity. Nothing like a good psych. job to get everyone claiming sides. Well done, OP.

I know right? What the hell was the purpose of this? Now we got people arguing whats better football or soccer, both are boring and outdated, real men play ultimate Frisbee. I haven't gone through the whole thread but I bet in here someones arguing over wither cold or warm beer is better.

The Op almost got me too, I'm a proud American and I almost ran in here to join the gorilla chest pounding. No one is better or worse, it all depends on what you believe and like and want in life. Besides where all humans here it doesn't matter where you're mother dropped you in, were all on the same rock.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by Mcupobob

Originally posted by vintagelace
Well, this thread did what was intended. Promoted an Us vs Them mentality which is ironic, no? Considering the thread topic was supposed to be about solidarity. Nothing like a good psych. job to get everyone claiming sides. Well done, OP.

I know right? What the hell was the purpose of this? Now we got people arguing whats better football or soccer, both are boring and outdated, real men play ultimate Frisbee. I haven't gone through the whole thread but I bet in here someones arguing over wither cold or warm beer is better.

The Op almost got me too, I'm a proud American and I almost ran in here to join the gorilla chest pounding. No one is better or worse, it all depends on what you believe and like and want in life. Besides where all humans here it doesn't matter where you're mother dropped you in, were all on the same rock.

True. But cold beer still wins.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 01:40 AM
"My country is way awesome! Just look how great our national sport is!"
"That sport is for girls! This is the greatest country to ever exist on the face of the Earth!"
"You just can't understand our greatness! Open your eyes! Your ignorance is boundless!"
"You only say those things because you're jealous of our superiority. Bask in our glorious glow!"

You guys are acting like little children. This thread gives me a headache.

edit on 24-10-2011 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 01:49 AM

Originally posted by steveknows

Originally posted by NadaCambia

Originally posted by steveknows

Originally posted by 31Bravo
I would just like to say that I recently exited the U.S. Army and have done two combat tours, and traveling all over Europe (Yes, a pawn for the government). As a Soldier, I was highly encouraged to travel around Europe and make up my own mind about other countries to see how good America was compared to others. America has corrupt leaders just like EVERY other country but minus them and you get a great country.

I'm sorry but that guy "TheProgressive" is on track.. most of his comments are a little sarcastic, and demeaning BUT America really is the best country on Earth. We lack some things, but no country is perfect. I believe European countries are truly jealous. When ever someone brings up this OPINION someone from Europe gets all butt hurt and starts slamming back at the U.S... sorry but if you're so much better you have nothing to prove am I right?

If we did not publicize our internal problems to the world, all other countries would make stuff up anyway.. it doesn't matter. I do not hate other countries, I have a lot of friends from all over the world. I just believe that if America's and all other countries problems were a physical objects, put them on a scale and every other place would out weigh the US.
edit on 24-10-2011 by 31Bravo because: (no reason given)

You've been to every country on earth?

Even if he has it's irrelevant. Asking a US soldier their opinion on these things is a waste of time, you might as well ask the president of the United States. Because US soldiers are the worst, derpiest breed of patriotic imbeciles.

In terms of soldiers America is the North Korea of the West. Utterly brainwashed.

The fact that the overwhelming majority of Europeans who leave their respective countries do not emigrate to America is telling. According to GI Joe above you'd think all these jealous Europeans would set-up-shop in America... the vast majority do not. How jealous can people be of America that they'd rather move to Canada or Australia?

edit on 24-10-2011 by NadaCambia because: (no reason given)

I undertand your point of view but the truth is a soldier actually needs to be able to organise and be capable of Independent thought. The mindless drone soldier is a myth.

I'd say if anything he doesn't realise that a short stay in a developed country is no measure to go by. The vast majority of Americans who are single and indipendant who spend 6 months or more in Australia will apply for permanent residency within 6 months of returning home to the U.S. However the vast majority single indipendant Aussies who spends 6 months or more in the U.S will return home and have no wish to relocate to the U.S

Relationships is the No1 cause of all Aussies to return to the U.S after a long stay. A better life style is the No1 cause of all Americans to relocate to Australia after a long stay the No 2 cause is relationships.

But you're right The choice place to live is not the U.S and anyone who's travelled throughout the world knows this.
edit on 24-10-2011 by steveknows because: Typo

I'm not talking about the soldier but US soldiers. They're brainwashed in the extreme and anyone who has had the dis fortune of living near a base, or worse still working a long side these people, know it.

There is no comparison between a normal soldier and an American soldier. Just as there is no comparison between a normal human and an American human. By in large the level of indoctrination forced onto Americans is worse than you'll find in most "Democracies"

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by tHEpROGRESSIVE

Originally posted by NadaCambia

Originally posted by steveknows

Originally posted by 31Bravo
I would just like to say that I recently exited the U.S. Army and have done two combat tours, and traveling all over Europe (Yes, a pawn for the government). As a Soldier, I was highly encouraged to travel around Europe and make up my own mind about other countries to see how good America was compared to others. America has corrupt leaders just like EVERY other country but minus them and you get a great country.

I'm sorry but that guy "TheProgressive" is on track.. most of his comments are a little sarcastic, and demeaning BUT America really is the best country on Earth. We lack some things, but no country is perfect. I believe European countries are truly jealous. When ever someone brings up this OPINION someone from Europe gets all butt hurt and starts slamming back at the U.S... sorry but if you're so much better you have nothing to prove am I right?

If we did not publicize our internal problems to the world, all other countries would make stuff up anyway.. it doesn't matter. I do not hate other countries, I have a lot of friends from all over the world. I just believe that if America's and all other countries problems were a physical objects, put them on a scale and every other place would out weigh the US.
edit on 24-10-2011 by 31Bravo because: (no reason given)

You've been to every country on earth?

Even if he has it's irrelevant. Asking a US soldier their opinion on these things is a waste of time, you might as well ask the president of the United States. Because US soldiers are the worst, derpiest breed of patriotic imbeciles.

In terms of soldiers America is the North Korea of the West. Utterly brainwashed.

LOL if we are the North Korea of the West then we are the North Korea with the most capable military on earth. The real North Koreans cannot even get their little bomb to work very well. Our soldiers are not brain washed just the best trained, best equipped, best supported in the world. We ran through Iraq like a knife through hot butter... TWICE!

Beyond that, if our military was not around to keep you safe for the last 50 years you would have been speaking Russian a long time ago. If we did not have the manufacturing capability to turn out planes and ships left and right you would be speaking German,

Whenever you see American military personell you should thank them for your freedom.

^ Typical brainwashed GI Hoe. Your soldiers are poorly trained and your elite services would be lucky to rate top 10. Armies that utilise camels can boast better training than yours.

There's no doubt you're the most powerful with the most equipment, but that's all you have. The American soldier is a running joke.

You also know nothing of your history.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 01:57 AM
reply to post by steveknows

It might be the Central Californian talking in me, but I honestly don't like beer. I prefer my wine, French ain't got nothing on that

I'm just kidding the French make alright wine.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 02:08 AM
reply to post by tHEpROGRESSIVE

the 1947 loan of five billion dollars to the Brits was not written off, the last payment was made in 2005, I think, so where is the write off?
Also, the 50 4 stack destroyers promised to the Brits in exchange for some of the Brits naval bases, the Brits never received all 50.
Most of the Brits stock of gold went to America during the second world war to pay for the 'lend-lease' war supplies, some of which rusted away at the bottom of the Atlantic, still had to be paid for tho.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 02:14 AM
American soldiers, well, looking at the Apache longbow and one of the best tanks in the world, the Abrams, I think I would prefer to have american by my side rather than in front.........

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 02:17 AM
My family is Russian but we live in the US, we have many things living here that we would not have living in Russia. But i do miss living with culture, American has no real culture except TV and fast food, they do not care for their elderly and show respect to them. People here weigh a lot and keep eating, their kids weigh almost as much as they do. What i like here where i live is they have a good hockey team with a strong Russian player, football to me is rap guys talking on the TV and i cant understand what they are saying.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 02:25 AM

Originally posted by tHEpROGRESSIVE
The real truth is that America is so great and so much better than Europe and we have so many awesome forms of entertainment to choose from that we are just used to it.

Yep, with all those reality shows like Jersey Shore and Survivor and with all the focus on detaching yourselves from reality - why on Earth would anyone else be having more fun than Americans?

However, the Europeans major sport is soccer. Could you imagine having that pile of crap as your only form of sports? Of course, they are going to be ecstatic after having nothing but the girliest form of sport ever created.

One word - Gridiron. Worst sport ever invented. They can't even play without armour - unlike rugby players. Who you calling girly eh?

After all, if Europe was so great why did so many of them move over to America in the last few hundred years. You dont see tons of Americans hopping ships and planes to move to Europe.

That's yet to come my friend. Back when the Europeans came to America they were under the impression that they would be free there. Several hundred years later they find out just how very wrong they were.

Beyond all that, Europe had to turn socialist and give handouts to their people just to keep them from leaving. And beyond that, Europeans would not even be able to afford the lifestyle they have if it was not for us using our money to protect them. We basically subsidize their lifestyle.

I guarantee if you guys stopped 'protecting' the Europeans they would live in a much more free and easy society, as well as the fact the Europeans would probably throw a party at finally having gotten rid of you.

Awaiting the next equally ridiculous response from some overly-patriotic American wearing big horse blinders......
edit on 24/10/2011 by Kryties because: (no reason given)

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